Member Reviews

Stealing Infinity swept me away on a thrilling journey through time, mystery, and unexpected twists. From the moment I cracked open the pages, I was hooked on the adrenaline-fueled ride that this book offers.

The story follows a protagonist who finds herself navigating a world of secrets and intrigue after being expelled from high school and thrust into the enigmatic Gray Wolf Academy. As she delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding the school and its peculiar students, she discovers a hidden gift within herself—one that sets her apart in ways she never imagined.

One of the highlights of Stealing Infinity is its inventive twist on time travel, blending elements of adventure with a dash of romance and a sprinkle of mean girl drama. I found myself captivated by the unique premise and eager to unravel the secrets hidden within the school's walls alongside the protagonist.

While the character development and plotting may be somewhat superficial and linear at times, I found that it didn't detract from the overall enjoyment of the book. In fact, the fast-paced nature of the story kept me eagerly turning pages, eager to uncover each new revelation and twist.

As someone who enjoys books with time travel elements, I found Stealing Infinity to be a refreshing and entertaining read. The author's vivid descriptions and vivid imagery brought the world of Gray Wolf Academy to life, immersing me in its atmospheric setting and keeping me on the edge of my seat until the very end.

Overall, this is a captivating and adventurous read that will appeal to fans of mystery, time travel, and young adult fiction. I thoroughly enjoyed my time spent in the pages of this book and eagerly anticipate diving into the next installment of the series.

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"Stealing Infinity" by Alyson Noel is a captivating audiobook that takes listeners on a whirlwind journey through time and mystery. This story, rich in suspense and romance, is a thrilling blend of history, fantasy, and adventure, masterfully brought to life through its engaging narration.

The story follows Natasha, a young woman who unexpectedly discovers she can travel through time. Her ability catapults her into a shadowy world filled with danger, secrets, and powerful factions vying for control of history itself. Noel's storytelling prowess is on full display, weaving a narrative that is as intricate as it is compelling.

The narration of the audiobook is a standout element. The narrator skillfully captures Natasha's sense of wonder, vulnerability, and growing strength. Their ability to convey the emotions and personalities of a diverse cast of characters enhances the story's immersive quality, making the listener feel a part of Natasha's extraordinary journey.

Alyson Noel's skill in world-building is evident in "Stealing Infinity." The way she intertwines historical settings with the novel's present-day timeline is not only seamless but also richly detailed. The listener is transported from ancient temples to modern cities, each setting vividly described and integral to the story's unfolding mystery.

The characters in "Stealing Infinity" are well-developed and intriguing. Natasha, as the protagonist, is relatable and likable, her growth throughout the story reflecting her resilience and determination. The supporting characters are equally compelling, each adding layers to the narrative and contributing to the complexity of the world Noel has created.

One of the most engaging aspects of this audiobook is its exploration of themes such as destiny, power, and the ethical dilemmas of time travel. The romance is woven into the story in a way that complements the overarching plot, adding an emotional depth without detracting from the adventure and suspense.

In conclusion, "Stealing Infinity" is an enthralling audiobook that is sure to captivate fans of time travel and fantasy. Alyson Noel has crafted a story that is not only imaginative and exciting but also thought-provoking. The exceptional narration adds to the overall enjoyment, making it a must-listen for those who appreciate a story that transcends time and ignites the imagination. Whether you're a long-time fan of Alyson Noel or new to her work, this audiobook is a mesmerizing experience not to be missed.

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Stars- 5/5!

Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for an early copy in exchange for an honest review!

Ok so when I originally requested this I didn't realize it was in audiobook form which is typically not my favorite but I actually really enjoyed it! The audiobook had a great narrator and excellent pacing (I turned up the speed a little bit but not a lot) and I really enjoyed this story and the worldbuilding!

The story begins with a brief explanation of numerology which I found really interesting, especially in the ways that it connects to the story. This is something that makes Stealing Infinity stand out from many fantasy books and I am 100% here for it! This book was really fast-paced story-wise between the time travel, major events, and romance (*swoon* it was so good!) and has left me begging for book two (seriously I can't wait!)

This story has a wonderful cast of characters especially our FMC Natasha who quickly became my personal favorite and Braxton who I also loved! There is definitely some room for a love triangle to show up in Book 2 with Killian which I am definitely interested to see play out even though I really liked Natasha and Braxton together.

