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Some Dukes Have All the Luck

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I recieved a free copy from netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
I did really like this book.
Ash decides on a whim that he must marry so that his 3 wards have someone to care for them. Bronwyn was humiliated duing her one and only season in London and the only thing she desires now is to be allowed to study her insects and get published by the royal society.
I liked the relationship between ash and bronwyn even if it was insta lust and insta love.
Ash was really sweet even while trying and failing to maintain his distance.
However and this is a complaint I've had before in books like this, the only real conflict is Ash not feeling he is worthy. I don't necessarily think their needs to be another secondary conflict but that this could have been a shorter more condensed book.

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Ash and Brownlyn make quite the pair. A marriage of convenience, a swoon worthy romance and one that I have enjoyed a lot.
The banter and chemistry is on and off the page and I loved how much the family and the second characters play their part so much in the story.
Ash is looking after his 3 wards as they are his last connection to his mother.
Brownlyn is trying to get away from her parents and to make the most of her life.
Their marriage of convenience becomes much more with each new chapter when we get to know each one better and they start to develop so many feelings for each other.
I enjoyed it and I’m really looking forward to read the next books in the series because some of these characters have my full attention plus the gaming hell is always an interesting place.

Very grateful to the publisher for my review copy

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I loved the Isle of Synne books by the author and am thrilled her new series the Synneful Spinsters includes the same island and some crossover characters. In fact I remember this heroine as having a small, humorous appearance, in A Duke Worth Fighting For. Ash Hawkins is the Duke of Buckley. He runs a successful gaming hell in London and the biggest challenge in his life is his three wards. When the younger wards take off to a property he owns that once was his mothers' happy place he follows. On the Isle of Synne he meets Bronwyn Pickering. He sees her with his wards and is inspired to propose a marriage of convenience. Bronwyn knows her interests in entomology and science make her less attractive to men but it is her passion. When a virtual stranger proposes marriage, getting her out from over bearing parents and letting her continue in her interests it feels too good to be true.

This is a delight. There is humor, frankness (she is a naturalist), longing and good heat. (Some descriptive, some closed door.) I love her trying to befriend the wards and realizing she needs Ash’s help. Her friend group, the Oddments, add to the story and I assume there will be future romances for some of them. And to see Bronwyn grow and stand up for herself is lovely. I think the weaker point of the story is the reason Ash feels he needs to leave, but it works for the story. And I'm still hoping there is a comeuppance in the future for the man who did her wrong. High recommendations and can’t wait for the next return to the Isle of Synne.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for an eARC in exchange for an honest review. (4.5 stars)

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Ash is content running his gambling house, and caring for three wards that are his last links to his mother. Falling in love is NOT on radar until two of his wards run-off to his former home forcing him to confront the haunts of his youth. Ash finds himself back on the Isle of Synne where he stumbles upon a women who steals his breath away.

Bronwyn lives under the thumb of her parents who treat her like a child after her failed attempt with the Ton forced them from London. Her parents especially dislike her friends (The Oddments) who encourage thought and life without the confines of marriage. Ash and Brownyn scheme a way that at the time seems like win/win for both of them - a marriage of convenience and surprise he's a DUKE!

Ash secures a constant, reliable carer for the teens girl on the island and Brownyn escapes her parents to pursue her studies of nature especially beetles. This marriage also provides ample study for her on the mating rituals of humans. This of course is the next logical study as Bronwyn has spent much time in nature understanding it among animals/insects, trust me Ash is NOT complaining.

Bronwyn is a strong, smart women with empathetic ways. She is especially caring for the girls, demonstrating to Ash how love can be within a family. Some Dukes Have All the Luck is the first in a new series, Synneful Spinsters, and I eagerly await book #2.

Thank you Forever for the complimentary copy of this #massmarket paperback.

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This is a very cute story. Ash is all about being a stoic and detached Duke until he is bested by his three wards and the tiny Bronwyn. Bronwyn treats everything as a scientific puzzle to solve and when she meets Ash and his wards they throw her off her game until the pieces click into place. The characters of this story are simply marvelous. They will make you smile and ooh at their antics and wonder. At its heart it is a story about family and the deep love for them. Ash and Bronwyn fall in love because they are passionate about protecting the people they love and this will make you want to read this story more than once.

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I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley and am voluntarily posting a review. All opinions are my own.

