Member Reviews

When I read the synopsis of All Hallows, I knew it was outside my typical read, but it sounded interesting and I wanted to give it a try. I'm glad I tried something new, but this book just wasn't for me. I've realized that I am not a fan of supernatural books, and I could not get into this one.
In addition to the supernatural elements, there was WAY too much going on in this book. There was a lot of drama for a story told over a few hours, and it was hard to keep track of everything. And the new suspicious neighbors that everyone is afraid of...?! That plot line was not necessary and didn't add anything to the story, in my opinion. (I can't be more specific without giving a spoiler).
Overall, if you're a fan of horror and supernatural thrillers, then this one might be for you!
Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for my gifted copy in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this book. Sometimes authors go a little nuts with the different POVs but this was done just right. Not too many to completely lose track of the characters and just enough to get all the sides of the story.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of All Hallows in exchange for my honest review.
I really liked this book. It had all the drama, gore, scares, and creepy children you want in a horror story. Each chapter was told from a different character’s perspective which made it interesting seeing the same events differently. It was a quick read. I would definitely recommend.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Guys I couldn’t put this one down. Love @christopher_golden books but this has to be the best yet. Hooked the whole way through. Enjoyed the character building through the whole book. Creepy and ominous feeling all the way through. Made me feel like a kid in the 80s again. Definitely will make my top five this year! You must read this book!

All Hallows was a clever and spooky book that would be perfect to read in October. Set in 1984, it combines some fun nostalgia with neighborhood gossip, relationship angst, infidelity, friendship, betrayal, financial struggles, coming of age, folklore and good old fashioned horror.
This book is told from many perspectives. At first I was concerned it would get confusing but I actually think it enriched the story. There were many storylines blending into one and this was the best way to make the book flow. The creep factor is on high alert with this book and no one is safe with the author. Basically, anything can happen to anyone at any time....and does. So, if you're looking for a spooky read with a few twists, this is a good one to grab.
Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC. I voluntarily chose to read and review it and the opinions contained within are my own.

This was a drag for me, though I really liked the idea and I generally enjoy this author. I look forward to the next release.

I have read other stories from this author and enjoyed them immensely, but (in my opinion), there were just too many problems with this one. To start, there were just too many characters and too many points of view that it was incredibly hard to keep up with who was supposed to be narrating what part. There were also some characters that stood out for all the wrong reasons (purposely acting a certain way and then being surprised when people judged them for it, or characterizing nearly every man in the book as a pervert).
In my opinion, I would have liked to have seen more of the supernatural plot. Tell me more about these children (and really, did no one even care about them because it seem like they would show up and be seen, and people would then just go on about their day)?
Tell me more about the urban legends surrounding the town. Do something that makes it interesting other than have more family drama than an episode of Jerry Springer.
On the whole, I think with another round of editing (which, as I received an ARC of this book, there might have been), I think this story could still be salvaged. There just needed to be less drama and more horror for it to really live up to what it promised.
DISCLAIMER: I received a complimentary copy of this novel from the publisher. This has not affected my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are 100% my own.

Wasn't what I was hoping. Hadn't read anything by that author and there were so many characters that it was hard to keep track of who was who. I'd liked to have more background on some of the characters. Would have liked to know more about cunning man. Character development was not there. Very fast paced. Lots of plot holes.

All Hallows is creepiness at its very best. I predict that it will be on Halloween must-read lists everywhere this fall, but true lovers of thrillers/horror won't be able to wait that long. As a New England girl myself, it was easy to place myself inside Christopher Golden's fictional haunted Massachusetts woods,. The spookfest is narrated by multiple characters over a single Halloween night, but all wrapped up neatly and tied with scary bow and ending with events that could only happen on a night when the veil is thin! I loved it.

Full disclosure, I didn't end up finishing this one, though I did get about 85% through before calling it quits. And let me tell you, I was TRUDGING through that 85%. I kept waiting for the horror in this horror novel, Yes, there were creepy aspects, but there were so many perspectives about people I didn't care about that it was hard to feel immersed.
I think the author was trying to go for a really character-driven story, but it just wasn't executed well. I don't have a ton to really say about this. It was so slow, and overall I was really let down on what seemed to be a really promising premise.

It's 1984 in Coventry, Massachusetts, and the Barbosa's are setting up their annual Haunted Woods display for Halloween, but amongst the usual trick-or-treaters are old-fashioned costumes and rumor has it that the Cunning Man has come out to play.
All Hallows by Christopher Golden is a perfectly spooky Halloween read that focuses on a close-knit neighborhood that's hiding plenty of secrets behind closed doors.
While the story itself isn’t anything groundbreaking, if you’re a fan of character-driven, Stephen King-esque supernatural horror, you’ll probably have a good time with this one.
Thank you, NetGalley and St. Martin's Press, for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

<b>Nothing in these woods could be more dreadful, more terrifying, than the selfish cruelty of ordinary people.</b>
It’s Halloween night in 1984, and kids are out trick-or-treating, Tony Barbosa is preparing his neighborhood-famous Haunted Woods for the last time, and the Koenig’s are gearing up for their annual party. Strange children approach each of the characters, on the run and asking for help and protection from the Cunning Man who’s after them. The story follows everyone in the neighborhood as they experience a Halloween full of drama and terror that they’ll never forget.
This is definitely a good spooky-time read, and the different points of view from everyone makes it more interesting. My favorite characters are Vanessa and Julia, and their moments were nice little reprieve from everything going on. I was a little underwhelmed with the villain(s) in this I guess, and it wasn’t very scary (which is great if you don’t want anything scary!), but overall it was pretty good.
<b>“Who’s the Cunning Man?”
“He’s trick-or-treat,” she said. “He’s Halloween. And he’s almost here.”</b>

