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Fatal Witness

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Another entry one the DCI Erika Foster series, the writing style continues to be one of the best in the genre, I excepted a bit more from the story but still very enjoyable. I have a full review in video here:

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I loved this book, and stayed up far too late reading it. It was the first I'd read in this series but had no trouble following the plot or distinguishing the characters.

The central character is Detective Chief Inspector (DCI) Erika Foster, who has just bought the worst house on the street in a new neighborhood in London. She is taking a walk one night soon after moving there when she hears screaming from a nearby house, and goes to see what is happening.

A woman has just found her sister dead, murdered. The dead woman was a true crime podcaster, and during the investigation, they discover that she was working on a series about young women sexually assaulted at a college over a long period of time. Few of the crimes were reported and none were successfully prosecuted.

When Erika pursues the investigation, she finds road blocks thrown in her path - some from above - and she herself is in danger of being a target. I never once was able to guess who the villain was so the suspense was high throughout the book. I highly recommend it to people who enjoy mysteries and police procedurals, particularly those set in Great Britain.

I received a review copy of this book from Raven Street Publishing via NetGalley. It was a pleasure to read and review this book.

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From the author of THE GIRL IN ICE comes another terrific novel.
This time Erika Foster discovers a body after hearing a scream near her new home. She is assigned the case.
During the investigation she determines that there is another body and many suspects but not much in the way of clues.
Twisty and turns with some pretty good characters too. Rather a good read!
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me this ARC.
I do recommend.

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A gripping, fast paced, and highly entertaining story. It's the first I read by this author and won't surely be the last as Erika is a great characters and the solid mystery kept me turning pages.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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My thanks to Raven Street Books for an eARC via NetGalley of ‘Fatal Witness’ by Robert Bryndza.

This is Book 7 in his series of police procedurals set in London featuring DCI Erika Foster. While I had read the first in this series, ‘The Girl in the Ice’, back in 2016, I hadn’t kept up with subsequent books though found no difficulty in returning to the series as background was provided.

As with most thrillers I feel it is best to read without too much knowledge of the plot. So just a few details: Erika Foster is on a late-night walk near her new house in Blackheath when she hears a scream. It turns out that someone has just discovered a body.

Erika is assigned to the case and learns that Vicky Clarke was a true-crime podcaster. She had been investigating a predator linked to attacks on young female students in the halls of residence of a local drama school. All of Vicky’s notes and recordings related to the episode have been stolen from her flat. Then another body is discovered in Vicky’s building, leading Erika to question everything she thought she knew about the case.

The case takes a number of unexpected directions before whodunnit is finally revealed. In between the investigating, Erika is settling into her new home and even finds herself adopted by a cute stray cat that she names George. Hope to see more of him in future books!

I enjoy well plotted police procedurals such as this, and after finishing ‘Fatal Witness’ I plan on catching up on the five books in the series that I missed.

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An excellent Erika Foster novel, as always.

I cannot suggest reading this from the start strongly enough. Just such clever, suspenseful and truly thrilling books.

Must read.

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Erika is developing as a character and I love that. Erika has a new home. One night walking home she discovers the dead body of a true crime podcaster. So solving this crime means looking at the crime Vicky was covering. Fun suspenseful ride.

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Robert Bryndza does it again!
This series just keeps on delivering a good fast-paced crime read. Detective Erika Foster is on a troubling case that unfolds when she comes across a crime scene of a female victim named Vicky Clarke. Bryndza does an excellent job of weaving the mystery of her death, the complexity of another murder in the vicinity and as always the dogged determination of lead character Erika to unravel it all.

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Book #7 in the series but can be read as a standalone. Follows detective Erika Foster as she unravels a case involving a serial killer who seems not to leave any evidence. A great page-turner with many likable supporting characters. I did not guess the killer until the author revealed it at the end. Gruesome description at the beginning, but not so bad as the story continues. The first book I've read by this author makes me want to go back and read books #1 through #6 before the next installment is released.

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Fatal witness by Robert Bryndza. Narrated by: Jan Cramer is the seventh book in the Erika Foster series and was another fantastic book. This is a series I always look forward to and I've always been hooked from the beginning till the end. This book was no different. However, the narrator Jan Cramer did not do this book justice - she seems too false! Her voice did not suit Robert's book! and I gave up after 4 chapters and then started to read the book instead of listening to it. which was excellent.

I like to thank netgalley and Raven street and the author Robert Bryndza for a copy of this book to read.

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Once again Robert Bryndza does not disappoint. Detective Erica Foster is one of my very favorite detectives. I think it’s because besides being great at finding the killer, she’s also human, with little flaws here and there. Fatal Witness is loaded – page after page – with an exciting storyline and an ending that pulls it all together. It was one of those books that I hate to put down when life gets in the way. Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book. It was my pleasure.

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Erika and her were awesome in this new case. I felt that the writer did a wonderful with providing details and explaining the crucial events surrounding the cases. The book has entertainment that kept me engrossed in the book. The book is a page turner up to the end. The characters are wonderful and great.

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I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Its been a few years since the last Erika Foster book and I regret not doing a bit of revision before starting Fatal Witness. But there is enough back information given to remind you of the basics of what happened, except for Moss. I cant remember a thing about her from the previous books but she wast a major character in this one so it didnt matter.

And while I remember absolutely loving the previous books, I cant say the same about this one. The story was good, the writing was good but for some reason it just didnt grab me like the others. Its not going to stop me getting excited the next time Robert Bryndza releases a book though. He's awesome!

