Member Reviews

Glow is a bioluminescent squid who loves to twirl and dance. Not wanting to share the spotlight with his friends he ignores them and moves to different waters to gain more fame. Sometimes being in the spotlight can get a little lonely.

The Glow Show is a sweet story about friendship. I really liked the bright and fun illustrations. I loved the vibrant colors and it is a very cute style for a children's book.

My favorite part of the story was the INKredible Squid Facts at the end. It was fun to talk about them with my 3 year old. It a great way to explore the differences between a fan and a friend.

Review from a 3 year old
"I liked the glow" (they liked learing about bioluminescence)

Thank you to Netgalley and Sourcebooks Kids for the e-ARC

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The Glow Show was a cute book that teaches kids not to be self-centered and that friendship is worth it's weight in gold.

I thoroughly enjoyed the inkredible Squid facts and the following pages. It is always fun learning new facts.

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I thought this book was super cute! It had a great message about how the spotlight can be rather lonely. Glow has to make a choice between performing for fans or performing with friends.

I loved the illustrations in this book as well. They were bright, colorful, and captivating! I loved that there were non-fiction definitions included in the back. An easy way to tie into science standards. I can't wait to purchase this book to read it with my first graders. :)

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A sweet story about friendship and support.

Glow is a young bioluminescent squid who loves to put on shows with his special glowing ability. But with all the attention he starts to look for larger audiences, ignoring his friends who want to spend time with him. Glow's journey takes him to places where his glow cannot shine and he finds himself lost and unable to get home by himself. That is when his friends show up to help.

The designs of the characters is really adorable and I absolutely adored the facts at the end about bioluminescence as well as the lesson about ocean zones during Glow's journey.

While there are several messages within the story, because there are so many they aren't conveyed as clearly as possible. The lesson that friends help more than fans is clear, however it also presents the idea that remaining where you are instead of adventuring and trying new things is safer/better. When Glow's friends begin to glow instead of using their own talents at the end, it also sends a message of conforming to the dominant talent/ability/person instead of nurturing each individual talent (Although when his friends use their talents to guide Glow home it does conflict with this - that other talents are only good if they are useful). While Glow does share his own talent at the end, he does not learn any of his friends talents.

Despite the somewhat confusing messages, I would recommend this story to readers in the 3-6 age range, as it teaches the importance of friendship, science, and nurturing one's talents.

Thank you #NetGalley for the opportunity to read and honestly review this title.

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This book was so cute! My 4 year old loved it and keeps asking to read it! She loved reading about Glow and his twirling! This is a great lesson on learning how to share with your friends and while each of us have a special talent we shouldn't hold it to ourselves but share it with others !

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I love this little book and cannot wait to get it for my library . The little squid in the story is taught a lesson that their is time to shine and a time for when you need friends. The pictures and coloring in the book is perfect for the story.

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Glow's friends want to learn to twirl like him so he shows off. When he notices his glow is gone he goes back to the deep ocean to get it back. He sees his friends playing without him and he would rather be with them.

The illustrations are beautiful and colorful. The end of the book includes squid facts and other ocean information. It teaches children the different between fan and friend.

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebook Kids for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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The Glow Show by Susi Schaefer is brilliant, vibrant, heart-warming, and informative. The book is about a bioluminescent squid who is fantastic at twirling! He changes for the better in the course of the book and learns to share his shine with friends.

I like the book because of three reasons. First, it tells a great story and has an amazing lesson. Second, young readers learn about bioluminescence and the underwater world along the way. And last but not least, the illustrations are striking and imaginative. The only thing that could have been better is a more appropriate font, font size, and color.

Go for it, if your little reader loves beautiful pictures and a great informative story!

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I really enjoyed the drawing: the style and the coloring.
As for the story I am not sure the message is very clear for a young reader as there might be more explanations in the story, instead of in the last pages of the book. Maybe a little bit more dialogue would give more personality to the characters and the message would Benedict from it.

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This is a great book about friends that are different and find out that everyone is perfect in their own little way.

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This was a beautiful and colorful book with a great message for little ones. I especially liked all the science facts at the end of the story. A great summer book.

Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy.

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The Glow Show is a lovely book about Glow the Squid. It is full of educational information and also teaches children the importance of friendships. Both myself and my 5 year old son loved it.

Thank you to NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Kids for my ARC.

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This book was so cute! My two boys (5 and 2) absolutely loved it! I myself loved the educational information at the end and learned some new facts! We will definitely be adding this to our shelves.

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Really cute book although some of the pages repeat. Interesting facts about squids included at the end of the story are done in an easy to understand way to be sure even young readers can understand them.

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This was a cute read. I love the message in this story. Basically it saying that it’s better to have friends than fans. On top of it being a great message, the illustrations are adorable. I read with my son. He liked it too!

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Although the illustrations and characters were darling, I believe the message and delivery didn't really work. Having them all twirl at the end seems adorable but I wish they had all just demonstrated their own gifts in the spotlight. The concept of sharing the spotlight is a great one, but I think it could have been shown in a way that was clearer and more inclusive of the talents of others. The info at the end of the book was exciting and cute! I did really like the colorful and vibrant illustrations.

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We really liked this story about Glow learning to become a friend instead of just showboating their amazing Glow skills. My daughter loved the underwater scenes. The teacher in me loved the scientific explanations at the end. :-)

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This fabulous picture book tells the story of Glow, a squid who is bioluminescent. Unfortunately, Glow let's his fame (and ego) get a little out of control and ends up in a dark and scary place away from his friends. Once he realizes that it is way more fun to have friends than be famous, he realizes the importance of friendship and everyone being special and unique. I love that this book perfectly brings together scientific concepts like ocean zones, bioluminescence, and other scientific informations about animals, colour and light, while also being a fun fictional story with important moral messages as well. I think it's the perfect mix of so many great things! There are also a few pages at the end of the book with non-fiction information to supplement the scientific information shared throughout the fiction portion of the story. I taught bioluminescence this year when I transitioned from animal adaptations to light energy in science and would have loved to use this book as part of the lesson with my grade 3s and 4s students. I would highly recommend this book to parents and teachers of children in the age 6-11 range as I think there is a great story line but also lots of great information in a really well illustrated text. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read and review this fabulous book!

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I had to read through this twice to understand the story. The text repeats, but in a way that didn’t make sense to me. That could be because of the eBook format. I wanted to love it, because the pictures are bright and cheerful and the premise is darling.

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Wow! This was such a cute story! This is perfect for your preschool and primary aged classrooms. It teaches a valuable lesson on friendship and can be incorporated into a science lesson on underwater sea animals (like our sweet squid main character!). The art and the story are both colorful and engaging. Children will love this story!

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebook Kids for the ARC!

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