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Tick Tock

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Fern Michaels’s book Tick Tock is a book about the women of the Sisterhood, the 34th book in this series. It’s a book that will keep you guessing until the end. I voluntarily read and reviewed a complimentary copy of this book full of suspense, revenge, friendship, intrigue, and mystery. Great read!

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"Tick Tock" by Fern Michaels is a thrilling suspense novel that keeps readers guessing as they follow its characters through a race against time, filled with unexpected twists and turns.

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I’m a huge fern, Michaels fan and this book is one reason why.. Great story with great characters. I couldn’t put the book down. I highly recommend this novel.

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Another solid book in the Sisterhood series. Gotta love all the ladies in this book and the suspense that unfolds. looking forward to the next one.

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Love this series of books. The Sisterhood women are strong and resilient. And they take no prisoners when it comes to taking care of each other and making things right. The men in their lives help them to right the wrongs. Hard to put these books down.

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The sisterhood is back! I loved this story of revenge. The sisterhood makes me feel empowered and confident to face anything including any enemies.

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Thrillers, vigilantes, all my favorite things!

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the advanced copy of the book.

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This is my first book in the sisterhood series. Jump into a story of revenge on one of the sisterhood. They have the resources to give their own unique punishment and vigilante justice. I found this an easy story to read and the various characters really stood out. The mystery is an easy cozy feel but with the sting in the tail of how the sisterhood will enact their revenge. A story that can be read as a stand alone.
Thank you NetGalley and (publisher, Kensington Books) for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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This latest Fern Michaels book was very enjoyable. The story centers around a group of men and women, spread across the USA, who call themselves “The Sisterhood.”They a
act as part detectives, vigilantes, judges and juries. They seek revenge on behalf of battered and shattered women, who haven’t received justice. This group has high tech systems, and access to all online security sites, as well as a private jet, and fully operational “ jail” facilities.
In this case, one of their own is injured in a bomb attack. The Sisterhood is called to action, to track the perpetrator(s), and hand them a suitable punishment.
Thank you NetGalley and Kensington Books for the ARC.
4 stars!

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This is my first foray into Fern Michaels Sisterhood series and it's book 34.

"The Sisterhood: a group of women from all walks of life bound by friendship and years of adventure."

A rapidly moving story and an engrossing read, though I struggled a bit with no prior awareness of any of the characters. This story starts off with Myra fretting and feeling that something is amiss, and Nikki is hurt on holiday. Some justice is delivered in this action and adventure tale.

I received a complimentary copy of this novel at my request from Kensington Books, Zebra via NetGalley. This review is my own unbiased opinion.

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This is a Mystery Suspense, and this is the 34th book in the Sisterhood series. I have read and reviewed some of the other books in this series. I think this is a series that needs to be read in order. I do not think the characters are very developed in this book, and I felt the storyline was fun but it needed more. I just wanted more from this book. I felt the mystery/suspense in this book fell short. I was kindly provided an e-copy of this book by the publisher (Zebra Books) or author (Fern Michaels) via NetGalley, so I can give an honest review about how I feel about this book. I want to send a big Thank you to them for that.

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The SIsterhood comes together again, this time to find out who is attacking them. With the computers down, one of their own in the hospital, and them all in different places, they need to come together quickly. THey wil work together to fight the fight they are meant to.

This is one series that has not become repetitive, as an avid reader this makes me happy.I was able to read it in a couple hours, without wanting to put it down..

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The Sisterhood is at work again. Myra has been feeling uneasy lately and worried something is going to happen. Nikki and Jack are going out of town for a 4-day vacation. When Nikki is injured due to a car explosion Jack is beside himself. Jack thinks they were after him not Nikki. Nikki has a head injury and is getting the best care possible. Charles thinks their computer system has been breached. The ladies are working together to get the whole mess sorted out.
This is another great book on figuring out who is doing what and taking care of business.

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I grew up reading Fern Michaels's books. They have that nostalgic feel to them for me. When I was granted access to this one, I thought it would remain nostalgic but not quite. This is the 34th(!) book in The Sisterhood series. I read a few of them in the series years ago so I wasn't familiar with all of the characters and I think you need to be to really get into the story because there is quite a bit of background info on The Sisterhood characters that you miss.

In this book, Myra's (one of the Sisters) adopted daughter is on a weekend trip with her husband and becomes injured from a car bomb. The Sisters get queued up and dispatched out to find the culprit(s) and why they want to hurt one of their own. The plot is convoluted but the overall theme of women seeking to right injustices is quite prevalent.

It's an okay book and the ending works. It's an easy read and fast moving story. Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for this eARC. Tick Tock comes out on Dec 27, 22.

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I loved this book, I finished it in one afternoon; I couldn't put down my Kindle. A definite must read!!

When four convicts are released from a prison in Arkansas, they each go their separate ways with jobs to do to carry out a large plan that started while the men were each serving their time. It all started out with Eric when he started paying a former NFL inmate, Bennie, for his protection. Eric was sent to jail because he was caught stealing from his clients in a scam that took most people's life savings. He has $5 million dollars hidden away at a bank in the Cayman Islands so he can leave the US forever. Bennie is in jail for the possession and selling of child pornography. Leroy is a dimwit who got arrested in a robbery gone stupid. He's supposed to fly to the Cayman Islands to retrieve the hidden money. And then there's Darius, the one everyone stayed away from in prison, he latched onto the three other guys, and decided to include himself and get his own revenge at the same time. Truth was, all of them are afraid of his moods. He got caught trying to break into a bank vault via the coffee shop next door using an explosive device. No one but Darius knows about his plans of revenge. Eric is paying each guy $50 thousand dollars to do their job and then they will go their separate ways.

