Member Reviews

I read this in a british heatwave and it was the perfect summer read. The main character Nora is likeable and the writing is easy to follow. The side characters are funny and bring so much to the story

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This is a must read book, fantastic is the one word for this. It contains everything you want to read about with love, laughter with twists and turns. Well worth 20 stars but I can only give it 5. Do not miss this book, you will enjoy it.

Thanks to Netgalley and publisher for this ARC

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Nora is very happy being single. But everyone around her, including her teenage daughter Charlie, her sister Faith and her friend Victoria, think it's impossible. So they register her to the Romance Bootcamp in a Scottish Castle, where she goes only to shut them up. But in this amazing setting, it's hard not to relax. And she soons finds out that one other guest, Will, isn't there to find love either. But what is he hiding from her?
I loved the characters, the setting, the banter. I know it wouldn't make a good romance book, but I would love to see a woman really be happy single, and end up single, and be happy about it. It would definitely make it easier for people to believe someone single when they tell them they are really happy. But that's my prerogative! It was a fun read, full of humour and very lighthearted.
I received an advance review copy for free from NetGalley and Bookouture, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Wow, what can I say? What an absolutely amazing read. I love the Law of Attraction and I adore positive affirmations. I so hope this gets made into a movie. It would be awesome. Dating isn’t easy, being a single mum isn’t easy. Believing in love and that you deserve love is even harder.

We follow Noras (Eleanora) journey as she gets sent to bootcamp to find love. She encounters some wonderfully real types who you meet in life. Her growth and her self discovery are identifiable. So many laugh out loud moments. 🤣

I have already gifted this book to a dear friend of mine. Its just a so me book. Glad I got to Read and Review it.

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Nora was pretty sure she was done with romance, and since all the men in her life had been cheating jerks she was okay with that. But then for her birthday, Nora’s sister sends her on a romantic ‘bootcamp’ for singles. Not wanting to offend her sister, she agrees to go and there she meets Will. He’s not there to find love either and so the two agree to hang out, pretending to be a couple to keep any would be suitors at bay. But you now what they say about even the best laid plans, and soon Nora begins to have real feelings.

This was a super cute rom-com with some great characters and some actual laugh out loud moments. It’s an excellent beach read.

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Nora Brown is totally happy single. The men in her life have all been selfish, cheating liars and being alone is far easier than risking a broken heart again – for her and for her daughter. She’s only going to Romance Reboot – a posh ‘singles’ bootcamp’ at a castle in the Scottish Highlands – to keep her sister quiet.

But surrounded by tumbling waterfalls and sweet birdsong, Nora can’t deny she’s starting to relax. Even better, she finds another guest with no intention of finding love. Will Thomson has dark tousled hair, a sly grin, and a shocking sense of humour. Everybody else hears their laughter and thinks they’re falling for one another, but Nora knows she’s safe – he’s just here on a research trip.

Determined to ignore the spark between them, Nora agrees to be Will’s cover, fending off other suitors with private sniggers over wine and quite convincing public displays of affection. Just when she starts to question if she might be missing something important, she starts to suspect Will might be hiding something from her.

Will is just another cheater-in-the-making like all the others, isn’t he? Nora will go home to her daughter happy and single, just like she always intended. Even if she could find out the truth about him, she isn’t interested… is she?

I found this a great light hearted read with really likeable and relatable characters. I quite fancy visiting the bootcamp retreat myself.

Predictable ending but really enjoyable read.

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Thank you to Bookouture for letting me take part in this tour and for my copy of this book via Netgalley. I read The List by Joanne many years ago and loved it so I was very excited to read another book by Joanna.

Nora is a likeable character. She has low self-esteem and you easily root for her to be happy and loved. Will Thomson, you little devil. He is funny and oh so loveable. He has a way with words and is hiding a rockin' bod under those clothes.

This book is set in Scotland. At the moment this is my favourite place. I am getting married in Scotland in October and I can't wait. The location of the bootcamp sounds absolutely beautiful. I'd happily move into one of the cabins tomorrow. I am a sucker for a hot tub so I think I would be very happy there.

I really liked Faith, Nora's sister and would love to hear her story.

If you are looking for a light hearted fun read then this one is perfect for this heatwave we've got going on.

