Member Reviews

- [ ] Don’t Start A Side Hustle - Brian Page’s “Don’t Start a Side Hustle” is a book that makes you think and dream the American Dream. He’s honest enough to tell you it requires work and determination. If you are wanting to start a side hustle in this ‘Gig Economy’ at least read his book first. Some of my ideas or aspirations was to jump into some side hustles. After reading this book, I am pivoting to income producing ideas that will last much longer than a side hustle.

Page gives you examples of income producers without all of the effort. At my stage of life, this book resonates and pushes me to consider developing income earners, passive income, and hard working assets that will provide for my retirement and my next generations. Page includes stories of others who he learned from and who he helped along the way to the life they always wanted. This book is definitely worth the purchase price. One idea could change your forever.

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This book captivates my interest due to its innovative, pragmatic, and realistic approach to attaining wealth, defined in a manner tailored to individual aspirations.

Among the notable revelations within its pages is the proposition to shift focus from aspiring to be one's own CEO to the creation of a project that, post-initial development efforts, autonomously generates revenue, providing not only financial gains but also affording precious time and diverse forms of wealth.

The text delves into the concept of transforming a personal hobby into a lucrative endeavor, challenging the conventional notion and aligning with my own perspective. The author effectively argues against the necessity of this conversion, contributing to my agreement with the presented viewpoint.

The book's premise avoids idealistic portrayals, emphasizing the arduous nature of the journey toward a coveted life through the establishment of a wealth-generating project. The acknowledgment of the challenges involving perseverance, effort, and emotional investment enhances the credibility of the narrative.

I commend the book for its departure from the prevalent structure of narratives dominated by storytelling, offering a balanced blend of illustrative examples to underscore key principles, thereby presenting information in an educational manner.

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This was kind of a horrible experience. Everyone wants to have financial autonomy, but what this book encourages is basically exploitation. You don't have the resources? Use other people's and rake in the dough. You don't have the idea? Take someone else's.
It's telling who the author sees as "creators," when at least one of them has never created anything.
Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

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Don’t start a side hustle

Yep. The title drew me in. In a word where everyone is looking for something to do on the side to increase their income, this book is arguing to not…ha, just kidding. It just suggests a mindset shift when it comes to working for yourself.

Advice? Don’t treat it as small time. Don’t act like it a hobby. Forget that you think you’re too busy. Learn to say no (classic). Oh, and my favorite, how to avoid all of the shiny ideas that come by and how to buckle down when you come distracted.

All were helpful.

Was it groundbreaking? Not really, but I did like the talking style and the advice overall.

Solid 3.8!

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The book is written for passive-preneurs.
Move away from paychecks, dollars per hour, overtime, and salary and move towards wealth vehicles, assets, passive income, cash flow, and leisure time.
The WHY. If you won the lottery today, would you go to work tomorrow?
The goal is to become a passive-preneur, and you start by getting crystal clear on the WHY before you build the HOW. What does success look like to you?
#Creators create assets.
#Controllers leverage assets.
#Owners buy assets.
You don’t need to be an expert to create Passive Income Vehicles [PIVs]or even be interested in the topic. Very few personal passions will support us financially.
You identify one or more sources of income that meets your financial needs and that is not dependent on you and your time. If possible, focus on PIVs that have already been proven to be profitable. No need to reinvent the wheel. Model your process on a mentor who has already achieved the results that you are looking for.
KEY. If you want radically different results, then you will need to take radically different action steps every day to support your business.
The author of this book openly admits that his ADD means it is difficult for him to focus.
This book is all over the place with a lot of repetition and pages filled with common sense that anyone currently running a side hustle already knows.
Most of it is filler about the author’s viewpoint and life experiences, and there is very little practical information on how to replace the day job with a real side hustle.
If you are looking for a long list of work-from-home projects, then this is not the book for you.
Overall – the title is misleading. Most potential readers can start a side-hustle creating a digital asset and build a real income.

