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When Stars Come Out

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I have yet to find a Scarlett St Clare book I didn’t love. She is the mistress of retellings and this Eurydice and Orpheus tale lives up to her Hades/Persephone series and then some. Another winner for me!

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This book was good, not great. The writing definitely felt on the lower end of young adult and unfortunately I think that is something I am growing out of. Overall this book wasn’t earth shattering, but it was entertaining enough to keep me going. This is one I would recommend for any younger followers looking for a YA fantasy to get into the genre, but overall it was just okay for me.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

I was getting into a reading slump before I picked up this ARC and I can happily say that this book was so good that it made me completely avoid that slump while also making me want to read more again. I loved the characters that St Clair wrote because they all felt real and their reactions to different events in the book actually seemed thought out and genuine. Sometimes when I read YA books, I get frustrated at the main characters because they make choices that make no sense all because they are "young" and I just hate that mindset.

I also loved this world builder and setting of this book. Give me dark academia and small mysterious town vibes in an book and I will probably love it. I can't wait for the sequel of this book. Ever since I finished the book, this world has stayed with me and I just want to go back.

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***Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for providing me with an electronic copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.***

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This is actually the first book I am reading by Scarlett St. Clair so I wasn't entirely sure what to expect when it came to content, writing style, etc. but I found that I quite enjoyed this!

The book follows Anora Silby, a teenage girl who's just moved to a new school and happens to be able to see the dead. I liked Anora's character - she's just a girl trying to get through life with a power she doesn't fully understand, a mom who can be difficult to deal with at times, and a cute guy she can't quite get out of her head. She's not sure who to trust, and doesn't know where to turn for help. The book has quite a bit of mystery to it, and it was fun trying to solve everything before the end. I wasn't sure how I felt about Shy as the romantic interest but he definitely grew on me by the end - I'm excited to see where things go in the next book!

The writing style itself was good - good flow, just enough to keep me interested without seeming too fast at all. Lots of little mythology elements pop up like hellhounds, Charon, etc. that I really liked. Overall, a good start to the series! Looking forward to continuing Anora's story and seeing where all of my favorite characters end up!

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I loved it, such a different world, yet still I enjoyed it a lot!! Following the death of her grandfather, Anora quite literally sees dead people. Her mom, however, is one step away from committing her after Anora tells her about her ability. Faced with life and death decisions, tempestuous souls, and shape shifting Valryn, she must use her powers to save herself and those she cares about - but at what cost?

I recommend When Stars Come Out to readers of paranormal YA urban fantasy (especially one with a unique magic system!)

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Thank you to Netgalley and Author for an E- ARC of this book.
I was sooooo excited to find out that i got this!!

Anora Silby has a secret that no one knows, not even her Mother.
She can see the dead and turn spirits into gold coins, two things she would prefer to keep secret as she tries to lead a normal life at her new school. After all, she didn't change her identity for nothing.
Hiding her weirdness is just one of many challenges. By the end of her first day, she's claimed the soul of a dead girl on campus and lost the coin. Turns out, the coin gives others the ability to steal souls, and when a classmate ends up dead, there's no mistaking the murder weapon.

This is YA and i honestly though i wouldn't like it but i was pleasantly surprised.
The word building was a bit confusing (which is a me problem)
I LOVED this book and i Loved the MCs too.
This book had me hooked and more so when Lily was killed. i also hated Natalie from the beginning but i actually grew to love her as the story went on.
like WHO had the AUDACTIY to kill her. so the one question on my mind is whether we will be getting redemption for Lenon because i feel like there is potential.

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Ah, I was excited to snag this ARC. I am a huge fan of Scarlett S Clair and all of her hooks. This one did not disappoint either!

Anora can see dead people and turn them i to gold coins. Kind of scary, right? But she doesn’t understand how or why she can do this. She gets a fresh start in a new city, and a new school. But thing don’t go as planned when she claims the soul of a dead girl and loses the gold coon. Not a great way to start in a new city. Also, turns out whoever has the gold coin gains the ability to steal souls. Now another classmate ends up dead. Anora, has to solve who has her gold coin and is responsible for the murder. All while trying to navigate a new school. Sounds like high school torture in the worst way!

