Member Reviews

I enjoyed this book. It’s funny how it was able to stick with me. I started reading this book Back in May, got away from reading for quite some time yet I still had this book with me when I picked it back up to finish it.

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This book gripped me in, and had me in a chokehold. This was my first book by Ninie Hammon, and I I loved every single page of this and found myself completely immersed. It was such an amazing concept and I enjoyed how it was executed.

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Blackwater Falls by Ninie Hammon is an unique stroll through some rather powerful images! One thing to keep in mind when reading anything by Ninie, it will be a very, very important tale, possibly with some otherworldly touches! So, ground rules covered, we have a small settled town, an stately, vacant Victorian house, friendly neighbors, and an appreciation for unusual art! A newcomer to Blackwater Falls moves into the 'house' with her baggage and her art supply. She's been an Illustrator for anatomy textbooks, and yearns to expand into other canvas endeavors, some she isn't aware of! Two neighborly gents befriend her after an accidental discharge of her pistol, a rather serious head wound. She begins to have images of children drowning, she feels the need to find and save them from an altogether watery grave. There's much more... a younger single Sheriff, hauntings, dreams, flooding, terror, countless loss of life, strip mining and more. Like undertow, Blackwater Falls will grab you, pull you in, and keep ahold of you until Ninie lets you go.
I highly recommend this outstanding tale, sometimes darker, but so, so entertaining!!!

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I received this book forever ago but only recently got a chance to actually read it. Dark and entrancing and a quick easy-to-binge-read kind of book.

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Well, I am sure glad I grabbed a copy of Black Water by Ninie Hammon. I have not read any of her work, until now. There is a lot going on and the story is told my multiple points of view. A novel like Black Water, with the title and the cover, lures me in. I love any books that deal with water, whether on it, in it, or under it.

It all starts with Bailey Donahue moving into the Watford House. She is on the run from the Mafia and Witness Protection landed her in the small town of Shadow Rock. She has no intention of being there for long…suicide is on her mind, but she has not met T J and Dobbs…yet.

This unlikely cast of characters, T J, Dobbs, and the sheriff, Brice, come together when Bailey shoots herself. I love the mix of the paranormal and supernatural world, along with realistic characters and the situations they find themselves in. Their need to do something about a danger only they can see does not allow them to turn their back. They risk their lives to save innocent people from losing theirs.

The whole ‘coal country’ crap had me so pissed off, I wanted to do…something. I believe this type of thing continues to this day, companies walking away, leaving their toxic waste behind, leaving it for someone else to clean up. This being the twenty first century, I am amazed that it still happens. What does that say about those who are supposed to be the watchdogs, keeping us safe? I could continue to rant about this part of the book, but there is more to the story and I want you to experience it for yourself.

Through the beginning of the book, I read along, no sense of urgency, but I was curious and the characters quickly began to grow on me. The slow build up made it easy for Ninie Hammon to catch me off guard when the danger overflowed the pages, making the last third or quarter of the book unputdownable. Even though it ended in a predictable manner, sort of, I was happy at the outcome and breathed a sigh of relief when the last word was read.

Bailey finds her purpose, as do T J, Dobbs, and Brice. I love that Black Water is part of the Through The Canvas series. I can see where the series is headed and hope to be along for the ride.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Black Water by Ninie Hammon

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3.5 stars!
The first half of this book started off very strong. I really liked how the author introduced the powers and strangeness of Bailey's gift without making it feel like an information dump. The middle lagged a bit which is the only reason my review isn't higher. Everything else was tied off neatly and set the stage for the next book in the series.

Sending thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publishers for giving me a copy of this book to review.

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I was impressed by Ninie Hammon's captivating writing from the get-go, but it did take me a little while to get into this book. The heavy description and frequent flashbacks slowed down the beginning of the story, where the action should have been a bit faster to hook the reader. That said, once the story got going, I was drawn into the world and stayed up way too late to finish reading!

