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All the Dangerous Things

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All the Dangerous Things is a psychological thriller about a woman named Isabelle who had her son, Mason, taken in the middle of the night. The case went cold and even a year later, was totally unsolved with no leads. Isabelle, completely sleep deprived now, cannot give up trying to figure out what happened to her son. When a podcaster named Waylon comes into her life. He wants to tell her story and see if he can help her figure out the case with the help of his listeners. Will Waylon be able to help her figure out the case? Will her son’s kidnapping ever be solved?

I would rate this book 4.5 stars!

I devoured this book within a week. The short chapters flew by when reading this book. There was a past story weaved throughout the present-day story, which also made the book go by very quickly. The two stories were woven together very nicely. I wanted to know Isabelle’s story in the past and how it may or may not have connected with her story in the present.

I love the “unreliable narrator” trope when reading thriller books– and this book has just that. You can’t help but wonder if Isabelle was seeing things or whether they were truly happening. Was her sleep deprivation causing her to see things or was it truly happening? I also found how she was sleepwalking in her past as well as starting again in her present to be an interesting aspect to the book.

There were definitely twists that I didn't see coming in this book, especially when it came to Waylon. I love being surprised when reading a thriller book. I loved the ending of the book and how it was all pieced together in the end.

I wish that the end of this book stretched out a little bit longer. I felt as though a lot happened but it was rushed like “2 days later” and then “two weeks later.” I really would have liked to hear more of the podcast finishing in detail, especially since so much came to light in those last few chapters.

Overall, I would recommend this book. I have read both books by Willington now and I enjoyed both of them. This book was very well-written and fast paced.

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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If you like a book with an unreliable narrator, you will like this book. If you are sick of books with a female unreliable character, give this book a chance. You will be pleasantly surprised. It’s not the same book you think it is. That’s why I liked this book so much. It wasn’t a typical book. This thriller will keep your attention and you won’t be able to wait to get to the end to find out what happens!

Thank you so much to Net Galley for a gifted copy!

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Stacy Willingham’s latest thriller focused on a mother who suffers from sleep problems and memory loss. Her son was kidnapped and she was never haunted by her past and never knew what happened during her memory loss.

It is a fast-paced thriller but there are parts of the story that I felt was a bit disconnected. The ending seemed a bit convenient too. This book reminded me of Megan Goldin’s Stay Awake and I think I like Stay Awake better.

3.5 ⭐️

Thank you NetGalley and Minotaur book for the free e-ARC in exchange for my honest review

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I loooved this book!

I was a little hesitant to read it given I personally have a dealt with post partum depression in the past but it ended up being a non factor.

The main character becomes an unreliable narrator which is one of my favorite themes when reading thrillers.

I cannot wait to read her next book!

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This sophomore thriller by Willingham was as equally compulsive and page turning as her first! She is quickly turning into an author I will be eagerly anticipating more books from!

😍Loved: I'm always down for an unreliable narrator! I found the writing atmospheric and I was immersed in the setting.

😀Liked: The twist was a goodie here! Definitely didn't see it coming or even have a close guess. This is makes or breaks a suspense novel for me - so big win! After about the halfway point, I barely put this down because I needed answers.

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Gosh I loved this book! I wish it didn’t take me so long to read - but it’s because of my reading slump, not the book!

It was twisty, well-paced, & filled with questionable characters. The authors note tied the themes of womanhood, motherhood & the blurred lines of right & wrong.

I imagine this book could be triggering for any woman who experienced postpartum depression/anxiety, motherhood/childhood traumas, or separation/loss of children.

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I've been ready to read more from this author since her previous book last year. This book is very atmospheric, the characters were all introduced slowly. The plot moved between "Now" to "Then" Louisiana 1999, and Savannah Georgia now. It took me a few chapters to get into it but it was well worth it. There are lots of jaw dropping moments and loved all of the twists. I could not put this book down after the beginning. I kept on flipping the pages to see what was going to happen next. It gave me a five star high. It kept me on the edge of my seat. This book was just so crazy. It had everything that you want in a thriller. This one is not a predictable read. It was mind blowing!

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I love this book! My second by the author and I was not disappointed. It is a slow-paced thriller, but you are immediately pulled in by our main character and it feels like you ARE her. The story had a great atmosphere and had flowed smoothly, I thought I had it all figured out but was definitely caught off guard in the end! The ending wrapped it up nicely as well.

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Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for a copy of this ARC.

Oh my goodness, this book. To me, this is the perfect thriller. Misdirection is a huge part of it, so you never know who did it, but it all makes perfect sense once you reach the end. I felt for Isabelle throughout the entire novel as she struggled to find out what happened to her son, despite the people around her giving up or not taking things as seriously as they should. I was sucked in the entire time and could NOT stop reading until I reached the end. Excuse me while I go read everything else Stacy Willingham has ever written...

If you enjoy reading thrillers and want one that will freak you out to read at night, pick this one up. But if you don't like books about missing kids or kids in danger, this won't be for you! I know that I wouldn't have been able to pick this one up if I was a parent.

