Member Reviews

Thank you to Hyperion Avenue | Disney Editions and to NetGalley for an ARC copy of this book.

I am a proud Disney adult, so I love all things Disney. I love learning about the history of the parks as well as Walt and Roy Disney. This book felt like a little peek behind the curtain, and I loved it.

This book is a must read for Disney fans, and I am sure I will read it again.

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I don’t normally find memoirs enjoyable, I LOVED Walt’s Apprentice: Keeping the Disney Dream of Alive by Dick Nunis, a Disney Legend. Dick is a visionary who played a pivotal role in the creation of Disney World and its Parks after the death of Walt Disney. Walt’s Apprentice is filled with anecdotal stories that had me laughing for hours. It spotlights the time a group of people rioted at Disneyland to free Charles Manson and roast porky pig!

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As a Disney fan, I enjoyed reading this book about someone who played a big part in Disney's history. It was cool to learn about stuff that is still happening today that you may not know about. It was also interesting to learn how rare Disneyland was for its time.

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This book is such an inspirational and captivating read with fascinating stories! Dick Nunis spent over four decades working with Disney. This book brings to life many moments that occurred during that time. I really loved the life’s lessons summary at the end of the chapter. Whether good or bad there’s something to be learned. This boom is such a good memoir. I’m a big Disney fan and love hearing some behind the scene stories. Thank you!

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As someone who loves Disney and Disney Parks, reading this felt like getting a peek behind the curtain.

As someone who has done extensive research into Walt Disney and the Disney Parks and studios, I still found myself fascinated by both details of park development and the awe Nunis clearly had for Disney from day one. Reading these memories was like a cross between catching up with a friend and going home.

My only complaint was the jump around in timeliness that seemed to happen, as not all of the memories were told in a linear fashion. As someone who has studied Disney, I had no problem following this, but the average person may find it a bit confusing.

To lover's of the Disney Parks or Disney history, this book feels like a warm hug. I would recommend picking up on a rainy afternoon, or any day when you are longing for some of the magic that can only be found at Disney. Thank you to Mr. Nunis for introducing these stories to the world and keeping Walt alive through these memories.

Thank you to Hyperion Avenue and Netgalley for the advanced review copy.

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Thank you, NetGalley, for the ARC.

Full disclosure: I am a full Disney freak. So of course a behind the scenes look at the beginning of Disney parks is something I am already passionate about. Getting Dick Nunis' perspective was like being a fly on the wall.

He writes his views and sides of each story - he doesn't paint a different picture than he sees. He admits to being no nonsense and strict with Cast Members and contractors. The bits of his personal life let us see the man he is. But I was in it for takes on Walt Disney and life after Walt passed away.

Love this book and should be added to any Disney fan's library.

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A wonderfully nostalgic and brilliant memoir about Walt Disney and his ability to make dreams into reality. I'm a big fan of Disney, and as such I really enjoyed this. Highly recommended for anyone who loves the history of Disneyland, Walt Disney World, and Disney lore in general.

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Absolutely charming look back at Disney and his visions for family entertainment. A must read for any Disney fan!

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Star Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️( 5 Stars)
Fantastic read written by a Disney Legend who was one of Walt’s Apprentices! Not only did Nunis witness so many monumental moments in Disney History, but also helped guide and direct the company in so many rides and attractions that are operating today.
This book is part Memoir, Business Leadership Manual, Disney Trivia, and Inspirational Stories! I felt as if I was sitting down for a cup of coffee with Mr. Nunis, like a beloved Uncle or Grandfather, as he shared his wisdom on all things business, life, and of course, Disney.
There were short chapters and a “lesson learned” at the end of each one. There is a lot of great well-known and not-well known facts about the origins of the Disney Parks and amazing historical figures that Dick Nunis got to meet, such as President Ronald Regan and Kennedy, Jim Henson, and more! Dick Nunis has been involved with so much with the Disney corporation from the training of the first Disneyland employees, the Mary Poppins movie premiere, The Matterhorn, international parks, and EPCOT World Showcase Pavilions.

