Member Reviews

Such beautiful writing here. Seasonal stories covering Thanksgiving and Christmas. The common theme in each story is a star, whether it may be a decoration, Christmas star cookies, stars in the sky or a lit-up star in a Christmas play. I have read books by all of the authors and enjoyed them.
Charlotte Hubbard's collection piece is part of the Promise Lodge series which I enjoy very much. Each story has Amish couples going through some troubles but in the end it's sorted. These couples are trying to go home for the holidays, but we end up seeing home is wherever you are with family and friends. Filled with hope, love, faith and encouragement, the perfect book for whenever you need a pick me up no matter the time of year.

Pub Date 27 Sep 2022
I was given a complimentary copy of this book.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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A sweet novella book by three amazing authors. The stories will get you in the Christmas spirit. All of these stories are continuations of other series by the authors. It is nice to read about characters in familiar settings. Many thanks to the authors, Kensington Books and NetGalley for a complimentary copy of the book. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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An Amish Christmas Star is a sweet collection of feel-good novellas for the holiday season. I enjoyed all three stories, with the final novella of the book, about the newlyweds, being my favorite.

In Buggies, Trains, and Automobiles, the main characters face one trouble after another as they try to make it back to their hometowns. I felt bad for John and Ellie and frustrated with certain people who took advantage of them. I felt like their romance was rushed a bit toward love at the end, but it was still a sweet story.

In Star of Wonder, I liked the way these two main characters were drawn to each other fairly early in the story partly because of the fact that they were both different than the norm. There were some hurdles for Raymond and Lizzie to overcome and some decisions to be made, but it was an uplifting Christmas story.

In Starlight Everlasting, I connected with the main characters immediately and could feel how much they missed each other when they were apart. I liked that Rachel and Luke were kind and supportive toward each other and that they talked things through, which made for a strong beginning to their marriage. It was fun to see how devoted they were to Rachel’s family, as well. This was a great little novella.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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I love books with several authors together writing in their unique style to give readers a wonderful collection for all to enjoy. I love that a star is the focal point in each story as they celebrate Christmas.


I was so excited to be on the journey with John and Ellie. They meet under circumstances beyond their control. Each are trying to get home to someone who needs help. John is going to see his father who doesn’t have long to live. They haven’t spoken in years, which will be difficult for John. Ellie is going to take care of her grandmother. They look out for each other as they are removed from a van where a very unpleasant driver was.

I loved their adventure on the train. I never thought about motion sickness on a train, but I can see how that would be a problem for some. As the train reaches the end for them, they still need to find other transportation to get to their final destination.

The story is filled with meeting kind people as they travel and find that they both seem to get along with each other. The ending is sweet and I loved how the author illustrated forgiveness. I loved how two strangers trust God and learn that He had a plan for them to meet and change their lives.


This story gave me a better insight into the Mennonites. Raymond wants to sell his signs and finds the perfect place at a store. But his parents aren’t sure it is a good idea since the Mennonites don’t follow their beliefs. I have always thought about how difficult it would be to be shunned by family and the community. Mennonites allow their members to confess their sins and be forgiven. Raymond is ready to move out on his own and hopes he gets the chance to do so while selling his signs and working at the store.

Lizzie sure was interested in Raymond right away. She almost seemed pushy at times but her heart is pure and I liked how she encouraged Raymond. I love that she gets a chance to bake cookies again after leaving the bakery she used to work at. She has a gift for being fast and making the cookies so tasty. The significance of the star in this story is very emotional. Lizzie is reminded that “like a star we shine in our own special way.” What a great reminder that we may be different but we all have something that makes us special in God’s eyes.

As feelings growing stronger between the two, Raymond starts to feel pressure from his dad. He is not in agreement that Raymond should be seeing Lizzie and thinks Raymond could be shunned if he continues his relationship with her. The story is a beautiful illustration of following God and giving grace to those who are in need. I loved the transformation of one character and it filled me with hope. “You never can tell which little things we do and say will lead someone to follow God’s star.”


Rachel and Luke are newlyweds and are finding it hard to be together. Luke’s job keeps him away from home during the week. Each time they are together you can feel the love between them. As Christmas draws near, Luke finds out that he has to work during the holidays. He is having a hard time working at the factory and pray that soon he will find a job closer to home.

