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The Prisoner

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I love a good back and forth as a story unfolds between the past and present, which is how The Prisoner is set up. It was a quick read and held my interest, with lots of twists and turns along the way, which is what I've come to love from B.A. Paris's novels!

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This book was okay - I always like when we have a dual timeline, I like the information one can glean from the past timeline and seeing how the author brings the two together. Admittedly, in this book, I enjoyed the present timeline more; the stakes are higher and the pace felt much faster than the past timeline. As a result, I felt like the change of pace was sometimes jarring and led me to lose interest in the past timeline. That being said, the past timeline was still interesting in that that's where we learn the most about the characters. I didn't particularly enjoy the characters in this one but I think that was definitely on purpose - Ned was horrible and Amelie was ok, she was a bit naive to my taste but she is also young and I think this aspect of her was necessary to make parts of the story work. Her fear and terror in the present timeline is palpable and definitely makes this timeline nerve wracking. Parts of this story were predictable and I felt like right before the ending, all that tension kinda fizzled out but I didn't have the ending entirely figured out, which is a plus for me!

Content warnings: Kidnapping/confinement, murder, emotional abuse, death of a parent, sexual assault, sexual harassment, suicide.

A huge thank you to St Martin's Press and Netgalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I do love a Paris book! This one didn't disappoint either. Suspenseful and entertaining, two must haves in any book.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for allowing me an ARC of the book in exchange for an honest review.
3.5 stars
The first 80% of the book was action packed and anxiety-inducing. The last 20% is the main character rehashing everything that had happened and getting her "closure". I got kinda bored. Slightly disappointed in this book. Being it is by B.A. Paris I expected 4 stars or better. But I'm not disappointed I finished the book.

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This was my first read of a B.A Paris book! I've heard such great things about Behind Closed Doors, so I was excited to dive into this one. I really enjoyed the plot and setting of The Prisoner. I found this to be a binge-worthy read with an unpredictable ending in a creepy setting. The plot twist really got me!

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This was a super interesting concept for a book. I did thing sometimes it dragged during the kidnapping scenes, but I was very involved in wanting to know who was behind everything.

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This is my second B.A. Paris book and it is wildly different from Behind Closed Doors.

While I loved the short chapters and the past/present chapters that helps unravel the story, the ending was lacking in resolution for me.

Amelie is a 16 year old orphan when her father dies suddenly and she leaves Paris to start a new life in London. After spending a year in and out of shelters, she meets a friend who changes her life by allowing her to become her live-in housekeeper. A year later, their friendship has blossomed and Amelia is fast friends with several young and ambitious women working for the exclusive journal.

Amelie is introduced to everyone her friend works with at a company party and she is offered a job. It’s there where she first officially meets Ned Hawthorne, billionaire and owner of the exclusive journal.

Fast forward to 20 year old Amelie now married to Ned in what she believes is a business arrangement to hell her pay for college. But once she is married, the truth about Ned’s character comes to life. Amelie witnesses Ned murder one of her close friends and witnesses her body guard and close companion, Hunter, murdered. Soon, both Amelia and Ned have been kidnapped and they’re being held for ransom. Determined to make it out alive, Amelie tries to escape her room and seek justice for her murdered friends.

The twist comes late into the book and I can say that it was not enough to redeem the storyline. If we kept the end out, it would have been a better book.

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Thank you Netgalley and St Martins Press for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book is about Amelie who has always had a tough life. So when she finds an opportunity to make some money by making a marriage arrangement with a man with a lot of money she takes the deal. Not knowing she has made a deal with the devil.

I couldn’t connect with the characters and too
Much going on. I felt I wasn’t as invested into the story so it just wasn’t for me.

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I couldn’t get into this book. I found the storyline and writing dull, going too quickly between past and present did not work for the flow. Overall it was quite boring, and I just stopped after five or six chapters.

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Another outstanding thriller by BA Paris! Hooked from the very beginning, Paris out did themselves yet again!

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Absolutely loved this book! B.A. Paris is one of my favorite authors and I'll definitely be recommending this one to others!

