Member Reviews

I finished this title quickly. It is always interesting to read about the artist and their songs. However, the writing is a bit formulaic for such titles.

I love Anne Wilson's music so was very eager to read this book she wrote about her personal story and life journey. It was so incredibly inspiring and encouraged reading her words and the ways she faced heartbreak and hardship with her eyes on Jesus. I loved getting to hear the backstory to what led her in her journey to writing the music I so love listening to! This book and Anne's testimony are powerful and could definitely touch many lives, especially those people who find themselves relating to various circumstances of Anne Wilson's life. Anne's writing itself was wonderful and kept my attention throughout her biography. I'm so glad I read this one and for what I gained walking away from it!
Many thanks to Nelson Books and Netgalley for the gifted e-copy!

This book was a DNF for me. I got to 30% and decided it was not for me. Hopefully it will be a good fit for someone else!

Loved reading this book. Loved reading this book by Anne Wilson and it nice getting to know her better. I would highly recommend this book. You would not be disappointed.

Wow I don't even know what to say. I picked this book up at the right time and it has encouraged me so much. They say grief comes in waves, and that is a true statement. This year it is hitting in a different way. On Sept. 21, 2012 We lost my father in law when his friend was driving and drove off a mountain road. The car hit a tree and my father in law was killed instantly. Reading this book, I could so relate to what Anne wrote because I have walked similar paths.
This year as the anniversary of my father in laws death approached there was a few Godthings that hit me.
1)This week the hymn for our homeschool hymn study is “It is well with my soul.” What a powerful hymn and a powerful testimony from the writer of the hymn. Which also as I was reading this book and Anne was talking about this hymn it really struck me the relevance of this.
2) I also had the opportunity to review this book. I was suppose to review it a few months ago, and it got lost on my shelf (sorry). Up until the last two days I could not have told you who Anne was, nor what her story was. After finishing the book today, it was such a powerful book. She talks about how her brother was in a car accident, hitting a telephone pole and was killed on the spot. I could so relate to Anne and her story and where she has come from. Her love for Jesus and telling others about him is such a blessing. This book was such an encouragement that came at just the right time.
Thank you for taking time to write this book. It truly touched me and challenged me in few aspects of my faith.
*I received a complimentary copy from the author and voluntarily chose to review it. All opinions are my own.

Great autobiography! All the feels!
My Jesus is one of my favourite songs and it was so interesting to hear the story that inspired Anne Wilson to deepen her faith.
Incredibly moving book.

I didn’t know how much my soul needed this book. Having suffered a similar loss, Anne’s strength (and her music) have provided me with a new way of channeling and explaining my grief. Thank you.

This is a heartbreaking, thought-provoking, emotional, inspiring, and uplifting memoir from musician Anne Wilson! She writes with such beauty, honesty, and does not shy away from expressing and sharing the true emotions and struggles herself and her family have and continue going through. It is such a beautiful expression of her faith and personal connection/relationship with God and Jesus. As well as being a beautiful and wonderful recognition and expression of the constancy and goodness of God and Jesus. I cannot recommend this book highly enough! 5 stars!
Thank you very much to author Anne Wilson, the publisher Thomas Nelson, and NetGalley for the wonderful opportunity of reading and reviewing this book and for providing me with a digital copy to read and review honestly.

In the bluegrass fields of Kentucky, Anne Wilson and her siblings, Jacob and Elizabeth, grew up in the security and love of their family--and Jesus. But when Jacob died in a car accident, Anne was thrust into a painful journey of grief and soul-wrestling that led to God calling her to create songs that glorified Him.
My Jesus weaves together Anne's personal story with an encouraging message to anyone longing for God to wipe away their tears.
I feel like it is unfair to give a personal story a rating, especially one that is so vulnerable.
In life some things timings are just perfect, sometime you wonder why this book... well this could not have been a better time to read it. The day before I picked up this book my aunt went to Jesus after a ling battle with Cancer and reading what Anne and her family went through like the grief, I was going through it in real time. This story gave me hope and maybe every day won't be perfect and okay, but knowing who your Jesus is is a thing that you can hold on to.
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC #MyJesus #NetGalley

This one's okay there's something significant about it that stands out, but there's also nothing about it that makes me angry. It's a pretty average rate overall

Wow, what an emotional read! I mean, y’all. Seriously. The faith of this girl!
As someone who has experienced sudden tragedy involving close family, this book is spoke straight to my heart, even though it’s been almost 14 years for me.
Anne tells the story of her own heartache and loss and reminds us readers that it’s okay to not always be okay. It’s in admitting our struggles that we can get help and find healing. Our help is in the Lord, yes, but He also uses others to help us in our journeys.
Anne does an excellent job telling the heart wrenching tale of her loss and how her faith has gotten her through, but without trying to act perfectly put together. This memoir is raw. It’s sometimes beautiful, sometimes ugly. It’s real, y’all. And if y’all haven’t read it, you definitely should.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

I devoured this book in a day. I felt like I was sitting next to Anne listening to her story. While I have not experienced the loss like Anne, I have experienced a loss of my expectations for my life and my families life. God spoke to me through Anne and her words.
I was so grateful to be an ARC reader for this book. Thank you Anne Wilson, Net Galley and Nelson Books. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

My Jesus by Anne Wilson is an awesome testimony of the Author's life. I love getting a glimpse of Ms. Wilson's life and could feel God's Hand on her life while reading. I love how Ms. Wilson's story is saturated in God's Truth and Promises, despite heartache and grief. I love the Spiritual thoughts and Bible verses sprinkled throughout. I highly recommend My Jesus by Anne Wilson! Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read this book. My review is also on Goodreads.

I love love love Anne Wilson. So I was very excited to read this book! And I’m so glad I did. I will be ordering this book today so I can have it to read again or pass to a friend.

My Jesus is a well written book. I throughly enjoyed this author’s account of her life and finding Jesus. I received an advance ebook from the publisher and Netgalley. This is my unbiased review.

Such a good memoir. I enjoy memoirs so much. I can never get in to nor understand how a person on a reality show for one season can feel the need to write a memoir about themselves. I like whole hearted, relatable ones. I love all of Anne's songs. The cover is beautiful. And I love the title's name!!!

Interesting read on how she found a true relationship with God. My family was wondering why she did not go into Country music because she has the voice for it and she would be a big hit. This book explains some of that.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with guidelines.

Wonderful story of how Anne Wilson’s tragedy of losing her brother turns into her Christian music career. I was holding back tears most of the book

All I knew about Anne Wilson before reading this book was from hearing her songs on the radio. Anne has a powerful story of coming to know Jesus as "My Jesus" after the untimely death of her brother. Then she traces how she became a recording artist at such a young age. A must read for any fan of Christian music!

I had only known of Anne Wilson from her song, “My Jesus”. Reading her story was inspiring and truly a testament of how good our God is. She is not the best writer as far as books go, but I do enjoy her song writing and will be listening to more of her music in the future!
Thank you to Nelson Books and Netgalley for the free ebook in exchange for an honest review!!