Member Reviews

DNF @ 27% - I really wanted to love this. I'd been told I could read it as a standalone. At this moment, I disagree. I had a very difficult time keeping track of who's who. I also really wanted just one romantic story line to keep track of.

The narration is fine, but not super well done. The audio production would have benefitted from multiple narrators.

Overall, this was a miss for me.

Thanks yo Netgalley for my complimentary e-arc. All opinions here are my own.

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Worthy of a Legend is the third book in The Secrets of the Isles series. Roseanna M. White delivers historical fiction full of adventure that incorporates romance, Arthurian legends, and a faith-filled message. I have not read the first two books in the series but look forward to reading them as I await the next book by White. Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

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As they seek out the whereabouts of the hidden artifact, they must dodge her family and a team of archaeologists. In a race against time, it is up to them to decide what makes a hero worthy of legend. I really enjoyed the hunt and the secrets and, how will that problem play out in this story. Great characters and so interesting following the interaction between them all in the hunt for the artifact,

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This was such a delightful read! I had to put off picking this book up for a while after I got it, but I’m glad I finally got around to it. It was fun being with all these characters again, and following along on another treasure hunt. Of the three books in this series, I think this book’s focus was my favorite—I’ve loved King Arthur, Robin Hood, and some of the other British legends since my early school years, so it was fun to spend an entire book focused on one of these.

The faith element in this story felt slightly stronger than in some of the other books in this series, which I appreciated. There was one particular scene where that really stood out to me (which I won’t reveal, because of #spoilers), but overall, it was well done.

I can’t wait to see what other books Roseanna M. White has up her sleeve! I’ve read two of her books back-to-back in these last few weeks (something I hardly ever do), and I’m a little sad I don’t have another one in my TBR stack to follow these! Oh, well. If you enjoy mysteries and romance with a faith element, this could be a great series for you.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book, and this is my honest opinion of it.

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Roseanna M. White is a gifted writer and an amazing story teller. Pick up Worthy of Legend, make yourself a cup of tea, and settle in for a delightful afternoon of storytelling - but don't get too comfortable! There are pirates, crazy family scandal, daring adventure....and did I mention, love and treasure?

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This is part of a series. Do yourself a favor. If you have not read the first two books in the series you need to go grab them and read them before reading this book. They really and truly do flow together as extensions of each other so you need to read them in order. You'll feel a bit lost if you just pop in at the start of book three.

This book focuses on Lady Emily Scofield. She's had a supporting role prior and been a bit of a double agent. Not that she was working for both sides, but that she didn't realize that it was her family against her friend. When she chooses friend over family her family is not happy at all, and that's an understatement. They cut her off. No money, no support.

But yet she doesn't feel she's truly a part of her friends. They view her with a bit of scepticism.

Bram is now part of the search and the crew. He's an Earl who happens to have a proclivity to King Arthur and all things ancient. He loves archaeology as well. Now he's in on the search and fast becoming friends with and falling for Lady Emily.

But can he protect her from her dastardly brother all while finding a way to keep them all safe?

This book read incredibly fast and I really didn't even want it to end. It was with mixed feelings that I read the last page. I loved seeing Lady Emily come into her own and find out who she is and what she wants. I also really loved Bram's character as well!

You definitely need to read this series and all of the books by Roseanna White!

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received through Netgalley. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.

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Oh wow, this was so satisfying as a conclusion to the Secrets of the Isles series. I feel this author nailed the treasure hunt, the secrets, the subterfuge, the friendships, and all the action to make it a page turner. I highly recommend this whole series if you enjoy witty banter, characters who will touch your heart, life lessons we all need to be daily reminded of, and swoon worthy romance. Bram was one of my favorite characters because he wasn’t bigger than life – he was written so perfectly as one of those who accomplishes so much behind scenes and is the “bigger than life” hero without the showmanship. I will be reading this series again! I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers and this is my own opinion.

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A wonderful ending to the Secrets of the Isles series!

I have to admit, though, that I enjoyed the first two books in the series much more. This one was a rather slow read and lacked some of the complexity and good feels that I've come to expect in a novel written by this oh-so talented author.