This story is a look at faith and how we need to trust God. He knows the desires of our heart and wants His children to turn to Him with our needs. Luke and Rachel are waiting for the right job to come along so Luke won’t have to be away from home. What a blessing they receive and are surprised by the outpouring of support from family and friends. The ending is a wonderful blessing that finds Luke and Rachel feeling happy and excited for the future.

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An Amish Christmas Star takes readers on journeys with characters discovering Christmas in new ways, going on journeys, and reaching out to others. There's a theme of coming home amid these stories that appeals to many readers.
What I found in these stories, however, was a focus on surface-level romance instead of building solid relationships with substance and creating friendships and meeting the needs of others. For those are looking for that, this book might be a good fit. It just wasn't to my liking and preferences.

I received a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes. A positive review was not required.

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I have to admit I have not read Amish fiction for quite some time. When it first became popular I read a lot of the books, but I found that they all became fairly formulaic and all felt the same. I took a chance on An Amish Christmas Star which contains three novellas by three different authors, and I enjoyed each and every one due to their entirely different slant from previous Amish fiction.

Buggies, Trains and Automobiles was my favorite of the three written by Shelley Shepard Gray. Called home by family, John Miller and Ellie Coblentz are each looking for a way north from Florida. With few options, they decide to work together to try to get home. Between missed busses, broken buggies, vans whose driver kicked them off, this comical, yet sweet read, saw both John and Ellie reaching home in their Ohio towns and finding that they had more in common than they thought.

Star of Wonder by Charlotte Hubbard focuses on Raymond Overholt who is trying to find his vocation in life. He loves art so places some of his Christmas works at a store where Lizzie Zehr works. But Raymond is Old Order Amish and Lizzie is Mennonite. Will they be able to build their relationship, or will Raymond's Old Order Bishop tear them apart and stop Raymond's art as he emphasizes rules not love?

Starlight Everlasting y Rosalind Lauer, a new-to-me author, sees newlyweds Rachel and Luke Coblentz living separate lives in two different towns as Luke can only find work in a town two hours away. Meanwhile Rachel is managing a Christmas store where they live. Weekends are not enough for either of them. What kind of compromise can they find that will let them live as a couple in their hometown? Will God provide a way they never expect?

Three different stories all filled with wonderful Christmas faith that were wonderfully enjoyable.

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I normally don’t read Christmas books this early, but, it was hot and humid and I honestly love the writing if the three authors in this collection.

I thought I’d have a favorite and was pleasantly surprised to have enjoyed them all equally. A lovely collection that will put a smile in your face and the joy of the season in your heart.
I received a copy from the publisher through Netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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A wonderful collection of Christmas novellas by three amazing authors. Each story is written showing us the real reason for the season. Each of the couples were able to overcome obstacles in order to celebrate God's promises, love and grace. Shelley Shepard Gray shows us that despite difficulties there are still good people in this world. Charlotte Hubbard teaches that faith and love can see one through. Finally Rosalind Lauer's story celebrates that having faith and taking a chance may just be right decision. Often times we find ourselves doubting society, ourselves and our faith but if we keep our hearts and minds on Jesus, He will lead us. I received a copy through Netgalley. A review was not required.

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An Amish Christmas Star is three novellas by three wonderful authors. Each one centers on the hope of Christmas, Jesus. Whether it is watching how He works getting two people home in time for a Christmas miracle or bringing two young people who aren’t sure what their futures hold together or finding a way for a newly married couple to be home together, you’ll find joy and peace in all three stories. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher.

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I almost feel guilty for not appreciating all of the offerings in 'An Amish Christmas Star.' Each story is clean and teaches about a culture that I have only been exposed through in books. I have issues with the fact that some of the characters are generally unlikeable, and there is a morose feel to a book that I would have expected to be light and hope filled. In some instances it delivers, but not across the board.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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Three sweet new Christmas novels from well-known Amish authors.

My review …
“Buggies, Trains, and Automobiles” by Shelley Shepard Gray finds two Amish strangers on December 20th traveling from Pinecraft, Florida to Holmes County, Ohio in a van driven by a grumpy driver who leaves them at a closed filling station in Jacksonville, Florida. Ellis tends to be bossy and John complains a bit too much. And the story is about how these two people DO get to Ohio and find they just might get along for longer than the trip. Rating: 3 stars

The lack of concern by an Amish man and woman, unmarried, traveling alone together is never even proposed. And you *know* there would have been. It was a cute, nice story but not one I would read again.