Overall I really loved this book and can't wait for the sequel!

For more reviews and bookish content, you can find me on Instagram @3am_bookmarks !

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with an audiobook ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
First and foremost, I should clarify that I sipped the author's note/ extra information that was for some strange reason in the beginning of the audiobook. I found it odd that this came before the book itself. Most books would include something like this at the end, after the actual book. I skipped it and it was fine. I would suggest getting to the actual book first and then in the end if you are interested go back.
I also think it is worth noting the the tone and writing of the prologue is very different from the rest of the book so if you find that you aren't immediately into the book, try to hold out for a few chapters before making a decision to DNF because the prologue is not indicative of the rest of the book.
There are a lot of YA books that I find really enjoyable and interesting to read even though I am not personally in that demographic, but this was not one of them. I don't really know if actual teen age readers would find that same thing that I did lacking of disappointing so I will out line some of them in as non=spoilery a way as possible:
1. insta love- this one has the additional problem of being hate to love insta love, which in my book is even worse.
2. The vast majority of this book is literally set in an academic setting yet ALL of the actual training was skipped and literally time jumped. We didn't even get a training montage!
3. I personally didn't care for any of the astrology stuff and I don't think it was really necessary for the time travel presented in this book. On the other hand I do get the impression that it will play a greater role in the future of the series.
4. a whole bunch of random stuff little just doesn't really make sense.- I saw someone else comment on how into detail the descriptions of clothing and jewelry were. Personally, I didn't really care about that but it didn't necessarily bother me. What did bother me through is the reasoning for those clothes yet, I am supposed to believe that the uniform is a sweatshirt?! Why are all these kids except one or two American?! Considuring Arthur's motives, this school should obviously be made up predominately by European kids.
I do think that most of the time travel was pretty well done but I would have appreciated more of it, or like I said, more of the prep and training for it.

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Well read Audiobook and a good option to read this book!
it is easy to listen to either in normal speed or speed up, the narrator did a great job in making chapters and quotes easy to differentiate from the rest of the story, gave different tones to different characters…
i found listening to the audio book very pleased and would recommend it!

Review if the actual book:

this was a lot of different things all rolled in to one story but it worked.

this entire book reminded me of a fantasy/sci-fi version of the popular teen movies/shows from the late 90s early 2000s.

and while i normally absolutely hate: this is a cross between and than list either other books or movie/tv shows that most of the time don’t really compare all that much….

reading the characters behavior reminded me a LOT of Gossip Girl and it’s utterly otherworldly moments in that show.
that mixed with Alias maybe a sprinkle of Dark Angel? in the sense that it’s all a bit mysterious- not even the entire group that is supposed to work together really knows what’s going on, nobody really explains what’s going on or how this one unbelievable unrealistic thing can actually be happening. Also the action/adventure moments of going somewhere doing something dangerously secret and basically hoping that a bit of a pretty smile can get you through the worst if necessary -if not a fight is always a good option, right?!

so i guess i am saying if you enjoyed those shows and what i listed above reminded me off them? This book might be just as entertaining and fun for you as it was for me.

mostly this book consisted of well known if not a bit overused tropes in the YA media as a whole:

- the unpopular girl there overlooked by basically everyone suddenly gets discovered and learns she can do or is something special and finds this too good to be true guy that somehow actually seems be interested in her as well.

- the ones where the unpopular girl gets the attention for some reason of someone outside of her typical reach and the popular girl tries everything she can to sabotage and be hurtful without actually showing how close she is coming to becoming stepping over the line into becoming actually dangerous to those around her.

