Member Reviews

This is a lifechanging work that has personally impacted me on my journey to soul, and I will be recommending to anyone who is also on their journey to wholeness

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Dr. Elisa Hallerman writes a very personal and engaging book. It reads like a memoir weaving her own experiences with addiction and the hurdles faced in recovery. She counsels us about the need for personal reflection and soul searching. She elaborates on the need to look deeper and find the causes beneath the addiction to truly beat an addition. While I agree with the strategy, she advocates that addiction always stems from past trauma. I don't believe that addiction is that simplistic or restrictive. My thoughts are that everyone has trauma in their lives but not everyone experiences addictions. I would love a deeper understanding of addiction and brain functioning or aspects of the brain that leads up to an addiction. Why it is easier for some to succumb to addition and others not so much. I know that an addiction is extremely traumatic itself. And that additive substances change the brain's reasoning to allow for a continuing need for the substance.
The book does read well and I did find useful information and strategies in the book. I do believe in the soul searching that is recommended - everyone should do some soul searching to evolve within their lives - addiction or not. I do also appreciate that this is a book written on the subject of addiction that is not overly focused on spirituality but is more secular and introspective.

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Soulbriety: A Plan to Heal Your Trauma, Overcome Addiction, and Reconnect with Your Soul
By Elisa Hallerman
Hachette Books
Published 12/6/22

TW- explicit drug use described

I do not have problems with substance abuse, although there are people close to me that do. I have actually had an eating disorder for a very long time, and so that search for the soul is still very familiar to me. Hallerman says on page 42 “before addiction is a problem, it often looks like a solution.” And this is key, this is why addictions happen and take hold. And soon you feel isolated and lost, like something is missing. Even when you get to a good place, a strong recovery, you need a purpose, you need joy and meaning.

Soulbriety by Elisa Hallerman is her story of surviving addiction and trauma but not being connected to and guided by her soul. She shares her journey and revelations along the way, encouraging you to connect to a part of yourself you left behind.

Hallerman has a doctorate in Depth Psychology. I’ve never heard of this, it is new to me. It involves trying to understand the language and dynamics of the unconscious. She created a Recovery Management Agency (RMA) the first of it’s kind, based on a talent agency model. (Before her career in Depth Psychology and addiction Hallerman was a very successful talent agent.)

This is a fresh take on a wide-reaching problem. Hallerman’s vulnerability and bravery are felt throughout.

Thanks to NetGalley, Hachette Books, and Elisa Hallerman for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I want to thank NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to get my hands on this book!

What initially grabbed my attention was the Title. Being one on my own journey with sobriety and a "self" journey, the title let me know this was in my wheel house.

The book to me read like a documentary, full of short stories and how Lisa (both the author and the voice of the book) found her joy and passion again in life after 5 years of sobriety didn't do that. I found that with every "character" we were introduced to, no matter how extreme their situation may be, I could find a piece of my story in there. Very relatable.

I did enjoy the dives into personification and how to's when wanting to apply the lessons learned through out Lisa or her clients lives to your own. I would have liked to see more of that intertwined with stories. Some of the stories , for instance Vince Vaugh, it seemed more of like a tangent for the author and I got lost in the message.

Overall I very much enjoyed this book and I think it has a lot to offer to the Sober and Soul thriving and searching community. I have already spoken to multiple people about the things I have learned and recommended them to read it as soon as available!

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Written from an addict's point of view, Soulbriety gives readers suffering through addiction tools necessary to find healing in their souls as well. Hallerman takes her heartbreaking story and inserts words of wisdom and tips to achieve overall sobriety not just from your addiction but in your soul as well. An amazing book that left an impression on my heart.

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Thank you for this book in exchange for my honest review.

Soulbriety is a heart-reaching story that’s good for any and all people who want to get sober or whom are sober. I could relate in so many ways.!

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Too many personal stories and not enough science for me, but suspect that someone in the depths of addiction could find their way to seeking help from reading this book. It might even help a family member or friend better understand addiction.

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This book was beautiful. A deep dive into the inner soul of Elisa Hallerman, otherwise known as Lisa in her celebrity agent days. Maybe you've heard of her, maybe you haven't, but that doesn't matter as this book is for anyone interested in reading a tumultuous story about a trauma-infused woman's guide to sobriety.

This book was soul (sooo!) good!

Elisa speaks of her days as an agent representing superstars, days when her drug of choice took over, and days in her recovery as she came to terms with her trauma and her sobriety. She also speaks of the days after as she found her soul's purpose in helping others in recovery.

I loved the writing. I loved how this author was not afraid to go deep into sharing her story, and I loved how she wasn't afraid to share her vulnerability. This was truly an awesome book that I'll read again.

Thank you to the author, Netgalley, and publisher for allowing me to read and review. I highly recommend this to anyone who has battled addiction personally, or know someone who has, or for someone who really just wants an awesome book to read.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Hachette Go for my copy of this book! Pub date: December 6, 2022

I was immediately intrigued by the title & description of this book, as a woman in sobriety. I've managed many times to find time in sobriety only then to relapse, not understanding underlying causes of my relapses. Soulbriety highlights Elisa (Lisa) Hallerman's profound thought on the fifth-year anniversary of her sobriety, as she recognized she was not feeling fulfilled as a sober woman. With sobriety and freedom from addiction, comes this idea that you will have peace of mind and clarity, yet she couldn't seem to pinpoint it. Soulbriety takes a deep dive into what Soulbriety means and how trauma, unaddressed and/or suppressed can lead to a dangerous path of addiction & mental illness: "They relapse because of what lies underneath the addiction. What I call the what and the why: what they are running from; why they are willing to destroy themselves. And the answer to the questions what and why, more often than not, is trauma."

Coupled with her own anecdotes and stories, Hallerman leads a great discussion of such an important topic. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone struggling with addiction, or anyone who is living a life beyond their wildest dreams in sobriety.

#NetGalley #Soulbriety

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