Member Reviews

This is a fast-paced novel. Very true to the series but just really not my cup of tea but for those that love this genre, they will be taken in by it right away and will enjoy it.

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Clive Cussler the Sea Wolves by Jack Du Brul is a strong entry in the Isaac Bell series. I have to say I have always been partial to the Bell series over some of the others and am glad to see it is still going strong and in capable hands. The thirteenth in the series is also the third in the series by Mr. Du Brul following the Titanic Secret, and the Saboteurs and can be read as part of a sub-series within the overall Isaac Bell series.
In this installment "Detective Isaac Bell is asked to investigate the disappearance of a cache of rifles—only to discover something much more sinister. Whoever broke into this Winchester Factory wasn’t looking to take weapons, they wanted to leave something in the shipping crates: a radio transmitter, set to summon a fleet of dreaded German U-boats. Someone is trying to keep American supplies from reaching British shores, and if Bell doesn’t crack the conspiracy in time, the Atlantic Ocean will run red with blood."
Those familiar with Clive Cussler and his novels will find all the history, naval history and adventure that they have come to expect. While Clive Cussler may have died in 2020 the series that he began seems to be in very good literary hands.
Thanks to #NetGalley, #PinguinGroupPutnam, and Jack Du Brul for the ARC of #CliveCusslersTheSeaWolves!

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The new Isaac Bell adventure has our hero investigating German subterfuge at the start of war between England and Germany as they attempt to prevent arms shipment from the US reaching England. Interesting read which touches on the burgeoning use of wireless communications, and the rise of the dreaded German Uboat submarine fleet..

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Follow along with Issac Bell as he and his other agents follow all the clues around New York City and the vicinity to track down the covert agents. Descriptions of cars, highways and local areas help to immerse you in the story. This is again another great book in the series!

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Isaac Bell adventures just keep getting better. I love the way history comes alive around the character. In this story WWI just began and the United States fully intends to remain neutral....we know how that ended.
Somehow, German Spies are receiving Intel on ships heading to England, with materials that are vital to their war effort. The Uboats keep sinking the ships just before they reach their destination, and a young U.S. Ensign has noticed a disturbing pattern. He approaches Bell and the Van Dorns to help track the spy ring.
The story is non-stop action and Bell faces off against a previous nemesis.

Thank you to Netgalley and Putnam for the opportunity to read this e-ARC. And since it is after publication day, I've purchased a copy for myself.

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Jack Du Brul being brought over from the Oregon Files to the Isaac Bell series is one of the best decisions made in the Cusslerverse. I loved this installment of the series and I'm eagerly looking forward to the next installment in my favorite branch of the Cusslerverse.

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I was initially disappointed when I found out that this book was not written by Clive Cussler, but was written by another author using Clive Cussler's characters, I decided to read it anyway since I believe the author co-wrote early books in this series with Clive Cussler, so I have read his writing before and expected the book to have a similar style and quality. That proved true. It has the same strengths and weaknesses. I found the story to be engaging and largely well written. The setting in the early 20th century was a good basis for the use of newly appearing technologies and a different pacing than a more modern setting. The use of historical events as the basis for the story gave it life and added to the complexity. I especially liked the positive presentation of strong and self-confident women in a period appropriate way. That is one of the strengths in the series and other later series books by Clive Cussler. Their inclusion make the stories richer and moderates a bit of the action adventure tone of the genre that these books fall into. That leads in to one of the things I find detracting in my reading of this series - the overly long and detailed action scenes. I know that the core audience for these books is probably those who seek the detailed action. Not my preference, but the books are good and I can glide through the sections and still find enjoyment is reading. I do have forgive one of the long and very detailed sequences, for reasons mentioned in the Author Note. Thank you for that Author Note to understand the specific reasoning for why that sequence was written as it was.

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This was a great addition to Clive Cussler's series. It was riveting and well-paced. I loved the historical references from the Lusitania. I think adding these characters to real history give the story extra dimension.

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This was a great book. I loved every paragraph, every sentence and every word of this masterpiece! I read it in 12 hours, which is a lot for me to do! It had everything and more laid out in the novel! I sure hope he writes more! I am totally hooked!