What I enjoyed:
- this felt like a true to form YA Fantasy from the prime days of YA fantasy. Which was amazing! I haven’t been able to connect to many YA Fantasies lately. But this one did not disappoint at all.
- The pacing was excellent! I couldn’t out this one down. I needed to know who was responsible for the murder
- The paranormal elements were really fun. I liked the book setting, and world building too.

I really enjoyed a lot of elements in this story and don’t want to give away too much. But I look forward to reading more of this series. The book is definitely different than her other series. Which isn’t a bad thing at all! This one is firmly in the YA Fantasy category. This book is perfect for any fan of YA fantasy books. Overall, 4 stars out of 5 for a very fun, and fast paced read. Thank you to Netgalley and Sourcebooks for the arc in exchange for an honest review!

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i love scarlet st clairs books!!!!!!! and this was no exception!! i really liked the concept of the book, and i thought the plot was really interesting. i mean they can see dead people??? goodbye i really liked it

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When Starts Come Out

Thank you NetGalley and Scarlett St. Clair for an eARC in exchange for an honest review!

Anora Silbey knows two things for sure: she can see dead people AND turn them into coins. The only problem? She doesn’t know how or why.

With the hope of starting fresh in a new city, new state and new school, Anora’s dreams are dashed when she claims the soul of a dead girl on her first day by turning her into a coin.

As if high school wasn’t hard enough, Anora faces an all new type of popular kids, manages to deal with the reality of her gifts, and works to uncover the person who stole her coin before more lives are lost.

This was not my first Scarlett St. Clair book so when I had the opportunity to get an eARC, I jumped on it! Having already read her Touch of Ruin series and Hades Saga series I knew I was going to have to adjust my expectations as When Stars Come Out is a YA book and written as such.

While this story was not focused on romance and therefore left out any steamy scenes, I didn’t find myself wishing for more. I truly enjoyed the mystery and magic of this world and story. There were a lot of moments that had me on the edge of my seat wondering what would happen next! I do feel like a lot of the backstory and history of the Order could be explained but it makes me wonder if there’s going to be another book?

I would definitely recommend giving this book a read! I really enjoyed the plot, characters, and setting! I definitely hope there will be more!

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THANK YOU to the publishers and netgalley! This was my first YA urban fantasy, it did not disappoint. What a fun book that I flew through! I read that some people felt like it read like early JLA books which is awesome and a great comparison. HIGHLY Recommend for a good urban fantasy intro and YA!

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Very reminiscent of golden age paranormal YA and SUPER readable. I haven't read Scarlett's adult books yet but now I'm going to!

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For those expecting spice, this one is solidly young adult.

This is an urban fantasy with hidden societies and secrets of things that go bump in the night.

I enjoyed this one, it is definitely YA and urban fantasy isn’t my preferred genre but once the story picked up around 40% in I thoroughly enjoyed it. There were quite a few red herrings (I didn’t guess the bad guy) and there was romance but not much of it.

I recommend this one to lovers of YA and urban fantasy!

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!

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This was another gorgeous retelling! Scarlett St Clair gave us a beautifully dark new take on Orpheus and Eurydice.

The writing was so easy to connect with; it seemed young without relying on cringey slang. Everything about it was easy to follow, descriptive, and St Clair knew when to stop to get her point across without going over the top. The names were a bit in the nose for some characters, but we’re a fun nod to the original myth. However, the shift in writing between the dual perspectives at times wasn’t as clear as it could have been. We got chapter titles, though! Everything tied in well, and I’m absolutely excited to read the next book when it comes out.

St Clair cleverly integrates little pieces of the overarching plot for the series in the first book excellently. While the Order and many other aspects slowly came to light with the murder mystery, other storylines are sure to come up in the next book and, if there are more books, possibly beyond. In the end, we’re even left with a character who seems morally ambiguous. I’m not sure how I feel about them, and I love the way St Clair set that up.

The murder mystery aspect was also well done. Clues were left throughout, and, though I did piece together part of the mystery, the end was still a surprise! And, while we do find out who was working to exchange the souls and why, we only see the first part of the puzzle when it comes to the deeper underlying themes and what story will play out in the series as a whole.

