Member Reviews

Peanut Butter Panic is the latest release in the Amish Candy Shop Mystery series by Amanda Flower. Once again Bailey is tasked with finding out who the killer is, before the police arrest the wrong person. But will Bailey figure out who the killer is before it is too late? I encourage you to read Peanut Butter Panic to find out.
I enjoyed visiting with Bailey, Aiden, and the rest of the crew of the Amish Candy Shop Mystery series. I liked that we got more of a background on Margot and what shaped her into the person that she is. But I have to say that Peanut Butter Panic was not one of my favorites of the series. I really missed Aiden being more of main character alongside Bailey and the two of them working together. Even though I didn’t love this story as much as the others in the series, I would still recommend it to others who like a cozy mystery series, because I love the characters so much.

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This year promises to be even more hectic for Bailey King in her candy shop Thanksgiving weekend. Swissmen Sweets is providing desserts for Harvest Ohio’s first village wide celebration. With over seven hundred people expected Margot Rawlings is unfazed until she learns her mother former judge Zara Bevan will be attending. Zara’s reputation as a harsh critic is matched only as a judge who has actively harmed the Amish community. No one is prepared when Zara arrives with a much younger boyfriend Blaze Smith and reveals their impending nuptials at dinner. Later Blaze suffers an allergic reaction to something he’s eaten and dies on the spot. Now Bailey’s desserts are prime suspects along with Margot and nearly everyone who attended the meal. A very enjoyable story with many twists to the story I would recommend this book to everyone.

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This is the 7th book in the Amish Candy Shop Mystery series. I really love the collection of fun characters, especially the animals in this series. I didn’t think his mystery was quite as good as some of the previous books, and I am tired of the drawn out drama between the main protagonist Bailey and her love interest, but overall it was a great and enjoyable story. Bailey is enjoying the town’s giant Thanksgiving feast when the event organizer, Margot’s mother’s much younger fiancé has an allergic reaction and dies. Bailey is drawn into the investigation not only because of her natural curiosity, but the village’s expectations that she will be helping out. The story was fun although at times it moved a little slowly. This series overall is great, and if you like funny animal sidekicks in cozy mysteries than you’ll love this one.

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Although the cover doesn't completely look like it - this is a perfect Thanksgiving/Christmas cozy to cuddle up with prior to the holiday season.

The characters are lovely and its a very unique setting for cozy series with the Amish-Englisher dynamic. Although I don't believe the complete dynamic is entirely accurate in it's portrayal it was a very enjoyable mystery and I will be picking up more of these books.

I want to learn the backstory on the side characters - and mainly I want to read more about the piggo - Jethro.
While I already have a buckeye recipe (there is one provided in the book); I am super excited to read the other books for recipes. I have my fingers crossed for a chocolate covered coconuts bites recipe. xoxo

I received this ARC from NetGalley and the opinions expressed are my own.

PS I post to Goodreads; but it is not linking my link. Username is Steph-Lauren in Camillus NY

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There were some very sweet moments. Jethro did not appear as prominently in the story. Looking forward to the next one.

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Another town celebration brings together Amish and Englischers. A polka dot pig tends to steal the spotlight.
Bailey's beau's new job takes him further away for longer periods of time leaving her to question their relationship status.
An unexpected announcement followed by an uprupt emergency proves you can't always tell who to trust.
This book is exciting, dangerous, and full of family dynamics and drama.
It ept me wanting to read more and more of this series.
Great characters and wonderful world building.

