Cover Image: The Things We Do to Our Friends

The Things We Do to Our Friends

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This book caught my attention because the title is amazing. It was a great dark twisty book. It felt dark academia-ish which isn't always my favorite.

But I am not mad that I read it. It was different and I always appreciate that.

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In Edinburgh, Scotland, Clare is starting university as an Art History student and trying to figure out how to befriend the elite while coming from a working class background. After slowly melding herself into the ideal prospect, she is seemingly accepted into a friend group consisting of 3 girls and 1 boy. All of whom talk in mysterious ways, never letting Clare know too much about any aspect of their life. Not that it matters as Clare is hiding a secret that will destroy her if anyone were to find out. This book pushes the boundaries of how far would you go for a friend and delves you into a year of planning and orchestrating a grey area revenge plot that soon becomes a regretful one. The storyline jumps between present day and university Clare, while revealing bits and pieces of her pre-uni days as well. This provides us with the full picture of why Clare was willing to continue scheming with her friends even when she wanted to stop. It is reminiscent of The Divines by Ellie Eaton and worth the read.

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This book is great! Would definitely recommend. Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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right off the bat: this book was freaking insane. reading it felt like a fever dream and i consistently felt like i had to reread passages to figure out what the f*ck was going on.

this book felt like a lot of combinations of other stories; the two that come to mind were The Likeness by Tana French (the suspicious communal living situation) and "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (the unreliable narrator). ultimately, it felt like there was a lot of lead up before getting to any semblance of a main plot.

the book was creepy; mostly unsettling. it also made me feel frantic. i really wanted to like it but i think there was too much going on and, despite how much i wanted to quit reading the book, i still wanted to figure out what the relevance of the harrowing first scene was. the second half of the book felt disjointed and it is probably why this wasnt a total "certified snoozle". it was also mildly satisfactory.

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“Things We Do To Our Friends” is the debut novel of Heather Darwent. Edinburgh, Scotland is a dark and dreary city filled with mystery. This is a perfect place for our protagonist Clare, who decides to study at the University of Edinburgh. Clare decided this is the best place to reinvent herself and run from her past. At university she’s able to make a seemingly great group of friends. But soon it seems these friends may be just as dark as the past Clare is trying to outrun.

The setting of this novel was wonderful. There was such a specific atmosphere that the author was able to capture. This book could also be considered dark academia, which I personally love. I will say that the story does focus more on the characters than it does the university. Some of the scenes in this book are a little more graphic, which I think could put some people off, but as an individual I was ok with this. There were parts that were a bit repetitive, but for a debut novel I think this was a great start.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group (Bantam) for the ARC of this novel.

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This book made me moody. This book is characters driven and has so many unlikable characters. The story is unique and it is for you if you like to read about obsessive, toxic friendship.

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This book was a slight struggle for me to read, it was very slow and would pick up slightly enough for me yo want to keep reading. Not much on the main protagonists background so I found her hard to follow. Her and the other characters interactions felt forced. The premise of the book is very interesting and I really wanted to love it.
Thank you to Netgalley, Random House Bantam and the Author for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was amazing! I couldn’t put it down. Absolutely terrifying and thrilling at the same time. One of my favorite books!!

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I did not enjoy this one at all. It may be that it’s for a younger group or maybe just not that good. To me it just dragged.

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC.

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Eh...this thriller was a bit of a letdown. There were twists and attempts at the literary equivalent of a jump scare but they fell a bit flat. I didn't care for the characters or the setting, it could have been Kansas for all Edinburgh was featured. Okay, maybe PNW for the rain. Anyway, this review reads like this debut and I am still confused by the ending. Could use some leaning out for repetition and plot. It did remind me a little of Cruel Intentions but ultimately did not deliver.

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Wowzas. This one is dark and disturbing. Clare meets a clique of friends at school. Tabitha seems to be the ring leader of their underground business, but Clare’s past comes back to haunt her.

This was a wild ride but I felt something lacking from Clare’s character development and ultimately the ending seemed contradictory to me because of that. Overall, it was entertaining if you like a touch of the bizarre.

Pick this up for a psychological macabre thrill.

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I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley!

The Things We Do To Our Friends .... was an interesting read. The cover art really did catch my eye.
This was the first time I've heard of this author, so overall, I went into this pretty blindly.

The writing style ... was okay, but I have to admit, I was quite bored at times with this book. The blurb really did catch my eye, but while reading this book, it kind of felt like there wasn't as much of a storyline as the blurb makes you think.

The character building in this book wasn't great either. I found that I really did NOT like any of the characters, which makes it really difficult to get through a book. You want to be able to enjoy at least one character when you're reading a book.

The one positive thing I can say about this book was that I did enjoy the shorter chapters.

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I was looking for a twisty, dark, psychological thriller and this was almost there.

It’s the story of Clare. Who has does something bad in her past, so bad her parents have pretty much disowned her. She heads off to school in Edinburgh, Scotland to start her life fresh.

She gets a job and then is recruited into a group of people that she calls the Shiver. There is charismatic Tabitha who apparently runs the group and then a few stragglers with varying degrees of responsibility.

It’s all very cliquish, dark over the top. They eventually get involved in a crazy scheme to make money, tied awfully close to the dark secret from Clare’s past and she is afraid they know of her past.

The most successful part of the book to me was trying to figure out each character’s motivation. Why were these people so dependent on each other and why did let Tabitha basically lead their lives for them?