I unfortunately dnf at 15%. There were several POVs and I was getting who was who mixed up. I felt myself not wanting to pick up the book.
Thank you for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

‘80s nostalgia, Halloween and creepy kids in vintage costumes?! Yes, please🙌 These are a few of my favorite things, after all. Well, maybe not the creepy kids…in real life anyway. Reading about them is much better.
When I came across the synopsis of All Hallows, I knew I had to read it:
“It’s Halloween night, 1984, in Coventry, Massachusetts, and two families are unraveling. Up and down the street, secrets are being revealed, and all the while, mixed in with the trick-or-treaters of all ages, four children who do not belong are walking door to door, merging with the kids of Parmenter Road. Children in vintage costumes with faded, eerie makeup. They seem terrified, and beg the neighborhood kids to hide them away, to keep them safe from The Cunning Man.”
I will start with the good: solid ‘80s neighborhood vibe. The atmosphere was great, with lots of Halloween decorations and everyone all hyped up for the holiday.
The not so good: there is a ton of neighborhood drama and gossip, but nothing really happens. There were so many characters to keep track of that I got a bit frustrated. The book doesn’t really pick up until the last 25% or so. Then we start to see some horror. But even then it falls flat. I wanted a lot more of the creepy kids, The Cunning Man, and the haunted woods. Sadly, this one just didn’t deliver. Not a bad book, just not what I was hoping. I enjoyed his other book, Road of Bones, much more.
Thank you @netgalley and @stmartinspress for the digital ARC!

Spooky read that will keep you up at night! Thank you to Netgalley for this advanced copy. This is perfect horror anytime of the year, not just Halloween.

I really enjoyed this book, but I wanted to enjoy it more. It’s a great story, fun setting/ time of year. Totally Halloween which I completely love! Lots of plot points involving many characters- but that’s also the problem. The book shifts perspectives of narrator with each chapter change. Some are in the same family, so it is still same setting, which was a lot easier to follow. But when it keeps going from person to person unrelated it’s hard to keep up, and it took me out of the sort a bit. It was almost like reading a bunch of short stories, and I couldn’t read too much in one sitting, despite vert much wanting to know what happens next. So it is a good read, but kinda frustrating.

3.5 stars
It’s Halloween in 1984, and the families of Parameter Road are hoping to forget their woes for one night and have a bit of fun. As the sun goes down it’s soon clear this won’t be a typical Halloween night. Four children that don’t belong mingle in with the neighborhood kids, and seem to be scared out of their wits. They beg those around them to keep the Cunning Man away from them. Who is the Cunning Man, and why are these odd kids so terrified of him?
Wow this author did not hold back!! All bets are off and no one is safe!
While this story starts out a little confusing, told between multiple POV’s, it eventually finds its rhythm once we (the reader) become more familiar with each character.
This one is so atmospheric setting up a number of creepy situations, places, and people, and had me screaming at the book at points! I do wish we got more backstory of the Cunning Man however. I still have questions and really have no idea who he is at all.
There is a lot of neighborhood drama in these pages (and trigger warnings that you should definitely check into before reading). Some of it did seem to take away from the good spooky Halloween tale. With the exception of one creepy couple. Without spoiling I’ll just say that drama was great and I wouldn’t have minded more!
Overall an enjoyable horror read!
*Thank you to St Martin’s Press and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest and voluntary review.

A spooky, twisty horror story that also highlights the importance of family and defending those you love. That sounds almost like a fake description, but "All Hallows" is really much more than your everyday scary story. Though it is still plenty scary!
It's Halloween, and two neighborhood families are dealing with their own personal demons, when what seem to be actual demons infiltrate the trick or treating proceedings. Good and evil are turned on their heads throughout the course of the night, as everyone races to survive until midnight.

I’m starting to wonder if horror just isn’t my thing. I’ve tried two of Grady Hendrix’s books and didn’t care for the first one and DNFed the second. I thought maybe it was just a Hendrix and I not jiving thing because I know a lot of people love his books, but now I’m not so sure. It might just be the whole genre 🤷🏻♀️
My feelings were just kind of meh while reading. The only part that got my emotions going was when a child was murdered. That’s something I don’t do well with in books. So heads up on that being in there!
There were also a shit ton of characters to keep straight, so that took up a lot of my concentration space. Once I got them straight I could focus more on the story itself.
My favorite part of this book was that it was set on Halloween of 1984…my very first Halloween! 🥳
Thank you to @netgalley and @stmartinspress for the arc in exchange for my thoughts!

This book is set Halloween 1984! (Spooky books in January. I'm here for it). As the children are trick or treating with their friend groups they notice a few kids who seem to be new to the neighborhood. They figure the new kids are from a few streets over but came for the Haunted Woods or to trick or treat. However, after talking to the kids they realize something is very wrong. The new kids say they need to be kept safe until midnight. Then they will be safe from the Cunning Man. I got SlenderMan vibes here but I'm too old for when that was a big thing so I could be wrong. I loved this part of the book best! I don't want to give any spoilers but it just gets better from here!
The writing was enticing the entire book. I just kept turning the pages to see what these kids were doing in the neighborhood and why. I needed to know!!
(Will post to IG this week but wanted to get thr review in here.)