Member Reviews

Devouring Darkness by Chloe Neill is the perfect blend of action and danger. It is a great continuation of Elisa’s story and I absolutely loved it.

For those of you who haven’t yet read Chicagoland Vampires, this series is a spinoff of that one. I highly recommend reading the original Chicagoland Vampires before tackling this series. It has vampires, werewolves, witches, fae, humans, and this all happens in Chicago, hence the title of course. I highly recommend reading Chicagoland Vampires. It’s an Urban Fantasy that has paranormal as well as romantic aspects and that I’ve read so many times I lost count.

But going back to what this book is about. Like every one of these books, each book is its own story and is really strong with a beginning and a closing. Usually you don’t feel as if you’ve been left hanging every time a book ends, and I absolutely love that about these stories. It means that you don’t want to pull your hair out as you anxiously wait for the next book. So, I started book four with a sense of the world, the characters and the danger, and no ongoing issues that needed a resolution right away. That just makes it very interesting for me because each story is a new one.

However, I have to admit that there is a shift in how this story ends. We get a really good sense of what will happen next to our dear characters and now I cannot wait to read the next book! Just like her mother and father, Elisa is slowly becoming the go to person that resolves everybody’s problems. She is always in the thick of it. Elisa continues true to herself, and she is battling out dangers left and right in the Ombudsman office, now that she is a full employee with them. At her side through every battle we have Connor, the sexy Prince of the Shifters.

Connor is the perfect partner for Elisa, and I absolutely adore all the moments that we have between these two. But, I really wish we had a bit more heat between them. A little bit more of those sexy scenes that make me fall in love with the couple so much more. But don’t worry, we do get some awesome toe-curling scenes that make me love this couple.

Action wise, this one really just hits the ground running, and makes it so easy for me to become hooked in like two seconds flat. We also get to see and live the life of the Pack a bit more in this story. And, not everything is going great for the Apex of the North American Pack and its’ Prince. Turmoil makes things that much more interesting and it gives Connor a bit more to handle during this book. We get to see pack dynamics and what Connor’s role is in all of this.

And as a last point, I feel we finally start touching a bit more on who Lulu is and what kind of role she plays in Elisa’s life as well as her being true to herself and who she really is. I loved Lulu’s development and I loved that we are slowly getting to know her a bit more with each new book.

in conclusion

Overall, a great continuation of this series, and one I thoroughly enjoyed reading. I will be quietly counting the days until we can have the next one in our hands.

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Another exciting and intriguing installment of the series. Connor and Elise are great together and I love how as the series progresses, the "Heirs" are stepping up and into their own roles and becoming who they're meant to be. The author still has a few mysteries up her sleeve that haven't been solved yet. I hope we get that in the next and, unfortunately, final book of the series. I will deeply miss all these wonderful characters. I hope there are plans for the otherworldly creatures of Chicagoland!

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Where do I begin? As a major fan of the Chicagoland series, I had high expectations for the Heirs of Chicagoland. So far, no complaints here. Starting a spin-off of a beloved book series is a lot of pressure, but (in my opinion) Ms. Neill has consistently hit the mark with each book she writes. Since Wild Hunger, Elisa Sullivan has established herself as an individual and independently working as an Ombudsman, rather than relying on her family name and influence. The latest job required picking up a troubled sorceress to undergo Witness Protection, but unfortunately, things don't go according to plan. Elisa, her Ombuddy, and the target are a mob of ghosts. Unfortunately, the trouble does not end there. A chain reaction of chaos ensues and it's up to Elisa and the other Ombudsmans to figure out what's going on and how to fix the issue.

While Elisa has her hands full with the top threat to Chicago, Connor has his own problems. Trouble is brewing among the pack. Visiting pack members are aiming for the position of Apex and have been sowing the seeds of mutiny. Connor is smart enough not to get swept up in pack politics, but these mutineers don't give him much choice. With Connor dating Elisa, several pack members feel that Connor isn't the right choice for Apex after his father's reign. Everything comes to a head when a challenge from the mutineers is issued. Commence fighting!

Coming back to Elisa and Connor's relationship, I feel that most of their issues have been settled in the previous books. They've admitted their feelings for each other and despite their young age (in comparison to their elders), they have a clear understanding of where the other stands. They support each other while they each go through their own separate battles, so to speak. However, this doesn't mean that everything was fine. Their relationship's longevity has been brought up on several occasions, particularly in this book. Despite knowing where Connor stands, Elisa fixates on his mortality. Due to her unique birth, no one knows how long Elisa's lifespan is, but most people assume that she'll have a longer lifespan than the average shifter. Connor's female suitors point this out every chance they get. Eventually, Connor and Elisa have a heart to heart, for which I am thankful for. Communication is key!