The characters are multi-faceted and interesting, and each has his or her own unique voice. I enjoyed the way Hammon used different dialects and mannerisms to distinguish the characters and make them individuals. The way she sprinkled each's backstory throughout the novel was effective, though I do think Brice's character needed more. The way he immediately became attached to Bailey was a bit unbelievable and borderline creepy, and I think the reader would benefit with a deeper explanation.

The plot itself was multi-faceted as well, with a blend of familiar genre conventions, unexpected twists, and a touch of paranormal thrown in to keep things interesting. Though I'm not a big historical fiction fan, I did enjoy the little side stories of the town and house's history—though the scene where Brice was driving Bailey home from the hospital and acting as a tour guide was a bit too much for my liking, but it definitely did give the narrative some extra color.

The ending was rather abrupt, even for a series. It felt like a conversation that was interrupted before everyone was finished talking. If it hadn't said "The End" (which felt weird to me, because it's not the end; it's a series, right?), I would have wondered if some pages were missing.

All in all, a suspenseful and enjoyable read! This was my first novel by Ninie Hammon and it certainly won't be my last!

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I found this book on NetGalley and WOW! It was fantastic! Bailey is the main character and as the story unfolds we learn she’s in the Witness Protection program and why. Unable to deal with her circumstances, Bailey decides killing herself is the best way “out” for her.
T.J has lived through plenty in his life, but his mother’s prophetic paintings have left T.J a believer. When T.J shows up on Bailey’s doorstep with his mother’s final painting- painted 60 years ago, showing Bailey dead from a gunshot wound, Bailey thinks T.J must be crazy. Until, after her suicide attempt she wakes up with more in common with T.J’s mother than she can believe. Bailey paints a picture, doesn’t remember painting it, yet knows it’s the same prophetic style. Bailey must stop the scene in her painting from claiming the life of its subject.
I will definitely read this series! I enjoyed the author’s style of writing, the characters are wonderful and the book was impossible for me to put down!

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Ninie Hammon's Black Water, is the first book I have read of hers, and I have to admit, twice as much as I was expecting when I picked the book up; completely throwing me off course more than a few times when I was sure I had things figured out. And I could not be any happier that an author completely unknown to me was able to keep me so constantly off kilter,

Ms. Hammon's writing style is very simple, her words clear and concise, making the book quite easy to read. The descriptive quality she uses is such, that Ms. Hammon puts the reader directly in the middle of the book, allowing you to feel as if you are right next to everything as the events play out. By the end of the book, the reader is so emotionally attached to the lead female's two elderly friends, the readers will think they are part of their family.

Red Web, is the second book in the series following Black Water. If you have already read Black Water, I suggest readers pick Red Web up ASAP. If you have not read Black Water yet, I highly recommend you grab a copy and give it a quick chance, and just be thankful there's no one giving YOU a choice between running or the life of your chicken! (Yoohoo! Like, I'm sorry, but Mr. Chicken, it's time for you to go! I'll be sure to say Grace tonight as you grace our tables!)

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Bailey Donahue is living a nightmare. After witnessing her husband’s murder, she is mistakenly presumed dead by his killers. Now she is in the witness protection program and cutoff from her eighteen-month-old daughter. After several relocations Bailey is convinced her only choice is to simply end it all. But, a botched suicide attempt leaves her alive and in possession of a “gift”. She can paint intricate portraits of events that haven’t occurred yet. With the assistance of several local residents, Bailey becomes more invested in solving the painting’s mystery.

Black Water is the first book I’ve read by author Ninie Hammon and what a fabulous book it is! Ms Hammon has combined a compelling mystery with a bit of paranormal. But, more than that, she has created an ensemble cast of characters that are simply the best. The dialogue is refreshing, entertaining, and so realistic. Their personalities are well-drawn and I liked every single one of them.

All in all, Black Water is one of the most entertaining books I’ve read this year. How I have missed this author until now is certainly mystifying, but an oversight I intend to correct. Meanwhile, I’m looking forward to the second book in this series. Thank you, Ms Hammon for such an enjoyable and well-written book!

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing a copy of this book for review.

