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Zora Books Her Happy Ever After

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this was my first time reading this author and i enjoyed the book. it was a fun and easy read. what’s not to love about a bookshop owner and author trope?

"Zora Books Her Happy Ever After" by Taj McCoy is a delightful and heart-pounding romance that immerses readers into the cozy world of an indie bookstore owner torn between two intriguing men.

Zora has poured her heart and soul into her bookstore in DC, making it not just a place for books but a community hub. Romance hasn't been on her agenda, not with her dedication to her business. That is until Lawrence, a mystery author she's admired from afar, agrees to hold an event at her store. His charm and the opportunity to finally meet him in person spark something in Zora, despite his seemingly shallow understanding of his own books. Yet, Lawrence comes with a surprise: his best friend Reid, the grumpy guy who attended the event and left a less-than-favorable impression on Zora.

As Zora navigates the growing attraction between her and Lawrence, she finds herself unexpectedly drawn to Reid's intelligence and thoughtfulness. What starts as a choice between two very different men soon becomes a journey of unraveling mysteries and discovering hidden depths in both Lawrence and Reid. McCoy skillfully weaves a narrative of conflicting emotions and desires, highlighting Zora's journey of self-discovery and her quest for a genuine connection.

The characters are well-crafted, each with their own quirks and vulnerabilities that add layers to the story. Zora's determination to uncover the truths behind Lawrence and Reid's personas adds suspense and intrigue, keeping the reader eagerly turning pages. The setting of the indie bookstore adds a cozy backdrop to the unfolding romance, making it feel like a haven where love and literature intersect.

"Zora Books Her Happy Ever After" is a captivating read for anyone who enjoys a blend of romance, mystery, and the warmth of community. Taj McCoy delivers a charming story about love, second chances, and the courage to follow one's heart, making it a perfect escape into a world where happy endings are within reach.

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I loved this book! It's well-written, enjoyable, and a great read. The author did a great job of writing in a way that captures the readers attention, and makes you not want to put it down until you're finished! I can't wait to read more Taj McCoy books! I would highly recommend it!

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Zara books her happy ever after is such a fun book to read!! I honestly love how swoon-worthy it was and throroughly enjoyed the love triangle in this one.

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I'm a sucker for a good love triangle. As a bookseller myself, I adored the fact that the MC owns a bookstore!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book, as this book has already been published, I will not share my review on Netgalley at this time.

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Zora Books Her Happy Ever After is a romance that packs some real advice in for readers. There are so many little snippets included that anyone can apply to their relationship. It is a realistic romance with likeable characters and a thoughtful story.

One of my favorite quotes was “Many of us are caught in cyclical behavior, and we get lost there until we decide to make changes. Sometimes those changes are painful, and sometimes we avoid them because we assume they’ll hurt us irreparably. What we often fail to realize is that we are in a constant state of change. You’re changing, I’m changing, and as a unit, we change. But are we consistently willing to put in the work?”

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Entertaining and hilarious and cute. Taj McCoy has greatly improved in her craft since the last book. I was hooked!

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There were so many things I liked about this book. The premise, the setting…of course. I’m also a fan of love triangles (I know, not the norm), and I loved how this one played out. I also adored her best friend and grandmother. I’m always a fan of a well-rounded cast beyond the main characters.

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Zora, Zora, Zora!
This book was full of angst for me and not the good kind. I so enjoyed the feel good family dynamic, entrepreneur, book store owner vibe of this story. I also adored the maturity it took for the 3 main characters involved practicing open communication amongst each other, but then Zora lost her mind and ruined the whole vibe. She gave herself way too much credit and thought she deserved more than she did. This book was very well written and the pace moved along perfectly. The spice wasn't over the top bit it was definitely to the top. I really enjoyed this story and recommend it often.

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I finished this, but wasn't a fan. I shouldn't have requested it. I DNFed Savvy Sheldon and if I'd been paying attention, I would have avoided this one. I found the characters annoying and the story predictable. I will not read another book by this author and won't purchase her books for my library.

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There is so much goodness in this book and I love that the community takes care of the community. It was easy to spot the wrong choice in this trio and I enjoyed the hint of mystery regarding the writing style. Zora has such a strong support system and those secondary characters were a few of my favorites. I enjoyed Zora's fiesty side and also her desire to give back and create unique ways to support local authors using her bookstore. I listened to the audiobook and enjoyed the narration.