It was atmospheric and twisty, and I enjoyed it, but I feel like it could have been more. I received an ARC of the book.

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Dark Academia thrillers are right up my alley and I was very excited to read this one as the premise sounded fantastic. However, this one fell a bit flat for me for a couple of reasons. It was very slow paced, which normally I don’t mind but in this case it just took way too long for it to get going. We also jumped from current day to Clare’s past and listening to this via audio it was a bit confusing to keep up with which period we were in. Second, Clare is trying to fit in wit Tabitha and her friend group at university, they tow the line on being bad girls, but never really go as far as they could have and made the story just a wee bit better. The things they do to ‘punish bad boys’ is just not quite where it could be and if my characters are going to be bad then I want them to be bad. I will read this author again, as I think there was enough potential here for a solid thriller, there just need to be a couple of tweaks to get it to the next level.

The audio was good, and I wished I could have sped it up a little faster to help the narrator out a bit.

Thank you to PRH Audio for the ALC and to NetGalley and Random House for the digital galley to review.

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This was not nearly as engaging or thriller-ish as I'd hoped. From the fairly dissonant narrative voice of the main character to the obviously telegraphed plot points and character reveals, this book just didn't really work for me.

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The Things We Do to Our Friends by Heather Darwent is a story following a young woman named Clare who wants to start a new life and reinvent herself in Paris. She takes on a new identity, changes her accent, gets a job as a cocktail mixer, attends school, and builds a new circle of friends. However, her newfound happiness comes at a cost when she meets Tabitha and her eccentric friend group, including Ava, Imogen, and Samuel. When Tabitha offers her a project that requires her to use her past skills, Clare realizes she's trapped as her new friends may know more about her real identity and could use it for their benefit.

The first chapter of the book is dark, intriguing, and disturbing, with a slow burn that may be hard to get into at first. The characters are dislikable and Clare struggles with her new life. However, the pace picks up as the story progresses and the project becomes more heated.

The writing style was not my favorite. The author at times relied on telling rather than showing. The book was incredibly atmospheric, but I think focusing on building more natural dialogue between the characters would help the novel. Overall this is an entertaining novel and I am curious to see what the author writes next.

Thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group/Ballantine for providing a digital reviewer copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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The description makes it clear this book will be a dark thriller, but the story is more twisted than I expected. It opens with three young ladies torturing a man, likely to death. The identities of the three young ladies will not be revealed until much later and might not be who the reader expects. The reasons for their actions are surprising and disturbing. The implication in the prologue is that the man is a predator, but whether that is true is called into question once the reader learns the full history of the young lady who orchestrated the events that open the book.

After the brief prologue set in France, the story switches to Edinburgh and a new college student, Clare, who does not really fit in, and has never really fit in. When she was younger, she was too loud and intense. She is trying to reinvent herself and so she has reigned in her behavior and changed how she acts and interacts, but this can result in social interactions being somewhat stilted. She is also determined to find friends who will help her become the person she wants to be. She believes she has found that in fellow art student, Tabitha, and her coterie. Tabitha takes her in, but her personality is such that Clare and others are constantly off-balance around her. Clare finds herself enmeshed in Tabitha's schemes, which are somewhat inappropriate and potentially dangerous, and which will ultimately have life-altering consequences for Tabitha, Clare, and the others in the group (Imogen, Ava, and Sam).

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I honestly don’t know how I feel about The Things We Do to Our Friends. I loved the dark academia, the Edinburgh setting, and the storytelling. Until the end. It felt TOO wrapped up, I wanted more from Clare, especially since she’s the narrator and we’re in her thoughts. I wish I could put my finger on what left me wanting at the end. I had no trouble tearing through the book, it just felt as though something was missing at the end. I do look forward to reading more from Heather Darwent in the future! Thanks to NetGalley for the free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This was so interesting me. I was initially drawn to the gorgeous cover and I adore dark academia books so I jumped at the chance to read this one.

I read about 40% and stopped reading it, because I didn’t really like how it was written. I did like the idea of it though so I switched to audio and ended up really enjoying it! If you are curious about this one definitely choose audio over reading it. The audio narrator did an amazing job of really performing this story.

As a vegetarian some of the parts in this book really had me cringing, some of the parts get very graphic so if you are vegetarian/vegan for ethical reasons there are some things in here you might not want to read about.

I’m not sure why I haven’t seen this one around more, but if you are curious about this one definitely pick it up on audio!

Thank you @prhaudio and @penguinrandomhouse for my audio and digital copies!

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This is definitely a dark book, with plenty of scheming, lying, betrayal, and maybe a murder and I was excited to jump into it. The beginning is gripping, a macabre scene plays out and I needed to know more. Then we meet Clare, our strange and unreliable narrator and see the lengths she'll go to to be in the "right" group of friends and start her life anew.

The pacing is all over the place, up and down with a bit of action and craziness, then slowing down to the point that you almost feel like you're slogging through. The ending was a bit abrupt and the epilogue was odd and not my favorite.

Clare and the other characters aren't really likeable, so I didn't care that much if they all ended up in jail for their scheme. I do wish they had some redeemable quality so I could root for them, but it was mostly just wanting to know how this would eventually crash and burn.

There are some good parts I liked and the dark scenes are intense. It's not a bad debut and I hope we get more thrillers from Darwent.

I voluntarily read and reviewed this book. All opinions are my own. Thank you to Ballantine/Bantam and NetGalley for the copy.

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