Member Reviews

Anyone in the Alexis Hall fan club knows that the writing is going to be superb, the characters are going to be clever and the issues will be tackled head on. This second in the Winner Bakes All series does all this and more. Digging into religion, queer issues, racism, problematic family, found family, mental illness and more, Hall has crafted a fantastic romance meets coming of age story. The romance, while heartwarming and delightful, plays almost second fiddle to Paris’ quest to recognize and live with GAD. Hall’s view into Paris’ mind will feel almost painfully well-articulated to fellow GAD sufferers and the quest to treatment is hilariously accurate. The character arc perfectly straddles that fine line between “mental illness is not your fault” and “managing your mental health is your responsibility.” While this book feels like an entirely different animal to Rosie Palmer Takes the Cake, it makes for a great continuation in what I hope will be an ongoing series.

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I think it’s important to have realistic expectations before reading this book. This is marketed as a rom-com, but (similar to Rosaline, the first book in the series,) I’m not sure I would call it that. As stated in the title, Paris Daillencourt is actually, literally, about to crumble. This is written in third person, but the reader closely witnesses Paris’s thoughts as he deals with overwhelming anxiety. PLEASE MIND THE CW! They’re available on the author’s website. When I read the CW, I thought I would be fine because I don’t have personal experience with anxiety disorder or panic attacks, but it was A LOT to bear witness to Paris’s slow path toward crumbling. I wanted to reach into the book and give him a hug, reassure him that he was okay, and encourage him to seek therapy ASAP. Are there funny bits, light moments, banter, and flirting? Yes. But keep in mind they are encircled by the dark cloud of Paris’s anxiety, much like how he experiences life, I imagine.

I also think it’s important to realize this book stretches the boundaries of what gatekeepers would consider a romance. Alexis Hall is always challenging norms with his writing, and I believe he challenges, intentional or otherwise, the norms of what is considered a romance novel with this book. Does romance play a central role? Yes, as seen through the cloud of Paris’s anxiety. Does it have a HFN/HEA? Yes. In a way that is very realistic for these two young men.

I liked this book, and I look forward to re-reading on audio when it’s released. Paris evoked such empathy from me, and I loved getting to see him work through his crumbling and get to the other side. This book subverts norms, of the genre and heteronormativity in general, and does it with such care for the characters and readers. I recommend it for readers who are willing to experience what this book has to offer, without trying to force it to follow cookie cutter conventions.

Note: You do not have to read Rosaline before you read Paris. There are a few returning characters (hosts and staff at the tv show), and there are a few references to things that happened during Rosaline's season on the show, but they do not negatively impact the reader's understanding of this book.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in return for my unbiased review.

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Alexis Hall is such a witty writer. I love his narration and his dialogue. I hope he continues this series for many volumes. The reader feels what it must be like to live inside of the brain of Paris while he is suffering from anxiety. The central romance is very sweet. Once again this story is peppered with side characters who are great fun and deserve their own stories. I can’t wait for more from this author.

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Alexis Hall delivers once again with this Great British Bakeoff inspired story. The cover caught my eye right away. Upon seeing the author (I'm a fan of Boyfriend Material), I decided to request it. I honestly wasn't expecting it to be approved, but funny enough the approval came in as I was reading Alexis Hall's newest book Husband Material. I'm so glad it did. This book was such a good read!
The story follows Paris Daillencourt, a young student living in London. He likes to bake, and enjoys watching hit show Bake Expectations, but is too anxious to actually apply to be on it. Paris' flatmate knows this and signs him up to be on the show. Throughout the book, Paris must navigate competing against nine other home bakers, one of which he starts to develop feelings for, while also coming to terms with the fact that his anxiety may be more severe than he believes it to be.
There were so many things that I liked about this book. The first thing was the similarity to the Great British Bakeoff. While the literary show took place in a ballroom instead of a tent and went by a different name, fans will definitely enjoy all the clear references to the real life bakeoff. Pacing was also well done. The author could easily have dragged out the competition storyline so that it took up the entirety of the book, but instead opted to spend a significant amount of time on the personal journey Paris went through afterward. To me, this was an incredibly good decision and one of the things that earned the book such a high rating. It was good to see a main character with flaws needing to do some self-improvement rather than just having everything handed to them by the universe like they do in a lot of books. That said, I felt that at the end of the book Paris did have quite a drastic change that was maybe a little unrealistic for such a short period of time. However, healing journeys look different for everyone.
I agree with those that have pointed out that the romance did not take the centerstage of this book. While there was a romantic subplot, the story was about so much more than looking for love. People looking for a strictly romance based book, this may not be for you but I would still give it a try. Personally, I am a romance fan but something about Paris having to go through his own personal journey really connected with me. I'd definitely recommend that everyone go check out this book. There's something in it for everyone.
Thank you so much Netgalley and Forever Publishing for this arc!

