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Foul Lady Fortune

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Chloe Gong is a genius!!!

I must say the beginning of the book is quite hard to get into as These Violent Delights was because of the world-building and the writing that is extremely complex BUT once again it did not disappoint. The characters are so amazing listen to me there are 3 men in here the 3 men have become the loml. Icons. I loved getting to know more of Rosalind and really starting to understand her and all. The ships in here ? I could die for them.
The plot was so well done, I just love how when you get to the end and the plot starts to unravel you can look back on the book and realise all the details and hints that were left throughout the entire book but you could've never guessed it it's just pure genius.
I'm so excited to read the next book because the tease at the end ???? GIVE IT TO ME

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This book has officially made my new favorite pet name, “BELOVED.”

Who knew an assassin/spy fake marriage was in fact the most genius fake marriage for a mystery?

There were so many twists and shocks in this one, I’m still processing and my full review is to come!

I enjoyed it and definitely recommend, something to note I have NOT read the original duology so some of the characters and facts were lost on me as I wasn’t already aware of them, but I still enjoyed the book nevertheless.

Rosalind and Orion better have a happy ending, that’s all I have to say!

That ending still has me shook.

I didn’t see any of the twists coming and honestly, I’m still processing it all!

Thank you so much to the publisher and Netgalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!

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This book... I have no words. After hearing about it all over Booktok, and other book groups, I was so stoked to get an ARC. All I can say is why haven't I read this author before? Like seriously, kicking myself right now.

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FOUL LADY FORTUNE is a book that doesn't know what to do with itself. It toes the line between young adult and adult half-heartedly, picks up complex political and historical plot threads before dropping them as if burned, and rotates between indistinguishable POVs seemingly at a whim. There are a few moments where these particular elements are used very cleverly, but overall, the reading experience was frustrating. Too much is happening, not enough of it is interesting, and sometimes the writing style is just... off? It is heavily narrative, often in a jarring way - there's a line during the climactic fight that literally breaks up the scene by going 'The battle was a difficult one' or something like that, which took me right out and reminded me I had laundry to do.

The dynamic between the two romantic leads is entertaining, but even this element of the narrative has a strange lack of sizzle, and the male protagonist feels like a sketch of a person right up until the last quarter of the plot. However, I do appreciate the straightforward and casual representation of LGBTQIA+ characters, and a few of the final twists were fun.

Basically, there's the spark of a really neat, compelling book buried somewhere in here, but the story bit off way more than it could chew, and worse still, it didn't seem all that interested in chewing on any of it at all. Maybe this just isn't for me, but that's a shame given how flashy and intriguing the pitch is.

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First things first, thank you very much to NetGalley for providing me with an e-ARC of Foul Lady Fortune by Chloe Gong (aka, Queen Chloe Gong).

Where to begin, where to begin…

Having absolutely LOVED These Violent Delights and Our Violent Ends, I basically screamed with excitement when I received an ARC of this book. This is a spy novel that takes place in the Republic of China in the 1930s, with the Nationalists Party (Kuomintang), the communists, and Imperial Japan all fighting each other for dominance over China. What a wild, wild ride.

Okay, so this lovely book picks up a few years after where OVE ends. Several years have passed, and the whole world believes Rosalind Lang to be dead.

But she’s been working as an assassin for the Kuomintang known as Lady Fortune.

Enter Orion Hong, a charismatic playboy Nationalist spy, who is sent on an assignment with Rosalind aka Lady Fortune aka Janie Mead, where they forced to pretend that they are husband and wife. Love it.

Fake marriage trope? Check.

“Who did this to you” trope? Check.

And possibly my favorite, if anyone has seen the new TV adaptation of Time Traveler’s Wife, there was a moment that was very much the “Because I’m her f*cking husband!” scene, and it truly was spectacular.

This book still gave me everything that I loved about TVD and OVE, but with new characters, and some familiar faces.

My only critique is I wish we got the tiniest bit more character development of some of the newer characters, like Orion and Oliver. Like just the tiniest bit. I wish Orion’s playboy reputation would’ve been displayed just a little bit more, but ya know, maybe hope for the next book. Or not because like…….the ending.