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Bookcamp for Broken Hearts warned my heart! This was a fun, witty and entertaining book that left me smiling.

Nora has been single for a long time. She has dealt with her fair share of liars and cheaters. She has been protecting her heart from being broken again. She is happy single. Nora has her fourteen-year-old daughter, her business, her friends, and her sister to keep her busy. But her friends and family would like to see her happy. After they try to fix Nora up repeatedly, Nora agrees to go to Romance Reboot - a singles bootcamp at a Scottish Castle in the Highlands.

This is where the magic happens!

What happens at Bootcamp stays at Bootcamp! Right!?!

Nora relaxes, goes to yoga, and even meets someone.

Will Thomson is handsome, witty and on a mission. He isn't looking for love - he is doing research.

Will and Nora both feel the spark and the exchanges between them are fun. I loved their witty banter and how they go along. Both are very likeable characters- heck, all the characters in this book are likeable characters! It's all about the journey and their journey was a fun one.

This proved to be a fast satisfying read! I did not want to put this book down, so I didn't!

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

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"He catches me looking, makes his fingers into a gun shape and pretends to blow his own brains out. I smirk, grateful someone else isn't getting this. I feel slightly less of an uncultured prick now."

Bootcamp for Broken Hearts is just a pure delight. Plain and simple. In it we meet Nora Brown, getting close to forty, divorced from her daughter's father, running a cafeteria. Her friends feel it is time for romance, and send Nora on a love bootcamp (all the rage from the US). Rather reluctantly, she agrees to go. She soon meets Will, another reluctant participant. He is a separated-but-married journalist, who is only there to write a story about the retreat. Yet the two of them can't help connecting as they make fun of the whole ordeal together.

Every now and then you find a book that just vibes well. Where the characters are all interesting and easy to imagine. Where the main character could be a copy of your own brain, thoughts, hopes and wishes. Where the dry humor just 100% hits the spot. For me, Bootcamp for Broken Hearts was that book. More than once during the train ride on which I read this book were people looking at me funny, and I realized I was laughing out loud or smirking like an idiot. Beyond the connection I felt with Nora and Nick, but also some of the side characters, there is more to this book than snark, romance and some steam. It is the story of a 40-year old woman finding new purpose in life, accepting where she it and what she deserves. I recommend this one to absolutely anyone looking for a quick, fun, self-affirming romance novel.

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Looking for a fun read? Look no more -
This could be just the read you're looking for!
Nora Brown says she's happily single
But her sister, daughter and friend want her to mingle.

For her fortieth birthday they give her a treat
A stay in a castle should really be neat
But this is a 'bootcamp' for 'singles' so she's not sure
Just why she's there or what she's looking for!

Get ready for fun, connections and chances
As everyone there explores why they've failed at romances.
A wake up call, with yoga, talks and much more
As they're encouraged their expectations and life to explore.

Such a fun read, laugh out loud in parts
And others that will certainly warm up your heart.
There are great characters, surprise and laughter, too,
So I have no hesitation in highly recommending it to you.

For my complementary copy, I say thank you,
As I share with you this, my honest review

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This is such a fun, feel good, funny and romantic rom com of a book. It's really easy to read and perfect for these gorgeous sunny days we are having recently.

In this book we meet our leading lady Nora. Who is completely happy being single. All the men who have entered her life have mistreated her and have been selfish, cheats and liars and have broken her heart far too many times. Nora would rather be alone then to let another man into her life. But her family have been on her back constantly telling her that she needs to find a good man and to settle down. So to keep them all quite so decides to go to a singles bootcamp called romance reboot which is in a gorgeous Scottish Highlands castle.

The castle is absolutely stunning, it is surrounded by gorgeous waterfalls, it is peaceful and with sweeping landscapes all around. It seems to be exactly what she needs to recharge her batteries.

Then Nora meets will who has gone to the retreat for research purposes for work and they hit it off immediately. But neither of them want to open up fully to each other and as these things always go there is always secrets and misunderstandings standing in each others ways.