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The premise of this book was SO CUTE. I mean, a mystery author she has a crush on books and event at her bookstore... Yes please!

I really liked Zora's character, her meddling granny and the Charming bookstore she owns. A DC setting is always fun, and I thought this book was well written, steamy and engaging.

But when it came to then just, no. A love triangle is not my favorite trope and for that reason I did not enjoy as much as I think others will!

Read if you enjoy :
• some spice 🌶️
• love triangle
• DC setting
• author / bookstore

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Liked this, didn't love it. It felt obvious to me who Zora should end up with throughout the story, and she just kept fighting it. Really liked her as a character though, and the bookstore world she lived in.

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I just couldn’t get into this book. It didn’t excite me or draw me in, and it didn’t make me care about the characters at all. I didn’t get very far into it before I DNF’d it.

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Indie bookstore owner, Zora, has been busy for a while
Setting up her store and learning, no time for romance meanwhile!
But when her author crush, Lawrence, agrees to an event
Her heart rushes in, perhaps this meeting was really meant?

But who is the negative, grumpy guy, sat by her side
And why the nasty comments and sneers that deride?
She can't find any reason his attitude to defend
But is shocked to discover that he, Reid, is Lawrence's best friend!

Her gran is desperate for great grandchildren and soon
That for her either of these men could be their father and a boon!
But Zora's sense are tingling, she needs her Zor-lock skills
To find out why before her gran's wishes she fulfils!

The story is full of humour and laugh out loud moments, too,
With best friends vying for her romance - is it too good to be true?
They're so different from each other, how can Zora choose
Will one of them become the one that she can't bear to lose?

With an element of mystery threading through this tale,
Along with fun events, it really cannot fail.
For my complementary copy, I say thank you,
As I share with you this, my honest review.

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I really enjoyed Zora, and while I'm not usually one for a love-triangle storyline, I did love meeting both of these guys and loved getting some of the behind the scenes on Zora running her bookstore. What I did not love was the completely excessive amount of describing clothing. Every single outfit. No, ma'am.
Otherwise, I do recommend.

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I enjoyed this story very much. The main character, Zora along with her best friend, Emma and spicy grandmother were funny & engaging.

This rom-com love triangle puts Zora in the center of friends Lawrence and Reid during an author event for Lawrence's latest novel. But things aren't what they seem.

With pressure from granny to produce a grand-baby, Zora dates both men until she decides who or what she wants. I like the maturity of all 3 parties to be open with this arrangement and the competition between the men was cute. Emma was a great friend giving her all the support & granny was just straight up direct & hilarious! Pick this one up, it's available now.

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"Think about who you'll never run out of things to talk about with. That's the one."

Don't let my "it was okay" rating deter you from picking this romance up. I was 100 percent invested in the stylish FMC, her bookish occupation, and her entertaining family.

What I wasn't a fan of, however, was the execution of the dual-romance plot that got us to Zora's HEA. Mostly because it fell into the common pitfall of the "love triangle" trope: when one love interest is the only choice.

From the very beginning I knew which man Zo should choose, and it made all the scenes devoted to Mr. Obviously Wrong tedious to read. Especially because the conversations and connections -- both in and out of the bedroom -- between the two gents were night and day comparatively. So much so that it's almost an insult to Mr. HEA that it took more than three thirds of the novel for Zora to arrive at her decision. And if I didn't adore her so, I'd say he deserves better.

Despite my crankiness with the skewed triangle, this contemporary did deliver in the scenes with Zora's bestie and granny (some of my favorite segments), and in the moments at her bookstore. And while it was a bumpy road to get there, I am happy with Zora's ever after.

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This romance shows that looks can be deceiving, and that a happy ever after can be when and where you least expect it to be. Not only is the romance sweet and full of surprises, there is so much love between Zora, her best friend and her grandmother. Finishing the book was a little hard, only because I was reading it when my grandmother passed away. She loved reading and audiobooks as well, and this post is in memory of her. I will not spoil who Zora gets with, but he was my choice from the beginning!

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Such an amazing book! I love to see nice, relatively cozy black romance. Extra snaps when book stores are involved. I have already shared this book with friends and so far everyone has loved it. I'm looking forward to more books by Taj McCoy.

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