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Every Rogue Has His Charm

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"Love, intrigue, and a fresh spin on historical romance make a sexy and suspenseful mix in the latest novel in Susanna Craig’s Regency-set series - as the wife one man left behind becomes the woman he can't live without...

Caroline, Marchioness of Chesleigh, has been married for six years - at least in name. In fact, Caro has hardly seen her husband since the early days of their union. Scarred and reclusive, Maxim wasn’t ready to trust his wife with his secrets - or his heart. Instead, he quickly resumed his life of espionage in France, believing Caro was better off alone.

When the spy who left her returns upon inheriting the Dukedom, he finds his wife is not the girl she once was. Her heart is a little harder. She’s learned to stand on her own. Yet the desire that once ignited between them burns as hotly as ever...

Now, the more Caro learns about the past Maxim tried to hide from her, the deeper their bond grows. But danger haunts her husband’s every move, jeopardizing their passionate reunion..."

You know me, I'm ALL about the Regency!

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This is the fourth in the series (although they don’t have to be read in order). This is a quick read and more of a slow burn but overall very enjoyable. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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I loved this book! Maxim started off being protective of Caro, and it only got better from there. This is a novel of espionage, so much spice, female bravery and a love of all things bookish, with more than one romance within! I loved it, and I think you will too. Maksim will hold a special place in my heart. Romance readers who usually do or don’t love the Regency era will enjoy this!

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This is the last book in the Live and Let Spy Series, and it has been an enjoyable series. This book had quite a bit going on, A Beauty and the Beast Trope, Forced Marriage, Evil Relatives and Deserted Wife, and that was just the main characters! There was, also, A secondary romance. The story was an enjoyable, easy read that brought the entire series to a wrap in the Epilogue.

Thank you to the Publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I cannot reccomend enough Susanna Craig's Live and Let Spy series enough. You don't need to read them in order, you don't even need to be a huge fan of historical romances. In fact, the romance is usually secondary to the plot of the spy efforts and intrigue involving our heros and heroines.
Every Rogue Has His Charm departs from this a bit. It's still very much a spy story, but it leans into the romance from the beginning and is full of highs and lows between Maxim and Caro throughout the whole book. The secondary plot covers more of the spy story, but this is still a lovely story full of heart and charm and second chances.
This book also comes with a secondary romance so buckle in for a fun ride, and start reading it asap!

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The only thing I did not like about this book was that it is the final book in a series I have so enjoyed. The epilogue wraps up the series perfectly by giving a little glimpse into the lives of all the characters we've met in the other books. I also really liked Mrs. Scott in this book - loved that she knew more about what he had been up to than he realized she did. As for the story itself I liked Caro so much. I liked the way she handled herself when Maxim returned after abandoning her for several years - she wasn't cruel, but she was clear to him that he was not going to invited back with open arms and would have to work for it. Maxim's most redeeming quality was that he recognized what a wonderful person he had for a wife and showed with actions that he was going to be there for her and support her. Caro's father was pretty much the worst and it was good to see how much better off everyone was when they cut ties with him.

The B story with Hopkins and Fanny was also really good and offered some closure to their storylines that we've seen through the previous books. I also really liked that their story didn't end with the traditional 'happy ever after' you often get in these types of romance stories.

Overall, a great ending to a great series!

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Every Rogue Has His Charm is the fourth book in the Love and Let Spy series and we follow Caroline, who was freed from the clutches of her tyrannical and ungrateful father through marriage. Her marriage to Maxim (the scarred and reclusive Duke) lasted less than a week with him running away to battle. She still cannot understand why he shied away from her even when she was willing and heart open ready to love. He cannot understand why she is willing to stay with him, and is unwilling to be vulnerable with her despite the chemistry between the two. But when Caroline is in bed with some spies, and Maxim is suspected to be a traitor, things got rather spicy.

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Got about 50% through and completely lost interest in the story. The characters had no on page chemistry and the story was generic.

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This started out kind of slow and confusing but you definitely don't want to give up on it. It goes on to be a great story. Caro and Maxim have a rough go of it throughout the book and their "friends" only want the best for them. The story is very well written and intriguing!

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I thought the main part of the story, scarred lord meets young beauty, and forced into marriage would be okay enough, but, my favorite part is the mystery, spy aspect of this story. The spy bit was the most interesting and should have been expounded upon, sad to say I knew who the villain was immediately, it was way to obvious. I am always irritated by unnecessary sexual content , not only do we have one couple parted for six years, six years?! Even I cannot stretch my imagination that far! We have a second unmarried couple for no reason except a contribution to lewdness thrown in the mix. I must stick to my resolution, don't finish a book to please someone else, time is too short, and there are too many great books to read.
Thank you #Netgalley #EveryRogueHasHisCharm

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Live, love and let spy!

Craig has a wonderful underground of spys and their other halves (current or pending). The Love and Let Spy series is an absolute delight to experience. I dare say all is fair in love and war. General Scott knows things and one thing he knows is secrets. I just love that he shares some with us!

To the future Duke, Maxim, and his abandoned Duchess, Caro, I wish you all the Robin Ratliffe novels. I would appreciate any updates on movements of the French, Caro's family, and of course Mrs. Horn. Thank you for the heart-felt story. Thanks for the love and forgiveness. Most of all, thank you for that smile inducing ending.

And many thanks to all the spies who we've loved before...

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I love this series, though some of the books have greater appeal than others. This one is great, I really enjoyed it. Caro is a great character, and a good marriage in trouble is hard to write. I think it's a worthy end to the series. I really liked Maxim, he makes sense as a character and I like his arc. He ultimately makes himself worthy of his wife, and I like that it was through actions and not a grand gesture.

