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For Her Consideration

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What I enjoyed the most about For Her Consideration is the flow of the story. It just moved along. Not too fast and not too slow but just right.

And this...

The main character, Nina Rice, is a comparable character in the instance of her self thoughts about herself and how it can affect her relationship with others. Today's society can be harsh, but when your open about your sexuality and then throw in someone who you love with all your heart gives you a list of all the "bad things" about you and leaves you, it just does something to a person's view of oneself. Nina struggled with this while she was not trying to destroy a new blossoming romance. Thankfully with the support of her aunt and her friends, Nina figures out what she wants.

The entire book is so good! You just need to read it! I could talk for a while about it. Available February 21, 2023!

Thank you to @netgalley and @kensingtonbooks for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a mixed bag for me. I loved the west Nina’s friends stuck with her, her relationship with her grandaunt, and the pining after her latest crush. However, the author has some writing quirks that grated on me, and for this, I didn’t enjoy it as much as I could have.
I think the prologue sets up readers with the wrong expectations, and the fact that we only see the story from one PoV doesn’t help.

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I received an advanced copy of this book through NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I have read one of Spalding's YA books, We Used to Be Friends.

I like a good sweet Sapphic romance. The book started out awkwardly with Nina getting dumped by her girlfriend, Taylor. Because it felt like I was in middle of a book rather than the beginning, it was a bit odd. Plus being introduced to Nina, who just accidentally ran over a bicyclist, we don't know anything about her as a character, to know if the things she says are true. Being a workaholic doesn't mean you are selfish, toxic or opportunistic. Anyways 3 years later, Nina, an aspiring screenwriter meets Ari, a young star. It would have been better to get Ari's point of view also. Nina's insecurities and hangups were well detailed. I didn't really understand why Nina was isolated from her former friends after her break up either. I wanted to like this one more, the writing just was missing something for me.


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The Most Anticipated Contemporary Romance Books of 2023

While it’s easy to recommend contemporary romances based on various combinations of shorthand tropes and archetypes, it’s equally fascinating to pick up on the common themes in a year’s crop of new romances.

In 2023 expect more than one ghostwriter falling for her client (because what’s more intimate than learning someone’s voice) and plenty of author crushes in the flesh. Yet there’s also the themes of writing ourselves into fantasy scenarios or idealized versions of ourselves—or if not writing, then taking the cannonball plunge into summer camp or other group getaways in the sunshine, when we can be freer versions of ourselves not weighed down by expectations or exes. Or if you’re looking for a sharper edge to your contemporary romance, get ready for books that amp up the archetypal enemies or rivals into witch-versus-witch-hunter or competing con artists. This list has new books from Kate Clayborn, Emily Henry, Taj McCoy, Christina Lauren, Tehlor Kay Mejia, and many many more. Truly, it was difficult to narrow down, and this is just the first half of the year.

For Her Consideration by Amy Spalding

Release Date: February 21 from Kensington Books

A lot of this year’s romances seem to involve characters who have isolated themselves, emotionally of course but also often physically, and who have to ease their way back into lives that no longer make sense—relatable indeed.

In Amy Spalding’s adult romance debut, celebrity email ghostwriter Nina Rice expelled herself from Hollywood’s screenwriting circles and queer social scene following a devastating breakup. But when movie star client Ari Rose (think if Olivia Wilde had kept playing “the queer girl” in high school dramas then wound up on The L Word: Generation Q) wants to get to know her email writer better, their attraction opens up some thrilling possibilities for Nina: Yes, this gorgeous star might want her… but also, she might be worthy enough to reenter the worlds she cut herself off from.

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I really enjoyed this book! It felt like a casey mcquiston book meets the L word show with a K-Stew hearthrob and if all of that sounds amazing to you like it did to me, then I'm sure you'll love this book too. The main romance was cute and swoony but the growth the of the main character and her relationships with the other people in her life really was what made this book super enjoyable for me. I would def recommend!

