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Mad About You

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Member Reviews

I struggled with this one. I didn't anticipate it to be about a woman finding herself and being strong when it's hard to be strong. I thought there would be more romance. I wound up skimming a lot just because a lot of the subject matter made me uncomfortable. I'm sure that there are folks who will enjoy this book and need this book, but it just wasn't for me.

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This was my first book by Mhairi McFarlane and I have a feeling it won’t be my last! I quite enjoyed her writing style. It took me a while to really get into the story but once I did I was rooting for Harriet! This was advertised as a romcom but I would say it’s definitely more womens fiction as the story’s main focus isn’t the romantic story. Harriet’s personal development is the core of this story and what a pleasant surprise that was!

While Harriet and Cal’s relationship was fun to watch this is so much more than just their story. It’s about healing and finding yourself and moving on. There were a few times I really thought I knew where the book was going but then there was some surprise that threw me off and shocked me.

Definitely not a typical read for me but I am so glad I gave it a chance. Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you Mhairi McFarlane and Avon and Harper Voyager for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I really wanted to love this book, but honestly struggled to get through it. The first part of the book way very slow and we did not meet the love interest until a bit into the story. I also expected this book to be a rom com from the description, however I would not necessarily classify it as such especially with the toxic relationship that the Harriet is just getting out of. I simply do not think this book is for me.

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This was a fun and thoughtful book. The levels of introspection and the complexities of relationships (good and harmful) were engaging.

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Thank you @netgalley and @mhairimcf for a copy of this eARC in exchange of my honest review.

I literally love this author. And I adored this book. Harriet Hatley loves her job as a wedding photographer, but due to her past there is absolutely nothing that would make her want to walk down the aisle herself. Which is why when her seemingly perfect boyfriend proposes, she tells him no and moves in with a stranger.

Cal Clarke somehow found himself single and inviting a stranger to come live with him. It’s clear from the start that she’s his opposite, but he can’t help but be intrigued. And when her past catches up to her, he’s more than willing to help her navigate the complications. But is there more than just friendship in the cards for these two?

The author handled the sensitive subjects of this book incredibly well. This story was all about a strong female lead overcoming her difficult past, but had plenty of humor in it while doing so!

This one gets 4⭐️‘s from me!

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I really wanted to love this book. The premise was great and the parts of the story I read was great. Unfortunately this authors writing style was not for me. I felt like the author had to explain too many details which to me feels like they don’t allow the plot to work it out or they couldn’t find a way to make it make sense. I felt that they had to use parentheses to make sure the reader understood where they were going with the story. Ideally I would love to be able to read and let the plot unfold. I’m big on writing styles and this one just couldn’t keep me interested. I had to DNF this one.

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I did enjoy this book and Harriet's road to happiness. I took more issue with this being marketed as a romance story. While there is a romantic element, the book is more about Harriett coming to terms with and finally moving past her previous abusive relationship.

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This romance read got me because the romance wasn't the main focus of the book. The main focus was the growth of the mc and it made for an excellent read. Harriet needed the journey this book takes you on and there is so much to unpack and get from this. I devoured this read in about 2 days and it was worth every second.

Harriet starts off in a relationship with Jon (kind of pompous if you ask me) but after a botched proposal she never wanted she ends up moving in sight unseen with Cal. Unknowingly, they do have some shared history and the novel takes off from there. I don't want to give anything away but it was such a great read.

10 out of 10 recommend.

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4.5/5 ⭐️: It took me until about 20% into the book until I became fully invested in this story, but once I got there I couldn’t stop reading! This is much more than just a cute love story. It’s a story about moving on, healing, finding your voice, and finding yourself, along with finding love. Every time I thought I knew where things were going, some new twist was thrown in, and I loved that it was unpredictable, because most romcom aren’t.

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I enjoyed this book but it definitely wasn’t what I thought it would be going into it. I liked that it felt with bigger issues but it wasn’t what I was expecting from the cover.

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Harriet has her own wedding photography business and her well-off boyfriend dotes on her, yet, she feels nothing for him. After a surprise proposal in front of his entire family, Harriet breaks off the relationship and finds a room to rent. Little does she know, the owner is one of her former clients who walked out on his bride on their wedding day.

I really enjoyed this novel. It had some complex issues, but dealt with in an appropriate way. Sad to see how 30 somethings still act like teenagers, but it’s realistic.

Overall, I nice summer read. I would be interested in reading other books by this author.

Thank you Netgalley and Avon and Harper Voyager for this ARC. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would consider suggesting it for a book club read.