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i loved this book! this is my second stacy book that i read and i’m excited to see what she does next! we follow a mother who her child went missing which is a scary thing to go through. i love all the twists and turns and story telling. the writing style was done well the pacing of the story was just spot on.

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Thanks to Netgalley, St. Martins Press and Stacy Willingham for this ARC..I loved this book ! I’ve read A Flicker in the Dark and loved that, but this one is even better..I loved the character of Isabel, so strong a women., so bold and unrelenting ! …Probably my favorite book of 2023 so far…5 stars

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This book was so good! Would definitely recommend. Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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I could not wait to dive into this book. A flicker in the dark was one of my favorite books this year and I just couldn’t wait to see what this one was all about.

Isabelle Drake lost her son Mason a year ago. When she went into his room to wake him for the day, he was just gone, no sign or trace of anything has been discovered within the last year. Within this last year Isabelle has barely gotten any sleep, which is much different from her normal, when she was younger she was such a deep sleeper that she often sleepwalked. This isn’t the first tragedy she has faced in life, when she was little her sister Margaret had a terrible accident, but Isabelle still isn’t sure exactly what happened to her or if she had anything to do with it. Her life is quite a mess, her husband has since left blaming the dissolution of their marriage on mason being missing. Soon Isabelle learns she never really knew her husband at all. Who took Mason and what exactly happened to Margaret all those years ago?

I gave this five stars because although it had a slow burn, I was still intrigued to learn what happened. The ending came out of no where and I can honestly say I didn’t see it coming at all. I also really liked the change in timelines from the present to when Isabelle was younger and discovering what happened to her sister. This is a great read if you’re into thrillers. I can’t wait to see what else Stacy willingham comes up with.

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💜𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗲𝘄 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲💜
🤍𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: psychological thriller
𝗠𝘆 𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴: 4.5 ⭐️ 💫
📖 326 pages

Thank you @minotaurbooks @stmartinespress & @stacyvwillingam for this #gifted digital arc!

Wow, just wow! I really enjoyed this one. While it had a slower start, the pace quickly picked up. I had my hunches but was never quite sure what was going to happen & I still didn’t call that ending 🤯. Between the unreliable main character and her ambiguous past, it was hard to know who to trust.

With a story full of suspicious characters and a plot so compelling, I really couldn’t put it down. Even on an airplane jet lagged & exhausted with crying toddlers behind me 😵‍💫 haha 😂 I was very much hooked!

The story follows Isabelle who present day is still searching for her missing son who was taken out of his crib one night. The case has gone cold but Isabelle is determined to find him, even without the help of her estranged ex husband, Ben. She befriends Waylon who has a true crime podcast and wants to help. But who can she really trust if she doesn’t even trust herself? Told from alternating timelines from present day to 1999 from Isabelle’s cryptic past, this plot will keep you interested until the very end.

@stacyvwillingham is an #autobuyauthor for me! I loved FLICKER IN THE DARK s’much too!

TW ⚠️: loss of a child, divorce, suicide

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"What would it feel like to be trapped inside of a mind of a sleep deprived mother, who deep down, believed that the disappearance of her child was somehow her fault?"

In the market for a well-paced, unsettling psychological thriller? This story is about a missing child and his mom, Isabelle, with a troubled past. Isabelle suffers from insomnia and sleep walking.

I am not a huge thriller reader. Every once on a blue moon I pick up one. If a thriller keeps me at the edge of my seat and I don't see the twists coming I consider it a good one. And according to my "very detailed rubric (!)" this was a decent one.

I cannot say I liked Izzy. How she rationalized her life choices and I wanted to tell her "sweetie, what goes around comes around" (because I talk to my fictional characters🤭 ) But I felt so bad for her. She was living the biggest nightmare imaginable for a mom.

The author kept the tension up the whole time going back and forth between present day and Izzy's childhood.

All in all this thriller kept me intrigued. It was a quick read. It also made me wake up in the middle of the night and check whether my son is sleeping in his bed.🥺

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So many twists and turns as Izzy tries to find out what happened to her son. A bit draggy in the middle but then it picks up rapidly, you’ll be surprised by the ending.

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I really enjoyed this author's first novel, A FLICKER IN THE DARK. This one was also good but not my favorite between the two. It took a while for it to grab my attention. I guessed one of the twists early on, and reading it had an eerie feeling with some of the stuff going on in the news. I also am curious if it's really possible to go a whole year without sleep.

If you enjoy a slow build with an unreliable narrator, this is your book!

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Definitely a great read. .There were plenty of twists and turns and when I got to the end, it was a WOW factor. This book kept me interested the entire time.! The characters were so real perfectly written into the story. Loved this book!

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I have not yet read this book, as I am almost 8 months pregnant with a 2 year old daughter at home. The content is proving to be a bit too much for me at this moment with all of my hormones flowing. But I loved Willingham"s "A Flicker In the Dark," so I have purchased myself a copy of this book to read at a later date when I'm not so sensitive to the themes and plot points in this book. Review to come.

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Immediately draws you in. The middle can get a bit long but the ending and the multiple twists quickly make up for that.
Overall really enjoyed this sophomore book by the author and excited to read what is next.

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