And speaking of the ending, THE ENDING. I swear to god, if that last bit of the last chapter means WHAT I THINK IT MEANS, I simply will pass away.

Anyway, this book simply confirms that Chloe Gong is a queen, and I will likely read everything she ever publishes, and unfortunately, I will be waiting incredibly impatiently for her novellas to come out in February, and the sequel to FLF to even just be announced.

Foul Lady Fortune is being released on September 27, and please read it so that we can discuss this and I can make sure that I’m not totally just jumping to conclusions about that ending.

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This spin-off from These Violent Delights (which I liked) and Our Violent Ends (which was an unnecessary mess of a sequel to These Violent Delights), is also mess. It doesn't have the same careful meticulous treatment of its alternate Shanghai and its supernatural elements, people, and seekers of (supernatural) power. Readers will definitely need to read the first two books prior to this or it won't make sense at all--the author tries to provide backstory info via characters' thoughts, but they are all so fragmentary and spread out that it's hard to piece it all together. The book feels like it was rushed, and could have used more time for revisions and smoothing things out.

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Foul Lady Fortune will have you on the edge of your seat the whole time you are reading it. Follow Rosalind on her journey to gain back her acceptance of love and trust through her fake marriage with Orion. With great chemistry, witty banter, and a slow burn for the ages you will fall in love with the Spy and Assassin. However watch out! This book has some crazy plot twists you won’t see coming.

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Chloe Gong is back with another great book in the TVD universe. I wasn't sure how she could keep me as interested in Rosalind's story as I was in Roma and Juliette, but she really did it. Rosalind is such an interesting characters, especially with the sins of her past propelling her forward. The addition of Orion is top notch and pivoting to more espionage (as opposed to gang wars) keeps the story feeling fresh. There's plenty of familiar faces and references to past events, but it still feels like its own story. I will officially read anything and everything Chloe writes!

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Woah woah!! This book has been in my most top anticipated list and I absolutely loved it. I won’t say much until the book releases but I do want to say that Rosalind surprised me in the best way. I love her so much and reading her pov was one of my favorite parts about this book. The Celia moments were really intriguing and interesting to read. With Alisa she’s been a character that I’ve loved since I met her in TVD/OVE so I was excited to read her moments in this book and I’ve missed her so much :’)

Now… the ending in this book just insane. It’s something that leaves you with many questions and has you equally excited for the next one. I honestly can’t wait for the next book because I know it’s gonna be an insane rollercoaster like this book was.

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Viral author Chloe Gong is back and better than ever after the explosive ending of “Our Violent Ends.” Her newest duology, "Foul Lady Fortune," is another Shakespeare reimagining–this time, “The Taming of the Shrew” set in 1930s Shanghai with some familiar faces.

Gong’s loose retelling–emphasis on “loose”–follows Juliette’s cousin Rosalind Lang four years after the events of “These Violent Delights.” After an experiment brought her back from death, Rosalind uses her newfound immortality to atone for her traitorous past as an assassin for the Nationalists.

But Rosalind’s mission changes once the Japanese Imperial Army begins its invasion and a series of unexplained murders cause panic in Shanghai. Her new mission is to infiltrate high society and try to find the culprits alongside another spy, Orion Hong. To keep up appearances, she poses as Orion’s wife–despite finding him utterly frustrating and cavalier.

With their own secrets, the couple must unravel the conspiracy. Still, with every twist and turn, Rosalind and Orion find there are more terrifying secrets around every corner.

Rosalind is finally getting her redemption arc after the events of “Our Violent Ends.” In the duology, her previous actions pissed off everyone and their mothers after betraying her cousin and aiding in the decimation of the Scarlet Gang. Still, Gong’s exploration of her treachery, atonement, and fears made Rosalind’s character growth a satisfying arc. Although not a complete redemption arc (hopefully, the sequel will satisfy), Gong does Rosalind justice with her complex examinations.

