Member Reviews

I enjoyed this book! It was honest, transparent, relatable and full of faith! The author made you feel seen and not judged. I love how she made real world connections and relates the back to scripture. I will recommend this to many of my Christian friends.

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This one really isn’t for me. I didn’t realize the author was a Christian political influencer and, to be blunt, after a look at her Instagram I don’t think we share a similar worldview. It seems like she spends a lot of time twisting the Bible to fit her personal and political beliefs, and that’s just not what I’m interested in when it comes to a faith.

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I have been anticipating reading this book for quite awhile now! Blake’s podcast is my favorite go-to Christian podcast so when she started talking about her book I knew I wanted to read it!
Having listened to her for a couple years it was easy to hear the author’s voice as I read. The topics are all ones that come up so much in life and Blake shares her heart no holds barred style which I appreciate. She doesn’t sugarcoat the truth but she does share it with grace.
There are things in this book for those, like me, who’ve been following Jesus since childhood and for those who may have found him more recently. Definitely one I’d recommend!

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I wasn't sure what to expect going into this book, but I really enjoyed it. I've seen Blake Guichet here and there around the internet before, so I was looking forward to reading her book. I thought many of the messages and themes she discussed were very important. I appreciate that she talks about the hard stuff that not many other Christians are talking about. I think this book will help a lot of people!

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Here's the thing; I've been following Blake for years and appreciate the way she says it like it is, puts the Bible before worldview and has fun while she does it. She is not afraid to touch on issues that Christians often don't talk about and she doesn't always tow the polite lines on the ones they do. She is personable, vulnerable, a little self-deprecating, and funny. The issues she addresses are real life and relatable.

And I love it.

It's exactly what I was hoping for in her book and I wasn't disappointed. . Reading each chapter made me feel a little less alone; I have experienced those things. I have (or am) living a little bit of each chapter and could see myself in the pages. It was hopeful and encouraging to see read real life issues discussed in real life ways through the lens of faith.

Thank you, Blake. I needed that!

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Popular influencer and podcaster, Blake Guichet never shies away from talking about the difficult parts of life. From mental health to forgiveness, church hurt to healing, broken friendships to marital intimacy, Blake keeps it real and relatable while using Biblical truth to point us back to Jesus. Each page reminds us of the grace God offers us, reminds us of the hope we have through Christ, and guides us to a better walk with our Saviour.

There is a section on the enneagram, which I personally disagree with, however I easily skipped over that part, and enjoyed the rest of the book. If you're looking for a relatable book to help bring you closer to Jesus, I recommend grabbing a copy of Confessions of a Crappy Christian.

*I received a complimentary copy of Confessions of a Crappy Christian through the publisher and NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own. My positive review is not required.

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Christian author Blake Guichet takes on real life subjects not always discussed…the hustle culture and how it can take over your life, loss of friends, being betrayed by a partner, broken dreams, forgiving those who’ve wronged us (real and fake forgiveness), asking for forgiveness from those we’ve wronged and more. She ties her take on these issues to scripture and invites the reader to get involved in reading and studying the Bible and what it has to teach us about these sometimes tough-to-talk-about topics.

This book is written in an engaging, personal style. It almost feels like chatting with a friend about some of life’s real and tough challenges.

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Confessions of a Crappy Christian by Blake Guichet was about real life stuff. The author peels away at distractions and desires and how one gets there. She’s right that we’re taught that weakness is bad. BG walked me through her journey and was brave enough to let me see all of it. How refreshing! She encourages people to get to the heart of the matter.
Nothing new said in these pages, just an honest vulnerable Christian sharing and encouraging anyone like minded. I found it personable and comforting.
I recommend to anyone feeling alone and struggling in their walk.
Thanks Tyndale House via NetGalley.

