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Runaway Groomsman

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In the past few days I have come to recognize two types of romance readers: those who scrutinize the 90% breakup, and those who accept it as a condition, in all forms.

Runaway Groomsman taught me that I am, apparently, the first kind of romance reader.

The novel’s premise is great—but where Meghan Quinn loses her edge is in its execution. What starts as a playful critique of Hallmark romance quickly turns into a generic love story. Boy meets girl. Boy and girl fall prey to instalove that can’t be affirmed until 70% into the book. Boy and girl go on repetitive side quests until instalove can be affirmed. The 90% breakup crashes into them and dissipates at 91%. Quinn’s writing is stilted and overly sentimental, adding to the struggle of writing (and reading) first-person narration.

The true standout facet of the story is Quinn’s depiction of Alzheimer’s, which proves to be nuanced and compassionate. Under her direction, Sully’s condition is not another plot device but an integral part of the plot—and one even more meaningful than the main romance.

Ultimately, Runaway Groomsman wasn’t for me, but I’ve never been a Hallmark Channel kind of consumer—or, as Sawyer might say, a Movieflix one.

Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for giving me a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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Was really looking forward to another book by Meghan Quinn. I’ve read many of her other books and i rated them 4/5 stars. However, this didn’t hit for me. I dnf’d about 60% of the way and couldn’t force myself to finish it. The heroine wasn’t likable and the heroine’s friend was the WORST character! Although I didn’t like this book, I look forward to reading her next release.

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Meghan Quinn does it again with Runaway Groomsman! Full of laugh-out-loud and heartfelt moments, this second chance romance it’s the perfect read for any occasion.


Small town
Second chance
Love triangle
Slow burn

3.5/5 ⭐️ | 1.5/5 🌶

I highly recommend you check this book out and all of her others, especially The Mother Road!

Thank you, Montlake for my copy, I really enjoyed it!

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I SO loved this book. Sawyer and Fallon were beyond what I expected. Sawyer was a bit of a mess and truly needed to find himself, his courtship with Fallon was amazing, but his relationship her her grandpa was just on point. The connection points they had, the connection points that he had with Fallon were so well intertwined. This is a great summer read and the entire town of Canoodle were witty and brought so much to the story, but Jaz was over the top. I loved she called Sawyer Julia.... perfect. Their relationship was just as good as the rest. Truly a great summer read.

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🌶Rated R

✔ Forced Proximity
✔ Small Town
✔ Second Chance Romance
✔ SLOW burn
✔ New Adult

I am a HUGE Meghan Quinn fan, so it honestly hurts me to write this review...

I was really feeling this one at first. There were some good moments and funny banter, but by the end, it just wasn't for me.

I had a really hard time with the fact that for 60% of this book - the FMC is in a relationship with another man. I really couldn't get on board with this scenario - especially not for that much of the book.

Sawyer and Fallon were both super lovable characters, but I didn't like them together... I was honestly more intrigued by Jaz and Roarick's relationship off of the page. However, I did enjoy Sully's character and the companionship between Sully and Sawyer.

In my opinion, the ending felt rushed and almost thrown together... It left me feeling lost and wanting more than the few pages within the epilogue. I was looking forward to this book, so maybe I will give it another chance in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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You cannot go wrong with a Meghan Quinn story. This was no exception. The plot was well executed, the characters were fantastic. Will recommend to others.

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A groomsman who runs from a wedding and makes a mess of his life. Now Swayer is hiding in a small town in a cottage run by Fallon who is trying really hard to renovate whole Cabins on her own. A heartwarming story in which we get to know both main characters on a much deeper level. We see how their relationships developed from nothing into something. The story that warms your heart and leaves a warm feeling.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for NetGalley

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this was such an amazing book! i can't wait to read more from this author in the future! and once again, thank you to netgalley and the publisher for giving me an advanced copy!

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Sawyer was cheated on, and not only that, his ex cheated on him with his best friend and he's now forced to be the groomsman at their wedding (it doesn't go well.) After the fiasco, he escapes to a small mountain town where he meets Fallon (only it's not the first time they're meeting, he just doesn't remember the first time but she sure does, that didn't go well either.)

This book was hilarious. I understand the Meghan Quinn hype
now and I probably shouldn't have started with a book that
doesn't release until October, but I'm so happy I get to spend the next few months reading through her backlog while I wait for this to release so I can get my hands on a physical copy and read it again. These characters were so lovely, the story had heartfelt moments but still made me laugh out loud more times than I can count. I took my time reading this and I'm so glad I did because I could savor every moment of it. 5/5 stars

Thank you #Netgalley for an early read of #RunawayGroomsman in exchange for my honest review!