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This is the 7th book in the Amish Candy Shop mystery series. Bailey King is getting ready for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday and the Black Friday weekend at Swissmen Sweets which she runs with her Amish Grandmother. When Bailey goes the Village Square Thanksgiving dinner organizer is in a frantic mood as her mother Zara is arriving and Margot is not too thrilled. She asks Bailey to assist with the work while she goes to pick up her mother. Bailey soon learns that Zara is a former judge in the area who was not particularly fond of the Amish. Margot and Zara’s relationship is strained at best but she is shocked when Zara arrives with a boyfriend Blaze who is younger than Margot. Thanksgiving day arrives and everything appears to go off without a hitch until Zara announces her engagement to Blaze and Margot leaves the dinner. Shortly after that Blaze begins to have trouble breathing and Bailey remembers earlier he indicated he was allergic to peanuts and the Amish church spread is marshmallow fluff and peanut butter. Blaze ultimately dies and all eyes turn to Margot. The murder does bring in Aiden from the BCI and Zara demands BCI takes over the case from the local sheriff. Margot asks for Bailey’s help to solve the crime. Zara also contacts Bailey to find the killer so Margot does not get blamed. This story moved quickly and was a great read. I love Jethro and how he pulls in the crowd on Black Friday for the shop. Great ending and looking forward to the next installment.

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Amanda Flower is such a great author and this was an enjoyable read. It was fun to step out of the city and into the countryside - especially with the characters written. I felt connected with the main character from page one and all of the additional characters added uniqueness to the storyline.

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You think you know someone and then you meet their mother, and it explains quite a bit. Thanksgiving time in Harvest, Ohio and Margot has organized a community feast for both Amish and English (non-Amish) to celebrate the holiday. The unflappable Margot has become quite flapped with the news that her mother (Zara) a retired and no longer local judge will be returning to Harvest for a visit. Margo isn’t the only one who is less than pleased with the news, as Bailey learns that Zara was unusually harsh with her judicial treatment of the Amish, making her persona-non-grata. This is a twisty plot; there is an unexpected engagement, a death at the dinner table, a secret past, and multiple suspects including Margot and her husband. Zara asks Bailey to do what she does (second) best (she is an amazing chocolatier so sleuthing is her second skill) and prove that Margot is innocent. Plenty of red herring to keep you, Bailey and Aiden guessing and a sweet treat – Maami’s Buckeye recipe at the end of the story, although I am thinking of making some Amish spread to keep around for when I want to sweeten up a biscuit or bagel.

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I really enjoyed this one in the Amish Candy Shop series. Bailey has the best job in the world making candy and living in a very interesting town, Harvest, Ohio. Most of the regular characters, including Jethro, are back to enjoy Thanksgiving with a village-wide Thanksgiving celebration. When someone dies at the dinner, everyone expects Bailey to get involved to find the killer.

The story was well-written and kept my interest from the first few pages. The twists and turns kept me guessing until the end. I stayed up really late to finish this one.

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Margot Rawlings has put Harvest, Ohio on the map, creating festivals that draw in tourists from afar. This Thanksgiving promises to be her biggest event for the village yet, but something has Margot worked up more than usual. Bailey King, candymaker and co-owner of one of the village’s top stores attracting tourists, knows something is amiss when Margot turns over her meticulous checklist to Bailey. Margot’s mother, Zara Bevan, is returning to Harvest despite swearing never to return. Most of the town despises Zara, as she was known for being a harsh judge against the Amish people even for small offenses. To make matters worse, Zara shows up with a younger man, Blaze Smith, and announces their upcoming wedding. Shortly afterwards, Blaze suffers an allergic reaction to peanuts and dies. Was it murder? And if so, who wanted Blaze dead?

PEANUT BUTTER PANIC is the 7th book in the Amish Candy Shop Mystery series and has our characters at some major turning points in their lives. While the mystery itself can be read as a standalone story, I would suggest having at least a familiarity with the characters and their relationships prior to reading in order to fully appreciate the story line. In particular, a basic knowledge of the depth of Bailey and Aiden’s relationship helps explain the angst and confusion Bailey is dealing with in PEANUT BUTTER PANIC.

A visit to Harvest is always enjoyable, even when Bailey and Aiden are having relationship issues. I like that Amanda Flower offers us a realistic perspective on the hardships involved with long distance relationships, especially when both individuals work long hours. It wasn’t easy to read about their struggles and I admit I peeked at the end to see how things would work out, but the growth was very necessary for the series as a whole and I’m excited to see what the future holds.