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Blake is an instagrammer, podcast host, and business founder. I've followed Blake on and off for years and I appreciate her depth of authenticity, her candor, and her willingness to open discussions when she doesn't agree. Her book discusses some struggles that folks have, such as weaknesses, broken dreams, healing, sexual relationships, friendships, and the topic of forgiveness. She approaches it from a Christian biblical worldview and personal experience. I deeply appreciate her writing on friendship and forgiveness. I appreciate Blake's perspective and hot takes even when I don't agree with all of them.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. I requested to read this book and all opinions voiced are my own.

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Refreshingly honest… Blake tells the truth while continually pointing the reader to Christ. She owns that as Christians we don’t get everything right, but we are thankful for grace and continually pursue truth. In the pages of the book, hot topics are addressed including hustle culture, burnout, rest, mental health, church hurt, betrayal, sex and purity culture, friendships, unhealthy relationships, fake forgiveness, and identity.. I appreciate the author’s candor and oftentimes blunt, tell-it-like-it-is manner. Rather than being harsh, the words read as a trusted friend speaking from shared experience. I would recommend this book!

I received an eARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Blake Guichet writes with remarkable honesty and vulnerability about her own life journey and several topics that are often taboo in Christian culture. I appreciate how she is not afraid to have the hard conversations and admit that the church is made up of imperfect people who often get it wrong. I have listened to several episodes of her podcast and she is just as candid in this book as she is on her podcast. Highly recommend for those who grew up in the church during the 90s/2000s and those who struggle with the modern church.

I received an eARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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I didn't end up liking this as much as I hoped I would. I follow this author on Instagram and usually love her takes on things. But with all of them laid out, I think I realized some of her takes aren't as biblical as I'd thought.

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I always appreciate Blake's honesty when approaching some topics that are harder to talk about (or topics that people don't talk about at all). The second chunk of this book resonated with me a lot more than the first half, but overall I enjoyed it. It felt conversational, it was super easy to get through, and I definitely highlighted some notes I'll be looking back on.

Thank you so much to Tyndale House Publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to receive this in advance!

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When I found out that this book was available for review with an advance readers copy. I became ecstatic. I mean, cmon, it’s “The Girl Named Blake” from Instagram! As I was sitting here reading, there were many a-ha moments that made me feel like I was not the only one. She talks about feeling the need to be seen and heard. I, too, have felt that I just want to be seen and heard. However, am I doing it for the wrong reasons? Some of the topics that Blake brings up brings back many memories for me because she mentions the Southern Baptist Convention. “True Love Waits” and the “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” were definitely in a lot of our upbringings through church.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who would like to read about all of those uncomfortable topics that most churches say you shouldn’t talk about. Blake brings these topics into this book with such eloquence that it’s easy to read. I loved it so much I grabbed a pre-order of it to keep as my own. I have a feeling that I’ll read this over and over if I need a “pick me up”. Blake knows exactly how to do this on her platforms as well as in this book! You should go get it now…pre-order if not yet released.

I was given an advance readers copy of this book through NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions in this review are my own. I was not swayed for a good/bad review.

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In her book, Blake Guichet truly takes some of the topics that are not often discussed in the Christian circles and speaks into those topics, considering also what God has to say about these topics. I thought this was a good, honest approach to these topics -- yet it still lacked depth to some extent. I also didn't completely agree with all points she made, but this I think is normal as we don't have to agree with everyone on everything. All in all, this was a good book to read and it does encourage the reader.

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This book did everything it was written to do. It was so aggressively un-pretentious. It was real and raw and reassured Christians everywhere that no one is perfect. The author did a tremendous job at writing her story in a way that was incredibly humble, while also incredibly challenging to other Christians.

The message of this book isn't that we should be satisfied in our sin, but it instead is a book more about how we should respond to our sin. I would highly recommend this book to Christians, especially Christian women.

