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You Are Not Stuck

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Great book. I lived The thought provoking questions and activities. Highly recommend!!!!!…………I would read another book by this author.

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Don't we all feel stuck sometimes? I know I do. This book is such a wonderful guide to understanding why we feel stuck and how to move forward. Becky Vollmer helps readers understand that we always have choices and options and also helps break things down into easily digestible chunks and decisions. Written with compassion and some tough love from someone who transformed her own unhappy life.

Many thanks to Netgally and St. Martin's Essentials for this Advanced Copy.

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Thank you St Martin's Essentials for the eARC in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own.

You are not stuck is a story based self help book. Becky Vollmer pulls from her life experience to help her readers feel inspired to get unstuck from the places they feel stuck in their lives. She teaches a lot of different ways to figure out what you want out of life. Becky wants to empower everyone to figure out what they want most out of life and reach for it. She wants her readers and others to break the cycles of fear and make bold choices for real change in their lives. This is a great read for those that find they have different coping mechanisms that are unhealthy and want to change those habits. I personal did not get a whole lot out of this story. I do not have habits like that that I want to change. I like my life, however, I thought there is always something to learn. This story just felt like a autobiography more than a self help book in my opinion.

Content: Divorce, swearing

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This is an inspiring book that is great for people who are sober or thinking of cutting back. It was an easy, personable read that I will likely read again

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Loved the reframing this book gave me! I've taken advice from this book and applied it to my personal life whenever I feel like I'm getting into a slump.

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I went to pick up this book because I really felt that I needed a book that would help me get out of a place of me feeling stuck. I needed to realize that where I currently was in my life was not a place that I was going to be in forever. This book is going to help you if you are a person who needs answers. This may not be the same for everyone's path but it will help you if you are someone who is struggling. I recommend this book to anyone feeling that they are not in the right career, relationship and time in their lives that they were expecting.

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A bit repetitive but might hit right for you. Repetition may have been intentional to get the message across. The author has a great sense of humor and I think the book is timely. The author is clearly sold on yoga, so be ready for that!

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You Are Not Stuck is an interesting self help book that takes a lot of information from different sources and synthesizes it down into easy to understand chapters; plus takes a yoga spin on it all. I really enjoyed the layout and the writing, it was easy to keep attention and helpfully chunked down. Each section ends with a homework and to-do element that is reasonable. This is a good book for someone who just seems to have what they want but just still doesnt feel that contentment they expected.

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I couldn't even finish this is was so boring, I fell asleep multiple times. I guess as a sleep aid it was good but I just really couldn't get into it.

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If you're not sure of your path, this book is for you. Because Author Becky Vollmer will help you create a playbook for how to live your best life.

She's like the best friend you need. The voice of reason. Someone who is kind and warm and smart -- similar to your favorite yoga teacher (because she is one). But she'll also toss in a few ef bombs to sound even more approachable. (My kind of friend)!

In "You are Not Stuck," Becky takes us by the hand and lets us know that we're not alone. Others are stuck in dead-end jobs, toxic relationships and yo-yo diets. Nearly everyone has bad habits to kick as well as negative self-talk.

She empowers us to see what's beyond the place where we cannot see for ourselves. Heck, she even shares plenty of examples of how she's transitioned her life out of a corporate workaholic and being a real-life alcoholic. Even if you're neither of these things, I still think you will find some really good nuggets in this book.

Thanks to to St. Martin's Press for the advanced reader ebook. I devoured it using the NetGalley app.

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This book provides a great framework for recognizing and working through road blocks in your life. I really appreciate the candid attitude the author brings and I think this will make a great addition to my mental health toolkit.

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This is the perfect book to jump into the new year with and take an honest look at what is usually the underlying cause of your "stuckness" and "inability" to see something through: fear. While that can be difficult to admit, the author walks you through the process of getting in touch with your deepest desires, the truth of which allow you to circumvent them with passion.

