Member Reviews

I love a good dystopian book and this didnt disappoint. I found its easy to get into and I could not put its down.
Look forward to reading more by this author

Thank you to the publishers, author and NetGalley for the free copy of this book. *Finally getting through older books I was approved for!*
I really struggled with this one. The whole premise sounded really interesting but I had a hard time getting through it. It felt very choppy to me and I didn't connect with it at all. Lots of potential, just not for me.

I really enjoyed this book! I liked the author's note at the end, where she mentioned a quote from Toni Morrison "if there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it". Leah has definitely delivered because I've never read a book like this. I can't say that I've read a multicultural dystopian novel, until now!
The world is set where the BIPOC population has risen up, waged war and taken over the world. The society called the Union is built on oppressing white people and those of mixed race. A class system exists with the elites at the top, upper residents not far behind and lower residents, who are essentially slaves. This book follows dual POVs - one being Avi, an elite and Saige who is of mixed race and a lower resident. They both want freedom in their own way. Avi is in line to become the next leader but feels that something isn't quite right with the system. Saige wants out of her existence. The story follows the two, when their worlds collide after an assassination attempt on Avi's life comes about, with Saige there to save her.
This book tackles some heavy topics such racism, oppression, slavery, hate and brutality. It can be confronting at times so I must say it's not for everyone.
I definitely could picture the world that was built for us - the way the elite and upper residents lived, as well as the poverty and slum like conditions for the lower residents. Throughout history, we see society rise and fall because one group of people think they can do it better, with the Union being no exception. There's always some monstrosity happening in the background to keep order amongst individuals.
I liked the determination of both characters for different reasons. Saige was tough, skilled and smart. Avi was sympathetic, inquisitive and intuitive. It's these characteristics combined that helped them team up and bring out a unified approach to finding a way to taking down the system. The twist about the General being Saige's father I did not see coming!
The pacing was good as I didn't feel like it was rushed and it flowed well. I think any opening book to a series has to go into a bit further detail so we understand the world we're going into. I liked the representation as well as the author delving into human nature. With brainwashing and propaganda, you can easily turn a mindset to follow your cause, which is highly apparent in this book. I definitely feel like whoever has power never truly has the right intentions unless it's for peace.
This was a great story and I look forward to reading the rest of the series.

Thank you to NetGalley and 47North for providing me with an eARC of The Union!
As a reader who's consumed plenty of dystopian fiction, I'm always up for books that can wow me by putting new and thought-provoking twists on the genre. I'm glad to say that The Union by Leah Vernon does just the trick, subverting our expectations by presenting a tyrannical landscape where Black people are the oppressors and white people are the oppressed. It's compelling to see how this world gets fleshed out and the kinds of racial stereotypes that its denizens either prize or loath. I do think that the plotting could have been smoothed out and the prose gets clunky at times, but I can forgive those shortcomings in a debut novel. All in all, I'm invested in this story now, and I'd love to see where Vernon goes with the sequel, especially since The Union ends on quite the cliffhanger.

The Union is a dystopian tale and is the story of the reversal of power. It holds a mirror up to our society, as it is now and how it was in the past but with the powerful/elite swapped. It took a minute for me to get into the story, but once I did, it was a heck of a ride. I want to know what happens after the epilogue. I hope the story will continue somehow, and I would even settle for a novella to know what happens next.

This title was unlike any SciFi I've ever read before. It was beautifully written and the characters were so complex.
Loved the "reverse-spin" placed on the silent rivalry between fair and dark skin persons. Definitely a story I can watch on screen.

This book is very much a statement of today's race relations in the US.
📚 Book Review 📚
#NetGalley published 12/1/22
This book is dystopian/science fiction with a tiny bit of fantasy thrown in. The main parts that determine this society is that the Elites (rulers) are Black. The whites are workers/chattel the tan/light brown people are considered Impure, usually u housed or living on the streets. Impure was the original title of the book when it was self published.
The story is told by 2 POVs. The Elite girl who to be next in line to be the General (basically, the ruler). And an Impure girl who has had such a crappy life, she just wants to get out of the region. It appears that whole region has been deceived. The government is not telling the truth. Both girls find it out and it changes both of their lives.
I think every POC who likes dystopian books will LOVE this book! It totally spins society on its head! It is inherently political. But LV tells a great story besides. I loved it! I hope this book manages to hit many of the book lists! It is very well done!
Let me add a quote from the author's note in the back of the uncorrected copy of the book. So wording may be slightly different in the published version. "I wrote it because I was so into seeing Black people, People of Color, in the future. What would it look like, feel like? In our current world, what would it feel like as a lack girl to be on top? To have every privilege that the privileged had?"
#blackauthor #blackmuslim #bookstagram #bookrecommendation #booknerdsbookreview #recommend #gottareadthisbook #lovedthisbook

I tried so hard. I wanted to like the book. I finished it even I wanted to DNF it so many times. It's the writing style that was a miss for me. I didn'tlike the charactersand found their actions to be a little too juvenile for me. It was to many chapters too long. There's a good story in here somewhere. The author has potential and i wish them lots of luck. I'm not the target audience for this book. It just wasn't for me.

THE UNION is a fast-paced dystopian reminiscent of THE HUNGER GAMES, DIVERGENT, and MAZE RUNNER. Many elements of the plot felt too familiar, like they were referencing other dystopian YA, and I wish that some events had been cut so that the more unique and interesting aspects of the book could have been expanded upon. I have a feeling this will be a very controversial book given the race swapping, which is one of the things I wished the author had delved into more instead of things like a "final test" with mutant creatures that felt out of place with the rest of the worldbuilding.

