Member Reviews

Mrs. R snugglesswarth attorney at law is called Mrs. R for short. She is 70 pounds mode to the ground precious and the best at everything. So when she is called to jury duty she enjoys it and decide to become a doggy lawyer. Before she can finish though her friends going to need her help and Mrs. R being the best of everything and that includes being the kindest the sides to help her. This week was one of the funniest cutest books I’ve read. I thought it was a children’s book and it can be read to children but as a grown adult I thought it was hilarious. I love that she calls the mom and dad kitchen and vacuum in the kids snicker and crunchy… I also thought it was so funny how shadow was a doctor because for health reasons he stole a man’s steak. They have so many clever jokes in this book not to mention a really nice story and some great insight on how your dog really thinks. I received this book from NetGalley and the author and I am leaving this review voluntarily please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review but all opinions are definitely my own.

That was a cooky little book for sure! It was adventurous and silly, creative and pretty fun. I don’t think I’d read it again though.

This is a fun book for any child looking to have a longer story and yet still have the childhood silliness of picture books. Mrs. R Snugglesworth gets her law degree and a lot of comedy takes place throughout this story. As an adult I was entertained. Worth picking up - especially if you have an aspiring lil lawyer on your hands.

This is really cute and a fun read-aloud. My daughter has enjoyed reading this with me. The format was hard to read, but we can't wait to get the book in our hands and read through it again.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

This book is overwhelmingly precious and very funny. The title dog, Mrs. R Snugglesworth is charming and sets about earning her law degree in order to help a friend. There’s plenty of jokes that adults (particularly if those adults are lawyers) will enjoy if they are reading it with a wee one. Also, the way the author writes the internal dialogue of Mrs. R is well done and perfectly captures the energy of a derpy, lovable dog.
A delightful read. Will be buying a copy for my niece.

Oh my goodness what an adorable story. This would make a charming bedtime story for young readers or even a chapter book for those ready for more.
Mrs. R. Snugglesworth decides to become an attorney and go to law school. She gets her first client, a Great Dane named Pitter Patter, accused of stealing his human's beloved stuffed animal. Except Mrs. R has not yet finished law school. On the day of Pitter's trial, Mrs. R has not yet graduated but she is determined to represent Pitter, so she goes with step 2 to pass (no spoilers - read to find out!).
The story is told from Mrs. R's point of view and she is the Best at Just About Everything. The author is completely believable that she could be a dog and I very much enjoyed the story and the smiles it offered. The book seemed to end with a possibility for more and you can definitely sign me up to read more of them.
Highly recommend for anyone who loves smart doggos and slightly used sandwiches.

This early chapter book tells the story of an unusual attorney who may get distracted by cheese, but also is great at sniffing out some important evidence! The book is quirky and describes the world from the perspective of a dog, something that children often find really hilarious! This book is a total of about 85 pages, with 15 short chapters, each about 5 pages long. The short chapters and black and white illustrations will help readers who are ready to move on to longer texts but are not quite ready to go without pictures just yet, making this the perfect transitionary book for early and middle grade readers. I could definitely see this book fitting in well in my classroom library and would highly recommend this book to parents and teachers of children in the age 8-12 range. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book!

I fell in love with the cover and had a lot of fun in reading this book. It's written tongue in cheek and it can be appreciated by adults and children.
There's a lot of humour, a lovely canine MC, and a plot that flows.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

A cute children's book. Kind of reminds me of some Disney films where the joke is intended to go over the head of the children a little and to be fun for the adult as well.
I thought that the concept of a peemail was pretty creative as well as dog attorney's.
When I read children's books, in the back of my mind is whether I would purchase the book for my niece and nephew; and in this case I do believe that I would want to do so.
Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read Mrs. R. Snugglesworth, Attorney-At-Law in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks also to the author Amy Flanagan and to the publisher BooksGoSocial. Publication date is June 15 2022.

I don’t usually request/read children’s books, but as a lawyer myself and a dog lover, I thought the idea is really cute and a good way to introduce young readers to the legal system.
I see the publishing date says 14 June but the version I received was an unfinished proof, like a really rough draft. I still read the body of the text, even though the formatting was wonky and there is “PROOF” and a number printed every few sentences and typos/grammar issues. This version is definitely not in finished, readable condition.
I couldn’t find this book on GoodReads. Amazon indicates it will be the first in a series targeting readers aged 7-12. I’m not an expert on age level reading, but there were some large words and legalese they may not understand. There is no way an 7-12 year old will know what a “tort” is, the name of one of the dog professors at Wagsworth Legal Academy, but it’s still cute for those of us who do know.
Finally, I am just wondering why the dog is MRS. Snugglesworth. It appears to be an inside joke between the author and her family due to the foreword and Amazon description, but it didn’t appear to me the MC in the book was the dog equivalent of married. And women don’t need men to become successful professionals! Miss Snugglesworth would have been just as cute, and taught an important lesson.
Thank you for letting me read the e-proof, BooksGoSocial and Amy!