Side note, in this book, Lulu Bell has more impact. In previous books, I thought she was relegated to the peanut gallery rather than a solid side character. Previously, she's been portrayed as someone who was aware of her mother's past mistakes with dark magic and let that fear dictate her actions. Supposedly, Lulu didn't practice magic for fear of repeating her mother's mistakes. This time around, with limited options and resources, Lulu steps up to help Elisa. By the book's ending, the major conflict was resolved and Connor's status in the Pack hierarchy is cemented in stone. With this being the fourth book, everything was wrapped up nicely, but of course, the cliffhanger at the end leaves enough wiggle room for book 5 (which was confirmed by the author herself via Facebook). WOOHOO!

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A goodbye to a wonderful series and world. I hope that Chloe Neill writes more! I have so many questions!

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Chloe Neill could write hundreds of books connected to the Chicagoland series and I will keep reading them!

Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an arc for an honest review!

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4.5 Hearts
SJ, Romance Junkies

In the fourth book in Chloe Neill's Heirs of Chicagoland series, born-vampire Elisa Sullivan happens upon an ancient evil during the course of her job, an evil that intends harm to her family and friends. One that might not be able to be stopped.

Elisa is the daughter of the powerful Cadogan House leaders. She works as an ombudsman (think supernatural police) and is dating the heir of the North American Central Pack's leader. Unfortunately, there's trouble brewing with her boyfriend's pack, made worse by the fact he's dating a vampire.

Something powerful is trying to invade Chicago, and it has demon stink all over it. And even worse, Elisa's parents and her friends' parents, while congregating at Cadogan House, have all disappeared...including the house! There's evil at work, and if Elisa isn't careful, she might just lose everyone she loves.
This story is best read after the others in this series, so you can fully understand the relationships between Elisa and her friends and family. The author does a fantastic job of showing the world Elisa lives in, as well as the character growth Elisa has displayed since the beginning of the series.

DEVOURING DARKNESS is a fantastic paranormal romance and must-read for fans of the Heirs of Chicagoland series.

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I received a copy of this book for review from NetGalley. I really thought going in that this was the last book in the series, but I'm happy to be wrong. Devouring Darkness is an action packed book, where poor Elisa is hit with everything but the kitchen sink. (Because that goes missing.) We've got witches, vampires,werewolves, demons, ghosts, sentient weapons, and many, many fight scenes. It was fun, and occasionally stressful, but I will probably return to this book in the future.

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This book is the best of Elisa & Connor so far! Something just clicked for me at this point in their tale and now I am 100% team ElCon? team ConElisa? Whatever the name, I’m on board!

Elisa is still adapting to working for the supernatural cops. Connor is, too, but he’s got his hands full with rowdy pack mates, trying to prove he’s got what it takes to be the next alpha, and some interlopers showing up to cause even more drama. They still manage to find time to have a solid relationship, which just seems impossible with all the other baggage they both have. It was nice to see. Lulu also has her own drama in this book, what with the resurfacing of her parents for a visit and a new spotlight on her powers.

The larger story here is about a demon who wants to take over Chicago (don’t they all?). Turns out that there are wards that were set up to keep such a thing from happening that were not really shared with the current paranormals. When they start popping up, everyone is understandably freaked out. It gets worse when Elisa and company suddenly find themselves without their key allies and sources of information. Don’t worry - they manage to figure their way out of it in the end, but it was a nail biter!

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I’ve enjoyed Chloe Neill’s other novels so I knew I would enjoy the latest edition to the Heirs of Chicagoland series. I immediately found the action riveting, the characters engaging, and the story exhilarating and fun. One of the things I like the best is that this isn’t your typical Vampire novel. While it does have plenty of paranormal characters, Chloe Neill adds a unique spin to the trope, with Elisa born a vampire and unusual magic. 

In this particular book, Chloe Neill delves into demons. While the intrigue and tension are very real and the threat to Chicago the driving force of the novel, I also especially appreciated the level of detail into the concept of demons and how Elisa and her Ombudsman colleagues go about researching and figuring out a solution to the high level threat in their midst. The magic is realistic and the end of the novel powerful and intriguing. 

Personally, even if I didn’t love her other novels, I would have been hooked by the ending of this novel. I can’t wait to read more. If you like the other novels in the series, this book will keep you on the edge of your seat, you will love the exhilarating and fun ride along with the amazing characters.

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Elisa and Connor are perfect as a couple, this book was incredible, itw as full of intensity sexual or not and the fact that the new generation has to fight for their parents was awesome. I liked that Lulu was more present in this book.
I love so many things in this book, the love between Connor and Elisa, the pack, the friendship, the family and so many other things.
And the end was amazing, i’m so impatient to read the next book.
I need at least 3 more books about Elisa and Connor.
This book is for all the Chicagoland Vampire’s fan.