- the ones where the popular girl gets away with being awful, hurtful and even dangerous to others around her but everyone is too afraid to stand up to her at the chance that it will put them into her distractive path.

as i said for me this was just a fun book.
ridiculous, even stupid in some moments, but fun.

it was entertaining and fun, but had nice touches throughout that kept it interesting and the entire plot of time traveling teenagers to rob history to enrich a billionaire? come on! that’s just too entertaining to not enjoy simply because of its utter ridiculousness!

the writing style was easy to read, the chapters short (2-6 pages) making it easy to read a few more and fly through the book.

did i find the over the top descriptions of the “fashion” moments (where a 17/18 year old girl seems to always grab the silky short mini dress that hugs her just right and learns to walk in mile high heels just by her desire to be able to) a bit stupid and sometimes even skipped a few lines because i was just not interested in that?
yeah sure but i do think that there are YA readers that will love those moments because they can relate.

and in many ways who can’t relate to the dream of owning your dream wardrobe filled to the brim with every piece of clothing and accessories you ever dreamed of or could imagine? be that full of designer pieces or the most comfortable sweatshirts and pants you could dream up? do not even pretend that you never imagined in your younger years what it would be like to just be able to own your dream style in all the ways you ever imaged! so really the author just wrote the dream into a bookish reality!

i do wish that the petty girl-sabotage-girl moments wouldn’t have been as often and obvious and extreme or at least not without some form of repercussions for the saboteur. but again YA book and first in a series so clearly that couldn’t have been resolved as fast as i wish it did.

also it played a bit too hard on the “trust no one!” “everyone’s your enemy!” trope, especially for a group of people that do need to at least be able to trust that they are not just left stranded somewhere they can’t come back from and with every possibility of getting killed if they are left behind!

i did really enjoy the entire time travel elements and wish we would have gotten more of that and even the training of how they learned to fit into the time -what of the linguistic dialects of specific time periods that were never written down but would make you stand out? or specific small details in style that would make you stand out as a time traveler?
the book skipped a bit too much above or around those explanations.

and overall for a book that’s not small not a huge amount gets explained or solved to give even hints of answers. that was disappointing.
i do dislike books a bit that start to really build up their momentum just pages before it’s finished and than leave the reader hanging, waiting for the next book and hoping that one will provide all the answers and explanations.

all that sounds as if i didn’t enjoy this!

i did!

it was very fun! it was entertaining and had its funny moments, it’s ridiculously over the top moments, the cheesy romance scenes… it had all elements of a very entertaining read and i was in the right mood or just really enjoy this a lot.

but this book does have a lot of flaws and plot holes or just no real plot in some moments that are covered with jealous characters and their extreme behavior and sometimes a bit of snark.

and to stop myself from repeating myself more, let’s just end this with:
do you want something that just sweeps you up and makes you grin (and other because it’s fun or because it’s so utterly stupid)? give it a try!

do you want a full blown thought out time travel Sci-Fi that explains it all and everything makes sense and has a good realistic reason?
just skip this!
if you want fantastic plot that don’t write in a jealousy scene if the plot gets a bit too lacking, complicated or too tangled? don’t read this.

Read this if you want something that will be a fun read for you.
Not every book needs to be a literary master piece people!
the fun easy entertaining ones are often the best reads! this is one of those!
enjoy it for what it is and have fun with it!

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Stealing Infinity is a YA based in a futuristic sci fi school for techie supernaturals. As with any good school based YA novel, the grownups are seldom seen, and the students are left to deal with what is essentially a caste system and they are the enforcers. Good world building, and very fast paced. I can't wait to read the next in the series. Very good audio narration.

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This took a while to get rolling but once it did the story was VERY COOL. I love the concept of what's going on (I don’t want to spoil the big reveal of what goes on at this school, so i’ll skip over it) but it was so fun and unique! Gray Wolf Academy gives me major Crave by Tracy Wolff Vibes and I'm here for it! I like Natasha, but the jury is still out on Braxton, I am however, VERY INTRIGUED by the new arrival from the past/present and I think the second book is going to be WAY better now that the world building is in place and characters established. I think a few more questions could have been answered about Natasha’s past by the conclusion of the first book and even a little more information on Braxton would have been nice. Overall I think it's a solid YA series starter.

Audio book review 5/5 Great Narrator

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I missed the download for this and went out of my way to read it anyways, but unfortunately ended up DNFing it due to all of the info dumping and the slow pace.

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I love Alyson Nöel's books! "Ever" is in my top baby names for when I have a girl someday. So fun and romantic, but also twisting and mysterious!

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It felt like I flashed back to around 2005-2015. A bad girl, a special school, powers? Yep, definitely flashing back. This wasn't bad, I will definitely read the next book but I feel like this would have been loved better back when hunger games, vampire academy, etc were big. It might catch wind with Vampire Academy being popular again now though.