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** “We’re dealing with spies who were selected by their government for this job because they are smart, likely very well trained, and highly motivated.” **

Jack Du Brul continues Clive Cussler’s exhilarating legacy with Van Dorn Detective Isaac Bell in “Clive Cussler’s The Sea Wolves,” a heart-thumping thriller that takes the reader on an historical journey.

When Isaac Bell gets pulled into finding the source of German espionage at the start of World War I, he finds himself searching for ways spies and traitors are getting shipping information to the Germans about American vessels carrying armaments for the war effort.

With the aide of new character Joseph Marchetti, a young naval man who just might have what it takes to be a Van Dorn detective, Bell goes on a quest to find how the Germans are sending messages across the Atlantic — a quest that takes Bell and Marchetti on the Lusitania.

After the passing of Cussler, Du Brul does a seamless job of continuing Bell’s incredible story in “The Sea Wolves.” It features all our favorite characters, like Bell and his wife Marion, fellow detective Archie Abbott, and agency owner Joseph Van Dorn, as well as new characters like Marchetti, historical characters like Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and incredibly creepy and evil villains.

The author provides a fast-paced plot, keeping the reader guessing as to who is truly involved in the dastardly plan and who will and won’t survive. It is a story that reveals the deepest part of humanity (“It seemed that man’s collective humanity was being sacrificed as the industrial age matured. Bell vowed to not lose his.”)

Fans of Isaac Bell and Clive Cussler will rejoice to see Bell’s story continue in “Clive Cussler’s The Sea Wolves,” which is due out Nov. 8.

Five stars out of five.

G.P. Putnam’s Sons provided this complimentary copy through NetGalley for my honest, unbiased review.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-galley in exchange for an honest review. Jack Du Brul has done a fantastic job of capturing the voice of Clive Cussler in this latest installment in the Isaac Bell series. This was a fast paced, intricate work that has such a COOL trick towards the end that I won't spoil, but when all the pieces fall into place and the twist hits the reader, oh man! I was racing through to figure out how it all played out. Such a well constructed, researched, plotted and written novel. Loved it!

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historical-fiction, historical-figures, historical-places-events, historical-research, 1914, suspense, thriller, German U-boats, sabotage, action-adventure, mystery, riveting, early wireless, seagoing-vessels, historical-novel, fiction, fieldwork, firearms, torpedoes*****

I was afraid that Isaac Bell had gone the way of the Van Dorn Detective Agency! Rest assured that he is back and in capable hands. This is Du Brul's third in this series after beginning with 7 of the Oregon Files novels. The plot, characters, and history continue to be well done, but this former nurse takes exception with some of the more dramatic recoveries. Some of the more notable references are to the Barnegat Light (how I miss Bernie Rhodenbarr), Secy of the Navy F. D. Roosevelt, and many more. Fast pace with lots of subplots and fascinating characters and situations. Loved it! Can't wait for the audio!
I requested and received an e-ARC from PENGUIN GROUP Putnam/G.P. Putnam's Sons via NetGalley. Thank you also to copyright holder Sandecker RLLLP for continuing to back this Series and all the others.

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The Clive Cussler brand offers another satisfying adventure in the Isaac Bell series with The Sea Wolves authored by Jack du Brul.

In this latest novel Bell, lead private investigator from the Van Dorn Detective Agency becoming involved in preventing US ships getting torpedoed by Germans.

After the Van Dorns experience a sabotage attempt at a munitions depot Issac Bell finds the clues that lead to hidden receivers in shipments that can be tracked by enemy submarines.

This plot opens up an adventure that does not stop engaging the adventure novel reader. This book may be one of the best in the Issac Bell series. I do not know if this story was over seen by the late Cussler, but regardless of that point, Jack du Brul offers an exciting thriller. Whether you are a fan of the series or picking one up for the first time, The Sea Wolves is an exciting adventure.

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(I was fortunate enough to receive a digital ARC from the publisher)

This is, I think, the perfect Isaac Bell book.

Now, granted, I only read the first few, but I have read almost all of the Dirk Pitt books and most of the NUMA files. This easily ranks among the best of those as well.