As usual, we got to spend time with our favorite characters and pets, and I couldn’t help but love all of them a bit more. Margot has been one of the least likable characters so far, with her determination to push forward and demand no matter what and I love that we finally got to see other sides of her to soften and humanize her a bit. In fact, after reading PEANUT BUTTER PANIC, I want to reread the earlier books as I feel my whole perspective on Margot has changed by knowing how hard her mother is on her.

PEANUT BUTTER PANIC is yet another release from Amanda Flower. If you love cozy mysteries with quirky pets, fun characters, and a unique mystery peppered with a splash of cultural differences, then PEANUT BUTTER PANIC is the perfect read for you. Without a doubt, Amanda Flower has become one of my favorite cozy mystery writers and I look forward to what she has in store for us next!

*review is in the editing queue at Fresh Fiction*

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Dollycas’s Thoughts

We arrive in Harvest, Ohio just in time for the village-wide Thanksgiving celebration, another event planned by Margot Rawlings to bring more attention to the little town. Bailey King was already busy handling the customers and online orders pouring into Swissmen Sweets but she has agreed to provide the desserts for the event.

Margot has her clipboard and is checking things off her long list so the celebration will bring the Amish and English together for a fine feast. Then she learns her mother Zara Bevan, a former judge who many feel she did great harm to the Harvest area Amish is coming to the event. Margot does her best but knows her mother will be critical of everything she does.

As the crowd of more than 700 makes their way to their tables with filled plates Zara has an announcement to make. She and her much younger boyfriend are getting married, Margot was more than surprised but before the meal ends the groom-to-be suffers a fatal allergic reaction and it was no accident. Margot and almost everyone at the meal along with Bailey and her desserts become the prime suspects. She knows she needs to find the killer to clear her name and Margot’s and fast.

I love the core characters in this series. They are so genuine and true to life. They are people I would love to meet. They all have huge hearts and always strive to do the right thing even if it means a lot of extra work.

The animal characters have such great personalities too. I love that a miniature pot-bellied pig, a rabbit, and a kitten can coexist with no drama. Jethro does love attention though and his person, Juliet will do almost anything to make him a star. He also brings a lot of funny to the story

This time we get to learn more about Margot’s life and her mother is quite a piece of work. Bailey and Aiden are trying to figure out their relationship with his new job. Charlotte is still trying to make her way now that she has left the Amish community. She and her Deputy Little are taking things slow. I really enjoy all the subplots the author blends into the mystery. As this is the 7th book in the series and the novellas in between the characters are well developed but they still grow in each story. They stay relevant and fresh and with each book, I feel like I am catching up with old friends.

As someone with a peanut allergy, I found the method of death a little scary but it was perfect for this situation. I am happy Charlotte and Bailey are close. They make a fun sleuthing team. Sometimes even Jethro went along as they followed the clues and questioned people of interest. There was an interesting twist that shook the investigation up. I did solve the mystery before the big reveal but boy what a reveal it was. A fantastic way to end the mystery. I was nervous one moment and thankful the next. I guess that works for a book set around Thanksgiving.

Peanut Butter Panic has it all, mystery, family, friends, and romance laced with humor in all the right places. Amanda Flower is a wonderful storyteller. I am always a bit melancholy when I flip the last page. Every visit to Harvest seems to end too soon. I will be impatiently waiting for the 8th book in this series because the author has piqued my interest with what appears to be exciting times ahead.

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Bailey King has been very busy but still leaves her time for her business, Swissmen Sweets, and her family and friends. In this installment, the candymaker and her grandmother and cousin are busy preparing for the for Harvest’s Thanksgiving Festival where the whole village, Englischer and Amish were gather together and share Thanksgiving dinner. They are also making as much candy as possible to be ready for Black Friday and to fill their online Christmas orders. These activities don't stop Bailey from accepting the task of taking care of Jethro, the pig, despite the fact that Margot Rawlings, the event coordinator has asked her to oversee the final set up because she(Margot) has to pick up her mother at the airport. Margot, always confident, is a nervous wreck because her mother has never given Margot her approval on anything.