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Devouring Darkness by Chloe Neill is the fourth novel in the Heir of Chicagoland series. This is a spinoff of Neill’s Chicagoland Vampire series featuring the next generation. Danger, snark, friendship, romance and a paranormal entity threatening Chicago gave way to an exciting installment that left me craving more…

While each story in the Heir of Chicagoland series features a case to be solved, I truly recommend beginning with book one, Wild Hunger. The overall series arc, friendships, and of course the romance are best served fresh from the beginning. At the time of writing this review, one more installment was contracted with the publisher.

The story starts off slowly as Elisa Sullivan and her Ombudsman partner are asked to rescue an informant who has been compromised. All goes well until they are attacked. We and the Ombudsman have little information after the attack, but a part of Chicago was destroyed. The young woman they rescued is missing and her partner has been injured. We muddle through picking up clues and face another attack where the villain is revealed. On the third attack, things really pick up and I found myself completely invested. In fact, from the fifty percent mark, I could not set this one down.

I love each of the heirs individually and throughout the series we’ve gotten to know them and witness growth, bonding and seeing them work as a team. Their friendship and alliances have proven how well they work together, and in Devouring Darkness, they truly must not only work together, but trust each other. Threats to the shifters increase the pressure, as does a slight rifle with the fae. I loved seeing Elisa bring her A game.

The romance between Connor and Elisa continues to strengthen and we some significant development. And Lulu… oh my, that girl really comes into her own and shines in this one. LOL

I thought the storyline was well done, as it kept me on the edge of my seat. We see a solid, unrushed conclusion before getting hints of things to come. Neill left me excited about the next book.

Fans of the Chicagoland Vampires, urban fantasy and paranormal romances will want to add Devouring Darkness and the Heir of Chicagoland to their bookshelves.

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Chloe Neill continues the Hairs of Chicagoland series with Devouring Darkness. Elisa Sullivan has to taken on a demon who has exiled into nothingness her family and Cadogan House. Her lover, the shifter heir Connor Keene is challenged by visiting shifters who are messing with the pack. Both have to concentrate on containing and banishing the demon and getting Cadogan House back. Lots of supernatural activities and romance. Exciting thriller in paranormal Chicago.

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The newest Chicago area Ombuds office member, Elisa Sullivan, is out on the job to aid an informant whose identity has been discovered when she inadvertently activates a spell designed to protect the city from an ancient foe. With the enemy now on the loose, and causing chaos in their wake, Elisa and Co will have to dig deep into Chicago's past to try to discover how to save its future.

I've really enjoyed this spinoff series, Chloe Neill has done a great job in keeping with the same feeling that started in the first series but still making this series and characters its own entity. Devouring Darkness definitely makes a big comment on how separate the OG characters are from the newer ones (you'll understand once you read it) and rightfully so as you cannot only rely on where you came from but have to forge your own path which is something Elisa has certainly done.

One huge thing is the Elisa and Connor relationship. I love how their story has its own path and we didn't get a rehash of Merit and Ethan. It's difficult to have a couple pair off in the first book in the series because a lot of times the slow-burn makes for such a great read, but I think it pays off in seeing a couple navigate a relationship - and all its ups and downs - from the beginning. It's not always easy for Elisa and Connor, but seeing them work through whatever is thrown their way is the best kind of romance read.

With a setting like Chicago, I love the history. I like excavating through the past and the time that came before, we get a bit of that within Devouring Darkness, but I could always use more.

Of all the books in the series thus far, this one feels the most like the bridge book. By that I mean a book that by itself doesn't outwardly move a lot, but leads you into the next book or the next arc of the series. Because of everything that happened, I still felt like there's so much more to come, so much that's been started/opened in this book that wasn't completely dealt with. This isn't a bad thing, I'm super excited to see what Chloe Neill has next for us and the book still had plenty of exciting moments, but I'm left thinking more about the possibilities of what's to come than what just transpired.

Overall, another good entry in the series, I love where the story has come from and can't wait to see where it goes next!

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I enjoyed this book. It is the first I've read by this author. I am glad I've found another urban fantasy author to read. While this is book 4, I didn't feel it impacted my enjoyment of the book. I look forward to reading the previous books.

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for my eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I just love Elisa and Connor, and Devouring Darkness does an excellent job bringing them together to fight evil, but also showcasing their unique differences.

Elisa Sullivan and her ombudsman partner, Theo, is sent to rescue a woman from a nearby town. Everything runs fairly smoothly until they enter Chicago, triggering a defense mechanism designed to keep a specific chaos demon out. Elisa and her team are now in a desperate race to identify and contain the demon.