When Myra starts pulling on her pearls more often than usual, Charles immediately tunes into his wife's "gut feeling" that something bad is coming. Never one to question a woman's intuition, Charles checks in with the Sisters, but encounters a problem immediately with the computers. Charles calls Fergus, Annie's partner and tells him that someone hacked into the Sisterhood's computer system. Not even the CIA can break down those firewalls.

Jack and his wife, Nikki, (Myra and Charles' adopted daughter) drove up the coast the night before for a much needed vacation. Their first morning there, they decide to explore the town. Nikki gets to the car first and when she opens up the trunk, the car blows up throwing Nikki to the ground. She's rushed to the ER and Nikki is in a coma due to bleeding and swelling of her brain.

Meanwhile, Charles has Harry texting the Sisters what happened to Nikki, cautioning them not to use their usual means of communication. Charles and Myra are trying to get on the road while trying to get the best medical services for their girl.

With their computer guru out of town, Izzie has a fellow computer genius, Libby, fly out to the farm on Annie's plane to help them out. Charles has Nikki and Jack airlifted to the closest/best neuroscience hospital where Myra, Annie, Fergus, Charles, and Jack refuse to leave Nikki's bedside until she wakes up. In the mean time, they figure out who is behind this and why.

Jack's computer was hacked first, which was how whomever did this knew where they were staying. After Charles makes some calls to an old friend working at Scotland Yard, the Sisters start looking at Jack's old cases and who might want revenge. With the help of Jack's old assistant, the girls find out about an inmate who was released recently and they start digging. It turns out that Jack was the Federal prosecutor several years ago for Darius' trial and his office wanted to make an example of his sentencing; it wasn't a pat on the wrist like Darius expected. So Darius went after Jack first, but was furious when he found out that the victim was Jack's wife instead. Darius' second part on his plan for revenge was a bomb for his public defender who lived in Austin, TX. When Fergus spoke to the Warden of the prison, he found out about all 4 men being tight and the Sisters stepped in from there.

Meanwhile, Leroy flew to the Islands and nothing went as planned. The bank required 3 days to check out the letter he had to release the funds. But now that the Sisters knew what was going on, Annie called the owner of the bank and told him not to release the money at all. At this point, the other guys were getting antsy without their money, because they were all relying on those funds.

Now its time for the Sisters to get payback for one of their own, Nikki still hasn't woken up, and the doctors aren't sure whether or not she will.

Myra is in Mama Bear mode, none of the women have ever seen her like this before. These men will wish that they were dead when the Sisters are done deciding their fate.

A fabulous read!!!

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3.5 Stars. This is the 34th in the Sisterhood series which started back in 2001. I came into it as a stand alone not having read any of the previous novels. There were a lot of names thrown quickly at me but enough background was given for me to understand the connections and purpose of the SIsterhood. Because of their past experiences they look for crimes where justice isn’t fairly served and try and correct it on their own terms.

In this situation one of the daughters of a main member is injured in an explosion. She wasn’t the intended victim but it puts the sisterhood on the hunt for the culprit and any accomplices. Even thought there are serious crimes discussed the tone of the book is light. These are friends and their partners who can laugh and joke as they use their seemingly unlimited resources to solve the case.

I can easily see fans following theirs characters through many adventures just like I enjoy James Patterson’s Women’s Murder Club. Fern Michael’s continues to tell good stories, although I do find dated words and phrases here and there in her writing. If I had read previous book in the series I would probably have rated it higher and liked it more. Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for the ARC in exchange for a review.

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As a fan of Fern Michaels, I was not surprised by the overall mystique behind the novel TickTock. When I requested this book, I did not realize that it was number 34 in a series called The Sisterhood. This may be the reason that I had some difficulty placing and remembering the roles of some of the characters. However, the overall theme "Whatever It Takes" demonstrates the empowerment of women to right the wrongs of societal injustices by using clever and unusual techniques and delivering their version of just punishments. While not an edge-of-your-seat thriller, Tick Tock was a rapid and interesting read with an ending that seemed to be rather abrupt and left me feeling as though there should be more to the story. I will definitely delve into other books from Fern Michaels's Sisterhood Series in the future.
#thankyouNetGalleyforthisARCcopy. : )

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In this 34th book in the Sisterhood series, the ladies and their men jump into action when one of their own is seriously hurt in an explosion.

As always, the convoluted plots are unraveled, the bad guys are finally captured and justice is served quickly and efficiently. This was a fast moving story and an easy read. A bit outside the imagination as usual but entertaining.

Thanks to the author, ghost writer, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

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I didn’t enjoy this as much as I’d hoped and that’s entirely a me problem. I didn’t realise it was an entry into a long running series. For anyone who has read the previous books in this series I think you’ll love it. There was a lot going on and over multiple POV’s. I did like the writing and characterizations. I will give this another go after I read the earlier books.

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Well, I thought I could read Tick Tock as a standalone novel. Unfortunately, it was not the case.

I had a rough start from the beginning as the characters were introduced. There were quite a number of them and all appeared to be carryovers from the previous novels. So, I was compromised at the get go.

I'm not sure that I would want to read the prior novels. But perhaps if I did, I would have gotten the gist of the who, what, when, and why of the Sisterhood. However, the writing style seemed a bit juvenile and didn't quite appeal to me. It reminded me of the Spykids movies.

The storyline was a little confusing with the back and forth between villains and victim. And I didn't understand the motives of the villains.

In any event, Tick Tock just didn't hit the right buttons for me and sadly it was a DNF at 33%

I received a digital ARC from Kensington Books through NetGalley. The review herein is completely my own and contains my honest thoughts and opinions.

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