Additionally, Orion’s cavalier attitude was a delight to read alongside Rosalind’s prickly demeanor. Their relationship screams golden retriever and black cat vibes, with their dialogue and interactions sparking amusement without clichés. Along with Rosalind’s growth, we get hints of Orion’s throughout–but with the cliffhanger ending, readers will have to wait to see these two finally admit their feelings.

Did I mention there are other familiar faces? Celia Lang, Rosalind’s sister, and Alisa Montagova, Roma’s (from “These Violent Delights”) sister, both work as agents for the communists, and readers occasionally follow their own investigations and lives.

As usual, Gong wonderfully illustrates the Chinese politics of the 1930s and provides the perspectives of both sides of the war effort. I’m not nearly as familiar with the history as I would like. Still, Gong doesn’t mince any of the past or sentiments of the period. I will admit, I found myself confused by some of the motivations of either side, a problem I’ll attribute to Gong’s many political lessons throughout “Foul Lady Fortune.”

Despite Gong’s attention to detail and stellar build-up, the first half of “Foul Lady Fortune” dragged, and the plot twists at the climax seemed random. Several big reveals left me with more questions than answers–it seemed like Gong was desperately grabbing for the craziest plot twists rather than the practical ones. I won’t spoil it, but one plot twist in the epilogue made the slightest sense, and I am desperate for Gong to explain it.

A thrilling addition to the “These Violent Delights” world, Gong has done it again with “Foul Lady Fortune.” Although not as immaculate as the first duology, “Foul Lady Fortune” is a captivating first installment–but beware the cliffhanger. It will make you throw the book across the room (in the best way possible).

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okay so to just put my thoughts in summary:

this was a MASTERPIECE and i absolutely devoured it and loved every bit. never has a book had me glued to the pages and stressed out at every page turn. i am a huge fan of chloe gong's previous books, These Violent Delights and Our Violent Ends are my favorite books ever, so hearing Gong was releasing a spin-off story i was so so excited to see how her stories will continue. and HOLY SHIT it was PHENOMENAL. chloe gong is an actual genius.

the idea of two agents going undercover as spies posing as a married couple to investigate a serial killer conspiracy had me sold and i am grateful to have received an ARC because yes, it is as amazing as it sounds!!!

there will be mentions from the TVD duology in this review.

the characters in this book have my whole heart. i love the entire cast and how distinguished all of their personalities were.
although i didn't care too much about rosalind in TVD and OVE, she has now become one of my favorite female main characters of all time. she is genuinely one of the best developed and complex characters i've ever read in books. she is extremely badass, confident, morally grey and ambitious. but she also has that vulnerable side of her when it comes to her loved ones and would do anything to protect them. i really do think foul lady fortune truly redeems rosalind's character and her character arc is just >>>>>>
Orion is actually the love of my life. his flirtatious and goofy personality made me fall in love with him from the moment i met him. i swear chloe gong is the only person out there who gives me hope in men. he is genuinely caring towards people around him and always tries his best to make sure everyone he loves is safe. but he is also so sensitive and does everything in his power to maintain his bubbly personality no matter how tough things get (alexa play this is me trying by taylor swift) you literally cannot help but fall for him.
we were also reunited with characters from the previous duology, Celia and Alisa.
celia is still my favorite badass woman. she is so true to what she believes in and also stands her ground. and i loved her pairing up with oliver, orion's brother, on their side mission.
ngl, seeing young alisa as an (almost) adult made me so emotional when i used to know her as Roma's younger sister. she is so similar to her older brother, but also has her own unique personality at the same time ugh it lowkey touched me. she is also one sneaky girlboss and i cannot wait to see more of her in the second book.
phoebe and silas are actually my besties. they both radiate so much chaotic energy i couldn't help but cheer up everytime the book shifted to their POV. and i actually, desperately, have to see more of them in the next book.