This book would perfect for any Disney fan, but also for business students and those looking for an honest voice in leadership in the “Disney Way”.

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Thank you to the publisher, the author and Net Galley for the opportunity to review . My review opinion is my own.

As a life long Disney fan from opening day of Disneyland to present , I was pleased to read this wonderful memoire by Dick Nunis a Disney Legend. What sets this book apart is the author tells his experience throughout his exceptional career, his devotion to Walk's vision and shares what he learned in 44 years with the Disney company. Each chapter includes life lessons that apply to everyone. This is told with honesty, love for Walt and Disney and with candor for his amazing career.

It is rare to read the insights of Walt and I appreciate that the author shared so much of our beloved Walt here with us . The author includes how during his careeer he stayed true to Walt's vision and brought much of Walt to life through his work. This is a book that appeals to all true Disney fans . I highly recommend this wonderful memoir that will touch your heart, teach you valuable life lessons and bring Disney to life through the author's words. The history of the Disney company he brings to life for his readers is exceptional.

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This was an EXCELLENT book! It’s a great collection of stories on Mr Disney along with all of the organization’s developments over the decades. If the history of Disneyland, Disney World, or more fascinate you, then this is the book to grab.

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This is an amazing book for anyone who manages other staff. In very short chapters (2-5 pages, generally), Dick Nunis provides Disney anecdotes and memories that each demonstrate an important business or managerial lesson. Probably not a popular title for personal or public libraries, but every corporate library and business school should have at least one copy.

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I enjoyed reading Dick’s perspective about his years 44 years working for the Disney company. He worked his way up from a gofer to Director of Park Operations. He was there at the beginning of Disneyland opening and then the opening of Walt Disney World and some of the other Disney parks around the world. He worked directly with Walt for first 12 years of his career and then with his brother Roy until both of their deaths. His goal over the years was to keep Walt’s dream alive and the way that Walt envisioned it to be. Each chapter was dedicated to a specific story or topic, and I enjoyed at the end of each chapter Dick included a lesson learned from that topic. I enjoyed many of the stories shared and finding out some of the inside details of why certain things were created the way they are. There were times I had to stop and share what I just read with my husband. I found myself agreeing with Dick’s philosophies on work principals – “Do the best job you can with the job you’re given to do”. There are so many lessons shared in this book that can be applied to readers lives, both in work and personal life. The only part I struggled with were the sports references, as I am not a football or golf person I did not fully understand some of what he was talking about. Overall I enjoyed this book and recommend it to those interested in Disney or enjoy memoirs.

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Dick Nunis worked at Disneyland, Disney World, Epcot, etc., for 44 years. He learned under Walt Disney himself, walking the park with him, studying what could be improved. Walt’s basics were: deliver quality, keep the park clean, and be friendly. You could always make things better and if you could, you should. Walt vetoed air conditioning in the Main Street offices because he wanted managers to be out among their “guests” instead of sitting in the office all day.
Insightful biography of a man in the happiness business who turned crowd management into a science.

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What an amazing memoir. Dick’s insight on the beginning of the Disney franchise, Walt’s vision and the success came through in this book. If you love Disney, this is a must read. I really enjoyed this book! I wish that the current executives would read the book to understand the foundation the business was built on.

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I am not a biography/memoir reader but when I saw I had the chance to read Walt’s Apprentice I knew I had to take the opportunity. Mr. Nunis infuses his memoir with the same magic that he’s infused into Disney Parks around the world. Candid, self-deprecating, and humorous, this memoir is a must read for any fan of Disney parks. I can’t wait to buy it for all the Disney lovers in my life.

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I love all things Disney so I get excited to read memoirs from people that have been in the industry. So when I saw that this was a memoir by Dick Nunis, who was around Walt Disney was a treat. The stories he shared were wonderful and I hadn't heard these stories before. It was a really well done memoir, and I was hooked on what I was reading. I enjoyed that there were lessons learned at the end of each chapter and I feel like it's a good way to teach and use in everyday life.

"I see now that during these walks and talks, he was training me and making sure I understood his dream. He wanted to be sure that I understood that the thing that would always make Disneyland special was its people."

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