When Margot returns with Mom and Mom's new boyfriend, things just keep getting worse, ending with the boyfriend's murder. The revelations and findings that are uncovered as the story proceeds, leave abundant clues to the murderer.

Love this series but it always, always makes me want candy!

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This is one of my favorite cozy series, and I was so happy to be back in Harvest, Ohio! This takes place around Thanksgiving, so I loved following Bailey King and the Swissman Sweets group as they prepared fun treats for the occasion. Jethro is back with more shenanigans as well. I loved the mystery and learning more about the characters as we went through the book. I highly recommend this series and this book!

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Bailey King has a busy weekend, as it is Thanksgiving. Her candy shop's business is booming, and Swissmen Sweets is making the desserts for the first village-wide Thanksgiving celebration! It does not seem like such a large undertaking, as only 700 guests will be in attendance!

Of course, that was until Margot Rawlings, the event's organizer, discovers her mother, Zara Bevan, will be in attendance. Zara does not have many kind things to say, and she certainly is not tolerant of the Amish community.

During the event, Zara brings her younger boyfriend, Blaze, and sadly, Blaze has an allergic reaction and dies.

So many people are suspects. Bailey needs to get to the bottom of this, as her desserts are suspected!

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This is one of my favorite series!! I enjoyed this one though at first I wasn't sure about how the author was handling Bailey and Aiden's relationship and was a bit upset but it seemed to get resolved kind of at the end where I feel a bit better about it. I would hate for Aiden to have to give up being a cop though that would be kind of a bummer he likes it. I also thought the mystery was a little easy to figure out.
I love the characters as always and Juliet only made me roll my eyes a few times as she is my least favorite of the likable characters. Overall, I enjoyed it. :)

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The best mystery yet in the Amish Candy series! I don't know how the author continues to create such well thought out mysteries, but I am thrilled that she does! I am so excited about the life changing events coming in many of the characters' lives that I am already anxiously awaiting the next book in the series! While I know a little about Amish life, it is so interesting following this book and seeing the melding of Amish and English lives together and the bumps in the road that follow when mixing such uniquely different lifestyles. Kudos to the author on another well-done book and I can't wait to see where we go next!

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Harvest is celebrating Thanksgiving this year by including the whole village. Bailey knows its going to be a very busy time for Swissmen Sweets but she is up.for the task. Margot who has been organizing the event is enjoying the whole process until she learns that her mother will be visiting. Her mother Zara hasn't been complimentary to the Amish community and Margot worries she'll offend half the community. Things don't turn out the way Margot expects when her mom shows up engaged to a much younger man. Life takes a turn for the worse when the young man ends up dead after having a bad reaction to something he ate. Bailey soon realizes one of her desserts might have been the culprit and can't let the shop become affected. She knows that investigating is her only option in finding out just what happened. Follow along as she tries to find the answers to two questions, why was he murdered and who did the killing!

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Another good installment in the Amish Candy Shop Mysteries! Some interesting new characters with a couple of twists. It was fun to hear more from Charlotte and see how she’s developing, and it was equally intriguing to see the unflappably Margot in a new light. Overall a great read! 4.5 stars.

Thanks to Net Galley and Kensington for the complimentary digital review copy of this title.

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This is one of my favorite cozy mystery series! I love the way Amanda Flower's can pull you into a setting and you feel like you are there w/ the characters.
This installment was really fun! It takes place @ thanksgiving, and im a sucker for holiday cozies. We also got a back story for event planner Margot Rawlings. I enjoy when Flowers does this w/ the side characters, and you finally are able to understand that characters behaviors.
The recipes in this book sound delicious!
There were some developments in this book that lead me to believe that Bailey King and Swissmen Sweets are going to be around for a long time!
I highly recommend this cozy!
I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. I would like to thank Netgalley, the author Amanda Flower, and the publisher for this opportunity.

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