That aside, it was still an interesting plot, a fun revisit to the islands, and a satisfying ending to the series!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Worthy of Legend is a wonderful story! Filled with good friends, treasure, and a mystery that needs solved. It was also really interesting getting a closer look into the lives of Emily and Bram. Even though Emily may have looked like she led a privileged life from the outside, her life had been anything but easy. She went through many hard things, and watching how she handled them was pretty inspiring.

Bram was also a really great character. With his unique way of doing things, and his habit of rescuing animals, it lead to some interesting plot twists. I have really enjoyed this series by Roseanna White, and I look forward to seeing what she writes next!

I received this book free through NetGalley from Bethany House Publishers for my honest review. The opinions are my own.

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Worthy of Legend provides a lovely conclusion to The Secrets of the Isles series. Emily and Bram are officially my favorite characters in this series. Their story is sweet and readers cannot help but root for them through to the very last page. In true Roseanna M White fashion, this is a character driven plot with plenty of historical tidbits thrown in along the way. This novel is a sweet romance, with a slower pace, intended for historical fiction fans in the mood for a relaxing read. Readers are once again transported to the Isles of Scilly through a story filled with treasure hunts and of course romance.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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Due to the reasons I did not finish The Nature of a Lady I will not be continuing this series though it saddens me.

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Roseanna White is a favorite of mine. Has been pretty much since I read the first book of hers. But this story? Well, the message here is one of my favorites. Love. We have such an idea of what love is all about, and yet White comes in with Worth of Legend and reminds us of what love should be all about. The way that Bram cares for, protects, and speaks to Emily is just, wow. I don't know that I can put words to it.

And here's the thing - Bram is no saint. I mean us romantics at heart would like to think so. Knight in shining armor and all that (which he really is!), but he had his own growth going on here. Spiritually I mean. And I think perhaps that what spoke to me on such high levels here. About mid way of the book, Bram realizes that he's more than just a Lord. He's a person. And don't we in society today place such stock on titles and status? It's embarrassing really. I'm so glad White wrote this into the story. I'm sure some readers glazed over it, or perhaps I'm overthinking it. But it really got me right where it counts. And isn't that why we love to read Christian Fiction? I know I do.

Worthy of Legend has everything we love from White - great characters, fabulous faith message, tons of historical tidbits, adventure, and more. This was an outstanding read. One that will sit with me for years to come. I received a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was my first opportunity to read something by this author and I really enjoyed it. Ms. White did a great job of pulling me in and making the story and characters come to life. I enjoyed learning about King Arthur and his knights as Bram and Emily and the other characters tried to put together the puzzle and piece together the legends to uncover the greatest treasure. Emily's family has betrayed her in the past, and she must keep these new discoveries a secret from them. In the end they must decide if keeping the treasure is important enough to let true love to slip away.
The characters were lovely and well-defined and I enjoyed all their interactions and dialogues. I found the pacing just a bit slow in the beginning, but it didn't take long to get fully immersed in the story. I liked the way Bram had faith in Emily when her own family had let her down and he was really there for her, building her spirits back up. He never let their slander sink into her, and always helped her see the truth.
This story was beautifully crafted and had me captivated from start to finish. This author has definitely made my TBR list and I will definitely be looking for more of her work.
I received a complimentary copy from Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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Journey to isles near the coast of England and search for lost treasure! I felt sorry for Lady Emily Scofield whose father and brother had never shown her love and her mother seemed afraid to stand up to her husband! I admired Emily for learning to stand up to her father. Earl Bram Sinclair was an amazing male protagonist whose knowledge of King Arthur was outstanding. I enjoyed joining Emily and Bram as they attempt to find the hidden treasure before Emily's brother! Lady Emily learns that the Lord God knows her name and has given her wings! I received a complimentary e-book through NetGalley. This is my honest opinion.

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This series has been wonderful, with the on going hunt for pirate treasure, and fun band of friends. In Worthy of Legend, there are rumors of the Isles of Scilly being linked to Camelot. I enjoyed reading this story and seeing Emily bloom as a character. I love seeing unsuspecting characters become the heroine or hero in a series! Both Bram and Emily are wonderful, as they work together with their unique talents to solve to mystery of the Isles.