“Star of Wonder” by Charlotte Hubbard tells the story of an old-ordered Amish young man who dislikes farming and loves creating Christmas plaques with stars and meaningful Christmas messages. He hopes the bulk store will allow him to sell the signs. If he doesn’t make some money with his art, he will *have* to give it up and farm.

Working at this bulk store is Mennonite Lizzie Zehr and her character is why I was glad when I completed this novella. If she had a nickname, it would be “Ditzy Lizzie”. She just bounced all over the place, forgetful, and basically creating havoc more than anyone you are likely to meet. Of course, these two young people fall in love but a solution is not easy since he is old-order Amish and she is Mennonite. Rating: 3 stars

Lizzie was just too “ditzy” for me. Like the previous novella, okay for one read but won’t be reading this one again.

“Starlight Everlasting” by Rosalind Lauer begins with newlyweds who are so looking forward to their first Christmas together. Luke has had to take a factory job that allows him to only be home on weekends. When Luke is told as the newest person on the job he has to work Christmas Day, how does he tell Rachel? He hates only being able to come home on weekends. But without his job … Rating: 5 stars

I enjoyed this story. A lot. Perhaps because as newlyweds, my husband and I were separated due to his “job”, except he was gone 21 days, home 3-4 days, and gone again. You don’t like it but you deal with it. And that’s what this young couple does. And when they give it to God, wonderful things do happen at Christmas.

I received a complimentary e-ARC copy of “An Amish Christmas Star” via NetGalley from the publisher, Kensington Books, Kensington. A positive review was not required; the opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

Overall rating: 3.7 stars rounded to 4 stars on sites that only show whole numbers.
#AnAmishChristmasStar #NetGalle

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This story collection features three different Christmas stories by known authors of Amish fiction. Each story describes events in the lives of Amish couples and relates them to the Christmas season and Christmas stars.

In "Buggies, Trains, and Automobiles," a couple is thrown together unexpectedly as each of them try to arrive by Christmas to spend time with family. Their journey contains unexpected difficulties, but good people appear to help them along the way.

"Star of Wonder" introduces readers to a very unusual Amish couple, who try to find their places within Amish society and discover their own relationship in the bargain. This story also contains elements similar to "A Christmas Carol" by Dickens! The story re-introduces characters from other stories set in Promise Lodge, for those familiar with the series.

"Starlight Everlasting" addresses the difficulties encountered when an Amish married couple must live apart due to limited employment opportunities. A friendly matchmaker assists the couple to seek new directions for their lives.

Although different from each other, the stories are tied together by thematic elements of Christmas, differences in culture, good people willing to help, and the true meaning of the season. Readers of Amish fiction novels will find these to be intriguing additions to the repertoire of works by experienced writers of Amish fiction. These are clean and sweet novellas, with no strong language, violence, or descriptive intimacy. The stories are designed to be read as standalones, although readers may find some familiar characters and settings.

I received this novel from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

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I love, love, love an Amish romance story, and this book is actually three in one. I hadn’t heard of Rosalind Lauer or Charlotte Hubbard before reading this but will look out for them in the future.

I loved all three stories, so utterly charming and perfect for the Christmas season.

The first novella follows a couple eager to get home for Christmas, who face delay after delay. As their frustration grows, they come to realise that the delays are God's way of protecting them from harm, that He was guiding them the entire time.

How often have we seen that firsthand? If you had left on time instead of needing to stop and turn off all the lights that had been left on, you would have been involved in that traffic accident?

The second novella is about following your heart no matter what other people think, a message that is so relevant in all societies. Regardless of your opinion of what others are doing with their lives, it is their choice to make.

The third novella shows the sacrifices we must sometimes make for those we love.

Overall, a really sweet Christmas read.

Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This three story collection seeks to celebrate the joys of Christmas and the traditions of the Amish heritage. Authors Shelley Shepard Gray, Charlotte Hubbard, and Rosalind Lauer have combined their efforts in crafting this celebration of coming home for the holidays and being with friends and family.