the relationships in gong's book were, as always, so beautifully written and developed. i swear no one writes romance like chloe gong. there are some lines at the end that were i was too stunned to speak.
the chemistry between rosalind and orion was very visible from the moment they meet. rosalind's grumpiness contrasting with orion's cheerfulness was an immaculate combo. it was funny, it had me giggling and kicking my legs, rosalind and orion have become another one of my godtier book couples.
however, the romance is a sub-plot as the main genre of the book is historical and sci-fi. so if someone were to start the novel thinking its heavily romance driven, it will be a disappointment for them because the romance does not move the plot the same a way a book marketed under the romance genre would be so it's important to keep that in mind.
the sibling relationships were amazing as well it made my heart warm especially Rosalind and Celia's sister bond.

the plot of this book had me on the edge of my seat. i was so stressed (in a good way) the entire time i was reading, i could feel my adrenaline increasing the more the plot developed. the last 100 pages were a rush of anxiety, i was practically sweating and gasping the entire time. i would describe it as riding a rollercoaster at a speed of 500 km per hour (no joke).
AND THE PLOT TWISTS HAD ME LOSING MY MIND?? they were genuinely unpredictable and i had to mentally pause while reading because all i could think of was 'OH MY GOD?!"
the last page will have you losing your mind, i am still shaking and questioning everything and I NEED ANSWERS!!
and also its safe to say every time there was a mention to TVD and OVE i went FERAL and started crying.

i want to talk about is the writing. Chloe's writing never fails to amaze me. her prose is insanely beautiful, i could pick out any random sentence from her books and i wouldn't mind having it tattooed on my body. her descriptions are so immersive, whenever i was reading i felt like i was sucked into the world of 1930s shanghai. there was so many detailed descriptions that are beautifully worded, it felt like i was seeing an entire movie in my head. i always appreciate when authors present the reader with a beautiful setting in their books and foul lady fortune was one of them.
the pacing was also very well done, every chapter left me wanting to flip to the next page, eager to know what happens next. this was a book i could not put down.

its safe to say that foul lady fortune is one of my favorite books now and i cannot wait for the rest of the world to read it on september 27th 2022. it will have you laughing, screaming, crying, stressed out, tearing your hair out, giggling, swooning and all feelings you wish to experience while reading a book.

and now i will be staring at my ceiling for 5 business days to process that ending because SERIOUSLY. WHAT THE FUCK???

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I was unable to read this due to not being able to send to my kindle. I look forward to reading it on release!

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After Our Violent Ends, I wasn't sure how to feel about Rosalind. But considering the fact that I have been quietly squealing to myself for the last ten minutes since finishing this masterpiece, I would say that I am now completed devoted to both Rosalind and Orion. The These Violent Delights duology is still better in my opinion, but if I hadn't been willing to buy everything Chloe Gong writes before, I am now.

Foul Lady Fortune follows Rosalind Lang, now a Nationalist assassin, and Orion Hong, a Nationalist spy, as they go undercover as a married couple (!!!) to investigate a series of "chemical killings" happening around Shanghai. At first I was worried it would be like a restructured version of These Violent Delights, but it was something wholly its own.

Gong's writing is so magical, and the plot is so intricate and carefully laid out. Every single detail mentioned has a purpose in this book. Every. Single. Thing. There are all of these little snippets that we learn, and then it all comes together gloriously. I was guessing the plot twists the whole time and I did manage to guess one thing, but the main twist was so unexpected.

Along with the plot, Gong once again managed to get me to like and care for each character. Usually in books (especially ones with multiple points of view), there's always that one plot line you aren't interested in or that one character who's chapters you skim through. But every character and their journey was compelling

The ending left me in shambles. I loathe with when books end on the same type of cliff-hangers that Foul Lady Fortune (and These Violent Delights—my internal whining went on for a week at least), but I can only hope everything with turn out okay in the next book. (And I have a few ideas about what might happen . . .)

