Member Reviews

Thought provoking & beautifully written. This book is an excellent source for reconciliation between races, especially within church. I have been trying to read as many books as possible on the subject of race reconciliation because I want to educate myself & hopefully pass that on to my children. The Spiritual aspect will hopefully be read by many to help with understanding where we have gone wrong in the past.
Thank you to the publisher & NetGalley for advanced copy in exchange for my honest review

I sought after and received the opportunity to read a digital advanced reader copy (ARC) from NetGalley of “Then They Came for Mine” by Tracey Michae’l Lewis Giggetts for review. The reason that I sought this opportunity was my eye-opening experience when a very good friend decided not to drive back to NC from California because of his fear of being arrested for ‘driving while Black.’ My friend is a Black lawyer. When he and his wife returned, we got together to go over several books, “I’m Still Here’; ‘Between the World and Me’; and others.
Giggetts’ book ‘They Came for Mine’ stands out among these for me for two reasons. First, because it answers many of my questions about why the While Christians that I know seem completely blind to the White Nationalism and Systemic Racism around us. Second, she provides some Christian guidance on how healing can take place within the church.
She does not back away from the ‘holding of a hesitation, at best - and a healthy fear, at worst” for Blacks engaging in fruitful relationships. She states that “It’s hard to want to be in a relationship with people you feel at any point in time will prioritize their whiteness over your friendship.” While her statements are strong, they are all too true and worse, she identifies that many whites who fold abolitionist views do not identify themselves as Christians.
Throughout the book, she provides guidance on how healing can come through the untied collective of the Christian Church.
“The next step is probably for every white person, and especially every white believer, to risk leveraging their privilege to dismantle the systems—starting at their jobs, schools, and yes, churches.”
“If white Christians can simply acknowledge the truth of that and work toward proving themselves racially trustworthy, that would go a long way in facilitating their own healing.”
“Black and white Christians must both reconcile that respectability is not a fruit of the spirit.”
“White people can move a considerable distance toward their own (racist) healing by simply not denying those (white) advantages exist.”
Besides these two points, the author has many biblical references and examples from Christ that I believe will resonate with both White and Black Christians. “Jesus makes loving your neighbor as yourself the equivalent to loving God. Just as important as loving God your creator is loving your neighbor as yourself, and every other law hangs on these two.” This is from her exceptional chapter on empathy.
I plan on purchasing this book and going back through it with my Black lawyer friend. I also plan on purchasing copies to send to some of my White evangelical friends.
Thank you, NetGalley for the advanced reader copy.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. It provided much needed perspective as a white person to be mindful in ways that don’t always come easy. The author speaks from a true space that is deeply heartfelt.

I had the opportunity to read a digital ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for this review. Racial healing and reconciliation is critical in our churches if we have any hope to see it in the larger society. In a book club at my church, I have reviewed a number of anti racism books, including Be The Bridge: Pursuing God’s Heart for Racial Reconciliation by LaTasha Morrison. This book would be an excellent extension of these books. It helps that it’s fresh and includes all of the intense events of the past two years: pandemic, George Floyd, increased racial violence. The book is very direct in the work that needs to be done to dismantle white supremacy and to begin healing. I would definitely recommend this book for church Bible study groups and individuals that want to be the change they want to see in the world.

I am pre-ordering this book not only for myself so I can have in hand the many bookmarked pages and the ability to underline the many great passages which I want to remember, but I am also getting at least two more copies as gifts. I feel like I read this ARC from NetGalley and Westminister John Knox Press for a lengthy amount of time (July 22 to August 3), but it's not really a long time for the quality and depth of this book.
I think I was also trying to remember all of the information that I was reading so that I could bring it to the tables of discussion that are current in my life. Would I prefer that friends and family read the entire book? Yes, but I know 1) that some of them don't read much in the way of non-fiction and 2) others need small seeds planted when it comes to understanding that healing is needed for both white and black Christ-followers to "overcome what racial violence has wrought".
While Lewis-Giggetts book is totally Christ-centered, the "nones" will find much that will resonate with their lives. For Christ-followers, the author explains terms such as intersectionality in understandable ways (and with scripture passages -- in this case, the Samaritan woman).
Don't think this will be an easy read: Lewis-Giggetts's cousin was shot in a clear hate-crime shooting (totally obvious when the man went to church where Lewis-Giggetts parents attended but couldn't get in when it was locked and then reassured an armed white man that whites don't kill other whites). This book includes narratives, facts, definitions, scriptures with clear logical thinking.
Each time I read a book by an underrepresented voice, I keep thinking, "This is the one. This is the book that will finally get through to people." I can hope this will be the case. I give the book five stars.
Thank you very much and well down to the publisher for publishing this author. Publication is set for September 2022, but I know it can be pre-ordered now.

And Then They Came For Mine is another thought-provoking book that touches on black lives in America and how the church as a whole responds to the black community.
Saying a person empathizes with their black neighbors, sisters, or brothers is not the same as lived experiences, however there is value in trying to understand the weight placed upon them by a broken society, and the trauma they experience.
I both agree and disagree with things I read in this book. I agree that many times there is a double standard black people are forced to live by. I agree that upstanding young black men many times walk around with a target on their back.
I am also a proponent that change comes from within—self, the community, the family—and each individual has a choice to make in how they respond to their own personal circumstances. With they accept the mantel of victimhood, or that of overcomer?
God is no respecter of persons, He sees no color for everyone is created in His image. He sees no oppressor, nor does He see a victim, rather He sees each person as an individual of great worth, endless potential, and so much more.
This book points out the shortcomings in thought and action but also ends on a note of hope when the author states the only way to “survive” (the history of bloodshed) “was through protecting and maintaining their humanity through the power of love and joy,” then wishing the same for everyone.
I received a copy from Westminster John Knox Press through NetGalley. The thoughts about the book are my own.

Wow just wow. Its like Tracey knew my internal thoughts and put them on the page. I feel like the book explores what black people and women have to contend with every day that one day "they" will come for us or more so those we love. Definitely looks at the history of America and the role religion has played and been used as a tool to control and oppress. Religion is something that has been ever changing. You can feel the personal story intertwined and it makes it such a powerful read. I would love to see this studied at universities.

This is such an important read for the upcoming generation as well as the adult us to understand better about racial violence. First, the book does a perfect job in describing the terms used in the book alongwith a fair amount of reality, real-life experiences and diverse representation of communities which makes the book a very engrossing read.
The contents describe exactly what Black Trauma means and what can be considered under it.
Flanked with reliable sources and references, the book is a huge step towards fighting for our own rights and educating ourselves so that we are more aware about this issue and how we are dealing with it, what can be done abd what's not taken to be granted.
Take your time to read this book. Short chapters, well meant examples, open discussions this book provides a good example on what can be done to heal the trauma that's been caused by such activities and tendencies of racial violence.
Thank you, Westminster John Knox Press, for the advance reading copy.