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Fallen Comrade

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FALLEN COMRADE is the first instalment in Jillian David’s contemporary, adult PROJECT MORPHEUS slightly sci-fi, erotic, romance series focusing on a group of former Green Berets and Black Ops soldiers who had previously volunteered as subjects in the US government sponsored Project Morpheus, meant to create an army of super soldiers. This is twenty-eight year old, Jake Zimmerman, and twenty-six year old, CPA Kiera McNeill’s story line.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Jake and Kiera) FALLEN COMRADE follows the second and third chance relationship between Jake Zimmerman, and CPA Kiera McNeill. Ten years earlier, Jake Zimmerman and Kiera McNeill were high school sweethearts but a pregnancy scare sent Jake on the run, where he would enlist in the military to escape the memories of what was and what could have been. Fast forward to present day, a very pregnant Kiera, the woman Jake hasn’t seen in several months, not since the funeral of her brother Brady. Brady had been investigating a group calling themselves the Fallen Comrades, a group Kiera and Brady would discover was a front for fraud and nefarious purposes. Hoping to gather information Kiera, and Jake’s Special Forces teammate Mateo, would go undercover to ferret out any and all information about the Fallen Comrade organization but all does not go according to plan when Mateo is killed, and an injured Kiera goes on the run to save her life, and the life of her unborn child. With only one person in mind, Kiera searches for the only man she has ever loved, a man who is constantly on the run when the going gets tough. Enter former Green Beret and Special Ops soldier Jake Zimmerman. What ensues is the rebuilding relationship between Jake and Kiera, and the fall-out as Jake and his team find themselves the target of the Fallen Comrade organization, a organization hoping to take control of Project Morpheus, and the group of men calling themselves the Morpheus Squad.

Jake Zimmerman has lived under the radar since leaving his teammates behind in the Morpheus Project. Volunteering to become part of the government experiment Jake and his fellow Special Ops soldiers become something they no longer recognize, something that must be controlled before it’s too late. With the arrival of Kiera, Jakes struggles with his attraction and love for a woman he is doomed to fail, a woman who knows more than anyone could have ever imagined.

The relationship between Jake and Kiera is one of second and third chances. Jake is constantly pushing away the woman he loves but with a target on her back, Jake and the Morpheus Squad must work together to protect Kiera and the child Jake believes is fathered by someone else. The $ex scenes are limited but passionate and intense.

We are introduced to Jake’s teammates and fellow Morpheus Squad members: CO Hunt, Gonzo, Rodeo, Stumpy, their physician Doc, Curly, Pele, Rivera and Red, as well as Beau Lequire, the son of Senator Lequire, the man controlling the Fallen Comrade organization.

FALLEN COMRADE is a story of betrayal and vengeance, secrets and lies, grief and struggle, love and forgiveness. The premise is intriguing, captivating and somewhat familiar; the characters are powerful, determined and charismatic; the romance struggles in the face of what was, what is, and what may never be.




B&N (Sandy_thereadingcafe) posted:

CHAPTERS/INDIGO (Sandy_At_the_Reading_Cafe) posted

Ibooks (Sandy Sch) posted

CHAPTERS/INDIGO (Sandy_At_the_Reading_Cafe) posted

Ibooks (Sandy Sch) posted

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Not my usual type but loved the book. A romantic military suspense with a second chance romance. Jake and Kiera date 10 years ago but jake left shortly after her having a miscarriage. Her brother and him joined the military together and later joined special forces.
After her brother is discharged with his honor and joins fallen comrades. He dies suspiciously. So she goes under cover with a friend of his brother to avenge his death but she must run when things go side ways.

I loved all there different relationships and how the guys catered to Kiera . It was like having a second family

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This is the first book I have read by Jillian David but I don't think it will be my last! Jake is an ex-Green Beret who is hiding out on his mountain in Georgia. Kiera is the woman he left behind. But now she needs his help in order to keep not only herself safe but the baby she is carrying as well.

I really liked this one! I am a paranormal junkie when it comes to books and this one has enough in it to suck me in and make me want to know more. There is a lot of action and adventure involved along with a mystery virus. These two not only have a lot history but they also have chemistry. Jake has a lot of issues but Kiera is strong enough to not only call him out about them, but to force him to face them and actually end the cycle. He makes a lot of assumptions and at first I was iffy on if I would truly like his character. But I am happy to say, I definitely did! Not only that, but you throw in the side characters and I am left hoping for books for all of them as well! If you are a fan of Dogs of War series by JM Madden, then you will like this book as well!

