Member Reviews

The buildup of the story was well done and the characters were so fun to read. It was very endearing to see how Sawyer got to know everyone and I love how natural it all felt. It made Sawyer an extremely sweet and lovable character. As for Fallon, she is not only hard-working and funny, but she cares immensely for the people around her (especially Sully) and it was interesting to see how Fallon and Sawyer developed their relationship from platonic friends to something more. Their chemistry was great and I was very invested in their story. Even though it was a slow burn, I liked being able to see what Sawyer and Fallon were doing individually, and it only made me root for them more when they finally admitted their feelings for each other. Admittedly though, I wasn't a huge fan of Peter and found him to be unnecessary.

Runaway Groomsman was filled with humor and fun, flirty bantering and I had such an enjoyable experience reading it. It was predictable at times, and I'm not a fan of the miscommunication trope that happens, but I don't think it took away from the experience of the story. Overall, I totally recommend this book if you're looking for a quick and fun rom-com!

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Runaway Groomsman is a joyous romp. That captures you from the very first page and hits you with all the feels.

As successful Hollywood screenwriter Sawyer Castle finds himself best man at his cheating ex-girlfriend Annalisa's lavish wedding to his ex-best friend Simon.

Who happen to be Hollywood's next golden couple.

Which is why Sawyer is having to suck it up and pretend he doesn't care he's having to witness these two back stabbers tie the knot.

But just as the vows begin Sawyer finally snaps and promptly flees the church in spectacular fashion. Only to land in Canoodle, California. A small mountain town full of charming and in some cases sarcastic characters and a cat who happens to be mayor.

And here he finds a home and a chance to hide out from the fallout of his viral exit. And that home happens to be with former ER nurse Fallon Long. Who is back in Canoodle to tend to her grandfather Sully. Whose sadly suffering with Alzheimer's and has a love story with his deceased wife Joan that mirrors the one Sawyer ultimately finds with Fallon.

And what a charming love story it is. As Runaway Groomsman is packed with angst, emotion, humour, heat, friendship and sweetness, and with tremendous pacing and memorable characters. This was a beautifully written and extremely delightful read. That I would happily recommend to others.

**I was kindly provided with an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

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3.5 ⭐️

When a book starts with your ex-girlfriend cheating on you with your best friend and you’re made to be the best man in their wedding for contractual reasons, you know you’re in for a doozy of a book - with some emotional baggage, some mental anguish, and hopefully a cute happily ever after.

Somewhat outside of MQ’s norm of regular romcoms, we get this contemporary romance. Sawyer escapes from that disaster of a wedding, only to stop in Canoodle, CA, at a bar named the Beggar’s Hole. This small town is super punny and right up my ally!

Sawyer ends up staying at the Cove that Fallon runs for her Alzheimer ridden grandfather, Sully. Canoodle is the perfect place for Sawyer to step away from the bad press associated with the disaster wedding and find himself again.

While finding himself, he grows close to Sully, as well as Fallon. Can’t seem to win over Jaz but not sure anyone can tame that one!

I enjoyed the characters, and found myself wondering what was going to happen next with them, however it just didn’t give me my normal MQ zing that I usually get.

I still say take the drive on into this runaway tale that gives you a nice perfectly wrapped bow of a happily ever after. You’ll be happy you did.

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Thank you for the opportunity to review this new novel.

I've read other books by Meghan Quinn and enjoyed them and anticipated that it would be the same with this one. I was wrong because this was way too slow, so slow that I became bored. Nothing really happened and I had no interest to continue.

I will definitely read other books by her but this was a miss for me.

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I read and reviewed an ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
This book was a lot longer and 'fuller' than I expected. You really got to know each character, and their experiences and what made them tick. I loved that Fallon and Sawyer got to know each other as well before anything romantic got in the way. Jaz was hilarious, and I liked the friendship between her and Fallon.
Was a fun, typical small town romance that had everything you needed.
4.5 stars

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This was my first Meghan Quinn book. I loved the first chapter & had lots of laughs with the best man flipping off the bride & groom! However, everything after this fell flat. Sawyer was the most likeable character in the book, but I liked his friendship with Sully more than I liked his relationship with Fallon. I didn’t feel any chemistry between Sawyer & Falllon, and I thought she was bland. I have found that the characters that sacrifice everything about themselves for someone else are usually the dullest character in the book, and I was right again. The character I have the most issues with is Jaz. She goes beyond being protective of her best friend and is just a raging bitch any time she is on the page. Overall, this was a painful reading experience. There were some good parts, but these were far outweighed by everything else.

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I LOVE Meghan and I’ve loved her previous romcoms I read by her. But this book was not it.

Sawyer the runaway groomsman and Fallon creator of Fallon’s Rock. Honestly it was not easy to enjoy their characters. I mean both of them were very hardworking and caring for others, but their relationship was such a slow burn and that didn’t help that over half of the book Fallon had a boyfriend, and the ‘thing’ between Fallon and Sawyer was not moving until that relationship ended and it was less enthusiastic and honestly boring.