Some Dukes Have All the Luck is the first in a new series by Christina Britton, the Synneful Spinsters. It’s a spin-off of her Isle of Synne series, sharing some characters in common, including the delightful dowager, Lady Tesh. It can be read as a stand-alone, although I’d recommend the prior series as well.

Bronwyn is perhaps my favorite part of the book. She’s interested in entomology, even if her pursuits aren’t necessarily approved of among high society, and she isn’t accepted among other scholars due to being a woman. She faced heartbreak in the past, which has made her reluctant to subject herself to the institution of courtship and marriage again, even if her social climber parents are mad for her to marry a duke. I hated the way her parents would constantly talk down to her and ridicule her choices, even to marry Ash prior to his ducal status being revealed, and I’m glad she gave them a piece of her mind eventually.

Ash is exactly the type of hero I’m so tired of: he’s emotionally stunted due to a childhood with an abusive father, and irrationally afraid of becoming just like him. And he even felt underwritten compared to some of his counterparts in other historical romances. His struggles were mostly hinted at for the majority of the book, even from his POV, and by the end, after he had pushed her away, I really didn’t care.

I initially appreciated how he encouraged Bronwyn’s entomological pursuits, but he has a moment of misogyny in the Big Crisis Moment which almost bothered me more than his running away “for her own good.” He gets upset with Bronwyn for the influence she has on Regina, one of his wards, to think of something beyond looking for a husband. He claims to be looking out for their best interest, given their background, but it also makes me question what he expected when he married her specifically with the idea that she would be a companion for his daughters? If he wanted an influence for them that was “proper,” surely he could have chosen someone else?

I didn’t care for this book, although I can understand why this appeals to many readers. If you enjoy historical romances with tortured heroes and intelligent heroines, you might enjoy this more than I did.

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This was my first book by Christina Britton and it won’t be my last. This book hooked me after their meet cute with Bronwyn thinking, “No doubt she wouldn’t see him again.” Turn the page to start chapter 3 and I’m hit with Ash thinking, “He wanted to see her again.” Yeah, you do, Ash. Yeah, you do.

Bronwyn is a smart heroine that doesn’t quite fit society’s idea of a proper woman. She is an entomologist and her parents are overbearing. Ash is a Duke with 3 young wards and he decides that he needs a wife to take care of them. The marriage would be in name only so he can return to his gaming hell in London.

Before they married, they agreed that the marriage would be in name only but Ash would stay for two weeks before leaving for London to get thing settled. I also was dying when Bronwyn told Ash she wanted to consummate the marriage in the interest of scientific research. Heck, yeah for science!

Both Bronwyn and Ash had issues from their past to work through. As I mentioned Bronwyn’s parents are not very supportive of her. Ash has his secrets to work through. I thought they were a perfect match to support each other through their issues to have a true marriage and build a family with his three wards. Tears were shed during the last quarter of the book as they figured out how to get to happily ever after.

I devoured this book in two days and will be reading the next one in the series. Thanks to NetGalley and Forever Pub for the advance readers copy. All thoughts are my own.

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Thanks #NetGalley for the advanced copy of #SomeDukesHaveAlltheLuck by Christina Britton for an honest review.

This was my first Britton book and it was very sweet. I enjoyed the marriage of convenience and how bold Bronwyn is as a heroine. Ash's story is well told and his character arc was believable. I will be looking into more of Britton's books.

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This is a lovely historical novel about protecting those we love and being ourselves. Ash has a difficult family history that he is trying to bury, and that keeps him feeling unworthy. But he needs someone to care for his wards. Bronwyn's parents have made her feel unworthy time and again, and she just wants to be left alone to study. That is a perfect set-up for a marriage of convenience. However, Ash and Bronwyn can't stop from falling in love with each other. Another interesting story on the Isle of Synne

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I remember liking Britton's Isle of Synne books so I jumped at a chance to read this first in the spin-off series. Unfortunately, I think too much time has passed since I read the other books. I don't remember Bronwyn from the previous books and I literally just read another book where the MC had the same name so I kept getting confused. The plot itself was fine. I love historical romances where gaming hells are involved in anyway. I didn't hate either of the MCs. I just felt kind of...blah about the whole thing. I may need to reread this one after giving myself a refresher on the other series.

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It’s delicious duke day. Ash Buckley doesn’t think he’s deserving of anything. Growing up in an abusive household he holds himself apart, especially from his three wards. Until bug lover Bronwyn crosses his path. They embark on a marriage of convenience.
I snickered at the clinical proposal Bronwyn made to consummate the marriage.
There’s much more than insects to study in the book, particularly the secret Ash has about his three wards and the biological yearnings plus emotional ones between the duke and his wife.
Read the book to find out what happens!