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Title: Worthy of Legend

Author: Roseanna M White

Ch: 26 plus epilogue

Pg: 364

Series: Secret of the Isles

Genre: Christian historical fiction, Christian Historical Romance

Rating: 4 stats

Publisher: Bethany House

I have to say that this was my favorite of the series. And it was a great ending to an awesome series. Everything tied up nicely at least it seemed like it to me. I enjoyed the trip to the Scilly isles and meeting all the characters.

Though I have to say that Bram might just be my favorite hero from the series from his stance on bullies. That quote was my favorite from the book. And he was the one that seemed the most changed.It’s bitter sweet to end this series but I don’t think I’ll ever forget the characters I meet in these books. And the wisdom shared.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher as part of a blog tour I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

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Worthy of Legend is a well written historical romance. Great plot and character dynamics. I recommend this book. My thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for my book. This is my unbiased review.

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I was so happy to return to the Isles of Scilly with it's pirate adventure and lovable characters!

Lady Emily Scofield has had to choose sides in the hunt for treasure and has chosen to be against her brother and father. Consequently, her Father cuts her off abruptly and she and her maid, Briggs, must conserve food and try to survive while saving face with their new friends. Nigel continues to harass Emily and we discover some more unfortunate flaws in her not dear brother.

We originally met Bram Sinclair, Earl of Telford, in book 1 and he came across as a protective, grumpy older brother. I loved learning about his sleep schedule and discovering where some of these character traits came from. In this novel, Bram's protectiveness extends to quiet Emily. Watching their friendship develop was incredibly enjoyable. I especially loved learning Bram's taste in King Arthur! This added a fascinating element to the story and that and his sleep issues made him more relatable to me.

I love that White brings secondary character's stories to the forefront of her novels and allows several different stories to be told within each book in this series.

This entire series, set in 1906, was a wonderful escape! This book can be read as a standalone but I would recommend reading the series in order. Roseanna M White has masterfully brought characters to life who are relatable and I truly feel like I am part of their circle in the many treasure hunts that take place over the course of this series. I highly recommend this book and entire series!

I received a complementary book from the author and publisher. I was not required to write a review. All thoughts are my own.

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I admired Lady Emily Scofield as she seeks the Lord’s guidance in dealing with her family’s cruelty. Emily stands her ground in what she believes, no matter what her father does to her..

Bram Sinclair has never seen such a strong, courageous woman as Lady Emily Scofield He’s shocked by the mistreatment Emily has endured by the hands of her father and older brother. He’s determined to help but how? He comes up with a sweet plan that brought tears to my eyes.

I enjoyed the way the author explored how God shows His love through people, and how it first starts with mercy, giving it to those who harmed us was the hardest thing to do. But it was only in doing so could we have true healing in our hearts.

It’s a gripping read, with captivating, intriguing characters to root for, and steal your heart. It’s a story filled with adventure, strong themes of faith, (but not preachy) with a wholesome romance. I enjoyed Emily’s friends and how they were so supportive of her and Tommie her lady’s maid. I liked how this author talked about some tough topics like rape, and how some people will do anything to get their hands on the pot of gold.

I loved how the pirate lore with treasure hunting is intertwined with the introductions of King Arthur’s legends, and associated relics, which made for a magical, memorable riveting, read, leading up to a climatic ending, when readers see mercy and selfless love in action. I didn’t see that coming. This is a wonderful heartfelt escape and one that would work well for your next book club pick. The author includes ten questions to help create a lively discussion time at your meeting.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I requested and received a complimentary copy of this book by the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”

Nora St. Laurent
TBCN Where Book Fun Begins!
The Book Club Network blog

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Worthy of Legend by Roseanna M. White is the third book in The Secrets of Isles series and a definite must read if you love inspirational romance with treasure hunting and suspense.
Emily Scofield is absolutely horrified by her family's behavior and is forced to make the decision to take a stand against them and possibly cutting them off completely. Her family's betrayal has deeply wounded her.
Bran Sinclair has always been fascinated with tales of the Knights of the Round Table and has up until now kept it mostly hidden, but when they come across an old diary he is the only one who can figure out the legends and their truth or not.
When they team up to find a hidden artifact, they must stay one step ahead of Emily's family and a team of archaeologists. In doing so they soon realize just what makes a hero.
I really enjoyed this series and look forward to reading more by the author in the future.

I was given an ARC from the author/publisher. All conclusions are mine and mine alone.

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