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The plot for this is ridiculous, the story is slow and boring and not much actually happened. The two main characters had no chemistry or personality.

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I really loved the romance between Nina and Ari but I think I loved the friendships more. Seeing Nina rebuild her friendships and the fact that they have her back no matter what just really warmed my heart.

I received an arc through netgalley.

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This is only the second book of Amy Spalding's that I've read and it didn't disappoint. While I think it would be almost impossible for Spalding to write a book I loved more than 'The Summer of Jordi Parez' - one of my all-time favourite queer books - this was still an absolute delight. It reminded me a lot of Jae's Hollywood series, not in a copycat way but just a similar vibe.

It started off a little slow but once I pushed through the beginning and once Ari became more involved the story picked up nicely. I liked Nina as a main character, she was certainly flawed but it never verged into unlikeable and she and Ari worked really well together. The surrounding cast of friends and Nina's aunt all served as entertaining and likeable side characters.

All in all this was a great read, it felt a lot like Jordi Perez but more mature and adult and would honestly make a great little queer rom-com.

Thank you to Kensington Books and NetGalley for making an arc available for me to review in exchange for an honest review.

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For Her Consideration by Amy Spalding was a very well written adult debut!
These characters have my heart
I loved each character individually and both of them together was just so much fun!
I thought the pacing was excellent. Spalding really kept me engaged and flipping the pages till early morning hours.
Everything about this book was just so endearing and I really had so much fun reading it.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington for my ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I’m picky with romance as usually, the slow-burning first half gets me all excited only for the second half to be a complete let-down, especially when introducing the main conflict. For Her Consideration, however, had me hooked from beginning to end, conflict and all.

Main character Nina Rice and love interest Ari Fox aren’t just incredibly enjoyable characters, they’re also very relatable. Perhaps even the most relatable sapphic characters I’ve read up to date. Their humour and the way they interact not only with each other but also with the rest of their community was near and dear to my heart. Not a moment was dull with them on the page and every interaction was so well written that I could see everything unfold in front of me. It also perfectly portrayed the typical queer woman’s dating style: the longer the first date, the better. There’s definitely some spice involved but overall, the sweetness of it all is what stuck with me the most.

So when these two perfect protagonists stole my heart only a couple of chapters in, I feared that the conflict would ruin everything. It didn’t! Unlike some other romances, there’s no grand drama that makes the relationship impossible to root for still. Instead, the conflict is very character-based and was especially relatable to me. Definitely a big plus for anyone who enjoys romance but hates too much drama. One thing I did find is that Ari’s reputation was definitely over-exaggerated and her “difficult character” wasn’t conveyed very well outside of the root of the conflict.

Aside from the romance, which is aplenty and certainly never disappointing, the book is filled with other likeable characters that really steer Nina into being her best self. There are brunch friends and a really cool aunt who all steal the show, as does the cat called Steve, for the little screentime he gets. It’s truly a heartwarming story about love in different forms and a must-read for queer women who would eat up any sapphic film Kristen Stewart is in. As for any fellow plus-sized person: I felt very loved reading this book and the plus-sized representation in Nina is great! With a plot drenched in film culture and lesbian lore, what’s not to like? It definitely stole my heart (and my voice, I screamed a couple times) and now it’s time to apply all that Nina has learned from her dearest friends and aunt to my own life.

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Thankyou to Netgalley and Kensington Books for a e-arc of the book in exchange of an honest review.

This book isn't something that i would gravitate to as i am not usually into the celebrity/ hollywood lifestyle however i was pleasantly surprised! I really liked the development of the main character and the relationship she had with herself as i found it very relatable. Its nice to see a chic-lit with a bit of depth. I found that i read through the book quite quickly once i had gotten in to it.

As always i hated the third act breakup and it did feel like it went on for a while- this is just a preference of mine that i dont personally like it- Over all i did enjoy though!