Even after there was green light they relationship barely developed and honestly I couldn’t stand the ‘taking it slow’ part. The conflict was just not it, and I hated how Sawyer acted out that way literally out of nowhere.

Jaz character was more interesting and I’d rather read about her story with Sawyer’s brother, because there’s a lot fun we missed out.

Sully carries this book and I absolutely loved him. And I saw that Easter egg with Huxley Cane’s name👀.

I’m sad about this. But I’m sure I’ll read Meghan’s other books in the future. Thanks Netgalley for the review.

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I LOVED this book! OK, this is the first time I've read Meghan Quinn and let me tell you this will not be my last. As soon as I finished this I per-ordered this book cause I will definitely be reading this one again.

*Slow Burn but so worth the spice when we get it
*Dual POV
*laugh out loud banter
*amazing side characters
*small town vibes
*all the FEELS

This book just has it all and I'm in love with this story! You have to read this story and this needs to be made into a movie I'm all about this book!

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Runaway Groomsman is the story of Sawyer and Fallon who come across each other in a small town called Canoodle. Sawyer has just walked out of his ex best friend and ex girlfriend's wedding after flipping them both off at the alter and finds himself at a bar trying to drink his sorrows away. Little does he know that at said bar sits Fallon, who he went on a blind date with before and completely ignored.

I absolutely adored this book and struggled to put it down. It had me hooked right from the start and I loved everything about it. The main characters were brilliant and I thoroughly enjoyed their slow burn romance and the chemistry they had. The secondary characters were all great too, although there were times when I found Jaz to be super intense. This book had me laughing out loud plenty of times and I found the ending to be the cutest. Five big fat stars for me!

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Loved this! It’s been a while since I’ve read a Meghan Quinn book and I don’t know why I left it so long, they always get me laughing. I love the banter she writes, and Sawyer, Fallon, , Sully and Jaz are just the kings and queens of snark. The way we met Sawyer, flipping off his ex at her wedding to his best friend was highly comical and really pulled me in as I really wanted to know his back story and see his happy ending. Fallon’s story was heart breaking at times, but her love and devotion to Sully was admirable and so beautiful.
A brilliant read from start the finish and I certainly won’t leave it so long between Meghan Quinn books.

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Rating: 3.75

Runaway Groomsman was an enjoyable small town romance book. While there were several elements I really enjoyed throughout the story, I was just expecting a bit more from the romance to be honest.

It is dual POVs of the main characters, Sawyer and Fallon. There’s a slight second chance and friends to lovers romance as well, which I really liked. I would recommend checking the content and trigger warnings before reading though.

The overall premise was pretty entertaining but definitely very predictable. There were also some amusing, heartfelt and angsty moments. However, I did struggle with the pacing of the story at times.

The romance between Sawyer and Fallon was just okay to be honest. While they did have a deep and emotional connection their romantic development was quite slow, as Sawyer was with someone else at first. There was also a bit of smut but it doesn’t occur until the end, which was fine.

I will say, I did like all the similarities of Fallon and Sawyer’s romance to Fallon’s grandparents, Sully and Joan’s romance. I also loved Sawyer’s screenwriter perspective and how that was incorporated throughout as well.

All the side characters and friendships throughout the story were also amazing, especially Sawyer and Sully’s. His understanding and compassion towards him was just beautiful to read.

However, the main issue I had with this book was the fact that Fallon had a boyfriend until 65% into the story. So that just made it a bit difficult for me to fully believe in Fallon’s feelings towards Sawyer and their overall romance, especially when Fallon’s boyfriend was actually quite nice.

The ending was a quite rushed as well and the conflict/miscommunication wasn’t my favorite to be honest. But the epilogue was really sweet and heartwarming. Overall, still just a charming read.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This was such a cute premise. After publicly running away from the wedding of his best friend and his ex, Sawyer hides out in a small town and gets to know Fallon, a woman who is the caretaker for her grandfather. She’s rehabilitating her grandfather’s rental cabins, and Sawyer pitches in to help. They grow close as they work side by side, and eventually more develops.

However, a personal pet peeve of mine is when one of the main characters has a significant other, but sometimes it’s doable if it adds good angst or pilot development. That wasn’t the case here. Fallon had a boyfriend for over 60% of the book, and it would be one thing if he was a jerk or something but he seemed like a decent guy Fallon was dragging along for no reason.

It was also entirely too long. There’s no reason this book needed to be 450 pages, there’s a lot of repetitive conversations between Fallon and Jaz (Fallon’s cringey, over the top, violent best friend) as well as some of the Sawyer and Sully stuff that made it feel bloated. It dragged in so many parts.

It’s instalove, low steam, and has unrealistic stilted dialogue.

It’s not quite as over the top as the author’s past year or two of releases, so fans of her earlier work may enjoy it.

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I do enjoy a story that knows what it is and overtly celebrates its own genre. The Runaway Groomsman revels in being a romcom, highlights its own beats and without any bashfulness at all. And I am here for it!! Quinn gives us a perfect, swoony hero, totally dreamy, with aplomb. That he’s a romance screenwriter just takes him to the 110% . A lovely, easy going, second chance romance set in a small-town lakeside community, it is comfort reading to the core.

