Member Reviews

I can't give a better blurb than the one on the book. Reporter Amy Lindstrom has just witnessed the sudden, suspicious death of the powerful arms dealer she's been investigating. Jayne Rogers, the deadly covert operative assigned to work with the arms' dealer, has been accused by her boss of killing him, as well as turning traitor and picking off her former colleagues one by one. The only one who believes Jayne is being framed is Nicole Bradley, whose technical skills are as stealthy and lethal as Jayne's abilities with her fists and weapons. All three must work together to prevent a hidden arms cache from falling into the wrong hands. the intrigue is suspensful and the women work well together. I have read several of Ms. Cameron's previous books. Her name is familiar to me so I thought I'd give this one a try. Glad I did. I'm hoping there will be more Jaye novels.

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Some novels ease you into the story by orienting the reader to a new location, slowly introducing the cast of characters with each of their various personality traits, and stealthily dropping hints of the plot that will soon begin to unfold. Let’s be clear, Dana Cameron’s Exit Interview is not that type of book. Readers who have previously read the a.k.a. Jayne short stories will know to expect an action-packed, no-holds-barred narrative with an ass-kicking, take-no-names heroine, but even they may find themselves holding on for dear life as Exit Interview speeds along, never stopping to look back.

When the death of a well-known arms dealer is witnessed by Amy Lindstrom, an investigative reporter based in Washington D.C., it begins an off-the-books investigation that will ultimately reach the highest levels—exposing conspiracies and unexpected bias that exist all around us. Jayne Rogers, an undercover agent/spy/asset is being framed to take the fall for this killing, but those readers who are familiar with Jayne will know she is not going down without a fight—and if Jayne fights, she’s bound to win. This duo needs a tech genius, and that role goes to Nicole Bradley, who steps up to be the inside computer expert—a loyal friend when Jayne needs one most.

The plot of Exit Interview cleverly hangs on the specialized skills of these three formidable women. As each puts their part in the larger plan into action, readers witness their talent for exposing the truth. That’s not to say there aren’t plenty of errors and miscalculations along the way, but as a team, these women have it going on and nothing will stop them.

Told via these three point-of-view characters, readers might be reminded of Charlie’s Angels—without the need for Charlie, a sexiness that doesn’t rely on the overt, and a bit more diversity to reflect the real world. The shifting POVs are successful here as each woman is unique and what they bring to the table individually fulfills different requirements for the overall story. Dana Cameron is a writer who can convey these varying personalities with little extraneous information and pinpoint accuracy in narrative style. Even though the character focus for each section is clearly stated in the chapter title, readers would easily know from whose perspective they are witnessing the action simply from the shifts in Cameron’s writing styles.

A Dana Cameron novel without some sly humor wouldn’t ring true, so the author makes sure to interlace these heavy action sequences with intelligent one-liners and subtle gags that serve to release the tension momentarily before thrusting readers back into the thick of danger. And let’s not forget that Jayne’s heart is always in the right place and that shines through once again in Exit Interview.

It can be tricky to take a short story character and expand that into a full-length novel, but Dana Cameron makes it look easy. She clearly knows Jayne Rogers extremely well, but what is so great to watch is how these other two women become fully rounded characters right before the reader’s eyes. This team of women working together for a greater good proves that the spy game is no longer solely the domain of older, white men and readers are fortunate it was written by an author who is every bit as much of a fighter as her creations. Add Exit Interview to your reading list, but pick up some aspirin and muscle relaxers as well—you are going to need them after this tense and exciting read.

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Massachusetts resident Dana Cameron writes in multiple genres: historical fiction, urban fantasy, and crime fiction. Her first mysteries featured Emma Fielding, an archaeologist, and from there Cameron branched out. Her stories about Jayne Rogers, a counterintelligence operative, have appeared in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine and in the anthologies Killing Malmon (Down & Out Books, 2017) and Shattering Glass (Nasty Woman Press, 2020). Exit Interview (Dcle Publishing, December 2022) is Jayne’s first full-length adventure.

Jayne is working on bringing a major player in the illegal weapons industry to account when her boss pulls her off the case. Next thing she knows, the arms dealer is dead, she’s accused of killing him, and her former colleagues believe she’s turned traitor. Her sole support is another operative named Nicole Bradley, whose cool analytical intelligence makes a satisfying contrast to Jayne’s more physical approach to problem-solving. The two conscript Washington Post reporter Amy Lindstrom because of her investigative work on the arms dealer.

What ensues is a hard-charging dash to learn who killed the illicit munitions supplier, find the remaining weapons caches, salvage Jayne’s reputation, and get Amy the Pulitzer story of a lifetime. It involves sprinting all over Washington, DC, and Arlington, Virginia; readers familiar with the area will easily follow the trio’s trail across the region, recognizing subway stops and well-placed landmarks. Car chases, gunfire, explosives, hand-to-hand combat, and other essential elements of modern fictional spycraft are involved. Nicole’s skill with backdoor IT contributes significantly to achievement of the end goal while civilian Amy is aghast at the mayhem that unfolds in front of her.