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I was quite surprised by this book. It had a lot of elements that attract me and they were mostly handled very well. Bronwyn and Ash are good characters and their dynamic's so pleasant. I did think Ash's entire dilemma to be very cliché and annoying at times, while Bronwyn's arc was much more interesting and compelling. The background characters were conveniently placed in order to prepare the reader for more books in this universe. I was not expecting much from this book but it brought me back from a reading slump and I had a great time reading it.

Now a bit of a SPOILER ALERT:

It bothered me that Bronwyn and the girls felt like they had to go after Ash to try to "fix" things at risk of being rejected again, since they didn't know that he was going after them as well. But it didn't make the conclusion any less satisfying.

My thanks to Forever (Grand Central Publishing) and NetGalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Settle in for this review is going to be long! That is how much this book moved me. I have not felt emotions like this in a long time and it was glorious. The true testament to a good author is in the emotions they evoke. This book gave me all the feels. Pure, but-wrenching angst on a whole new level. I always say enemies to lovers is my trope, the one that always hits me… but Christina Britton introduced me to the trope I never realized I was missing. “Emotionally Masochistic”- this is my trope, my hero equation. The broody, damaged hero that feels he doesn’t deserve love. That pure blend of angst and desperation had me in literal tears for much of this book. The fact that both main characters suffered from the same lack of self worth made it all the more heart breaking. Add in to that the girls and their pain and it broke me, in all the best ways. I liked Bronwyn from her appearance in past books, but seeing her through Ash’s eyes, gave me a even greater appreciation into the unique and wonderful person she is. No one deserves to be cherished and worshipped more than she. I swear I ugly cried through half of this story. It is heart-achingly beautiful!
This is remarkable start to what is sure to be a favorite series of mine. I greatly hope Serphina’s story is next. Bronwyn’s beautiful stalwart knight. Seeing her come to Bronwyn’s aid again and again planted a seed in my heart. She needs her HEA. But I also have great hopes for a future story for Beecher. I have a habit of falling hard for side characters and he is no exception. I can see so many fabulous stories branching out from this introduction to the Synneful Spinsters.

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The marriage of convenience trope in this book is chef's kiss 😚

This book was such a joy from beginning to end. Bronwyn is such a force and I absolutely loved her growth throughout the book. I applauded the fact the she was able to stand up for herself and her choices to her awful parents. Her research and interest in entomology was such an interesting facet of hers and I loved how interested the girls were in her work and especially how proud and supportive Ash was. I also appreciated that Bronwyn wore glasses. Ash finding her mesmerizing and mentioning her glasses was very hot in so many ways. And speaking of hot...her negotiating for sexy times with him, very HOT.

Ash was an idiot. I mean a loveable idiot, but very much so an idiot. For about 80% of the book he was an a gentleman in the streets and a gaming hell owner in the sheets. Honestly the way he was smitten with Bronwyn and her bugs was heart melting. However, that last 20%....sir...... Like I get that he also has issues, but really who doesn't. It's a little heartbreaking, especially the girls part in this conflict!! I really wanted to smack Ash upside the head. Thankfully, its resolved quickly but the feeling to smack Ash remains lol.

As captivating Bronwyn and Ash are, this book would be incomplete without the side characters. The girls, who are 10, 12, and 16 are adorable and full of their own personalities and quirks. And I also loved Bronwyn's circle of friends, the Oddments. I can't wait to see which one of them the second book in the series follows! This book is also on the heavy side so please check out the trigger warnings before you read <3

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As always, Christina Britton has made me want to visit the Isle of Synne! Isolated from London society, nature surrounding grand homes, young women who have found comfort in each other and acceptance of their unique qualities...yes, please, to all of those things. This book is a classic tale of marriage of convenience, though don't expect these two to remain chaste. Our heroine is a scientist, after all, and what better way to understand the intricacies of human intimacy than to experience it yourself? There is a passel of children involved as well, whose identities remain somewhat of a mystery, and there is a pair of utterly wretched parents who need to be shipped off to some cold, desolate place immediately. So much drama abounds in this story, but one thing is for sure - this couple is going to get their happy ending, even if the hero has to be conked over the head with a very large stick and dragged there. By the heroine or the eldest child, I'll leave it to you to decide as you read.

