Member Reviews

5 stars. I would give it more if I could. Jamila Minnicks is brilliant. Seriously. She's phenomenal. She also reminded me of just how terrible our U.S. education system is, as young me would have been completely lost with zero foundation of information for this novel.
Alice steps off a bus, only a few towns over from her Alabama hometown, into a place where there are no "whites only" signs, no backdoors for people of color. In fact, there's not one white person to be seen. She had accidentally stumbled upon New Jessup, a town reclaimed by its Black residents, allowing for its community members to live safely within its walls during the tumultuous time of the 1950s-1960s. Not only does Minnicks address segregation/desegregation in ways that I have never before experienced, but she also strategically creates characters who follow the vastly different ideologies of Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, and MLK Jr. and explores how these ideas affect the generational shift, classism, gender roles, and political upheaval. All of this is explored while focusing on Alice's life, her marriage to one of New Jessup's founding fathers' grandsons, her search for her missing sister, her balance of work and home life, and the inner struggle of wanting a better world for her daughter while dealing with the uncertainty of what that looks like exactly. Highly recommended.

Jamila Minnicks grabbed me with the first page of this historical novel and didn't let me go until the end. The writing pulled me into Alice's world, and I felt like I lived in New Jessup, Alabama, with Alice and Raymond. I never knew that much about segregated communities until I read this book. When Alice got off the bus and found this strange world where "White's Only" signs didn't exist, I was enthralled just like Alice.
I loved the determination of the community who created a peaceful place where all things were possible. The harmony of family and community life made me want to live there. I loved the Taylor Made dress shop and all the delicious dishes Alice and Dot cooked up every night and filled the house with holiday feasts. I wanted to sit on the swinging chair on the porch and watch the sunset with them.
Along with the ideal life, of course, the white people of Jessup lived just over the other side of the swamp and placed a shadow over the sweet life. The fragile peace was a dream that couldn't last forever. It would just be a matter of time until integration and the violence that accompanied that movement arrived and wrote history as we know it today. JM's writing is brilliant, and I look forward to reading more of her work.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher who provided this e-ARC

Moonrise Over New Jessup is a gorgeously written historical novel-- fresh, insightful, moving, inspiring, with a heroine readers will love and a story line that will make them want to learn more about our history. I can't wait to recommend it to my high school's English and History Departments, put it on our media center order list, and "sell" it to the many students who I know will devour it and come back wanting more by Jamila Minnicks.
Thanks for the privilege of reading this book.

This beautiful and inspiring novel follows Alice Young in 1957 as she stumbles onto an all black town after she leaves her childhood home. She comes to find love and realize an exsistence in the world in a way she has never known before. While the outside world fights for integration, the town of New Jessup is looking to remain segregated and hold tight to the town they've built from the swamp and love so dear.
Alice's story is one of survival, loss, love and inspiration. Alice is a strong and inspiring woman who has a quick wit, knows how to defend herself, is a talented seamstress, and can hunt better than most men. She is my favorite part of the book.
I love the family she forms, not from blood bonds, but of those in town that take her in and under their wing when she needs it the most. The author does such a wonderful job bringing the characters to life that you feel that you are sitting with them at the dinner table or snuggling up with them under a blanket on the front porch with coffee.
I have come to love historical fictions so much and one of my favorite aspects of each is at the end in reading more details about the research that took place to build the foundations of the story. I wish there were more of that after Alice's story ends. From reading the acknowledgments, much appears to come from the generational family stories passed down. I would love to know more in deepth details about this and towns like New Jessup.
Thank you to Netgalley and Agonquin Books for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

The end of the American Civil War and the passage of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution outlawing slavery ought to have been a time of celebration and joy throughout the country. Of course we all know better. Instead it ushered in a period of legislated segregation (Jim Crow laws) in formerly confederate and border states. Organizations like the Ku Klux Klan organized to systematically kill off any “colored” Americans that refused to acknowledge and respect White Supremacy. We continue to endure this legacy every day.
Black Americans dealt with these realities in various ways. Many left the South in the “Great Migration”, moving to Northern cities where there was promise of life with dignity. “The Streets were Paved with Gold”. There were no “Whites Only” or “Colored” signs or doors through which to go. You could sit where you wanted when you wanted. Everyone was respected. Those who made that migration learned early on that this was all a myth, or at best a cruel exaggeration. Migrants were often stuffed into cold, dirty, rat-infested ghetto dwellings with resultant crime and trauma. Jobs were back-breaking and workers were treated like slaves, though now with a nominal paycheck. It was impossible to build up any equity; once there appeared the slightest prospect of economic gain it was wiped out by gentrification or “urban development”. Many families fell into generations of hopelessness, despair, poverty, crime, incarceration, and violence.
Other freed slaves chose to stay put and work as sharecroppers on the plantations upon which they had lived for generations. They continued to slave in the fields, work in the plantation houses, experience verbal and sexual abuse from the landowners, but now have a plot of land that they could “call their own”. Of course, by the time the monthly payday came, they would discover that they had no money coming, they owed money to the “Company Store” for rent, food, provisions. They were offered payday loans which carried interest rates that were impossible to pay back. Again, while there was a camaraderie that led to the birth of religious, musical, culinary and social traditions that live on, it was generally a life of hardship and despair. The only hope was that the next generation might escape to a better life.
There were some courageous few who sought a better way. They banded together to found “Freedmen’s Towns”. These enclaves often grew up from the backwaters and swamps of Confederate, Border and “non-aligned” states. While these towns have been written about, occasionally to wide acclaim (such as Zora Neal Hurston’s Eatonville settings), their experiences have been under-reported. That is what Jamila Minnicks is committed to changing with her wonderful debut novel “Moonrise over New Jessup”.
I know nothing of Ms. Minnicks nor of whether New Jessup is a total fiction or based on one or more Freeman’s Towns. But I do know about the Black Belt and rural Alabama and towns like New Jessup, kept going by families who have committed generations of their lives to the cause. Minnicks brings us into this world so effectively that you can experience it with all your senses. The sights, sounds, smells, and tastes are real. The periodic joy is palpable, the setbacks and tragedies are enough to make you cry.
Life in a Freedmen’s Town was not all sweetness and light. The threats from nearby White Only enclaves were constant and pernicious. There were constant fights, both verbal and physical, over the goals of the movement. Were we working towards “integration”, “desegregation”, “separate but equal” “equality”, “color-blindness” where eventually everyone would learn to love one another? Was Booker T Washington right that we needed racial equality and should just focus on education and economic progress?
Or were we to promote Black knowledge, culture, exceptionalism and strength as W.E.B. Du Bois advocated, focusing on the advancement of the Black race – civil rights and Black leadership? These different ethics led to groups being formed - some extolling non-violence and integration (like the Rev. Martin Luther King/NAACP), others saying that direct action, confrontation, and strength were the only solutions (like the SNCC, the Black Panthers, Nation of Islam/Malcolm X). These fault lines spread into every Freedmen’s Town pitting family against family, brother against brother, life-long friends torn apart. These debates continue to this day.
All this is captured in a spectacularly moving way in “Moonrise over New Jessup”. I look forward to hearing and learning everything that Ms. Minnicks has to say as she visits bookshops, podcasts, radio, and television interviews on what is certain to be an exciting and educational book tour.
Thank you to Algonquin Books and NetGalley for the eARC.

Highly recommend!! My first book to read by this author but definitely not my last!! Uniquely and beautifully written, this story and its characters stay with you long after you finish the book.