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This one has definitely won it’s way into my must read again pile. I loved this story, so much. I had to force myself to slow down/put it down so I could make the experience last longer.
For Her Consideration isn’t your run of the mill Hollywood lezfic. There’s more depth, and the writing itself – pulls you in immediately. We’ve all been heartbroken before, but what if the person that dumps you put all these horrible ideas in your head (an itemized list) of how you’re an awful person, and that if your friends don’t see it now, they eventually will. Nina catastrophize her life because of a breakup, and thought herself a ticking timebomb because of this. She removed herself from everything and everyone she cared about to move to the burbs. I had to laugh at this because my family mostly lives in LA, until some have started to migrate to Santa Clarita- (though we are all Midwesterners). The google says that there is still a TFI Fridays in Santa Clarita, and you best believe I will be making a visit. So many dates were had there in my youth, and I thought it sweet that Nina and Ari had their first Santa Clarita date at a Fridays. For those of you that live in LA, you’re in for a treat with all the references that only the locals will know (and not just the touristy spots).

This story just left me happy.

You don’t have to have everything figured out, but you can still get the girl.

Even with Nina having an inner downward spiral believing that her happiness with Ari is doomed, their story and relationship is a beautiful one, and their chemistry fills every page that they are together.

I do wish we had Ari’s POV, but alas, I am greedy.

I am one of those people of whom as a baby gay, had to figure things out with zero representation in the media, and looked for lesbian subtext in every television show and movie with any whiff of sapphic love (Xena!), of which I still do since it’s so engrained in me. So, a story like this – one that acknowledges that there definitely was a time that being out and proud in Hollywood wasn’t a thing, nor blatantly gay characters in film. This story brought a sense of relief to me, and serves as an ode to all the Ari’s out there. Also, to those that have given up on their own happiness – this story reminds us that with allowing yourself to be vulnerable, and letting those that care about you most in – you don’t have to be alone, and that there IS a way forward.

***Minor spoilers ahead***

It was nice that the make-up scene wasn’t extra broody. That people can F up, acknowledge that they f’d up, and that it’s dumb that they broke up in the first place - allowing these two people to see each other from across the room, and just know that it’s all going to be okay.

The only reason I didn’t give 5 starts for this story is because it was extremely frustrating that it took so long (years, and with Nina disappearing a second time), for Nina’s chosen family to say hell no to her disappearing again, and for Bianca to tell her exactly how it made her feel (and to call bullshit). One of the themes of For Her Consideration is Chosen Family, so if this group of awesome people are her ride or dies, then where were they? Giving her space to grieve a relationship is one thing, but to never try and track her down in all those years, and running into Phoebe is just happenstance? I don’t buy it. BUT – they eventually did talk it out (fine), and Nina told them everything, which for me was very important.

I loved this story. The main characters, Nina’s friends, Steve the Cat, Max the squirrely assistant. Every character had a role to fill to help this story become what it is.

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Oh how I adored this book!! Amy Spalding wrote such a gem with For Her Consideration and I'm looking forward to sharing more about it on all of my socials. Thank you so much to Netgalley, Kensington Publishers, and Amy Spalding for this ARC.

For Her Consideration follows the story of Nina Rice - three year's post a painful breakup, she's become isolated and very set in her habits, living in her aunt's condo in the suburbs and working a talent agency job from home. She has dreams of scriptwriting for TV and having a warm, loving circle of friends (and a girlfriend) like she used to, but since everything, she thinks that'll never happen. But when a surprise meeting with a "tough" client ends up being with queer breakout actress Ari Fox, Nina starts feeling like she's jumped into one of her own scripts. Through this sweet and spirited romance book, we get to see two women taking a risk on love, the reconnection and beauty of queer friends, and makes the reader completely fall in love with the world of Nina and Ari.

Honestly, at first I did not love Nina when I started reading this book - it was more that I slowly loved all the growth she made and that she owned up to her flaws! The ending definitely surprised me, and I'm such a sucker for a happy ending. My rating goes up even further because we were really able to follow such a wonderful queer couple, alongside how much we were able to learn all about the importance of their found family - including Lorna, Nina's aunt! I really loved how supportive Lorna was and she added such a nice comedic side.