I would like to note that there were multiple formatting errors throughout the book that made it confusing to read, but hopefully those will be fixed by the time it is in print form. (I cannot wait to get my hands on a physical copy!) There was one part where I was a little confused

how Orion just accepted that Rosalind had been stabbed in the stomach but she was fine. I hadn't thought it was common knowledge that Rosalind Lang was Fortune. Another thing I had trouble with was how she went from being angry with him near the end to totally forgetting about that. That was the only pacing issue I had

Here's a review of the content, as well as my condensed thoughts:

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I have been staring at my laptop desktop for the past hour trying to find the words to describe this book and I’m coming up empty because none of them feels right. The only thing I can say, and pardon my poor eloquence, is that this book is BEAUTIFUL. Chloe Gong’s prose is beautiful, the characters both old and new alike are beautiful, the plot (you guessed it) is beautiful. I was captivated from the very first chapters and the more I read, the more I fell in love with this story and its characters. After reading These Violent Delights and Our Violent Ends, I had very, very high expectations for this book and it did not disappoint one bit. I literally cannot wait for the second installment.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I surely did not think I could love this book as much as These Violent Delights. But when I tell you this book was incredible! I mean it was INCREDIBLE! This book had me screaming, and crying. I was at the edge of my seat the whole way through.

Foul Lady Fortune is a dark historical fantasy that takes place four years after the events of These Violent Delights and Our Violent Ends. I loved that we got to reunite with some of the characters from this previous duology, and how the stories interweave. The character descriptions, and development where phenomenal. I adore them all so much. There is a lot of political conflict and the historical elements that I think were handled very well.
Chloe Gong is such an amazing story teller, and I can not wait to see what Chloe has in store for the next book.

You absolutely can read Foul Lady Fortune without reading the previous duology. But I highly recommend reading them first, it will really help give context!

“Foul Lady Fortune” comes out on Sept. 27, 2022.
Thank you to Netgalley and the Simon and Schuster for providing me with an e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was interesting, but too slowly paced for me and didn't quite match the expectations I had. Good for fans of the violent delights, though.

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I had enjoyed both These Violent Delights and Our Violent Ends and was excited to read the new series by Ms, Chloe Gong. The characters were what I wanted from the premise and the previous books. The idea of a marriage of convenience between the two spies, it was a wonderfully done addition to this book. The political elements were wonderfully done and I loved the historical aspects of the book. I hope there is a sequel to this book and it was wonderfully done.

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If I could give this more than five stars, I absolutely would.

Foul Lady Fortune was one of my most anticipated reads of the year, but I had no idea how it could live up to These Violent Delights and Our Violent Ends. I am pleased to say that it did, in fact, live up to the expectations I had set based on Gong's debut duology.

A compelling and intricate story, Foul Lady Fortune combines elements of historical fiction, murder-mystery, thriller, romance, and science fiction in a way that keeps you coming back for more without feeling overwhelmed. From the first chapter, I absolutely could not put this book down.

Chloe has absolutely become an auto-buy author for me and I cannot wait to see what she does with Antony + Cleopatra in Immortal Longings, as well as where this story goes in the sequel.

Check out FLF for:

- A continuation on the story from Gong's original duology
- A complex political atmosphere
- Lies & Deceit
- An immortal assassin who prefers poison as her weapon of choice
- A story that is truly genre-bending
- Poetic writing
- Slow burn romance full of tension
- Page-turning suspense
- Queer rep including a trans character
- Shakespeare retelling
- 1930's Shanghai

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Foul Lady Fortune is an enjoyably dark and atmospheric historical fantasy that takes place four years after the events of These Violent Delights and Our Violent Ends. This time, we follow Rosalind Liang (the titular Lady Fortune), an agent for the Communists who cannot age, be harmed or killed, who ends up in a marriage of convenience to Orion Hong, a Nationalist spy. We follow them through an explosive story that will thrill fans of Chloe Gong's earlier novels.

I think Gong is a master of creating a noir atmosphere, and for the most part very much enjoyed Foul Lady Fortune. I do wish the pace had moved a bit more quickly -- sometimes there are too many details that don't quite contribute to the story or the character arcs -- but overall very much enjoyed my time with Foul Lady Fortune.

Thank you to Simon & Schuster and NetGalley for the advance review copy in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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I adored reading about Rosalind! Chloe Gong is a phenomenal writer and I hope that one day my writing will be at least 1/3 as good as Chloe is!

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