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When Paris' roommate signs him up for a baking competition show, he is riddled with anxiety. He is always riddled with anxiety, but the show brings out his particular worst side. But when fellow contestant Tariq bats his eyelashes his way, Paris is really reduced to a puddle. The two struggle their way through their feelings and the show, not sure where they as individuals or a potential couple will end up.

Alexis Hall has a uniquely beautiful and humorous writing style that comes through in every book he writes--this one is no exception. But ultimately, Paris Daillencourt suffers from the same issues as Rosaline Palmer. I could easily copy-and-paste my review from the first book in this series for this one. Ultimately, while everyone love a baking show romance and an inter-competition romance, this one tries to hard to teach the readers a lesson (or multiple) and dives into preachy. It just tries to do too much and is almost too real. If you're looking specifically for anxiety-representation, or a gay Muslim lead, perhaps picking the book up is worth it. But, but if you're a fan of LGBTQ baking show romances, I'd recommend Love & Other Disasters, also from Forever, instead.

Thanks to Forever for my eARC! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

4 stars - 6/10

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This is a hard one for me to review - the main character, Paris, has major anxiety, and while it was nice to see representation of generalized anxiety disorder on page, it became quite exhausting and stressful to stay in Paris' mind for the entire book. It reminded me of my own anxiety spirals and I ended up having to put the book down and take plenty of breaks while trying to read it.

I enjoyed the baking show sections quite a bit and honestly they felt like the strongest parts of the book, both the filming sections and the airing of the episodes. I liked the little bits we get to see of Tariq as a character, but he felt less like a fully realized character and more of a prop for Paris' emotional arc.

I will also say, the book overall didn't feel much like a romance, it felt like general contemporary fiction about a man with anxiety, with a romantic subplot. I did get the sense of a HFN ending, but the majority of the book was more focused on Paris working (or not) on himself, rather than the relationship itself.

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I’m a person with an anxiety disorder, and I often have trouble reading books about other people with anxiety, but I really enjoyed this book! Paris is a mess of a person, but I appreciated his growth, and Tariq’s alongside him. This was a sweet and often very funny book. Like Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake, this book is less about the romance and more about Paris’ personal growth. That being said, the romance is very satisfying and utterly charming. Alexis Hall never disappoints.

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I struggled a bit with this one! While I really enjoyed it and LOVED the baking aspect and Tariq, I felt almost a little triggered by Paris? Like so many people in my life and in the service dog training I do are SO like him that it was hard for me to believe he would actually pick himself up. I’m glad he did but I felt like I held him at arms’ length. I know he was not intentionally manipulative of the people in his life, but he presented a lot of red flags for manipulative people.

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title: Paris Daillencourt Is About To Crumble
author: Alexis Hall
pub date: Oct 18, 2022
genre/elements: romance, LGBTQIAP+, comedy
🌟: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


(thank you to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for allowing me to read this ARC in return for a review!)

“Paris Daillencourt is About To Crumble” is the second in Alexis Hall’s “A Winner Bakes All” series! I hadn’t read the first novel, “Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake”, but after reading this one, I absolutely need to so I can be back in this realm. I love the GBBO vibe!!

Pick up if you like:
🧁The Great British Bake Off
😂LOL humor
🏳️‍🌈queer love stories
🤔an unlikeable (and then likeable) protagonist
🧠mental health representation
🌙religious/spiritual representation (Muslim)

It focuses on Paris Daillencourt, a shy young man whose housemate enters him in BAKE EXPECTATIONS - a show very similarly structured to The Great British Bake Off/Baking Show. A brilliant cook and baker, Paris has what it takes to take home the win, but his anxiety tends to get in his way — that, and a beautiful man, Tariq Hassan, who steps into his path when Paris accidentally opens a fridge door in his face on the set of the show.

Giving this one a 4 only because it was a bit of a rocky start for me, personally. Even though I’m clinically diagnosed with OCD and anxiety, I had a hard time empathizing with Paris at the start of the book. However, as the book progressed, I felt like I was truly on the journey with him, and that having him grow on me and make me frustrated because I wanted to keep rooting for him so badly was very likely what Hall was going for!