Speaking of the themes! Orpheus and Eurydice is a myth about death and the Underworld, so it was expected for this book to talk about death and what she calls Spirit in the book. While there were many chances for St Clair to romanticize death or the like, she handled the themes delicately and maturely.

I would recommend this book to people who liked Alice by Christina Henry or Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire.

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Good start to a series and I'll definitely be picking up the second book. The lore at least explains the instalove better than most books and gives a plausible reason for its existence. But there's a lack of curiosity in the book for things that I simply wouldn't be able to not pose, even if an answer isn't forthcoming that dragged the ending and resolution down for me. I can't actually discuss any of it without spoilers so I won't.

Modern take on Greek mythology, dashed with some DC Hawkgirl stuff.

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Don't be fooled by that pretty cover
Scary stuff within
Loose Eurydice/Orpheus retelling

This book was completely not what I expected. That cover made me think light ya fantasy when what is inside is dark, somewhat scary and utterly creepy in parts. If you look back at its previous cover, that definitely gives you more of a feel of what is inside this book.

The above said, I did find myself interested in the word of shifting ravens, death speakers and greek mythology links to Charon, hell hounds and all this in a high school context. Anora was a very interesting character, misunderstood, called crazy and she really had no one on her side. I hated her mum, there was some subtle abuse going on that didn't get tied up so I hope that's dealt with in the second book.

When I first met Shy (that full name...), I was a little leery of his interest. The Eurydice element to the story saved my investment, I liked how that part was rolled out and how they connected but I did want to see more depth with these two though. The whole organisation that Shy and others belonged to was suspect and Roth could be friend or foe; I suspect foe.

The plot was dark, really scary for brief moments and it did feel like it had horror elements. Nevertheless, I made it through and I would definitely like to see where the next book goes.

Thanks to Bloom Books for the eARC.

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I was intrigued by the synopsis and the of course the Queen of an author Scarlett St. Clair!! This book did not disappoint! This is more YA and the characters are in high school. The story begins with the MC Anora moving to a new school in Oklahoma from New York…. Although she tells everyone she has moved from Chicago. Anora had to relocate because she can see the dead and when startled or scared around the dead (or living) she accidentally takes their souls and binds them to a coin. Anora’s mother doesn’t believe her about seeing the dead and thinks she needs to go to a mental hospital and threatens to send her off to one if she has the same issues at her new school.

At the new school there is all the typical teenage angst and drama. You have jealously, rumors, backstabbing, etc. You have a dead girl hanging in front of the school that Anora desperately wants to avoid. You have a cute guy who is interested in Anora and you have the broody villain type guy who is interested as well.

There’s a population of people in the town who are “death speakers” and can see the dead and some of those death speakers are like guardians of human souls waiting for the Eurydice to be reincarnated so she can help send through Charon’s gates to the afterlife. There hasn’t been a Eurydice for 70 years so the dead are trapped on Earth and their presence is wreaking havoc.

You also have some romance but it’s definitely YA and nothing like the Hades/Persephone saga lol!! I really enjoyed and say this is a 4 star read for sure!! Can’t wait to see where Scarlett takes this series!!

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3.5/5 Stars

** I received this as an E-ARC from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review, Thank you!**

I have mixed feelings about this book. I enjoyed my time reading it and the overall story. It really gave me vibes of the general YA paranormal/fantasy romance. I will say I'm not really the biggest fan of stories involving ghosts, however, this was done pretty well. I think this was well written and overall a great YA book. I I would for sure recommend giving this a read if you are at all intrigued by the synopsis.

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I was excited for this and the fact that it felt like the YA I read when I first started reading - even better. I didn't realize this was another re-release, but I am glad that I knew early on that there will be a second book. I definitely enjoyed this - had a lot of fun reading it. It didn't play out like I expected and I loved that. I'm a fan of St. Clair and this didn't disappoint. Definitely recommend it if you want a fun read that will keep you guessing and invested.

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This was my first Scarlett St. Clair book and I was not disappointed at all. I loved the characters and the story. There were some mature incidents in the books and it gave faith to me and other people like me who have been through traumatic events during the teen years. I love this book and found the MC relatable and felt like this was a retelling of Orpheus and Eurydice.

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