Member Reviews

The Atlas Paradox by Olivie Blake is a thrilling and captivating read that is perfect for fans of dark academia and fantasy who crave complex characters, intricate world-building, and a gripping narrative that explores the blurred lines between consciousness and unconsciousness, making it a must-read for those who enjoy immersive and suspenseful stories that challenge their minds and emotions.

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Unlike any other book I've read before. I really enjoyed the shifting POV, the mystery that carries us throughout the story, and the characters I love to hate. A really compelling installment in the trilogy.

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I didn’t realize I had gotten an approved for the ARC of this book so my review comes late. I have not finished it yet, but I adore Blake’s writing and can’t wait to see how things wrap up in this and the next book in the series!

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To be perfectly honest, I would suggest my store carry this book simply because I know we will sell them. This series is not for me. I read the first book, and it was barely mediocre. This one was even worse. I didn't care about a single character, what they had to say or what they did. I'll have to ask someone else what happens in book 3 because I don't think I can read it.

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Finally finished this one. Maybe a 3½, but more like a 3¼. Starts way too slowly and is too plot-indulgent for it's poor pacing in the early going. But it finds it's rhythm in the back half, and ends up twisty enough to go out with a bang (literally). Disappointed here, but no less excited for the final chapter.

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I was so excited for this book. I absolutely loved the first book and the second definitely lives up to the first. The characters and world building are amazing. I cannot wait for book three.

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I was eagerly awaiting book two in this trilogy, I even re-read book one. This book does not suffer from second book slump and I'm dreading the end of this trilogy because I love all these characters so much!

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Thanks for the ARC

It happen that I forgot that I had the arc so I read it on my physical copy instead and How I love Olivie Blake's writting.
The atlas six serie's had this thing that I don't know how to explain it, maybe its the mix between dark academia and fantasy.

Also the characters god they are everything, I need Nico and Libby forever.

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I've just finished reading "The Atlas Paradox" by Olivie Blake, and it exceeded all my expectations. The sequel to "The Atlas Six" delves even deeper into the lives of the enigmatic magicians who form the core of the story. The book is a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with gripping betrayals, complex character dynamics, and a plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The world of magic and academia created by Olivie Blake is both enchanting and treacherous, and it's impossible not to be captivated by the intricate web of secrets and power struggles within the Society of Alexandrians. "The Atlas Paradox" is a worthy continuation of the series, and I can't wait to see where the story goes next.

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This was always going to be a hard follow up book to produce, but I think Olivie Blake did a really successful job here. The story has expanded, the threats are larger and the brain power needed to understand what is going on is definitely much bigger! Dealing with a lot of conceptual physics, such as wormholes, time travel and quantum mechanics, there is a lot to take in, but the strength of the characters and their interactions served to carry me through the tricky bits. These are not pleasant people to spend time with, but they are brilliant, which seems pretty authentic to me when dealing with geniuses. I really enjoyed the way in which the different character pairings changed throughout the story and I enjoyed the discussion around gods. Overall, this was a good sequel and I am intrigued to see where the story will conclude.
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Unfortunately I just find that this series is not for me. I was intrigued by the concept of the first book but the multiple POVs in such a short amount of time (which isn't really short but with like 6 POVs, you don't get much time with anyone) doesn't work for me. I hoped that book two would flesh it out a little more but unfortunately I don't have a connection with any of the characters and I felt like this didn't build anything up very much.

I was disappointed but I think I'm in the minority here.

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Definitely liked this less than the first. The first book felt like a genuine examination into the classism found in academia with six mostly interesting characters. This book felt like someone wrote a fanfiction after skimming the first. The characters were acting in very weird ways for most of it, making almost no sense towards their previous characterisation. It also feels like social media got to Blake a bit and now she doesn’t seem to know what she wants to do with the relationships. Like some of the pairings make no sense and I think the libido of 20-30yr olds is being greatly over exaggerated. Believe it or not, it is possible to work somewhere without sleeping with everything that looks in your direction. It just feels messy.

Also I’m so lost with the world building. The first one didn’t make too much sense in terms of explaining the magic system but I didn’t know it was possible to somehow take away worldbuilding in the sequel. I get that they’re strong young adults but Jesus give them some limits not just when plot relevant. They’re doing things way beyond what should be considered powerful, even for them.

Also I hate what happened to Libby in this book please fix her Blake she’s my favourite. Her corruption arc just wasn’t there. Maybe one or two thoughts saying “maybe I’m not so worried about others” and that’s it. Give my girl a spine and not just a throwaway sapphic romance.

The star was for how much I enjoyed Gideon’s time to shine. He deserves better.

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DNF 40%
I thought the Atlas Six was pretty decent. But once I started this book, I realized the hype had influenced me because I could not get into this book. There were too many povs for my liking, and there were still two characters I felt were pointless & Strangely, I kept mixing them up all the time - I think this was a lack of my attention span due to enjoyment & not on Olivia Blake.

Ultimately, this felt like a flop because I wanted to join the love & appreciation of the fandom.
Sadly, not for me!

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While I found this book to be slower than the first book I still really enjoy these characters and will definitely read the third book to see how this story ends.

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where to begin. i read the first book off the back of tiktok hyper and so when i was selected for the second book i was hoping for the series to build up a little more, sadly i didnt and i felt its has completely lost it way. all the characters have become unlikeable and you try to see some thing in them but there is nothing. i feel he book was very much rushed off the back of the tiktok fame.

i feel this is becoming a theme with book at the moment, that the first one is great and then tiktok hypers them and so the second book is rushed out and it hasnt been completely thought through

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I liked characters development. However there are too many characters and it is sometimes hard to keep up with. I feel if I read it for second time I woild appriciated more

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for giving me access to the free advanced digital copy of this book.

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I enjoyed The Atlas Paradox almost as much as I enjoyed the first book! I thought the character and relationship development in this book was great. However, this book felt a bit mediocre. It didn't blow me away or surprise me; it was definitely missing that wow factor that I felt in the first book.

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I felt like this was a solid sequel. I don't think it will disappoint fan of Atlas Six and it certainly left me ready for the third in the trilogy.

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The Atlas Paradox by Olivie Blake is a stunning sequel to The Atlas Six. The story picks up right after the events of the first book, and we get to see the consequences of the choices made by the six magicians who were invited to join the Society of Alexandrians. The plot is full of twists and turns, secrets and revelations, and of course, magic and mayhem. The characters are complex, flawed, and fascinating, each with their own motivations and agendas. The writing is captivating, atmospheric, and witty, with a perfect balance of dark and light tones. The world-building is rich and immersive, exploring the history and lore of the Society and its mysterious leader.
The Atlas Paradox is a brilliant book that will keep you hooked from start to finish. If you love dark academia, magic, and morally gray characters, you need to read this series!

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