I also love that Tariq’s faith and beliefs play such a central and beautiful part in this story. The fact that this beautiful Bangladeshi, Muslim, gay man is so confident and unwavering in what he wants and what makes him who he is was so beautiful to read. As a person of faith, who also comes from a Muslim family, it was a breath of fresh air to read Tariq’s explanations of what faith means to him and how it can be healthy and nondestructive to himself and others.

Be sure to pick up this cozy read (and some rainbow cake??) on 10/18! 🍰💛

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Alexis Hall's newest novel, Paris Daillencourt is About to Crumble, is the next novel in the Winner Bakes All series, a set of companion novels. You do not need to have read the previous novel to understand what is going on in this one. The first thing you should know about this book is that it is NOT a romance. It is a contemporary, that tackles many serious issues, that has a little (very little) bit of romance.

This book was amazing in so many ways. You have Paris, a contestant on this years Bake Expectations. He is full of worries and self doubt. You also have fellow contestant Tariq, who is the competition, but also cute, kind and full of confidence. Through some personal introspection and some support from friends, Paris has to see if he is as deserving of success as everyone believes.

Alexis Hall writes anxiety so well. Paris Daillencourt’s inner monologue is exhausting, but accurate. He is a character with anxiety and the author does such a good job creating the anxious mind and it is exhausting. The author also challenges gender norms and I loved every second of it. Both Paris and Tariq are written so well, and with such depth that is was wonderful to spend time with them.

As someone who has had generalized anxiety all my life, and the mom to a child with anxiety that also struggles with fitting the "box" that society places him in, I loved this book. This book made my heart happy and at times sad, but it was so beautiful. Please continue writing gems like this Alexis Hall!

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever publishing for a copy of this book. All opinions are 100% mine.

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Alexis Hall can do no wrong. This was another wonderful book full of humor, heart, and swoon worthy romance.

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Thank you Netgalley and Forever Publishing for this eARC, these opinions are my own. This book took me through all kinds of feels! Paris’ flatmate entered him into Bake Expectations, though Paris is excited for this, he can’t help but feel he isn’t good enough. In fact Paris is constantly ruled by negative thoughts and worry. While on the show he meets Tariq and the two hit it off. But as the show goes on Paris’ spirals begin to grow. Can Paris win the competition? Is there more between him and Tariq? One of the things that was hard about reading this book, and I say in the sense that deep issues were getting discussed not because the writing was bad, was that I connected with Paris in terms of his mental illness! I think I was maybe in a bit more vulnerable place as a result. It was clear that Paris had some mental health issues that weren’t being treated… I ached for him and for those in his life that we at a loss on what to do. I completely understand the dealing with difficult things and realizing that impacts others as well but not knowing how to work through those difficult things! It just makes everything feel worse! I loved Paris and most of the other contestants, though there was one I could have lived without! I also loved Tariq and his convictions, while I don’t believe in religion, I admired that he fought for those convictions! I enjoyed that ever though the book is deep and deals with some heavy instances of mental health there was humor as well, I enjoyed Grace’s commentary often! I highly recommend reading this book, maybe slowly if you also deal with mental health issues! Can’t wait to read it again!

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So I've absolutely devoured this in 2 days much like Rosaline's book I thought this was a rather excellent read that not only showcases baking,m and reality tv, but mental health struggles, the LGBTQ+ community, character with depths that go beyond the surface.

I freaking loved this book and I've already preordered it bc I need a physical copy.

As someone who has dealt with GAD for their entire life, seeing myself in Paris and having many of his reactions be reminiscent of my own made me dig into this book so much deeper.

Thank you to GCP and NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!

CW: MC with an undiagnosed anxiety disorder (that does get diagnosed), on-page panic attack, hospital stay due to panic attack, treatment plan for anxiety disorder discussed, Islamophobia (challenged), religious and racial microaggressions, emotionally unavailable parents, cyberbullying.

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Not quite done with this, but...

I am both overwhelmed/annoyed with Paris' anxiety spirals and simultaneously thrilled to see these thoughts and insecurities layed out, as extreme as they may be. The unspoken thoughts, illogical conclusions and irrational fears that an anxious mind often thinks up - for me, at least - are hard to admit and hard to explain. Also hard to love. I love Paris and this anxiety rep.

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Okay, time to review this beautiful, beautiful book!

In Paris Daillencourt Is About to Crumble we follow Paris as he embarks on a baking show journey (Bake Expectations) and faces the challenges put before him there (from unsuccessful bakes to horrible anxiety that just keeps getting worse as the show progresses), while we also see him falling in love and opening new doors to himself, his friends ,and life-in-general.