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I adore Meghan Quinn’s books with her ability to mix humor with a lot of heart. I enjoyed Sawyer & Fallon
and going on their journey.

Sawyer ran out of a wedding. No it wasn’t his own, but one where he was a groomsman. The last thing he expected was to find Fallon. I have to say Sawyer stole my heart and I found him totally swoon worthy. The banter between Sawyer & Fallon was my favorite part. Sawyer & Fallon were imperfectly perfect for each other.

I can’t wait to see what Meghan Quinn comes up with next!

I voluntarily reviewed this book.

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This is a good book. The main two characters are Fallon and Sawyer. They meet one night in a bar, Fallon recognizes Sawyer as a man she went on a date with. He didn’t do much but stay on his phone. Sawyer does recognize her. He had a moment this day because he was a runaway groomsman. He ran away to the e bar where Fallon was to get away from the press. There was an instant attraction. They each had their issues but together they worked them out and fell in love

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*ARC provided by the platform Netgalley for an honest review*
This book had a promising plot but I felt like it didn´t hit the mark I was expecting.
I wished it was a bit more fast-paced, to the point of Fallon and Peter breaking up (since it was obvious to me they were just trying to change each other into something else) and after taking more time in the relationship of Fallon and Sawyer and the parallels between their love story and Grandma Joan and Sully's love story. I would have loved to see a more in-depth comparison with more detailed flashbacks from Sully and other similar events between our main couple.
Though I understand the attempt for drama by bringing Annalisa back at the end of the story, I also don´t see the necessity for it. She appears only at the beginning as a sort of villain but she does not continue in that role or really stay as a major or relevant character to the story. We also don't truly follow her "downfall" to give us any sense of compassion or pity for her situation.
In the end, this book gave me warm feelings, seeing the development of the relationship between Sawyer and the people of Canoodle, especially with Fallon, Jaz, and Sully, in particular, the care he unrequitedly gave to Sully, keeping him involved in the renovations without having him make anything that could potentially hurt him.
I think the author is very talented and look forward to seeing some more works from her.

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Runaway Groomsman, Meghan Quinn
October 11, 2022, Montlake

Thank you NetGalley and Montlake for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

People who know me know that Meghan Quinn books are my happy place. I know I can always come back to her books when I need to feel good and that all is well in the world. Also, she sprinkles in a fair amount of smut and that is always fun!

Runaway Groomsman is what Meghan Quinn does best. A love story with a ton of heart. While not quite as smutty as say, The Brentwood Boys books, this book capitalizes on sexual tension galore.

Sawyer is a screenwriter for happily-ever-after type movies -- think Hallmark or Lifetime. Fallon is trying to save her faimly's fledgling cabin business in the town of -- get this -- Canoodle. Sawyer literallly runs away from the wedding of his best friend and exgirlfriend and ends up in Canoodle and the book is predictable and warm like a nice hug after that.

If you love a good romance and some of Meghan Quinn's other books make you blush a bit too much, this may be just the book for you! If you love a happily ever after, its definatley for you!

@netgalley @meghanquinnbooks #montlake #meghanquinn #runawaygroomsman #romance #summerread #bookstagram #bookstagrammer

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Sawyer is a screenwriter from LA. He not only loses his ex to his best friend, but has to stand on the sidelines and watch them marry. Unable to stand it, he walks away and escapes to the small town of Canoodle to avoid the media backlash that follows.

I loved Sawyer. He's a hot mess but a romantic at heart. I especially loved those scenes between him and Sully. I liked Fallon and her generous heart with respect to her grandfather and her desire to ensure his legacy continued. I loved Sully and his devotion to Joan. His love for her was beautiful and was the star of the story. I thought Jaz was a great friend but a bit over the top with her switchblade obsession. I know it was likely mixed in for comedy relief, but after the first half dozen times, it lost its humor.

The writing was emotional in parts. Alzheimer is serious, and I'm grateful the author respected the severity of the condition and didn't make light of any of it in the romcom setting. But this story was a romance between Fallon and Sawyer. And I struggled with the progression of the slow-burn relationship between them. When it takes a pair nearly three-quarters of the book to finally become a couple, it's frustrating to have a conflict immediately hit and shorten the already limited on-page time they share. To be blunt, had the presence of Peter been hinted at in the blurb, I would not have read the story. Because every time there seemed to be some progress between Sawyer and Fallon, Peter would appear- either physically or mentally. And while I understood Fallon's internal battle, her struggle endured far too long and didn't allow for enough time to build the true "romance" feeling between her and Sawyer.

The story ends with a beautiful epilogue. While I did expect that ending...eventually, I didn't expect it to end this story.