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I really enjoyed this detective story. I liked the characters, especially the DCI, Erika. Her flaws, back story and current lifestyle all brought a warmth to her. Her colleagues and friends were a good, interesting mix. The story itself was nicely constructed with several twists with the reader assuming one perpetrator after another. That is where my review could end, however a few small anomalies grated on me and should have been noticed. The first was when Erika arrived on the scene and picked up a rolling pin to ward off any hidden intruder. She later told forensics she had only touched the door handles. This was never further mentioned but stayed in my head. Then a policeman used the phonetic alphabet as BD - Bravo, David. David? A member of the public may do this but surely not a police officer. Further, they travelled to Worthing in Kent. It must have moved from West Sussex and finally during November it was stated the CPS would take 6-8 months to prepare a case which would take them to autumn. I don’t look for mistakes but an avid crime fiction reader will devour each page looking for clues, therfore things tend to stay in the mind and it can spoil what is essentially a really good book. I hate being negative but would say to the writer, publisher and proof reader to please take more care. I won’t publish this additional part on Amazon etc as could be deemed picky but felt the items should mentioned. I would also be happy to read more books by this author.

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I have waited it feels like forever for another book in the Erica Foster series. To me this is one of the best feelings when you have anticipated a series to have more books and when it is finally released you just have a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

It didn't feel like any time had passed to be honest. When reading this I still saw the same Erica and while the anticipation of waiting to read this book made the characters seem that much better.

I love a series and this is one of the first ones I really fell for after I got into blogging. It always felt like Erica was a friend and even though I haven't seen or spoke to her in a while it still felt as though we are as close as ever.

Reading this book I had flashbacks to the other books of this series and remembering why I loved this character and the series so much. The fact is it's hard not to link the review of this single book with more information from the other books.

The story was very good and I love some of the suspects and to see just what Erika will have to put up with. It is freaky at points which is also why I like it. They have the earmarks for one of the suspects of a sociopath.

Try as I might I just can't really like Marsh. He is the person that wants to be promoted and it could be at the expense of others including his friends or in this case even potentially deceased partners wife.

In some ways I was fearful that this book couldn't live up to the previous books that I loved so much. I was pleasantly surprised that this book surpassed what I expected and had me really pleased I received an arc of this book.

Erika Foster is one of the best lead characters that I have read in years. She is surrounded by so many great people and she pushes everyone to get the best out of them. She is amazing character and I think her finding someone again shows the biggest growth in a character.

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I received a complimentary electronic ARC of this excellent British police procedural, part of a series featuring Detective Chief Inspector Erika Foster, but completely stand-alone, from Netgalley, author Robert Bryndza, and publisher Raven Street Ltd. I am pleased to add Robert Bryndza to my list of go-to British authors and recommend him to friends and family.

Taking place for the most part in and around London, the time 2018. Erika has sold the country home she shared with her husband Mark before his death four years ago, a home she rented out as she had transferred to London shortly after Mark's death, and bought a small place not far from the job, the first step in getting her life back on track. She is not going to have time to unpack all those boxes, however. She can't even go to the corner chip shop on moving day without stumbling over a body. Finding enough time to locate the forks and spoons, much less her computer will be hard to come by.

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A very enjoyable well paced British police procedural novel with great characters and unexpected twists. This is the seventh book in the Erika Foster series but the first one I've read. I didn't feel lost not having read the first six books but I'm sure I've read a bunch of spoilers about the personal lives of the regular characters. I definitely plan of reading the rest of the series. highly recommended

Thanks to NetGalley and Raven Street Publishing for the advanced reader copy.

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I was thrilled to see that Erika Foster was returning in a new thriller by Robert Bryndza. It’s been a few years now since I read the last book in the series, but it felt as though no time had passed at all, and I really enjoyed Fatal Witness. I also really liked the way how Robert Bryndza is now taking the series.

Robert opens the book with a horrific opening as we witness an attack on a woman. I could feel the fear that she was experiencing as she began to see what was going to happen next. We’re thrown right into an intriguing and complex case when Erika, having recently moved house, stumbles across a crime scene in her local area. The body of a young woman has been found and as Erika and her team begin to peel back the layers, following the discovery, they discover that there was something mysterious going on in her life before she was killed, which could have led to her death.

Robert Bryndza throws in plenty of red herrings as Erika begins to investigate what happened to the young woman. I really liked how he did this, my suspicion on different characters seemed to constantly be changing, and I was never able to work out what had happened to the woman, or who was responsible. It’s what makes the case really intriguing, especially when Robert reveals some of the work the woman was doing with her true crime podcast, as he begins to build a picture of her life.

I liked the development of Erika’s character in this book; I don’t want to go into too much detail here, but I think it’ll be interesting to see how Robert Bryndza chooses to explore this part of her story in future. I’m really hoping that he still has plenty of ideas for Erika. As Robert looked into this part of her life, it provided some lighter moments, I thought, to the novel.

I thought it was really interesting how Robert Bryndza shifted the course of the investigation, as it’s revealed what the woman, who was found dead, was looking into before she was killed. Had she uncovered something that she shouldn’t have come across? I really wanted to get to the bottom of what was happening in her life, and what had led up to this moment. It’s what made her character even more fascinating, and it added to the darkness in the book, as Robert delved into this part of the story.

I loved catching up with Erika Foster and all the other familiar characters in the series again. Fatal Witness is such a clever and gripping read. Erika Foster fans, you are in for a real treat if you haven’t read this book already.

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Yipeee. I'm so glad Erika is back. A fantastic story which had me gripped from the start. I'm looking forward to the next book in this series.

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It packs a punch opening with a hysterical woman, a dead body and mutilated cats.An investigative podcaster is linked to the case and fears for her safety. The plot and characters are complex and nothing is what it seems. As the story unfolds the killer must work hard to keep covering their tracks. An explosive ending that I didn't predict.

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