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Nora was pretty sure she was done with romance, and since all the men in her life had been cheating jerks she was okay with that. But then for her birthday, Nora’s sister sends her on a romantic ‘bootcamp’ for singles. Not wanting to offend her sister, she agrees to go and there she meets Will. He’s not there to find love either and so the two agree to hang out, pretending to be a couple to keep any would be suitors at bay. But you now what they say about even the best laid plans, and soon Nora begins to have real feelings. This was a super cute rom-com with some great characters and some actual laugh out loud moments. It’s an excellent beach read. Thanks so much to Bookouture and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review an eARC of Bootcamp for Broken Hearts.

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Thank You Netgalley and Bookouture for this digital ARC for Bootcamp for Broken Hearts

Release date: July 6th 2022

4.25 ⭐️
I love the setting of the book, it’s very different. Nora got sent to bootcamp for broken hearts people because her sister and her friend, and her daughter charlie desperately want her to go back in the dating world after 10 years of being a single mom and have fun and start dating again. It was so much more then her love story, it was her finding herself through it

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This was such an uplifting read! I would pick it up at bed time thinking I'll put it away after a few pages but who was I kidding? It kept me up at night, every night, until I finished!

I love the descriptions of the scenery at the retreat but more special than that was the advice and tips from the bootcamp that I felt was so apt for me at the time I was reading! God's (not the universe's!) way of talking to me, perhaps.

Thank you, Bookouture.

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“‘Where even the most broken hearts can heal.’ I cringe. It’s like a tagline from a Hallmark movie.”

I love this sentiment that Nora has when she’s almost forced to go to this boot cap by her loved ones.
I can identify with the likable Nora as a single mom and loved reading her story of being okay with her life to the new adventure she embarks on.

Thank you Joanna Bolouri, Bookouture & NetGalley for my copy! All opinions are my own.

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This is the first Joanna Bolouri book that I have read, and loved the quirky title and colourful cover. The story is as the title suggests and a lovely read.

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Nora is a single mother to daughter Charlie, age 14, and part owner of Cafe 12. Very soon, she is turning 40 and not looking forward to it. She and her best friend, Victoria are equal owners of the cafe. While it does good business, they feel it may need a makeover.

Nora’s sister, Faith, thinks she should do something very special to celebrate her upcoming birthday but she feels otherwise. She would be content to have a quiet evening at home on her own watching television. Ah, but Faith has other ideas.

Nora has no idea what to expect from this bootcamp and is skeptical of the sessions as they are announced. There are classes on expressing their in-depth feelings; yoga; meditation; and other new-age (sorry) nonsense. She often gets paired with Will, a man separated from his wife yet wanting to still be with her. These sessions are supposed to enlighten the attendees about their inner selves, their fears, and how others perceive them.

Some of this is humorous, some had me rolling my eyes, and one thing I learned is that I would never waste my money and my time to attend something like this. But there are people that would so that’s what the book is about. I’m sure that many readers will love this book. My favorite part is the humor. Enjoy.

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Nora Brown is totally happy single. The men in her life have all been selfish, cheating liars and being alone is far easier than risking a broken heart again – for her and for her daughter. She’s only going to Romance Reboot – a posh ‘singles’ bootcamp’ at a castle in the Scottish Highlands – to keep her sister quiet
What a perfect summer read ☺️ This book won me over and I can't recommend it enough. It is an absolutely hilarious romantic comedy that you won't want to put down
.The characters are all so relatable and well developed and they all bring a certain something to the story. I was particularly fond of Nora's journey and her emotional growth wanting her to get her happily ever after
We all know how it ends but we all want to find out the path she took to get there and what happened so she can get there. I have to say that I found myself in stitches at times and couldn't stop laughing and my heart melted at some beautiful scenes
This was my first Joanna Bolouri read but definitely not the last. I am looking forward to reading her new books

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This was an entertaining, well-written book. It was fun and held my interest. I didn't want to put it down. I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to others.

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TBFBH is a lighthearted, laugh out loud romcom as we join Nora Brown on her Romance Reboot bootcamp.

Well written, highly entertaining and a thoroughly enjoyable read. I've never read any of Bolouri's books before, but will be looking to read more of them in the future.

The characters are all well developed, relatable and all bring their own something to the story.

Many thanks to Bookouture for my tour spot.

Rating ⭐⭐⭐

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