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I thought this book was good. It kept my interested and I loved that these was an inner turmoil with the character. He was flawed and i love when a flawed character is the main one.

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this book was something i didn't expect. I was drawn from the outline of it and that was what had me hooked. I was like who know what is going to happen and it was fantastic.

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Really a great book! My only problem is that I wish there was more to read. I liked all of the characters. Anyway, thanks for writing this. I really did enjoy it. I see you.

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Jillian David is a new-to-me author, and I was so intrigued by the synopsis of this novel, listed as a romance, that I requested an advance reader copy, but this novel is hard to classify--it's a highly original, paranormal, second chance, romantic suspense novel on steroids, and it kept me turning pages until dawn, and it gets 5 bleary-eyed stars from this reader.

Keira, the heroine, is on the run and pregnant. Her brother, Brady, who was in Special Forces was killed. She's being looked after by one of this comrades, Mateo, and the two are working to bring down a phony wounded veterans charity she and Mateo have been working for under assumed identities, run by the son of a powerful U.S. senator. But somehow, their boss is on to them and Keira manages to escape with a thumb drive, Mateo is killed when their house is bombed, and thanks to his directions and her eidetic memory, she manages to turn up at the secret and secure hideaway of Jake Zimmerman, her late brother's best friend, who was also once his teammate in Special Forces, and she's about to get them into more trouble and danger than you can possibly imagine, all because of something called Project Morpheus.

Jake's and his teammates all volunteered for the highly classified project, which involved being injected with the Morpheus Virus, designed to alter their DNA and turn the already highly trained and fit soldiers into ultra-fit, bulked-up, super killing machines--the ultimate warriors, except there's a catch--while the experimental virus did do what it was intended to do, the genetic upgrade didn't have an off-switch, and the virus continues to work, causing the men to go into hair-trigger, manic killer-mode at the slightest trigger if they aren't given regular shots of an antidote to slow down the process. They've all gone into hiding because the government wants to reacquire and study them, turning these skilled warriors into human lab-rats.

The men who were given this viral upgrade were advised to get vasectomies, since no one had a clue what would happen should they father a child post-inoculation, but Jake attended the funeral of Keira's brother before having the procedure, and although he's in denial, and assumes that the fetus Keira is carrying is Mateo's, he's in for a rude awakening.

Jake and Keira were high school sweethearts, when she became pregnant with his child in high school--she miscarried, and he joined the military. Later, his marriage to another woman he impregnated and dutifully married, ended when his wife also miscarried--he's a runner, and Keira is a strong enough heroine to finally call him on it--and that's just for starters, in this high-tech, thrill ride of a novel, which is also the first novel in a new series, and it's a series I'll be following, because Ms. David has serious wiring skills, and quite an imagination, and each and every one of the men in the Morpheus Project are going to have to deal with the aftermath of this experiment. Frankly, I can't wait to read those upcoming novels.

As stated, I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this novel. The opinions expressed are my own.

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I really thought this book would be for me. The blurb captured my attention, but sadly, I couldn’t get into this one. I even tried skipping around and still couldn’t get into it. Not sure why - just not the story for me.

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Interesting premise. A little bit paranormal and a whole lot of action suspense. Kiera and Jake have a history. They grew up together but Jake was very good at walking away when the going got uncomfortable. Now Kiera is messed up with so really bad people and needs his help.

Loved the banter with these two although I didn't like that Kiera wouldn't just override Jake and tell him about the baby. Loved the rest of the Morpheus men as well. Looking forward to seeing where this group goes. The bad guys are still out there so you know there is more suspense to come.

Great start to a series.

*Complimentary copy provided via Netgalley for an honest review.

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The synopsis was unique and interesting, and convinced me to give the book a try despite it being outside of my normal preferred genres. I felt that the writing was overly descriptive and used analogies excessively which made it less enjoyable to read. The progression of the story also felt slow and I wasn't willing to continue after reading about 15% of it, as almost nothing had happened and I found myself bored. There were no special secrets or twists or moments I was eagerly waiting for, nothing making me want to keep reading as everything seemed like it would unfold as expected. (DRC courtesy of NetGalley and Evernight publishing)

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