Member Reviews

Thanks to NetGalley and Hatchette Books for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.
I've always been a shameless fan of the Jackass show and movies, and I was very excited to read this book.

I really enjoyed the fact that he kept his sense of humor, while at the same time diving into the hard times he's faced over the years, and the journey he's made to overcome his obstacles.

It's important to know the trigger warnings before going into it, but this is definitely one of the better, and more amusing biographies I've read.

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I would like to thank @steveo @hachettebooks @hachettego and @hachetteaudio for review copies of A Professional Idiot and A Hard Kick In the Nuts (which is released today)! I listened to both memoirs and I was shocked to say the least. #triggerwarnings Drug Use, Explicit Sexual and drug encounters, lots of profanity, graphic details of injuries.

I will say in Steve-O’s first memoir A Professional Idiot he tells the events of his life like a badge of honor. He is newly sober, only about three years. You can see that he is committed to his journey he has a long way to go. In A Hard Kick In The Nuts I can really see a lot of growth in the person that Steve-O has become. In his first memoir he doesn’t narrate the entire book which takes away from his story, but he does have other well known members of his life give their perspective. In his second memoir he goes Deep and really lays things out.

Are these the most renowned memoirs I have ever read? No. But I do think they are worth the read. I think his honest approach to mental health and sobriety are important for people to hear.

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I am such a sucker for a celebrity memoir and Steve-O’s latest memoir was no exception.

I found quite a few nuggets of wisdom in his writing, but my favorite takeaway from A Hard Kick in the Nuts was having a new appreciation for Steve-O. He is so self-aware. You have to admire his continual efforts to improve himself, make amends, and be open about his sobriety journey.

I definitely recommend for celebrity memoir lovers and J*ck*as fans alike.

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As someone who struggled with addiction and grew up watching Steve-O on Jackass, curiosity got me when I saw he has written a book.

It's wonderful to know Steve-O just a little bit better and know a little more about how he got to where he was and how he got there.

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An interesting look at the life of Steve-O and the terrible decisions that he made to get attention. It's like a car wreck; you can't help but look as you pass by. I was intrigued by the chance to read this. I grew up with Jackass and while I continued to grow up, apparently they didn't. Still it's nice to see he's gotten his act together and is taking care of himself. I laughed so much during this book and enjoyed the stories in a sick, twisted sort of way, but it was well written and drew you in, hoping (and getting) the happy ending.

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I love memoirs, and I find celebrity memoirs especially fascinating due to the complex yet seemingly glamorous lives of celebrities. So when I saw Steve-O’s new book I was immediately intrigued. Apparently Steve-O already wrote a memoir detailing his many drug and alcohol induced wild scenarios before he embraced sobriety. This book was supposed to be a Part 2 of his sobriety smashed together with life lessons to classify it as a self-help book as well.

I found this book complicating. Steve-O recounts stories and situations in which he acts very selfishly and due to his intense need for attention, but he is fully self aware of this and tells you this multiple times. This makes things a little better, but ultimately it’s hard to like him. I’m not sure if you would really like this book unless you were already a fan of Steve-O. Of course I know Steve-O from Jackass but I haven’t really followed him or his career at all. It was interesting to hear what I’m sure is at the root of every celebrity, their desire for attention, but it still made it hard to empathize with him. I really do not understand how a grown man set himself on fire just for a publicity stunt.

His stories were interesting, and sure some his advice was applicable, but nothing was earth shattering. I appreciated his insight into addiction and how just because you quit one substance doesn’t mean you don’t attach to another, even if that substance is not as harmful it still represents a harmful pattern of behavior. I can appreciate anyone who is willing to be so vulnerable about their personal struggles, but in my opinion he shared too much regarding his sex addiction. He tells a story of going home with an 18 year old girl and although this may be technically legal it made me feel icky reading about it. Just because Steve-O was addicted to sex doesn’t mean he wasn’t a creep.

Also, I’m all for being open and honest but I felt like Steve-O shared a lot of personal stories about his relationships or business partnerships that I’m not sure would be appreciated now that it is for all to read in a book. I guess that’s not for me to judge but it seemed like he wanted to get more attention from his book by name dropping and airing dirty laundry. And based on his own self assessment this is probably the case.

Overall this was definitely interesting to read as I have never read a book by a stunts person but in my opinion unless you are a huge fan of Steve-O I wouldn’t recommend getting your self-help advice here.

Thanks to NetGalley and Hachette Books for an ARC of this book.

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Steve-O is one of the most entertaining people of today. I grew up watching Jackass more than I probably should've. I think this book helps explain the many sides of Steve-O we have seen and how he finally got to this point in his life. I definitely recommend for fans of Jackass.

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I loved every second of this one! Steve-O has always been hilarious. Anyone who grew up in the late 90s and early 2000s watched Jackass. Even now, in 2022, it's still going strong. I can confidently say it wouldn't be the same without Steve-O. This book had his usual comedy, but it was so much more than that. You get to know the real Steve-O, the good AND the ugly.

I highly recommend this one to just about anyone.

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Huge fan of Steve-O and loved where this book was headed, but he drops a very harmful biphobic stereotype in the second chapter and I just couldn’t move past it. I don’t expect Steve-O to be the perfect model of political correctness but it was really painful and jarring to read.

Grateful to Hachette and NetGalley for the prepub copy.

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Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for this ARC!
Synopsis: I’m not ashamed to say that A Hard Kick in the Nuts by Steve-O was the very first Advanced Reader Copy I selected. I was genuinely delighted to be able to read this before its publication date. I’ve been a fan of Jackass for ages, so I wondered what kind of sage wisdom the world would get from Steve-O, a man who is famous for doing dumb stunts in front of a camera. Clothing is optional.