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I liked this book a lot, the atmosphere at the school felt very real.
But that she had to go on a trip on her own so fast felt very forced and how the trips went too.
I'm still left with a few questions so I would like to read the next book in the series.
Definitely want to learn more about Braxton and her dad.

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Thank you to Netgalley and RB Media for giving me the oppurtunity to listen to the audiobook of Stealing Infinity by Alyson Noel.

My very first experience with audiobooks and I can definetely say it left quite an impression on me.
Getting to experience Alyson Noel's writing after so many years once again was a privilige and to do so as an audiobook for the first time was really a blessing for me.
Not only did I get acquainted with the audiobook experience for the first time but I was also able to find myself immersed in a world that one of the favourite authors of my youth created while relaxing and having someone tell me the story.
I dreaded to start this audiobook at the beginning because I wasn't sure I would be able to concentrate on it but when I began to listen to it, I found it was almost effortless to focus on the story. The narration was smooth and easy, the story in itself more than great to be told out loud.
Following Natasha in the halls of Gray Wolf Academy comes easy as if I was walkign right beside her, the secret society vibes going of from the moment she steps in its halls. Her chemistry with Braxton is undeniable even if he sometimes comes of as secretive and a walking enigma.The cryptic mentor figure of Arthur giving me the suspicion the he is always plotting something and I can't wait to find out what.
All the "mystical" references that I believe are a trait to Alyson Noel's writing (even from her early works like the immortals series) such as the use of tarot and talismans ,references to astrology and numerology, are spread and easy to spot throught the book and easy to understand throught the plot itself without further research from the reader/listener.
I must say thought that the book leaving a few unanswered questions and the ending with no obvious cliffhanger but a foreboding that something crucial will happen at the very beginning of the next book make eagerly await reading Ruling Destiny when it come out in 2023.

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After being framed for theft, Natasha’s mom signs up for her to go to the mysterious Gray Wolf Academy. As the new kid, Natasha is excluded by the other students, who are further along in their studies. She is drawn to the mysterious Braxton, who is affiliated with the school in some way but isn’t a student. Natasha quickly learns that this isn’t just any school – they are learning to blend in when they travel into the past! Just what exactly is the end goal of Arthur Blackstone, the elusive billionaire who runs the school?

The first book of a duology, we end up with a lot of questions that won’t be answered until <i>Ruling Destiny</i> comes out in April 2023. Natasha seemed immature at times, but this is a YA book. I would have liked to have seen more of the time travel scenes. We hear about some from the other students, but Natasha really only goes on few trips. This cover is absolutely beautiful. There are several things about this book that I’m not sure how to feel about, and I think I will have to read the sequel before I will really know.

Many thanks to NetGalley for providing me an audio ARC of this book.

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Great start to the series! The premise is very interesting and there are enough questions and answers left at the end that I can't wait to get into the second book! I listened to the audiobook and the narrator did a great job with the characters and content. Great read!

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I requested Stealing Infinity on a whim from NetGalley when I had a long commute and was looking for audiobooks to listen to, and I’m so glad I did. I was surprised how much I enjoyed this time-travelling YA fantasy.

Gray Wolf Academy seems to collect desperate, underachieving young people with no place left to go. The ‘inscrutable tech billionaire guru’ who runs it seems to be offering them a second chance - but is there more to it than meets the eye?
Nat winds up there when she’s put in a seemingly impossible situation, and she can’t help but be suspicious - despite the charming English boy who is going out of his way to help her settle in.

I loved Nat as a character. The flashes and hints from what she remembered of time spent with her dad were intriguing, and the emotions and relationships she developed at the Academy felt realistic - both positive and negative.
I’m intrigued by the mystery of the school and Arthur’s ultimate plan, as well as how Braxton and her dad fit into it.
I did feel like there was a lot of build up, however this set the world and the story up for it to continue in the next book, which I will definitely be reading.

I really enjoyed the narrator, I found myself fully immersed in the story and felt they were a good fit for the book and the characters.

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A good read! The audiobook is good. The narrator is good. There are certain things I dislike with some audiobooks that get monotonous in narrating like some AI is reading a written word only and there are some parts in this audiobook, but the narrator manages to make the narrating good and fun.

Looking forward to the next sequel!