*The Sully and Joan relationship/storyline was a 5 Star for me.*
/I received an early edition of this book. This did not affect my opinion of the book or content of my review./

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This book was slightly different than the norm for this author. Plenty of laughs still, but there was just a little more heartwarming scenes. The Hero, was a Hero in the true sense of the word and totally swoony. The Heroine was strong and selfless and had a lot on her plate. The side characters brought much of the comedy. The Hero is a Hollywood screenwriter, so when we were reading from his POV, he looked at everything from a writers perspective (in reality getting inside the authors head, or so if felt.) All the characters are wonderfully written, and you really do fall in love with them all. Of course, this wouldn't be a Meghan Quinn book without that big breakup scene, and this one didn't fall short. Though being the swoony 'book boyfriend' that he is, the Hero had already done the grand gesture, so the make up scene is a little more low keyed. One of the characters has Alzheimer's, so there is a lot of dealing with that and what it entails, not only from that person's perspective, but from the caretakers as well. Really quite sweet scenes aside from the heart aching ones. This book was also low on sexual content, and aside from some of the F-Bombs being dropped, I'd say it's suitable for teens and up. (Though there is some sexual tension in the air.) It alternates between POVs. As a little bonus, there are a few mentions of characters from other books. :) Just a wonderful story all round!

*I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley.

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Definitely a fun and funny read. Harder to care about the characters than I expected. Not my favorite by Meghan Quinn but I did enjoy reading it.

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This was a solid 3.5 stars.

It PAINS me to give Meghan Quinn anything less than 4 stars. It wasn't that I didn't like it, I just didn't love it. And I think part of it was that it took me so long to get into. I did, however, love Sawyer ruining his ex's wedding. That was pure Meghan Quinn
comedic grace. It was fantastic. There were so many good parts about this, I loved Sawyer, Fallon, And the entire supporting cast. I enjoyed Sawyer's screenwriting perspective on things. loved how Meghan Quinn tackled Sully's Alzheimer's and it's
affects on his family. With all the things I loved about it, it didn't mesh well with me and I found myself bored for the first 65% of the book and kept putting it down without really any motivation to pick the book up.

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This is the kind of MQ book I absolutely adore. It has the laugh out loud moments that I love mixed in with a whole lot of heart and soul.

Sawyer was the best. I loved how he handled Sully and the difficulties his Alzheimer's presented. Sawyer rolled with the punches and made things a lot easier on Fallon and Sully. The way he went around fixing things was just so sweet and I loved the way he went about it. I wish a little more was done in regards to the wedding he ran away from though. I feel like that was kind of brushed under the rug and not a whole lot was done with it.

I liked Fallon even if she was a bit oblivious at times. Her dedication to her family and her grandfather's cabins was sweet and endearing. I admit I was a little frustrated with her and the whole Peter thing. I felt so bad for him and I hated that she strung him along. I'm not a big fan of love triangles and obviously this was one, but I do ultimately like how it ended.

Overall, the story was fun and interesting. The secondary characters all brought a lot to the story and it was fun any time any of them popped up. Jaz was a bit much most of the time, but I think that's what was somewhat charming about her. I'm curious to see if she's going to get her own book. If you're a Meghan Quinn fan, you don't want to miss this one. It is a quintessential MQ book and I am so here for it.

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This is 3.5 stars more than it is 4. At most, it's a high 3. There were parts of this that I really liked, parts that were okay, and parts that made me SO MAD, but overall I just feel like this was longer than it needed to be. I might've been a little peeved because I could sense the almost love triangle before I saw it with my own eyes but once it hit it made me feral. We do not like love triangles in this house. Rest assured, there isn't REALLY one in this one but the vibes were starting to ooze a little and I wasn't feeling it.

I liked Sawyer. I liked the work he put in with Sully and Fallon so much. Especially Sully. There's no denying that he didn't work hard to get into their good graces. This is the slowest slow burn though. I wasn't entirely mad at the story overall. The way this town worked around Sully, making sure he was cared for and Fallon had help, made this much better. I loved how much support Fallon had with her life; it made it feel like a small-town story.

Jaz? Honestly, I could've ripped her right out of the story. She was my least favourite part of this story. She took no filter, act first think later, to a whole new damn level and it was making me feel so crazy. The way she's written was so unbearable and I found myself skimming around the parts she was in. I think she needed to dial it back so many notches.

This wasn't my favourite Meghan Quinn but if you like a small-town romance with a runaway trying to escape his life, I recommend it.

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I usually like Meghan Quinn's books but for whatever reason, this one just didn't do it for me. Thanks for the chance to read and review.

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