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I was so excited to get approved for this! It was my first Meghan Quinn book and definitely won’t be my last! Loved it!

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Runaway Groomsman started off well, but faltered in the final half of the novel.

Runaway Groomsman follows Sawyer as he’s a groomsman in his ex and best friend’s wedding. He can only take so much because he snaps and leaves the wedding mid-ceremony causing quite the drama. He finds himself in a small town staying in a rental cabin being managed and renovated by Fallon and her grandfather.

For those with triggers for cheating, Fallon is in a relationship at the beginning of the novel with Peter.

Sawyer is easily the best aspect of the novel. He’s an incredibly likable, sweet, and honest love interest. His past and the reason he’s in the small town was interesting and comedic.

Fallon’s dedication to her grandfather and the rental cabins is admirable, but a little one-dimensional.

I was enjoying how cute and truly beautiful the story was until around the 60% mark. When Sawyer and Fallon eventually admit they have feelings for each other it started to feel juvenile. There’s a moment when Sawyer and Fallon hold hands then Fallon tells her friend, Jaz, about it as if they had spent a salacious night together. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes.

Jaz was straight up annoying. She was over the top, judgemental, and plain rude at times. Every time she was on the page, I couldn’t wait for her to leave. If Jaz gets a companion sequel, I certainly won’t be reading it.

For those looking for a spice rating, Runaway Groomsman is a solid ⅕ on the spice scale.

Overall, Runaway Groomsman had the potential to be a standout romance but fell flat in its execution and quickly lost my attention.

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When I started this book I thought I would probably give it 4*. As I continued on there were a few things that got on my nerves. Jaz was way too far over the top and her attitude stopped being funny and became annoying. Fallon seemed good at jumping to conclusions. Sully was fun and so was Sawyer. In the end it was a predictable romance, enjoyable enough to spend an afternoon reading but could have been better. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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Witty and compelling, Runaway Groomsman is a thoroughly enjoyable read that you should definitely check out! Full of Meghan Quinn’s trademark banter, I found myself totally lost in the story. Sawyer and Fallon shared a remarkable chemistry and I adored the development of their relationship. Five runaway stars!

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4.5 stars
Runaway Groomsman is one helluva story. Its entertaining, has this wonderful small town in Canoodle. I smiled so big whilst reading it.
When Sawyer makes a scene at his ex’s wedding, needless to say he runs and lands in Canoodle to get away from everything and everyone. His arrival in the town, creates quite the stir. Fallon runs the family business Canoodle Cove Cabins along with caring for her grandpa Sully. With Sawyer renting a cabin, Fallon does try to cope with all that is on her plate, especially regarding the renovations to the cabins. While Sawyer offers a hand, needless to say, she is reluctant. I love her best friend too, shes a hoot. The town is nothing short of entertaining and the way Sawyer helps Sully, is really quite something.
This book has to be read for yourself to see the charm, the heart of people, family and the heartwarming moments. All in all, a feel good small town read!

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A second chance romance- of sorts. Fallon and Sawyer had one date years ago and then went their separate ways. He's become a Hollywood screenwriter and she's a nurse whose grandfather Sully owns the cabin when Sawyer holes up to work. He finds himself working on the cabins and slowly entering into friendship (and then, of course, love) with Fallon, who, btw,, has a long distance relationship. It's sweet. the characters are nice and it's actually funny in spots. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A good read.

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Runaway Groomsman
Meghan Quinn
4-4.5 ⭐️

Hollywood screenwriter Sawyer Castle knows a good love story when he sees it. But when it comes to real life romance, he’s a mess. That’s how he finds himself standing at the altar…as his ex-girlfriend ties the knot with his very famous best friend. The pressure, the resentment, the media coverage—it’s all too much—and before he knows exactly what he’s doing, he’s making a run for it, leaving a shocked congregation and flashing cameras in his wake.

Runaway Groomsman was so fun and heartwarming to read! Quinn definitely gives us one of the funnest prologues! While this is probably the slowest burn and lowest steam I’ve read from her, I can’t say I minded the change. The story was well written and nicely paced so that everything just worked and allowed you to happily get lost in it’s small-town cuteness.

I adored Fallon and Sawyer’s story and how each was on a journey to find themselves. I enjoyed that we get to read about past and present events. Their romance was cute, and the fantastic banter had me LOL! Sawyer’s screenwriting talk and all the rom-com references were so much fun to read. But for me, the side characters absolutely stole my heart. Sully was by far my favorite. I loved how Quinn handled the Alzheimers representation. Him and The Guys totally had my heart. Also, I don’t think a more perfect rom-com mountain town than exists Canoodle. Are you kidding me, I loved it and all of its quirky residents.

What I adored;
✨ Slow-burn, small-town romance
✨ Nine Juan Juan Tacos
✨ Sully & The Guys
✨ LOL humor

If you’re in the mood for a swoony second chance romance with so many great characters, definitely check out Runaway Groomsman!

Pub Date: 10/11/22

Thank you so much NetGalley and Montlake for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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