Member Reviews

In this rather traditionally (but expertly so) rendered narrative, McEwan remixes parts of his own life experiences to ponder what influences a person's development and destiny throughout their lives. Main character Roland is a drifter whose life has been impacted by the decisions of two women: For one, there is his piano teacher, who starts sexually abusing him when he is 14 - for the rest of his life, Roland is not able to clearly categorize this experience. Then, there is his first wife Alissa, the mother of his son, who leaves him and the 7-month-old infant behind to fulfill her ambition to become a writer. Still, these traumatic events do not fully define Roland; rather, he is often torn between using his agency and letting things slide, trying to get by as a pianist, a tennis coach or a poet. Overall, McEwan shows the life of a more or less ordinary man who stumbles through life while being impacted by personal tragedies and also, to some degree, historic events that reverberate in his direct surroundings.

These connections between the personal and the political are played out regarding all characters in the family: Roland's father works for the military, he spends his first years in Singapore and Libya; Alissa's father was connected to the Nazi resistance group Weiße Rose; both men treat their wives badly. The son is born in 1986, the year of Chernobyl; Roland is in Berlin in 1989 when the wall comes down. Twice, Roland is confronted with police investigations: First, he is suspected to be connected to the disappearance of his first wife; then, he is (rightfully) suspected to be the victim of sexual abuse by his piano teacher.

McEwan has written an epic story, his longest novel yet, and it really takes a careful and patient reader to follow him through this elaborate, detailed panorama. Of course, it is extremely well written, and to illuminate the life lines of an average person is the whole point, but I was not the perfect match as a reader: I was longing for a little more drive, more concise writing.

Nevertheless, Ian McEwan is clearly one of the best British writers working today.

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I could not finish enough of this book to be able to leave a comprehensive review, but I hope it finds its audience and I am grateful to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy.

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I liked this book because it kept me engaged. I could understand Roland’s confusion when he had the interlude with his piano teacher, and the difficulty caring for an infant when his wife left him. Twice rejected , he does finally seem to come to grips with his life and moves on.

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Unfortunately, I abandoned this book after 60% and several months.

I enjoyed the beginning, the main character’s childhood and school days, I had also been enjoying the mystery of where the main character’s wife is… until it seems to be resolved too abruptly.

However, as the book progressed it really got bogged down in history and politics and I found the Germany parts to be tedious. The jumping around in time also got a little confusing.

Perhaps if it had been shorter, I would have finished this book – I’ve enjoyed many Ian McEwan novels and was enjoying parts of this one – but my reading time is too short and too precious.

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The focus of this book is Roland, an Englishman who does not have a lot of direction or motivation, but his early childhood piano lessons prove to be formative. This Ian McEwan novel is a bit slower than his others, but beautifully written. It takes about 100 pages to truly get into the plot, so don’t give up- enjoy the writing until then. Learning about Roland’s relationship with the people around him lets you form many different opinions of him. Like him or not, though, this in an interesting read. I would have rated it higher, but it took me too long to get “into” this 400 page book.
Thank you NetGalley for a ARC.

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Lessons is a story of childhood sexual abuse of a boy by a woman. The boy is an adolescent, experiencing all the normal adolescent boy desires, and is easily seduced by his teacher who has planned this abuse for a number of years. We learn the details bit by bit as the story goes back and forth from present-day to revisited memories. Roland has buried the shame and excitement of his abuse but he is unable to focus in his life. Damage has been done. He lives his life amid the backdrop of the cold war, afraid to look too closely into why he makes the decisions he does. His wife abandons him and their infant son to write a best-seller, attaining Roland’s dream while leaving him stuck. Despite its subject, this is a beautiful story. McEwan’s talent for building the intimate lives of families in the context of their circumstances in history and societal norms is extraordinary. This is a long read, and it was painful at times. Thank you to NetGalley and Knopf for the opportunity to provide an unbiased review in exchange for an advance copy.

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This one wasn’t for me, unfortunately. I love On Chesil Beach, Atonement, Nutshell, and other McEwan books, but I didn’t connect with this novel. The writing was without humor, and meandered around a story rather than telling it. I found Roland a little tiresome.

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Let me start by saying I love Ian McEwan. I've always enjoyed his writing style, and the stories he creates. Sadly, Lessons was not for me. I tried to read it but couldn't get into the writing. I decided to try it in audio once it was out. While the first chapter had me engaged, I almost immediately lost interest close to the end. I kept pushing through, but ultimately DNF'd around the 20% mark. I couldn't connect to Roland, and while it was incredibly descriptive, I found myself bored.

I'm sure I'll be in the minority here because I've already seen some pretty great reviews of it, and maybe I'll go back to it someday. But right now, it's not for me.

Thank you to Knopf Publishing and NetGalley for the eARC and for providing me with the opportunity to provide my honest opinion.

