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Weyward by Emilia Hart is a sweeping story.

Hart's work is beyond amazing. Her writing is flawless and the characters and storyline of this book are perfectly developed.
The writing style was great and she swept away with it.
Also the way Emilia developed her characters was nothing short of amazing. I think the characters had depth and a little intrigue and I really just wanted to know everything about them.
Three different women Altha, Violet, and Kate went through some hard times and the way their story was told is something special. The different timelines was phenomenal.
Weyward is a book that that kept me engaged, intrigued and flipping the pages for hours straight.

“I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.”

St. Martin's Press,
Thank You for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Kate is fleeing domestic abuse when she runs to the remote cottage her aunt left to her. The cottage holds a definite appeal to Kate, and not because it’s a respite from violence. The bones under the house would indicate that her great aunt had some pretty big secrets. It turns out those bones go back to the 17th century when a young woman, wise in the healing properties of plants is accused of witchcraft. Telling the story in three timelines, Kate in the present, Altha in the 17th century and Violet in World War II, a young woman who yearns for the freedom to live free from the conventions of the time. Three different women, all persecuted, all remarkable tell their stories across 500 years in this beautifully constructed story

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Weyward is a beautiful novel that encapsulates the lives, and struggles, of three women. Spanning across centuries, the novel follows the lives of the Weyward women and their unique power - a connection to nature that sets them apart and empowers them. Even with years separating them, the women struggle and overcome societies, and to be blunt, men, who seek to break them.

Weyward is beautifully written, with characters that you both connect to and feel for, regardless of the different era they may come from. The book highlights the age-old problem of gender violence and sexual assault, and the power that each woman finds within themselves to overcome it. Sometimes a book that flits back and forth through different points of time can be confusing, but this was well woven together, amounting to the perfect build to the climax. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and finished it in one sitting.

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Weyward by Emilia Hart is a breathtakingly beautiful novel that explores the dangers of patriarchal control and celebrates the enduring power of the feminine. The narrative expertly intertwines the lives of three women separated by five centuries: Altha, a girl accused of witchcraft in the 17th century, Violet, a victim of sexual assault living in the 20th century, and Kate, a woman fleeing her abusive boyfriend in 2019.

The novel takes its title from Shakespeare’s description of the witches in Macbeth as “Weyward Sisters”. Altha, Violet, and Kate, all females from the Weyward line, have a deep connection to the natural world. Altha is a healer, gardener, and animal lover, but she does not use the term “witch” which is a word “invented by men, a word that brings power to those who speak it, not to those it describes.” When Violet inherits Altha’s cottage, she discovers her ancestor’s narrative before passing the cottage on to Kate, who in turn discovers Violet’s letters, piecing together the powerful family destiny.

I loved every word of this perfectly paced book which drips with the pain and joy of life. Altha, Violet, and Kate suffer tremendous hardships, but beneath their struggles is a wild strength and love of fairy tales that helps them vocalize the untold stories of all women. Fans of Alice Hoffman will love the writing style and uplifting message of this book which connects women across generations and lets them know they are not alone.
Weyward will draw you in and take hold of your imagination long after the final page has been turned.

Thank you to NetGalley for a free copy of this book in exchange for a fair review.

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This was a beautifully done novel about generations of women, I was invested in what was going on in this story. I loved each time period and getting to know the person in that time period. The characters were beautifully done and I enjoyed getting to know each one of them. Emilia Hart has a great writing style and I really enjoyed what I read so much. I can't wait to read more from Ms. Hart.

"They were walking in the meadow at the very edge of the grounds. It was hilly, and at its crest they could see the green landscape below. Violet felt strangely light, as though her bones had filled with air. The sun was hot on the back of her neck. She should have brought a hat. Nanny Metcalfe would give her a telling-off if she got sunburnt."

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