Bell, of course, is a super-detective, on par with Sherlock Holmes, so a few of the early books felt a little uneven. The villains simply couldn't go against Bell on a fair footing.

This one is different. The villain here (Making a surprise reappearance from a previous book) is smarter, stronger, better trained, and far more ruthless than Bell. So much so that Bell is three steps behind the villain until the very end. And for fans of classic mysteries, you'll like how Bell figures this out. I was too caught up in a certain historical event to put the puzzle pieces together, even though they were all there for me if I had been paying attention.

This one has the stakes of a Clancy, the espionage of Le Carre, and just enough high-tech gizmos (for WW1) to feel right at home in Cussler's broader world.

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Another great novel in the Cussler series. This one takes place before World War One. It's a non stop thriller and keeps the reader on the edge of their seat until the last page. I enjoyed the time period Brul used for this novel.

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Sea Wolves is the 13th book in the Issac Bell series, and written by Jack Du Brul. So thrilled to see that Jack has done a great job of sticking to the style set by Clive Cussler

Navy Ensign Joe Marchetti has come to the Van Dorn Agency, with his suspicions of what and how Germany is using subs to sink transport ships carrying much needed weapons in the beginning of World War II. But Ensign Marchetti has walked into the Van Dorn agency trying to get back a young woman that was kidnapped and is being help for ransom!

The action in this book is well written, draws you in with its fast paced action! World War II is just beginning with Germany attacking England. Bell has no intention of sitting back and ignoring this event. Add in an old nemesis that Bell felt was safely locked up in a secure facility, but comes to suspect that somehow Foster Gly is no longer in custody.

You have romance brewing between Helen Mills, who is a detective in the Van Dorn agency, and Ensign Marchetti, You have the excitement of Bell and Marchetti on a ship being sunk by the Germans to stop another shipment from making it to England,

I truly enjoyed everything about this book and want to thanks NetGalley and the Publisher for letting me have an advanced copy to enjoy!

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In Sea Wolves (G.P. Putnam's Sons 2022), the latest in Clive Cussler's Isaac Bell Adventure series, written by Jack DuBrul, one of my favorite thriller authors, Isaac Bell becomes involved stopping a German spy ring whose goal is to sink armament ships sent from the neutral US to European nations in the early stages of WWII. Isaac Bell is a star detective with the Van Dorn Detective Agency and as such, tasked with this history-changing exploit. He soon finds that the German spies managed to plant a tracking beacon in the cargo as it is loaded that will be activated out at sea and give the cargo ship's position away to a German U2 submarine waiting to sink it. It takes all of Bell's prodigious skills to unravel this mystery, especially since it involves two German masterminds who were thought dead--or at least, imprisoned.

While this could be a typical spy novel based in Pre-WWI, through Du Brul's clever pen (author of the excellent Philip Mercer series), it is so much more. Bell is clever and quick, evaluating the clues and resolving solutions. I thoroughly enjoyed watching his mind at work, all set in the framework of the early 1900's era.

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The world is on the brink of war, Britain and Germany are about to declare it and America is trying to stay neutral. The Van Dorn Detective Agency has been hired to oversee three shipments of rifles from Winchester to their purchaser, Britain. The Germans already have a fleet of submarines in the Atlantic trying to stop the shipping of war supplies into Britain. Isaac Bell and the Van Dorn's uncover a plot to hide a radio transmitter into a case of rifles that will allow the German subs to destroy the shipments. The first shipment is destroyed but the manage to clear the next two. A naval officer comes to them hoping they can help locate and stop a German spy ring that is somehow getting the message about critical shipments to the German subs.
In the spirit of Cussler , Jack DuBrul masterfully melds history with fiction in a thrilling story of the tenacity of the Van Dorn Detectives and their determination to "get their man".
This is a wonderfully imagined and executed thriller that will be enjoyed by Clive Cussler fans and history buffs alike. This is the 13 book in the Isaac Bell series and it does not disappoint!

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This was a very good book It it goos Cussler series. I have not read all of the the Issac Bell books but I have have been good Good action and also good historical novels

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A very fast paced book. Stays true to the series. Worth a read and a reread. Bell stays on the trail of the bad guys with typical dogged determination. Highly recommended. Thank you to NetGallery for the ARC

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