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Admittedly, not much of this story stuck with me after I finished reading it. It was an okay historical romance. Having read a couple of the books in this series, the epilogue was quite well-done. I would consider this an extra read for those who like historical romance and have the spare time to spend on this series.

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Typically regency romance. Not much plot but still a good read. It's also a fairly quick read. Though I reminded why I tend to not read regency romances.

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I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher, via NetGalley. This in no way impacted on my view.

Marrying the Marquess of Chesleigh was one of the best, and worst, things Lady Caroline Brent had ever done. She meet Maxim at a house party, while hiding in the library, and after being discovered late at night, they quickly married, allowing her to flee the tyranny of her father's home. However, when her new husband left her after less than a week, and hasn't returned in 6 years, she's changed. Now living in Brighton, she's kept herself away from her family, though their letters begging for money keep coming, and she can't put them off forever. And when Maxim returns, now the Duke of Hartwell, and expects his biddable wife to be waiting, he's in for a shock. Maxim has always struggled with feeling's, and his hatred for his grandfather, and for the idea of love following what he saw during his childhood, he's scared when he's started to feel more than just desire for Caro, and so he returns to his spying roots - using his knowledge of France and French to help him help his country. On his return, though, he discovers that his old boss no longer trusts him, and has placed some agents close to the home - but once a plot is discovered to harm the new duke, was it for the best?

This is the fourth and final book in the Love and Let Spy series, and I think the perfect way for the series to end. Caro and Maxim both had their vulnerabilities, and neither was willing to give in to the other, and show them how much they were hurt, but once they realised that they meant a lot to one another, and that no matter what, their own feelings wouldn't dissipate, it was refreshing to see them open up. I did have a feeling about who the villain was, but the way it was all revealed, and how all of the plot lines (including the secondary plot line between Mrs Drummond and Captain Hopkins) all came together definitely made up for it. The epilogue right at the end, incorporating all of the stories and romances, brought a proper smile to my face, and I love seeing how all our couples have turned out! I look forward to Susanna's next series.

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This book was SUPER CUTE! The characters were relatable with their insecurities and flaws. Down to the girl we all love to hate. This book got me out of a reading slump and I ended it with a smile on my face.

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Every Rogue Has His Charm is the 4th book in the ‘Love and Let Spy’ series and can be read as a standalone.
I enjoyed this book even though I have never read this series. The main characters, Maxim and Caro, had great chemistry throughout the book. They both came from complex childhood backgrounds. Maxim was disfigured as a young child. Throughout his life, he grew up with a disability, but that did not stop him from achieving everything he wanted, including marrying Caro after being caught in a compromising position. Caro marries Maxim, willing to escape an abusive father. The marriage goes through a significant bump in the book, which kept me riveted.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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3.5-4 Stars!! This is book 4 in the ‘Love and Let Spy’ series and can be read as a standalone. I did enjoy this book even if at times I was rolling my eyes, mostly over the main male character, Maxim, and his reasoning at times. But he is a man after all and they do tend to make some asinine decisions at times. (Sorry, not sorry!) Although considering his childhood, I’ll let him have a pass this time. The main female character, Caroline, was likable and didn’t really put up with Maxim’s bull. I really liked how it was duel narrations and it had bits of Fanny & Fitz’ blossoming relationship. Spy’s, murder attempts, strong women living their lives with and without their men, rekindling a relationship & an HEA ending. All in all, a good read!
*I received this at no charge & I voluntarily left this review.*

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Maxim and Caro are brought together initially to save her reputation. But, Maxim leaves her shortly afterwards and stays away for 6 years. What's a wife to do when her husband suddenly returns. I liked reading how Maxim worms his way back into Caro's life/heart. I enjoyed watching these two navigate a relationship but what really put this above 3 stars was the "B" relationship romance. I won't give this away but I think its one fans of this series have been itching for.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for an advance copy of this title in exchange for an honest review.

In an effort to save her reputation after being discovered together at a house party and to save her from her overbearing father, Maxim, Marquess of Chesleigh, offers marriage to Caroline. Both have experienced their own hurts with cruel families and have little reason to trust in a marriage. However, after a quick wedding and a surprisingly passionate wedding night, Maxim realizes they may have more in common than he ever imagined. Fearing the affection, passion, and friendship offered by Caroline and feeling she will be better off alone, Maxim leaves for the continent to resume his spy work for the Crown.

Six years later, Maxim’s grandfather dies, and Maxim accedes to the dukedom. Maxim and Caroline are thrown back together as they assume their roles as duke and duchess, but as Maxim's espionage past begins to catch up with him, they must decide whether to trust in each other and their marriage as they seek to uncover the truth.

Every Rogue Has His Charm was an interesting one! I’m a definite fan of Craig and have read and really enjoyed the other books in the Love and Let Spy series. I enjoyed this one as well— but perhaps mostly as general historical fiction or even a historical thriller because I don’t know that I would describe it as a romance. For me, a romance is designated by an HEA/HFN and a story in which the romantic relationship between the central characters is the main narrative thrust. This book dedicated as much (more?) time to the espionage activities of the story’s various spies and, eventually, the foibles of Caro’s family. This novel includes 3 additional P.O.V.s from other spies in Maxim’s network, and two of these characters are so prominent they are basically like the B couple. As I was reading, it never felt like Caro and Maxim’s relationship was the true center of this story, and, furthermore, they didn’t even really seem to spend that much time together before reconciling (and Caro was actually ill/unconscious for a significant portion of that time).

I still really enjoyed Every Rogue Has His Charm and think it would be a worthy purchase for our library, especially since we have the two previous books in the series. However, I think I would promote it to my patrons as a historical fiction with romantic and suspense elements rather than a historical romance. 3.25 stars.

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