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DNF at 24%
The writing was descriptive and beautiful but it was too tedious for me and I couldn’t find myself connecting with Roland at all which made the tedium not worth it

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Ian McEwan’s newest novel breaks down a lot of mores surrounding our culture in the vibrancy of the twentieth century. It is chronologically thematic as much as it is emotionally jarring as McEwan turns the tides of abuse to reflect the rarely seen ways in which men can be just as the victims of emasculation and use by women as women are. This is a book of a life of a man whose confusing sexual and emotional abuse in his childhood becomes a vein that runs through the rest of his life’s experiences and choices, oftentimes not entirely sure as to why he is making the decisions he is that are sure to self-sabotage his future.

As a child, Rolan Baines is exposed to manipulative sexual encounters by his much older piano teacher. To him, they are confounding and even exciting, completely unaware that he was only one of many victims of the predatory female teacher. He reflects on this as he also tries to raise his son in a consistent and loving environment without his son’s mother who abandoned them to pursue a free literary and artistic life abroad. Every action Baines pursues in his professional, personal, familial, and sexual life seems to stem from a series of abandonments completely rooted in his own trauma. In the search for happiness and his own redemption, he is left with many more questions than answers on a road to disappointment and confusion with what little in his life he finds rewarding. Combine this with unavoidable social, geopolitical, and local events of the 20th Century, and Baines is stuck living with his face just above the surface of the water, trying to keep himself and his son afloat as his past tries to pull him underwater for good.

I really enjoyed this book. McEwan is back to his lofty prose and complex interiority that I enjoyed from his earlier novels. As a novelist who often uses the fallout of a striking trauma to guide the deep characterization and events of his stories, this one is a bit more subtle than some of the others. Lessons is a study of a man living in a world where he has found himself surrounded by misandrists that don’t care or respect him, and in many ways, it is his choices based on his past and the events of the world around him that have led him to find himself in relationship and social quandary after quandary. McEwan’s prose is exquisite, and he can incorporate the events of Baines’ pre-connected world into the modern with ease and grace, but no clear answers. Being a novel about the abuse and subjugation of men, specifically men that are in touch with their emotional identity after suffering serious traumas and barely making it through in a world that everyone seems to think is built for them, I thought this piece is necessary and timely today. McEwan is a master, as always.

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This tome took me so long to get through. This felt like a huge understanding, documenting Roland’s life - his pitfalls, strengths, ambitions, and mistakes. It was a lot. I will say many portions of this felt…extra long and drug out, but the ending gave me exactly what I needed after chugging along and working through this. I felt like it was a bit too long - not necessarily in pages but just drawn out sections of the same old same old.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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McEwan is a master, this book is a masterpiece. I loved every single word. This book is so good and I just want to forgot it and read it again. And than again. And than again.
I cannot describe how good this book is. Please read it and than talk to me about it.
Love love love!

Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC!

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I love Ian McEwan. I did not, however, love this book. It felt very stuffy to me, and I did not finish.

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While I have read and enjoyed Ian McEwan in the past, I just could not get into this book. The beginning was painfully slow and just did not grab me. Perhaps in the future it will resonate with me. DNF.

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DNF. Interesting premise, but the beginning dragged and I couldn’t get into the story. Will appeal to fans of Ian McEwan’s previous work.

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I love love love Ian McEwan, but I just have not been in the mood for this book the past few months. I hope that I'll come back and read it again someday, but for now, it is a DNF.

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Lessons spans the life of Protagonist Roland Baines and the events that occur in his teenage years that shaped his life.

Longer than his usual novels, this book is slower moving but for lovers of descriptive writing and character development this book will not disappoint.

Thank you Knopf Doubleday and NetGalley for an ARC.

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This book tracks Roland Baines from his childhood to old age. The author interweaves Roland’s life with a lot of significant historical events, up to COVID. I had a hard time getting into this book and skimmed part of the first half. At lot of time was spent on Roland’s molestation (at 11) and seduction (at 14 or 15) by his piano teacher Miriam. I so wanted Miriam to go to prison. I also disliked Roland’s selfish first wife, who abandoned Roland and their infant son.

I enjoy the author’s writing style, but it wasn’t until the last third of this book, probably beginning with Roland’s reckoning with the havoc that Miriam caused, that I started to like this book. The depiction of Roland’s relationship with his second wife was both realistic and quite moving, and I thought that the end of the book was very satisfying.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher.

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I’m sorry but I DNF this one. I tried but had a really hard time reading it and just couldn’t get into a groove. That’s not to say anything about the content of the story. It just didn’t work for me.

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Thank you NetGalley for this advanced copy.

Reading Hearts Invisible Furies was such a wonderful experience, I just had to read Lessons.

It was nothing that I expected at all. The sexual abuse and repeated sexual encounters that were described throughout the book in great detail were not pleasant to experience.

There was great character development and plot development. Parts of the book were very overly descriptive and excessive.

This is the story of Roland and his life from the time he is 14 and in private school until he is an elderly man. He experiences many international conflicts and wars and many changes of life and society. This is a story of complex relationships that keep coming back to you at various stages of life.

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