*Buggies, Trains, and Automobiles by Shelley Shepard Gray tells the story of John and Ellie trying to make their way from Florida to Ohio, and along the way, they meet quite an interesting cast of characters. From a missed bus to train sickness, to finding themselves sheltering in a church for the evening, these two are in for an adventure. And perhaps find loving in their misadventures.

*In Star of Wonder by Charlotte Hubbard, Raymond has set off to find his own way as an artist when he meets Mennonite Lizzie, an over enthusiastic store clerk. But when he faces opposition from his Old Order Amish bishop, will love and grace find a way to restore relationships?

*Starlight Everlasting by Rosalind Lauer shares the story of Luke and Rachel, struggling to help her family after the devastating loss of Rachel's mother. Facing their first Christmas apart, the couple must wrestle with the challenge of moving and starting over.

All three stories shared the common themes of family, God's will, and finding romance. And they were all connected with a star theme as well. My favorite of the three was certainly Buggies, Trains, and Automobiles as the storyline was fresh and original, and the characters of John and Ellie were well-written. Each novella was unique in its own right and made for a nice collection just before the holidays. Collections like this make for a refreshing read during the holiday season as they can be read in short snippets of time and refocus the reader on the joys of the season. Overall, I enjoyed this title and was delighted to be introduced to a couple of new authors.

*Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this title from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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An Amish Christmas Star by Shelley Shepard Gray, Charlotte Hubbard, and Rosalind Lauer contains three heartwarming novellas. I enjoyed each one of these charming holiday tales. They are well-written and engaging. They remind us of the true meaning of Christmas. I like stories where there are Christmas miracles. I enjoyed returning to Promise Lodge in Star of Wonder by Charlotte Hubbard. Lizzie was a delightful character. I loved her enthusiasm and her style of dress. Those who have read the Promise Lodge stories will want to see what happens in this novella. I love how the author brought about the Christmas miracle. Buggies, Trains, and Automobiles by Shelley Shepard Gray is a cute story. I laughed several times while reading this one. John and Ellie are trying to get home. Their journey was certainly unique. I like to think that they are truly good people out there who would help people in need. Starlight Everlasting by Rosalind Lauer is a touching story. I enjoyed the descriptions of the Christmas shop with the picket fence and manager. I like how the faith element was worked into each story. I enjoyed the star theme and how it was presented in each novella. These sweet stories are full of hope, determination, love, and the most important, faith. God will truly show us the right path to take if we let him. An Amish Christmas Star has three touching tales with raucous rock, candy bar repasts, curious clothing, a speedy scooter, a bad-mannered bishop, work woes, sparkling stars, and happily ever afters.

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An Amish Christmas Star is an anthology of three Christmas short stories written by three authors. I’ve only read a few books by Shelley Shepard Gray and Charlotte Hubbard, while Rosalind Lauer is a new author to me.

I plan to read more of their books since I’m a fan of Amish romances. The stories were very different, but each had Amish beliefs, hard work, family and friends, and Christmas at its center as characters tried to return home for the holidays under very different circumstances.

The only downfall for me was the stories didn’t continue a little longer with an epilogue to give the closure I always look for. I love Christmas stories at any time of year, and I enjoyed each of them for different reasons.

“Buggies, Trains and Automobiles” by Shelley Shepard Gray is an unusual tale since the main characters, John and Ellie, are trying to get from Florida to Ohio, but for very different reasons. Their different modes of travel were unexpected, as were some of the people they met along the way. When they finally reach Ohio, they both find peace and realize their feelings for each other. I liked how they supported each other even though they were virtual strangers when they met but got to know each other better on their journey.

“Star of Wonder” by Charlotte Hubbard had a lot of unusual premises. There’s a very strict bishop who wasn’t liked by many, and many of his flock decided to move from Coldstream to Promise Lodge, a more progressive church district. The lodge apartments were a useful setup, and I liked that Raymond was able to fulfill his artistic bent after working all day in the bulk store doing a multitude of jobs. Lizzie was unexpected in her clothing choices as well as her outspokenness and beliefs, but she and Raymond definitely hit it off. But are they good for each other? Raymond’s barnboard plaques were an interesting concept and nicely woven throughout the story.