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⛓️Book Review:
Title: The Prisoner
Author: B.A. Paris
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️/3 stars

I've enjoyed her other books, but this one was a bit of a dud for me. I just didn't feel like there was really all that much suspense or thrill in this one.

Amelia and Ned have only been married for a short while when they are suddenly kidnapped for ransom. Their marriage isn't based on the typical values most people marry for. Their marriage is one of convenience. She stands to receive a large sum of money. He gets his father off of his back. Clearly, this plan didn't work out so well.

Eventually, Amelia is set free. She won't let this situation go, so she wants to find all of the players involved and the real reasoning behind her kidnapping. I'm not sure really what the point was to all of this, and yes, you did get answers to all the questions, but they still just didn't make much sense. Oh well, I hope her next one is much better!

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I loved this story! The plot kept me guessing and I didn't figure out the ending. LOVE! I finishished in one weekend. Would reccomend!

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I was quite disappointed with "The Prisoner" by BA Paris. While I've enjoyed some of the author's previous works, this one felt lacking in many aspects. The plot revolves around a young couple, Lenny and Jemma, who move to a remote village to escape their past and start a new life. However, things take a dark turn when Lenny is accused of a crime and sent to prison, leaving Jemma alone and struggling to uncover the truth.

My main issue with the book was that the characters felt one-dimensional and hard to empathize with. Lenny and Jemma's relationship was underdeveloped and lacked chemistry, making it hard to care about their fate. The other villagers were also quite generic and predictable, with no real depth or complexity. The plot itself was also somewhat slow-paced and repetitive, with not enough twists or surprises to keep me engaged.

Overall, while the premise of "The Prisoner" sounded intriguing, the execution fell flat for me. I found myself struggling to finish the book and ultimately felt underwhelmed by the resolution. Perhaps fans of BA Paris' previous works might still enjoy it, but for me, it was a lackluster read.

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Absolutely adore BA and this did not disappoint. Another incredible read, like always found it hard to put down.

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I honestly don't even know how to describe this one. The premise started out promising and entertaining but quickly started to lack. I just didn't love this one. I didn't find myself saying 'I need to pick up my book to find out what is going to happen'. It seemed slow moving and I didn't connect with any of the characters really.

This one just fell a little flat for me.

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I love B.A Paris and really liked this one. Story/plot was unique. Although the beginning started off a bit slow paced, it really picked up for me in the 2nd half. I would honestly recommend anything by this author

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I read this book back when I got the ARC and didn’t come back to it. But, I must say this was one of the best reads by B.A. Paris so far!

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3.5 stars

Having read multiple other books from this author I was anxious to read this one as well. I loved the premise of the story, Amelie waking up in a dark room, having been kidnapped. I love stories like this where the reader is experiencing this right along with the character.

Focusing on the line in the blurb, “And why does she soon feel safer here, imprisoned, than she had begun to feel with her husband Ned?” I admit I spent a lot of focus on him and quickly decided I didn’t really like him at all, and he wasn’t who I should be focusing on. But I also really didn’t care much for Amelie. I realize she was orphaned and all that, but she was opportunistic and I just didn’t like her character.

The story felt like it dragged quite a bit. The kidnapping sections that I thought were going to be exciting really were not. Things went very slowly, until they pretty much rushed to a quick ending. It all felt very anti-climactic and a bit ridiculous, and the end is basically told to the reader instead of shown, so the action aspect I was hoping for fell flat.

It is an intriguing read, and the twists and turns kept coming, but it just didn’t give me the same excited feeling while reading as I got from the other books read of this author.

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for providing me an advanced review copy of this book in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

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Amelia is, in theory, living THE life - she is married to a billionaire, so why does her married life feel
Like a prison sentence?

To make matters worse, Amelia has been kidnapped, and being kept in a dark room. Terrified as she may be, it’s still better than the prison her marriage represents.

Bed, her billionaire husband, is he going to come to her rescue? Will being rescued from the hell of being kidnapped make her appreciate her husband and their marriage? Amelia is a complex character and well fleshed out, however, her husband Ned seems a little one dimensional, like a bad cardboard cut out of a man.

Overall, this book had quite a few twists and turns, and I ended up really enjoying it!

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