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Catchy title and cover. For some reason, the version sent to my Kindle was poorly formatted, which makes it very difficult to read. The page headings ended up breaking up text within paragraphs and I was unable to navigate between chapters. For a nonfiction book like this, I rely on the chapter navigation and proper headings and subheadings to be able to skim to the relevant sections that I'd like to read.
The content of the book is interesting but I don't think I gained any new knowledge from what I've already seen from other sources that give advice about passive income streams.

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Thankyou and congratulations, I have been on the waitlist for this title for some while and to get my full attention and play full out with engagement is the perfect time to expansion with the knowledge provided in this title. Huge commitment to success , the future looks bright five stars review and massive thumbs up.

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This is very practical book. It is written in a Intresting style. It helps to break few if misconceptions created by books on the topic of side hustle.I had read various book of this nature and I must say Brian Page wrote one of the clearest guided how-to books with Don't Start a Side Hustle. The explanations of someone who has done it, who is not gatekeeping, and truly wants to help are clear in how informative Don't Start a Side Hustle! is. There is support in the way the comes across and shares his knowledge which is admirable, and you will learn a lot from this book.

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I had read various book of this nature and I must say Brian Page wrote one of the clearest guided how-to books with Don't Start a Side Hustle. The explanations of someone who has done it, who is not gatekeeping, and truly wants to help are clear in how informative Don't Start a Side Hustle! is. There is support in the way the comes across and shares his knowledge which is admirable, and you will learn a lot from this book.

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This book was a tough read. To me, it felt like a lot of “here’s what I’m going to tell you about” without actually getting to the point. Some of the points I agreed with, like how we shouldn’t spend too much time thinking about work. Others, like getting into AirBnbs, etc felt a little out of touch in regards to the average audience. Many people who read this book, including me, can’t start a passive income stream by buying houses and renting them out. That notion is out of reach for many people, and I think I would’ve enjoyed the book better had the author brought forth more approachable ideas.

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I am currently on Chapter 8 and the author is still telling me what they plan to tell me. I just want the author to begin sharing their knowledge and not keep dragging me along.

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Some decent ideas here. I would consider this a starting point in many ways. You'll want to do further research depending on your situation.

Thanks very much for the free ARC for review!!

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As someone who has spent the last 20 or so years thinking up my next side hustles, I couldn’t resist the title of this book. Have I actually been doing it wrong all these years? If I don’t start a side hustle, then how do I get out of the 9 to 5 rat race?

As it turns out, it’s all about the PIVs (Passive Income Vehicles).

This book is a high-level look at another way of income generation. If you’re thinking about venturing into the Airbnb market, or something similar, then I’d definitely recommend giving it a read.

Or, if you’re just looking for a “better way”, then this book is for you!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my free copy in exchange for my honest review.

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A good book to think and reflect on how you do things in life to get extra cash flow. There are some ideas throughout the book as well as listed at the end. If you are looking for a step by step action plan, this book present more of a strategic overview on how to create such a plan and gives you some hints on where to start and with what.

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This book is a passive income stream for Brian Page that teaches the reader nothing about passive income streams. He spends most of the book speaking passionately about the amazing life this has given him as if the reader needs convinced that it's a good idea; they don't, they need information on how to create their own. After slogging through the book, it seems that he got started through property rentals which is a form of "passive" revenue that is out of reach for the average reader. Especially in today's housing market where most places sell for tens of thousands over asking, often sight unseen. There is mention of a link to a PDF on his website detailing all of the ways that people can get started with passive income streams. I didn't want a link to a PDF, I wanted a fully formed book making this practice accessible to the average reader. Total waste of time, but congrats to Mr. Page for padding his already overflowing bank account with another passive income.

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The idealology in this book worked for the author and it’s an interesting but not entirely feasible for everyone. Still I enjoyed the peek and I agree that time is too valuable to spend too much at work. Three stars.

I received a complimentary copy to look at and voluntarily left this opinion.

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Yikes! 40% into this book and I know one thing … purchasing this book is a passive income vehicle for the author and not much more.

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