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4.25🌟 This is the first book I've read by Mhairi McFarlane and certainly not my last! In Mad About You, we follow Harriet, who has called off her (short-lived) engagement and moves in with a handsome stranger. However, despite that tagline, I would definitely consider this more women's fiction than romcom! Harriet's personal journey is the heart and core of this novel, as we dive into her career, past relationship trauma, family dynamics, and friendships. There were moments that genuinely shocked me, but also truly heartfelt, emotional moments. Harriet was a character you can really root for; her resilience in the face of so many heartbreaks was so impressive. Cal was the perfect complement to her, and I enjoyed their relationship too! I'm a slower reader, but I absolutely flew through this because I needed to know what was going to happen next!

*Please check your content warnings, as this contains serious discussions about emotional and domestic abuse.

**Thank you to Avon & Harper Voyager and NetGalley for the eARC, in exchange for a review!

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Thank you Harper Collins, Netgalley, and Mhairi McFarlane for this ARC of Mad About You! This book was phenomenal. It felt a bit slow getting into the story, but once I got about 7 chapters in, I could not put this book down! I loved Harriet. She felt like someone that I knew in real life, like I was walking alongside her joys and sorrows. The plot felt realistic with the finding of true friendships, friendships that fell flat, the betrayal in relationships, Harriet discovering her own self worth, the struggles and consequences of her actions, etc. Also, Cal is a total hottie. I was SWOONING over him the entire book! This was a well written, emotional, feel good (for the most part), novel. I cannot wait to recommend this to all my fellow readers and to pre-order a physical copy for myself.

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This book was great. The characters were amazing. The storyline was amazing. I couldn't put this book down.It was definitely something I could see myself rereading.

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Mhairi McFarlane can write a good romance. Mad About You is a great summer read. Harriet and Cal were great characters, roommates that start as strangers that move to friends is always a fun concept for two protagonists that gives the ability to develop characters and give more depth to their relationship. It was well-paced, emotional but still light. Loved this one!

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I love McFarlane’s books! I get so attached to her characters and their journey to growth and love. The romance isn’t the focus of her stories but rather the icing on the cake. She writes strong females and wonderful friendships. Special thank you to NetGalley for a digital ARC of this lovely book!

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I was so excited to get approved for this ARC after reading Just Last Night, and it did not disappoint!

I love my characters multifaceted and real, and Mhairi McFarlane goes above and beyond. The way her characters handle and process real-life issues is always as complex and messy as it is in reality. Being able to recognize your own thoughts and feelings in someone else’s writing is so validating!

The very end made me weep, and I loved that I didn’t quite know why.

Harriet is a wedding photographer - which means she has seen it all. Artful behind-the-scenes shots disguise the sometimes beautiful, sometimes ugly, sometimes terrifying reality of weddings day after day. Maybe that’s why she isn’t a fan of weddings herself.

When her relationship implodes as a result, Harriet finds herself in a last-minute house share that seems too good to be true - until she realizes her new landlord (and housemate) Cal is a character who made a very noticeable disappearance at one of the weddings she worked in the past.

As the two first avoid each other and then find unlikely friendship in each other, they find that sometimes seeing someone at their worst is the only way to truly know them. And when Harriet’s private past rears it’s ugly head, she’ll learn if she can count on her new friend Cal when it all comes down to the wire.

And she’ll also learn that life is about learning to love and trust yourself more than anything else.

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I’m not sure if it was the way the book started or the author’s voice and style of writing, but I had a hard time getting into this story. It took a while before I felt invested and I never really warmed up to Cal. I enjoyed Harriet’s character and her friendship with Lorna and thought Sam was fun but something was missing for me with Cal, I didn’t really feel like I got to know him.

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Witty dialogues, tension, grief, cheating, and friendship. Great read! Will definitely read more of this author!

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3.5/5 stars!!
To put it simply, this book was a great summer read! I loved the main character Harriet and her growth throughout the book. It’s honestly so much more than just a romance book which I wasn’t expecting. That being said, I was expecting some more romance but it did end up being more of a subplot and I was anticipating it to be more romance focused. I also felt like the writing was a bit confusing to me at times. I think it was the way it was formatted and the writing style was a lot different than I’m used to. I had to look up a good amount of words because I was not understanding what was happening haha! I would like to preface that I am American so that’s def a factor as to why. I also typically read romance books in first person as well so it took a bit to get used to. However, these are all just tiny things and a personal opinion! Overall, it was a wonderful read and I would definitely recommend it!
Thank you so much netgalley & Avon and Harper Voyager for the advanced digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

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