Miss Bronwyn Pickering doesn't appear to be anyone's idea of a perfect wife. More content to study the insects native to her beloved Isle of Synne than standing on the edges of a dance floor in a crowded ballroom, she has no interest in a husband. Most especially one with a title who would require her to move to London and abandon her dream of sending off her research paper to the Royal Society and being admitted as the first woman member. Bumping into Ash Hawkins and finding he is in need of a wife should have been a happy miracle for her, most especially because it would be a marriage in name only. Until she finds out he is not just Ash Hawkins but also the Duke of Buckley, and he intends to abandon her directly after the wedding. So she makes a deal with him - stay for two weeks before returning to London, consummate the marriage, and then he is free to do as he pleases in London. What neither count on is that their physical intimacy and close proximity would lead to deeper feelings...but Ash has a secret that prevents him from giving his heart to anyone. Even to Bronwyn, who may have captured it already.

These two were so good together, I was smiling almost the whole time. Except for the moments when Ash would be annoying...that happened several times. Mostly because he was so utterly blind to how his actions would impact Bronwyn, how her tender heart would feel seeing him leave their marriage bed before morning, how she may actually want him to stay. Of course, Bronwyn was equally blind to seeing the effect she had on him, and it took quite some time and a lot of intervention by their friends before they both realized what they had found in each other. Love, healing, a sense of a future they both never expected to achieve. And then the children were equally delightful, even the eldest who took some time to warm up to Bronwyn. They were starving for affection, and it was frustrating to see how little they received from Ash due to his secret. It made me wish he were more open with them, even though I could somewhat understand why he would keep them in the dark. I will say I expected the secret to be much worse than it was...and I daresay Bronwyn did as well. She was so utterly accepting of it, and I think that's exactly what Ash needed. Someone to tell him to stop living in the dark and accept those girls for who they were. Overall, this was a couple who needed each other, and once they could accept that, love burst forth for them both.

So many intriguing side characters in this book, I doubt I will mind no matter who gets a book next. Everyone was so unique and intriguing, I so look forward to reading more about these Synneful Spinsters.

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When the hero needs a wife to help with his wards, he stumbles upon the heroine. The heroine is more interested in bugs than being married, but when her parents threaten her with finding a husband for her, the heroine accepts the hero's proposal of a marriage-of-convenience. With such a perfect arrangement for the hero and the heroine, how will love change everything that they thought will make them happy within this union?

This is the first book in the Synneful Spinsters series. This book is set within the Isle of Synne world, but readers can read this book by itself without reading the other series. I enjoyed the changing relationship between the main couple and their interactions with their wards. Yet I find myself not liking the heroine's parents for their treatment of the heroine. I liked the heroine more than the hero because said hero needed a good shake. Overall, I enjoyed reading the book and look forward to reading more of the Synneful Spinters series in the future.

**Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the review copy. All opinions and thoughts in the review are my own.**

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Interesting story with unique characters. It was enjoyable to see the relationships between all of the characters grow and see some more of the ward's personalities as they became more comfortable. Overall an enjoyable read.

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Britton has delivered a truly amazing romance!
Some Dukes Have All the Luck is wonderfully romantic and heartwarming. The romance was done just right and the steamy scenes truly added to the story and had importance.
The characters are likable and capture your heart within a few pages. I especially loved the heroine in this one. Her love of science was contagious and her passion for it made her endearing. The Duke was swoon worthy and I adored him.
I would definitely recommend this to romance readers who love marriage of convenience, found family, characters with tortured pasts, Cinderella inspired, heartwarming romance and steamy romance!

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This was was sweet and heartwarming but also sexier and with more angst than in previous books by this author and I was all there for it! . It had so many things you could want including found family, sisterhood, great friendships, and a romantic, bantery relationship with the hero and heroine. Highly recommend! Cant wait for the other spinsters to find their true loves!

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What a great series starter! If you’ve read this author before, this series, is a spin off, using the same location as the previous series, the Isle of Synne. Plus some of our favorite characters are back as well!

One of the things I loved most about this book is Ash. He is just so gone for Bronwyn (and doesn’t even seem to know it). The way he supports her and is protective of her just makes me swoon.

Bronwyn and Ash definitely have major chemistry, and I love how forthright Bronwyn is in asking for exactly what she wants.

This marriage of convenience story definitely checked all the boxes for me, and I truly enjoyed it so much I couldn’t put it down!

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