Despite the mind-numbingly stupid things Glover and the Jackass crew get up to, Steve-O is a smart guy. Now, he’s healthy and sober, and this book is an exercise in learning from your mistakes, self-improvement, and growth. Throughout the book, Steve-O talks about his addictions (several), his career (varied), and how he’s had a roller coaster of a life.

Likes: I laughed a lot throughout this book, mostly because I heard Steve-O’s voice in my head while reading. The writing is punchy, and there is a flow from beginning to end. Too many memoirs are a series of anecdotes separated by arbitrary chapters. A Hard Kick in the Nuts follows a general trajectory without portraying a calendar of Steve-O’s life.

Comments: Yeah, all the content and trigger warnings are in this book. Very raw, very real, and delivered unflinchingly honestly.

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A HARD KICK IN THE NUTS, by Stephen "Steve-O" Glover, is so much more than wild tales of Glover's truly unique and crazy life. Those stories are great and Glover has a quick wit and funny approach in his recounting of those events. Glover ruminates on the good, bad, and insane choices he has made over the years and considers why he made those choices, were they the correct choices, and what did he take away from those choices.
When you pick a book written by a guy known for crazy stunts and a ridiculous zest for life, you know you are going to get some great stories and this book doesn't disappoint. Glover also looks at smaller moments in his life and how they impacted him. It could be a single sentence in an interview or a chance meeting at an event, but Glover really digs deep into moments that changed him and made him grow as a person. He is also very quick to admit that while he is giving out advice based on his life, he still is a perpetual work in progress and not a individual to look up to or admire. He sees his faults and recognizes that often he gets in his own way when trying to grow as a person.
While I read A HARD KICK IN THE NUTS because I am a fan of Stephen "Steve-O" Glover and all of his antics, I came away from the book looking a life just a little bit different knowing that there is deep spirit behind his unstable exterior.

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Interesting and well written I just personally couldn’t get into the story. Just a little slow and unbelievable at some points. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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For some reason, every book I’ve read this year has dealt with loss of a loved one in some way or another, so I was desperately in need of something lighthearted & funny. This book did not disappoint. I will freely admit that I had no idea what to expect beforehand and not because of who the author is but because the book cover is legit him being kicked in the nuts.

While I would definitely not categorize it as a self-help book, I would say that it’s a book that has an excellent way of putting different things into perspective. It was also extremely refreshing to read a book that’s meant to in a way give the reader guidance, while the author also makes it quite clear that he’s a selfish, attention seeking, asshole, so maybe you shouldn’t listen to the wisdom he’s possibly imparting. Plus, there’s the added bonus that he’s a comical dude & that is without a doubt reflected in his writing style, which reads more like you’re having a conversation with someone as opposed to just reading words off a page.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and can see myself reading it again the next time I realize that every other book I’ve read for the past 6 months has somehow wound up with someone dying.

*Thank you NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book for my honest review*

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I personally haven’t ever seen any of the Jackass movies until this year. I’m 26. I’ve always known of them and who Steve-O was but not much about him. I watched the newest Jackass and I thought I wouldn’t like it, but then I ended up watching the other ones. Anyways, I then seen this book available on NetGalley for review. I actually really really like this book. I love how this isn’t like a typical self help/motivational book. This was a realistic self story of growth and transformation. I actually liked this so much that I ordered a signed copy and also purchased his other book. I would definitely recommend this to anyone. Even people who maybe don’t actually know a lot about Steve-O!

(Thank you to NetGalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review).

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I'm a fan of his jackassery (yes, I made up a word) and how he's bettered his life and is now sober and happy. However, this book wasn't as entertaining to me as I wanted it to be.

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What a surprisingly good read. I've always liked Steve-o but was shocked at how entertaining this was. I shouldn't have been but he is pretty deep guy. It's a quick read but I enjoyed every minute of it

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If you have been a lifelong Jackass/CKY fan, and/or seen the Steve-O rehab or life documentary, there wont be that many crazy surprises here. But it is a fun and easy read about the consequences of living hard.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book. Steve-O delivered exactly the book he promised, " 90% crazy, fucked up shit from life, ten percent hard-earned wisdom". I of course grew up watching "Jackass" so I couldn't wait to see what his new book was about. It definitely did not let me down. It was everything I wanted and more. I totally could hear his voice as I read the book. I loved his crazy stories with little nuggets of wisdom tucked in. And he left us with the fond wisdom of "Growing older is genuinely a hard kick in the nuts." Fans of "Jackass" will love it.

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A Hard Kick in the Nuts: What I’ve Learned from a Lifetime of Terrible Decisions by "Steve-O" Glover was received directly from the publisher and I chose to review it. Steve-O is best known for his shenanigans from the Jackass TV show and movies. He was the actual first one that I knew his name just by looking at him. Like all of us, Steve-O is aging and this book is about the things he has learned from his foolish lifestyle and is an exploration of life and how to live it. Maintaining the right balance of "living life to the fullest," and being a sensible adult is what this book attempts to teach the reader. If you or someone you buy gifts for is a fan of Steve-O or the Jackass movies, or you know a young adult who may be veering toward a reckless lifestyle, give this book a read. The holiday season is fast approaching as well.

4 Stars

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This was a truly great book. Not at all what I was expecting, but I really did enjoy all of the anecdotes that Steve had to tell. I would recommend this book!

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