Jayne is a mashup of Orphan X and Xenia, Warrior Princess. Her resourcefulness is limitless, her energy is unflagging, and her courage is breath-taking. I found this fast-paced story engaging, an original spin on black ops thrillers. An excellent way to spend a holiday afternoon! Recommended.

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I received a complimentary ARC copy of Exit Interview an a.k.a. Jayne novel by Dana Cameron from Net Galley , DCLE Publishing LLC in order to read and give an honest review.

… A well-written, fast-paced, action-packed thriller that takes the reader on a journey like no other.…

A huge fan of author, Dana Cameron’s Emma Fielding series her newest release does not disappoint. In this new series we get a feisty, fast paced thriller with three unique kickass women.

The death of arms dealer Anton Kola in front of reporter Amy Lindstrom sets off a chain of events like no other. While attending a function hosted by the Kola’s Amy watches as Anton Kola drops dead at her feet after asking her to meet with him. When Amy is abducted after the event, her life is about to change for ever, especially when she learns that it is not her abductor she needs to worry about. Jayne Rogers, former agent of “the Department” was at the event and is set up to take the fall for Kola’s murder. On the run Jayne learns she is not only being sought after by the police but also being hunted by agents she once called colleagues. When Amy realizes she is also in the Department’s crosshairs it is safer to work with Jayne to ensure her safety and the safety of those she loved. When Jayne learns more about a deadly culling set to happen from her former colleague, tech wizard Nicole Bradley, they team up to stop the bloodshed in its tracks.

A well-written, fast-paced, action-packed thriller that takes the reader on a journey like no other. I loved the strong, smart, multifaceted, and diverse women all of whom drive the plot at a relentless pace. Although well-written I found the shifting POV’s took a while to get used to but then it worked with the overall plot. This is a bloody and violent novel so those who are expecting another Emma Fielding type novel, be warned. Despite the violence there are some touching and often funny moments in the story leading to an ending that really worked. I highly recommend giving it a read.

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Exit Interview is an action-packed crime thriller told in three points of view. Amy is a hard hitting journalist who is accustomed to covering the dark side include crimes and political intrigue. Jayne is an agent who works with an arms dealer...and assigned to kill him. His death caused ripples. Amy saw him die...and living the day before. Jayne is naturally blamed so part of the book is about clearing her. Nicole surveils and knows how to fight. The book is about contracts, (double) agents, arms dealers, crimes and unafraid women. Not only that but we see slivers of technology in operation such as biometrics.

Those who prefer their mysteries and thrillers as hard boiled and gritty, Exit Interview may be for you. Characters are bold and brash and everything about it is gritty including adult language. It is not a favourite genre of mine but wanted to give it a go again. I did not particularly enjoy it but that is strictly my personal preference. The writing is snappy and the ending grabbed my attention.

My sincere thank you to DCLE Publishing LLC for providing me with a digital copy of this book.

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This one was good. Really good dialogue and I loved the female characters. I did have a little trouble in the beginning keeping the characters straight and figuring out if they were "good" or "bad", but that was probably the point, and after a few chapters I had it all straight. I loved the shifting narrators and I could see the story as a movie the whole time. Good action and fast-paced. By the end I was kinda ready for it to wrap up though. I felt like it was kinda dragging and I was exhausted from all the running and killing and was just ready to see how it all ended. Loved the very end though!

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EXIT INTERVIEW by Dana Cameron
I ended up admiring the strong women allied against evil in Dana Cameron’s EXIT INTERVIEW, doing what they needed to do, respecting them despite my resistance to some of the “grittier” aspects (echoed at times by the journalist, Amy).
I confess that I put the book aside a time or two (book club friends would have snatched it from me, as they did on occasion, “this is NOT for you”), but I found myself returning because I came to care for these intrepid, if unwilling, warriors for justice. They showed so much loyalty, courage, and resourcefulness. The ending made it all worthwhile (no, I won’t spoil it, you’ll have to find out for yourself). I find myself thinking of these brave women, and hoping the memory will stick with me when I need a bit of courage.
Hint: I found it useful to assign different highlighting colors to the main characters to help keep track of the twists and turns. This book, like life, is not simplistic.

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This ARC was provided to me via Kindle, from DCLC Publishing LLC and #NetGalley. Thank you for the opportunity to preview and review. Opinions expressed are completely my own.

Exactly what you want and expect from a thriller/mystery. The story grips you, entangles your emotions, heightens expectations.

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Good book! Wow! Talk about action packed! This book had suspense, intrigue, murder, mayhem, brutal killers, bad guys, good guys and bad good guys lol! and some definitely kick azz female powerhouse! I will definitely recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! I really enjoyed reading this one! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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