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Time Travel, Romance, Art, Fashion, Cloak & Dagger, YA/NA.

This was an interesting read with a great premise. Natassia, a teen who’s given up on life and herself is forced into an elite off-the-grid private school that trains her to time travel for the school’s billionaire founder. Like most schools, this one is saturated in teen drama, lies, secrets, backstabbing and romance. The teenage me would have adored this book, the adult me enjoyed the world-building and some of the twists but would have liked slightly less moody angst and a bit more communication between Natassia and Braxton, her love interest. However, with that being said it is a story based on teenagers living incredibly dangerous and secluded lives so of course there’s going to be an over-the-top amount of drama.

Natassia and Braxton have instant chemistry but I think Noel does a good job of not giving into the love at first sight trope which I greatly appreciated. The book doesn’t end on a cliffhanger per se but lays the groundwork for some craziness in the second book which I am looking forward to reading/listening to.

Also, shout out to narrator Suzy Jackson who did a great job. Narrator Pete Bradbury did one chapter and I really hope he does more in the sequel.

Trigger Warning: Attempted Rape Scene

Special thank you to #NetGalley, #Alysoon Noel and #RecordedBooks for sharing this digital copy, these are my honest thoughts on #StealingInfinity. Also, a thank you to narrators #SuzyJackson #PeteBradbury.

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Stealing Infinity
Genre: YA Fantasy
Format: Audiobook
Date Published: 6/28/22
Author: Alyson Noel
Publisher: RB Media
Narrators: Pete Bradbury and Suzy Jackson
GR: 3.84

I requested a digital advanced readers copy from NetGalley and RB Media and providing my opinion voluntarily and unbiased.

Synopsis: I’ve been kicked out of school and recruited into Gray Wolf Academy—a remote island school completely off the grid. I never should have trusted a face so perfect. It’s a school for time travelers. Tripping, they call it. This place is filled with elaborate costumes and rare artifacts, where every move is strategic and the halls are filled with shadows and secrets. Even though there’s an energy connecting us together, the more secrets he keeps from me, the more it feels like something is pulling us apart.

My Thoughts: While fantasy is generally not my go-to genre, I found this book enjoyable. This book blends a slight mystery, with fantasy (time travel), secrets, a splash of betrayal, while focused on the younger generation. The book moves a good pace with some slow parts, but overall, goes at a good pace. The characters were pretty flushed out, well developed, depth, mystery, and creatively written. The author’s writing style was complex, engaging, and intriguing. I do not believe this book will appeal to all readers, it does have a specific audience, for that specific audience, it will be a fantastic read. There are some hard subjects such as family, attempted sexual assault, and grief. There is a tinge of romance in this novel as well. I do recommend for fantasy readers.

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DNF 65%

Before I say anything else about this book, let me state that I really wanted to like it. The concept seemed intriguing and. I can remember enjoying Alyson Noel's books as a teenager. Plus, given the amount of running around that I do on any given day, the audiobook format was appealing.

But try as I might (and believe me, I tried) I just couldn't get into the story. There were moments when I came close, but I could never listen for very long. A half hour in would find me desperately wanting to listen to something else.

That's not to say anything bad about the writing style or even the narration. Both were more than adequate. However, the high school drama got old very quickly. Natasha, the lead, was likeable enough, but I felt like so much of what I listened to was her being everyone else's punching bag. It seemed to stretch on and on., and while I imagine it was leading somewhere, I got tired of waiting.

The other characters failed to make much of an impression. Well, except for Elodie. She was rather annoying as a villain as her main motivation seemed to pettiness. That said, I did found myself wondering if she'd prove to be the actual villain as most of the info designating her as such came from the mouths of others and not her actual actions. That would be an interesting twist.

Given that I'm probably not the target audience for this series, I would advise taking my words with a grain of salt. The high school drama angle may have been tiring for me, but it was undoubtedly a conscious decision on the part of the author and could easily appeal to different readers. I sincerely thank Netgalley for my copy and freely concede that there are a lot of good elements here. Enough that I may even give this a second go in the future.

But for now? Nope, sorry. Life is too short for that.

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This was a lot of fun! Nothing revolutionary but a great time. Would highly recommend it to fans of the crave series or passenger by Alexandra bracken

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