I was very torn between the reverse racism aspect of the book, however, I had to know what happened next. I'm not usually a fan of dystopian novels, but I enjoyed this!
Thank you for allowing me the privilege to read this ARC!

I'm stopping at 17%. I know this is calling it early, but this writing style is not for me. There is very little flow - either the sentences are choppy and blunt or run-ons with "ands" and commas galore. The setup is very interesting and I'm sure the substance of the story is powerful, but I'm losing all that to how the story is being told.
**Thank you NetGalley and 47North for the eARC**

Are you ready for a unique dystopian novel that will challenge your thought process and make you analyze everything you know about history? Leah Vernon delivers us just that in this amazing novel, where the more melanin you have, the higher you are in society. The book follows Saige and Avi. Both are black, but one has more melanin than the other. One is in an elite family and the other is considered lower class. They both struggle to accept what their society has taught them about skin color.
I highly recommend this book to anyone that loves dystopian novels and likes to read books that challenge you to think differently! This book is going in my top 5 books read in 2022. I really hope Leah Vernon writes a sequel!

The power that be is flipped and reversed and I'm here for it! This story shows that no matter who has the power, there will always be someone to buck the system and rebel against it! Loved the world building and characters. Highly recommend!
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

Where do I even begin? The fact that this book challenges your thought process immediately draws you in. In a world where life is opposite of the audience's reality, we find Saige and Avi. Two Black girls, one in elite family and the other in lower class, both grappling with what society has taught them about skin color and doing their best to overcome what society has deemed as right. This book has taken me on a journey to see the struggle from the inside out and it is written impressively strategic, especially with the topics at hand. If you want to add a diverse book to your TBR pick this up and give yourself a challenge.

A futuristic dystopian where Black people rule. It was very interesting and a page turner. The book tackles the issues we face today and I was shook.

So, an interesting take on a dystopian future where the roles are reversed.
But the rules are the same.
I enjoyed the reverse take of a subject not commonly written about - but it's about time an elitist movement of Black's finally works towards oppressing the whites.
Started off a bit slow, and some parts not cohesive, for me anyway, but it picked up and finished predictably.
I imagine more to come as there is much to be explained.
Good job Leah!
Best read on a glittered hovercraft.
Thanks to NetGalley and 47 North for this ARC.

This is a unique dystopian reverse racism/oppression novel. Captivating start to finish. It brings to mind so many issues currently in society: black/white racism, white elitism, colorism in the black community, racial selection/purification, oppression, stereotyping, racial profiling, and police violence. I am sure I can go on. It is fast paced and gets right to the action. It is told from 2 different perspectives but there are many similarities. Fantastic story. It did not leave in a cliff hanger; however, the story is not finished. Book provided as a free ARC in return for honest review via #NetGalley, #TheUnion. Check out my YouTube channel (my username) for more of my thoughts.

Beyond amazing! This book was an incredible read and I can't recommend it enough. This is a book you'll want on your shelf and to give as a gift. Everyone needs to read it.

I get the general idea of this book. But the point the book is that put aside our differences and come together but by demonizing many of the symbols of blackness and black resiliance, it does far more harm than good. Perhaps if the story explained how this world came to be, maybe it wouldnt be a series of continuous microaggressions.

Holy Shyt!!!
What in Gods name did I step into?
Leah Vernon is a BADASS and taking numbers!!!
Futuristic dystopian world, where black people are the oppressors and they run the world.
Say what now? Hold up!
Vernon has taken the abnormal and made it into a norm, in her book “The Union”
Vernon has taken a no holds barred approach in her novel when we say oppressed, are now the oppressors.
This book will be an eye opener for two reasons. The first being to see the atrocities that were inflicted on black people in the past, then it be turned around, and portrayed and used against white people.
Or how white people will feel a sense of deep despair and will realize, that deep down. Hey! I’ve seen it on television, read it in books, but never actually read it portrayed with us being the victims. This is some deep Shyt!
Even we as black people had to take a step back for a second, because I know I even found it difficult to read. I would never want my Niece to be treated as less than social class, or my brothers. What of that one drop rule?
But this book is by no means, and I say no means for everyone, so if you are that type of person. Pump your brakes now. You are entering the valley of no return.
Because Vernon is the type of author who apparently likes to set trends of her own.
And she has no problem stepping over and through to make that happen.
She is fierce and determined and has left her mark through many of her endeavors.
This novel will follow two totally different woman’s outputs in life, while following their journey through a world where white people are treated no better than a piece of crap on the sidewalk. Interracial people have it just as bad, for they have an even less social class.
Vernon’s word build is a force within its own and flows as seamlessly as water.
Her characters Avi and Saige are both unique, with complex, individualism, and personable identities.
This book Is not for the weak at heart, nor does Leah make any apologies for it.
My assumption is that Vernon meant for the reader to be uncomfortable, so that the world could take a step back and see that everything is not just Black or White.
That we need to stop seeing ourselves as just either or and just be UNITED.
If one thousand years into the future, we are still warring over who rules who and thinking about what color prevails.
I truly hope that God would burn the place down.
Because apparently “We Haven’t Learned a DAMN THING”!!!
Received an advanced copy via NetGalley, My review is my own.