I really like Elisa’s ombuds team so much. They are interesting, diverse characters that fill out the story, in addition to providing valuable backup and support. Elisa’s friendship with Lulu has plenty of parallels to their mothers’ friendship. Lulu gets a chance to shine and make some important decisions for herself.

Elisa and Connor’s steadfastness and trust in each other carry the plot and solidifies my belief, as the reader, that they will prevail, no matter what. Connor’s story takes an interesting turn and I really look forward to seeing how Elisa and Connor will deal with all the obstacles in their way.

The demon is a proper scary and powerful adversary. Unpredictable too, you never know what chaos is going to happen next.

The action and suspense pick up pace a bit later in the book, and then it’s nail-biting time until the end. Cliffhanger endings are so frustrating and this one is a doozy. I am now impatiently waiting for the next book.
This is book four in the Heirs of Chicagoland series. I think it’s best to start with book one, as there are relationships and other situations that change and develop over time. It will be worth it to start with the Chicagoland Vampires series that chronicles the story of Elisa’s and Connor’s parents.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This review was originally posted on Books of My Heart

Review copy was received from NetGalley. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

The Heirs of Chicagoland series continues with the next generation in Chicago. I am enjoying learning about them as individuals. They have various strengths and issues. The characters are developed a bit more in each book. We see Elisa having more political skills to work with other species. I've been enjoying the stories and it seems clear there will be more. I would read the series in order, like most urban fantasy.

Devouring Darkness has a new threat to Chicago. The main villain is not clear until problems happen. The Ombuds search in a variety of ways to get information which will help them. It seems kind of disorganized. While destruction is happening, they don't seem to have a way to contain the perpetrator even if found.

Things only get worse. There are rabblerousers trying to fight Connor as the heir to the Pack. They disparage Elisa and vampires, blaming them for current problems. The situation is chaos until they uncover a bit of information.

Connor and Elisa, along with their friends work to solve the current issues. Lulu is more help than expected. Elisa understands more about herself. Unfortunately, the ending points out that someone is going to try again.....

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You have no idea how glad I was to get back to Chicagoland with Elisa, Connor, and Lulu. This time... the action takes a different turn, and I have to say seeing this trio on their own... was a very poignant glimpse in to the future of this series!

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Thank you to Berkley pub and NetGalley for this earc

This book wasn’t bad. But also it didn’t make my heart bit faster.

I am a huge of the original Chicagoland series. But Heirs are just not as good. Don’t get me wrong. It’s nice to read about a more or less normal vampire girl with a normal shifter boyfriend and they are pretty stable relationship. But. I still not sure how to feel about the fact that’s she’s immortal and he’s not. In the past, Chloe Neill found ways out of these situations but honestly this time around, I don’t think there’s one.

Also, with the main problem in this book, timing of everything was just a little too convenient for me. Everything happened by the minute and didn’t make me stress, which is a good storyline should do at least once in the book.

And the monster. There is been 4 books now and we still don’t know much about it.

Overall, it was cute but I didn’t love it

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Is this the end of this series? I hope not. Elisa and Connor are thrown into a situation that they must resolve by a deadline without the help or support of their parents. The series has been building up to Elisa and Connor moving up in supernatural politics and trouble management. This is the one where they show their mettle. There are also reveals that make me nervous because this is the 2nd to the last book in the series. My understanding is that the next book will be the last. Sadness.

Elisa and Connor's relationship deepens as they bond through the adversity thrown at them. Elisa is investigating and trying to solve a new big bad that has come into Chicago. Her job spills into her personal life as her parents become unwilling hostages. What surprised me is Lulu's parents and her involvement. I always thought there was something a bit odd with Lulu, given her parents. The truth is revealed and it is a doozy. As reveals go, Elisa is still keeping her "monster" in the closet. This subplot receives a tiny bit of attention that whets a reader's appetite. I wish there would be more.

What I do enjoy is the magic aspect of this and how an entire city is protected unbeknownst to the paranormals. The science of it and how this defense is maintained geeked me out. I loved the concept. I loved how the caretakers changed over the years. There is so much more to tell about this world.

Elisa and Connor's romance is shaken as the pointed facts are shoved into their faces regarding their life span. This is a quandary and I wonder how it will be resolved. Still, werewolves are sniffing around the "prince" and Elisa gives a good smackdown. Her declaration of "Mine" is amusing and rocks. This is a perfect blend of urban fantasy with a dash of romance. This book is recommended to fantasy readers who enjoy coming-of-age themes.

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The Scooby gang finds themselves in a pickle when an ancient evil wakes up and the Pack discovers betrayal in their midst. Plenty of action, suspense, humor, and of course romance bolster the struggle to save Chicago and the Pack where choices will be made that will change them all.

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