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Alternating narrators in a supernatural tinged story about two women, 50+ years apart, whose paintings foretold grisly deaths. What connected them? And could these events be changed? Rounding up from 3 and a half stars. I was much more interested in the latter woman's story and the story opened in the present time but about the earlier woman and her painting. I was a little distracted but the pace and clarity picked up shortly. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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First time reading a book from this author, and I was not disappointed. Creepy and suspenseful with a little paranormal thrown it. Hooked me from the beginning and couldn't stop tili finished it. Extremely likable characters that you fall in love with! Highly recommend.

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This is really, really interesting. The author tells the story in such a way as to make it very real and clear in every way. Even when the supernatural aspects are introduced, the credibility is high and you are completely swept along with the story. The use of different points of view works well and I was fascinated to learn about the witness protection experience and conditions,

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Wow! If you like psychological thrillers, this book is for you. Black Water by Ninie Hammon is a fast-paced psychological thriller. Best news, is that this is Book 1 of the series Through the Canvas. Ninie’s characters are a perfect match for each other, and her descriptions of events are so realistic you think you are right there experiencing it. You won’t want to put this book down!! Thank you BookSirens for the ARC of this book. I will definitely be reading the rest of this series.

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Ive read several Ninie Hammon books before and enjoyed them, but this one....cue the suspenseful a completely different "feel" to it. A young woman's life falls apart, she doesn't see a way through for herself, she makes a decision and acts.....and the reader is suddenly looking at the town of Shadow Rock through a different lens. Not many authors could take a reader on that large a leap and come down with them still engrossed in the story. As the community grows and the back story eveolves, Ms Hammon not only gives us a "one more chapter" read, she sets the story up to be a series.

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Black Water by Ninie Hammon is the first book in the Through the Canvas series and my first read by the author. I enjoyed her writing style and she does a spectacular job at grabbing the readers attention.

Thanks to Netgalley and Sterling and Stone for the eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Great book. Fast read. I love that the main female character is not only a hero but a survivor. Recommended read for sure!

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First off, I just want to say this is the first book I have read by Ninie Hammon and wow, I absolutely love the writing style and the way the author is able to grab your attention immediately. There wasn't a moment that I was bored with this book. I don't usually like books with multiple viewpoints as I find the characters lacking in some way. Thankfully Ninie Hammon knows how to do it right, I found each character fully developed and brought a little extra to the story. I will give this book a trigger warning for suicide, if you are sensitive to this topic I would not recommend this book.

We are introduced to Bailey, who after witnessing her husband's murder is placed into the Witness Protection Program. Recently relocated to the small sleepy town of Shadow Rock, she is unable to return to the life she knows unless she wants to gain the attention of the mafia who believe she is dead. Depressed and feeling like she has lost all hope to return to her daughter without risking their lives, she attempts suicide. She awakes in the hospital, only to realize she has been gifted with more than just her life. She can paint portraits of events that haven't happened yet. Her first picture is of a girl downing, she has no idea who or where she is, and all she knows is she has to try and stop this from happening. With the help of two locals, they devise a plan to try and stop this event from happening.

I was surprised by how obsessed I was with this book, I needed to know what happened next. It felt like I couldn't put it down at the right moment, there was so much happening that I ended up binging this book. There were at times it seemed like there was no way for this to end properly without it feeling like it was rushed, but Ninie Hammon surprised me and was able to wrap everything up perfectly. Definitely now one of my favorite authors.

I do not have a single negative thing to say about this book, I enjoyed every moment and I will definitely be reading the entire “Through the Canvas” series. I need to know what happens to Bailey, TJ, Dobbs, and Sheriff Brice. If you are looking for an intense read I highly recommend this book, this gets 5 stars from me.

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Black Water by Ninie Hammon is the first book in the Through the Canvas series and was a delight.
I had so much fun with this book and enjoyed the characters of Bailey, T.J., Dobbs, and Brice. the plot and the humor were all a perfect combination and I look forward to reading the rest of the books in the series.
Thank you to #NetGalley and #SterlingandStone for introducing me to a new author and #BlackWater.

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Big fan of the author. This book did not disappoint, good characters and interesting and different story. Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book

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