I think I need to start by saying that Paris Daillencourt Is About to Crumble is a sweet romcom - BUT it's also a very serious story that show how detrimental to someone's life mental health issues can be, especially when not treated and when others around the person don't take it seriously, simply make fun of it or just don't offer the support the person needs. You might laugh and "aww" when reading this book, but I can assure you, you will also shed some tears because of Paris's struggles. This book is all heart and pain and hope and that shines through in the best, very Alexis Hall way.
Paris might've gone out to cry a few times - and honestly, so did I. Alexis made us feel Paris's pain so acutely - my heart broke along with his (and not only because I also have anxiety and simply *thinking* can sometimes be a soul-sucking, doomed-feelings-inducing chore) and I think that just comes to show how brilliantly Paris was written. It was all anxiety (relatable!) - until it wasn't and his brain caught a break and so did the reader. Cause as much as I felt Paris's pain, I could also feel his small victories, moments when he was not hurting and stressed. Moments when he knew he could get better and believed that wholeheartedly.

I loved how we got to learn more about Paris's anxiety as the story progresses - if you've ever struggled with anxiety (or any similar mental health illness tbh), Paris's symptoms will be very familiar to you. I love how GDA was portrayed and I immensely appreciated that we also see Paris dealing with his symptoms, going to therapy, and generally being kinder to himself.

I also can't get over how amazing Paris and Tariq were together - from those first stumbling steps when they liked each other but didn't really know how to be together, to eventually learning more about one another and accepting all the facets of themselves and their relationship. I can't fault either of them for the mistakes they made throughout the book cause they were so very human and understandable to make. What matters most is that they knew later on that they were wrong and decided to do better - for themselves and for each other. I LOVED them okay, one of my fave 2022 pairings for sure.

As for the rep in this book - we have a gay MC with a mental illness (GDA), a gay BangladeshiMuslim (practising) LI, many queer SCs. There are also so many important themes it deals with, from mental health, to parental relationships, religion, sex (and how not having it - for whatever reason - is just as valid as having it)

Also, this book was already a five-star read, but I am inclined to add half a star because Alexis reused that terrible bus conductor joke that was in Husband Material (I think? Or was it Boyfriend Material) as well. Genius.

Anyhow, this is a perfect read for anyone who...
- is craving a sweet, non-smutty romcom
- adores queer love stories with a realistic and happy ending
- wants a book set at a reality TV competition (BAKING!)
- is a fan of Alexis Hall. Same.

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okay look, do I know by now that Alexis Hall is actually pretty great at what he does? Yes.
Do I still somehow expect to be bowled over with every other book of him I read? No.
Do I still end up getting bowled over? Every. Damn. Time.
I genuinely do not have any idea whatsoever about how, what, why, or any other such questions. This person just seems to get me even though the specifics of what he writes aren't at all like my life. But loosely? They fit as snugly as...custom-made clothes? Look, I'm not very good with metaphors sometimes and this is like the 4th review of the day I'm writing so bear with me okay? Thanks.
So anyway, this book follows Paris Daillencourt whose housemate/best friend enters him into this baking show he always wanted to enter but...was too anxious to do it himself. Hence, his friend does it on his behalf and he goes and he's like superb at baking so of course he does well and as for the rest, you're gonna have to go and find out for yourself.
I'm a fan of Alexis' writing style. Before I started reading his books, I was mostly only a fan of lyrical and beautiful prose which, as far as I know, is very unlike Alexis but what IS very like Alexis is prose full of wit, humor, and some other elements that are very Alexis. Based on the books I've read, I in no way want to imply I personally know Alexis which I don't. I would love to because I just know we'll hit it off but I don't.
The characters were great, especially Paris, Tariq, and Morag. Tariq was so, so amazing and well, as Paris says again and again, very patient and I loved him so much!!! Definitely need him in my life calling me angel cake because yes, I do <3
Although I do have to say that the side characters in this one weren't very well-developed. I can easily remember the contestants and their names from "Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake" but even though I finished reading Paris earlier today, I'll probably be able to name 6 contestants at the most and not know any kind of details about who they are except for the caricatures. I do get that this is probably because while Paris kept to himself, Rosaline talked to people and most of this book is about Paris's struggle with anxiety. So I guess what I'm saying is that I understand but I still would've liked more depth on these people.
Paris's anxiety was so, so relatable. I could deepl,y sympathize with him while going like huh, same, same, same. It was amazing to be able to see this reflected in a character and have this executed so well. Although I think I'm better at dealing with it than Paris, the book still made me think about a lot of things and the way I cope with stuff.
Needless to say now but ah this book is very close to my heart and I loved it to pieces. I can see myself rereading it a lot of times in the future.
Highly recommend it to everyone <3 Please check TWs!!