“Starlight Everlasting” by Rosalind Lauer was my favorite story. The Christmas shop with its message was heartwarming, as was how Rachel and her family pulled together to help fulfill her dreams of the shop but also were there for each other after the death of their mem. Rachel’s newlywed husband, Luke, who took a job at a factory in a town hours away, was very caring and a family man, even if he had to spend days away from her and her family. I liked their interactions but also those with her family members. She and Luke always seemed to put the other first, even when it didn’t seem so. There were multiple storylines nicely woven together. The story had a wonderful and unexpected ending, although there were a few hints throughout.

All three authors did a fine job with their stories, and I truly enjoyed An Amish Christmas Star. I love Amish tales and Christmas/Holidays books, and combining them into one book was a real treat and a fantastic way to prepare readers for the holiday season.

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An Amish Christmas Star by by Shelley Shepard Gray, Charlotte Hubbard, and Rosalind Lauer, a collection of three novellas focusing on faith, family, home, and love around Christmas. Each story is unique, the characters strong Amish facing challenges and the stresses of living in an English world.. Each story was different from the others and it is hard to see the stories end. These would all be great characters for their own novel. The first story is about two Amish people needing to get to certain destinations and their various rides give them definite problems along the way. As they travel together, despite many setbacks, they find their way home and to each other. The second story was about a young couple whose relationship is hindered by a Bishop whose own personal feelings cause problems for his congregation, including the couple. It takes a dream and a miracle to alter his outlook on life. The final story is about a newlywed couple whose life is disrupted by his job in another part of the state, keeping them apart until the magic of the holidays, friends and family find a way to provide a job for the husband in the community.

These are heart-warming stories full of hope, perseverance, love and faith, as well as reminders of what the holiday is truly all about, will put a smile on your face and joy in your heart. I highly recommend reading An Amish Christmas Star to other readers, and they can be read any time of the year, not just around Christmas.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book

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I woke up this morning to temperatures in the forties in my beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. There is a bite to the air and the leaves are turning. So I picked up an Amish Christmas Star to read. And I'm so glad I did. This is a wonderful book containing three stories all dealing with the Christmas spirit. It is an Amish book so you know what to expect. Not a lot of Santa Claus and elves but a lot of the real meaning of Christmas. All three stories are filled with family, anticipation of the holiday season, and love. This is definitely a must holiday read.

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Great set of reads! Perfect to get into the Christmas spirit. Revisited characters from previous books from each author. The development of the characters and faith content was right on. A very easy and quick read. Refreshing!

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An Amish Christmas Star is a collection of three novellas focusing on faith, family and love around Christmas. The stories are all unique, the characters strong Amish facing challenges and the stresses of living in an English world.

Shelley Shepard Gray's "Buggies, Trains, and Automobiles" was a very entertaining story as we traveled with John and Ellie trying to make it home for the holidays, in the case of Ellie, or for John home to see his dying father one last time. The story is very well-written and you endure all of the hardships and unpleasant people with Ellie and John. By the end of the story you want to spend more time with Ellie and John and see where life takes them next.

Star of Wonder, by Charlotte Hubbard, is an unusual novella. It is the story of strong-willed Mennonite Lizzie and Amish Raymond who does not wish to be a dairy farmer as the rest of his family. Lizzie and Raymond meet at the story where Lizzie works, as Raymond tries to convince the story proprietor to sell his hand-crafted stars with Christmas messages. Raymond not only sells his stars at the store but obtains a job working there with Lizzie, and their relationship blooms. The relationship between Raymond, his family and the Old Order bishop creates a story in itself, with the bishop's change of heart being key to the story. The ending is great, as all works out well for this couple.

Starlight Everlasting by Rosalind Lauer finds Rachel and Luke Coblentz, newly married yet separated as Luke must travel to a new town to find work, since he possesses none of the skills required to find work among his Amish neighbors. Rachel manages her Aunt's Christmas shop and takes care of her younger siblings, as her mother has passed away. Luke makes it home as much as possible, however when it is learned that they cannot be together for Thanksgiving or Christmas, Rachel travels to be with Luke, leaving her own family for the holidays. The situation makes both Luke and Rachel realize their home is with their family and friends in Joyful River. Their fortune turns and Luke is able to leave his job, return to Joyful River to be with Rachel and all works out well for them as they start their life together.

These are heart-warming stories full of hope, perseverance, love and faith -- messages needed for today. I recommend reading these stories any time of the year, not just Christmas.

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