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Confessions of a Crappy Christian
by Blake Guichet
Pub Date: October 11, 2022
Tyndale Momentum
Thanks to the author, publisher, and Netgalley for the ARC of this book.
I liked this book alot. It gives encouragement to Christians. With honesty and vulnerability, Blake Guichet, host of the popular podcast Confessions of a Crappy Christian, helps us embrace the truth that we can't do it all perfectly and gives us the wisdom, guidance, and hope to move from "crappy" Christian into a freer and fuller walk with Christ.
4 stars

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“The problem beings when we attempt to fit round, worldly pegs into the square, God-shaped hole inside us.”

I’ve followed Blake on Instagram for quite awhile now so some of the topics she discussed in the book weren’t new to me. I’m some ways that’s good but in other ways it left me bored so I don’t feel confident being the best reviewer.

That said- I really loved the first portion of the book that discusses hustle culture. I have such strong feelings about it and resonated with a lot of what Blake said. It’s a trap and needs to be called out more often.

I also loved the discussion about true forgiveness. I, too, am very guilty of fake forgiveness. Reading this helped me to put a plan in place to find the forgiveness that the Father wants for me.

Honestly, one of the only parts I wanted her to dig in more on was the sex part of Christianity. The chapter felt rushed and not explained well.

There were also some pieces I couldn’t relate to which made them harder to read- things like being hurt from the church or would Jesus be a jerk.

Blake and I don’t see eye to eye on some topics but there was a lot of good points made here AND she also presents topics without beating around the bush which is super refreshing.

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Book Review!

📖 Confessions of a crappy Christian by Blake Guichet

. 10 out of 10 recommend! You won't be disappointed in Blake's honesty and rawness! She doesn't pretend to be someone she isn't and doesn't sugar coat the truth!!

. I have followed Blake's Podcasts since she first started her podcast #confessionsofacrappychristian in 2018. When I read on her Instagram that she was writing a book I knew I needed to get it asap.

. I 100% recommend this book to anyone who either is struggling with thoughts of not being a good enough Christian or anyone who is thinking about turning their lives over to Christ.

. One of my favourite parts of Blake's book is her discussion on the Proverbs 31 Woman. As someone who has heard so much about her but has never really understood her, I loved reading Blake's point of view on her.

. Chapters 6 and 7 and the discussions on either feeling like not enough or too much and is in the Bible for me, and you, was very hard hitting for me personally. I had to take a breather and really think about what Blake said and how it should impact my life. I love a book that makes me think about my life and how I can improve.

. I feel that Blake's points about Christian sex lives should be shouted off rooftops to all teenagers especially! Definitely given me some great pointers on how to talk to my teenager about sex!

. For me the best part of the book was the questions/discussion points at the end of the book! It gave me more insight into how I feel and think about myself and my relationship with Jesus.

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I was so excited to get an arc of Blake’s book - and it did not disappoint! If you like what TheGirlNamedBlake’s has to say on IG, you’ll love this book too. (=

Also, I’ve seen some people comment that they don’t like the title (which is her brand) but I love it - because aren’t we all just that…? It’s nice to hear someone keeping it real. (=

I think the Star Rating System is very subjective. I often read reviews and think I would have given it a different number of stars than the reviewer did based on what they wrote about the book. With that in mind, I decided to share how I define my ratings so you’ll understand my reviews. 😊

⭐️ This Book is terrible. If I were capable of quitting books, I definitely would have quit this book!

⭐️⭐️ This Book was just ok. I got through it, but I don’t feel I got a lot of value from it. I’ll be fine forgetting about it.

⭐️⭐️⭐️ This book was good. I enjoyed it, and never felt the need to put it down. I would recommend it to people I think would be interested in it. (This is the category most books I read fall into.)

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This Book was REALLY GOOD! I slacked on other commitments (and sleep) to finish this book! I LOVED this book and will tell everyone I know to read it.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This Book is Obsession and Fangirl Worthy!! I will read it multiple times, create art about it, and make a T-shirt based on it. I will do my best to make everyone I ever talk to read it.

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