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“Paris spent so much of his life in the hazy non-space that his mind built around him that he sometimes felt like he only existed in what people reflected back at him—their praise, more often their disappointment.”

Alexis Hall does it again! I’m always floored by how each book brings a balance of serious themes, in this case mental health and generalized anxiety disorder, with a romance and comedy that feels genuine and captivating. Paris is a mess as Hall MCs tend to be, and yet we quickly see that with Paris, this is much more than a mess of a person that needs to get it together, instead, Paris lives with undiagnosed generalized anxiety disorder and seeing how that impacts his life, his every interaction and waking moment, was incredibly hard to see. At times, I even found myself quite frustrated with Paris, feeling like my patience and love for him and his intentions was at its end because MY DUDE, the self sabotage was epic. But, that’s the point. Writing a character with this mental health diagnosis in a genuine way means that you DONT downplay it, you don’t make it a cutesy quirk or character flaw that only sometimes ruins the moment. And that’s what I appreciate so much, that Hall truly committed to Paris’ mental health and the arduous and challenging journey to finally getting help.

“But what you need to understand is that you can hate yourself as much as you want, but there comes a point when all you’re doing is making the people who care about you look like pricks.”

Interwoven with the mental health discussion are some truly shining secondary characters like Morag and, especially, Tariq. Tariq is simply fabulous and precious, but I loved that even while we’re made to think he’s got it all figured out and is the poster child for self-love, that he also struggles. He vocalizes some fears and insecurities, and especially, he recognizes how even his well intentions with Paris, could also be self-serving in some ways.

“No you insecure muppets. I’m into you.”

The baking competition aspect worked better here than in Rosaline Palmer IMO and I loved how we see that competition wreak it’s own havoc on Paris. While we may expect and want the competition to be the ultimate fixer for Paris, what we get is definitely not that and again, lends itself to the authenticity of Paris’ journey.

Importantly, I loved that this also includes some discussion, albeit briefly, on homophobia, xenophobia, the effects of social media, and very complicated parental relationships and abandonment, I do wonder if maybe all these themes stretched this a bit too far or couldn’t be focused on more.

“In baking, as in life, sometimes not enough felt like too much, and sometimes too much didn’t feel like enough.”

Lastly, while I loved how we struggle with Paris for a significant portion of the book, seeing him come out on the other side so quickly after therapy felt a little less authentic. I think a more complicated treatment view would have been more authentic, though yes, arguably less of a HEA. I’m also not sure about the relationship aspect after finally getting diagnosed and getting therapy, I hoped for more time spent on Paris himself and would have wanted to see more of that. Still, this was sweet, incredibly heartfelt and emotional, and overall just very touching. I love the diversity in Hall’s books and I love how they continue to feature MCs and topics that aren’t often discussed or featured.

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Like the previous book in this series, this is more about the main character’s journey than the romance. I love the covers of both, but the covers definitely make them look like fluffy, light rom-coms, and the first book is a little bit rom-com, this one is very much not. There are some funny parts, but it’s mostly the main character, Paris, dealing with his undiagnosed Generalized Anxiety Disorder while competing on Bake Expectations and starting to date fellow contestant, Tariq. So if you go in expecting light and fluffy, you’ll be disappointed, but I really liked it. I thought Hall did a good job giving the reader a peek inside the brain of Paris. Was it frustrating at times? Yes. But it felt very realistic.

I am now waiting for the book in which Bake Expectations host, Grace, and show producer, Jennifer, admit they like each other, and it seems there will be another book in the series, so who knows. It could happen.

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Had a little bit of a hard time in finishing this book. May have been some of my own expectations coming into the second book in the series and/or expecting more of a rom com however I felt disappointed by the characters, some of the topics/comments in the book, and editing. That being said, Hall's writing continues to be charming and I look forward to more books written by this author and even in this series

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This one took me a while to get through. The main character Paris is suffering from anxiety from page 1. And though I wanted to sympathize with him, it was a lot on page. As the reader we definitely understand why he’s acting the way he is, but I couldn’t help but want to scream “go talk to someone!” Way earlier than anyone else in the book advises him to. The story also wraps up without any kind of solution to his relationship with his parents.
The love story was nice though and I liked our love interest Tariq.

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