Too often we are pressured by what we "should" be doing, what career path and level we "should" aspire to, and then once we give into that, there is this deep sense of unfulfillment. The author shows you how to get past that by listening to the guidance of your soul, which holds the key to your purpose.

Once you do that, you can be steered by that inner compass, knowing that it will not steer you wrong! The book requires the best part of you and your intuition to arrive at clarity and once that's been established you have better footing to courageously walk a new path. Broken into smaller, less daunting decsions and ACTIONS, you know what you MUST do and fear is more of a motivator in the sense that you are afraid of what will happen if you DON'T. I really enjoyed this book and recommend it to anyone; just like the cover, the vibrance of your soul awaits!

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You Are Not Stuck: How Soul-Guided Choices Transform Fear into Freedom by Becky Vollmer
Publisher: St. Martin's Press, St. Martin's Essentials
Genre: Self-Help
Published: January 3, 2023

You Are Not Stuck by Becky Vollmer must read for anyone who feels stuck! Yes, at times, it can feel a little 'woo' but it is so spectacular! This is the book to keep nearby to re-read the parts when you need them most!

I thought this book was everything I needed right now. There is so much connection between the mind and how the body reacts and the section about breathing was on point for me.

I highly recommend reading this book! The author has a familiar and friendly style that made the book feel less heavy, but no less powerful. There is amazing stuff in here!!!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I love the cover of this book. I love the title of this book. I love it all! I am set in my ways, almost feeling stuck, but this book was just what i needed to help identify what i could do to live a more fulfilling life!

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I needed this book. Filled with humor and advice on how to navigate through life. I needed this book to help lift my mood. My whole outlook on life changed thanks to this book .

Thank you to #Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC

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Do you feel stuck, or unhappy with your life? Are you looking for a way to change, but have no idea where to start? If any of that is true, then you need this book! Becky Vollmer has been there and done that. She will walk you through step by step on your path of discovery. I loved this book and will keep returning to it as things in my life change and I feel trapped again.

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This book is just what I needed to hear. Becky Vollmer is very open with her own life and struggles, and reading this book was like a pep talk from the big sister I don't have. I would absolutely recommend it.

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Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for this arc in exchange for an honest review.
This book is about giving yourself permission to make choices and changes to your life and be happy with those decisions. The reader is provided with nine steps to encourage you to change your life. This was a good read. You need to combine mindfulness, meditation, and journaling to see how to get unstuck and figure out what you really want.
My favorite quote on the book “Choice starts with acknowledging that the live you’re living does not line up with the life you want.”

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Have you ever felt stuck in life? Have you ever wanted to leave a job and just haven’t felt like you can? Becky did, and she explains how you can too.

This is a solid book in the self help genre. It references other books in the genre, and fills in some gaps.

Thanks to @netgalley and @stmartinsessentials for the opportunity to pre read this book!

You Are Not Stuck comes out January 3rd!

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In 2014 Becky Vollmer launched You Are Not Stuck, running workshops, online courses and retreats. Having quit her uninspiring corporate job after realizing she could choose something else, she made it her mission to explore the fears we have about change and share her ideas about what we can do to choose with our hearts. Through her journey for authenticity, Vollmer became a yoga student, then a yoga instructor, and yoga informs her philosophy.

You Are Not Stuck is about giving yourself permission to quit, to change, and to finally live in alignment with your evolving values. Vollmer is all about finding this alignment for yourself, whatever that looks like.

With humor, Vollmer opens up your world to the reality of choices. She urges you to “choose from your soul, not from your fear.”

The book works as a foundation for developing your own playbook for getting unstuck. That’s so important because, yes, you can want to change, but first you need a plan! This playbook is designed by you, and Vollmer calls it “your integrity on paper”

I love that each chapter ends with a closing exercise, so get out your journal and be ready for some excavation.

As Vollmer says, “choice starts with acknowledging that the life you’re living does not line up with the life you want.” This dissonance can point you in the direction that your soul truly wants to go towards.

Thanks to St. Martin’s Essentials, Becky Vollmer, and NetGalley

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