I will also say Ari is absolutely my type so that made it even more fun to read this book - she's so well written, and just full of joy!! If you're looking for a new queer romance book to read with lots of sparkle and an amazing found family, definitely read For Her Consideration. It's out for publishing on Feb 21st! :)

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3.25/5 stars! After hearing that Illumicrate will be covering this book in their Afterlight subscription, I was excited to check it out. It felt like portions of this story had potential: being set in LA, having queer representation, a book for readers about a screenwriter... but overall these concepts felt disjointed. I didn't mind Nina, but it felt like her decision-making was never thought through. She throws away all of her friends and life because of a breakup, which is a very teen response for an adult contemporary romance book. I also really didn't feel the chemistry between her and Ari. This book stated it would appeal to fans of Casey McQuiston but Casey has a way of making you feel the raw feelings their characters are experiencing and making you connect with them as they connect with each other. That was missing in this book. A cute, simple read but lacking in the depth of chemistry.

I received an advance review copy for free through NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily

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I liked this book so much! I have never related more to a character than Nina. She seemed a little insecure about her body in the beginning that she did throughout the story (love for the growth and something I‘m still working on myself), she believes a dumb list from a person who is not important anymore rather than talking about it (and yep.. relatable!) and then she ends up sabotaging herself and her dreams (seriously, is she me?!)

Anyways, I loved her! How could I not?

The book is big on found family, which is not something I screen for specifically but it‘s always great to read about and it‘s brilliant in this story.
Nina has the best of friends and an amazing aunt who only want the best for her no matter what that might look it. Even her aunt‘s friends seemed great although their characters didn’t feel as developed as everyone else (didn’t bother me much tho)!
Every character in her friend group was beautifully unique and even tho it was a lot when they were together it never seemed overwhelming, it seemed like I was one of them and I love that in a book.

Ari was not what I expected after she was declared 'difficult', for my part I didn’t see her like that at all (probably because I relate to her wanting to be in control so much). I love that she was supportive and caring towards Nina, but also everyone I guess.

The characters are definitely flawed and you witness an amazing character development and growth throughout the story and I loved the way it ended!

Thank to NetGalley and Kensington Books for the opportunity to read this ARC

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Wonderful. I don't even know how to put everything this book made me feel into words. Between rooting for Nina and Ari, laughing with Nina's friends, and missing California, my heart was full to bursting. Highly recommended for fans of Something to Talk About, queer Sunday brunches, and building the life you want for yourself.

CW: injury and hospitalization

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A cute romance that also had great story development outside of the relationship. I loved the development of Nina's self-confidence and the friendship to romantic development between Nina and Ari. I also loved that real consequences were a thing in this book as Nina was technically working for Ari. I am not a fan of third-act break ups but I was glad that this break up wasn't because of miscommunication

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For Her Consideration by Amy Spalding is a sapphic adult rom-com about a famous actress and the person who ghostwrites her emails. What starts as a business relationship soon morphs into a sweet new romance. Spalding is witty and the banter between the characters is fantastic. This will appeal to fans of the witty writing in Gilmore Girls and those who are already fans of Spalding's YA books.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I really liked the premise of this sapphic celebrity romance, and found many of the characters very lovable (such as Lorna and Nina's friends). I also thought the story overall was an easy and quick read and liked the representation it contained. However, there were certain elements that I found a little frustrating during the reading experience. For one thing, Nina's constant remarks about feeling "toxic" and "cursed" became incredibly repetitive after a point. I also didn't think the conflict needed to be as long and drawn out as it was, and wish we could have explored Ari's backstory a little deeper. Nevertheless, I think it would be a nice casual sapphic read for anyone looking for that sort of thing!

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This book was very fun to read. I am not used to being unable to put down a rom com type book. I read this super quick and really loved the premise of the book. This book would have been five stars if Nina wasn't so insufferable. All of the other characters were so relatable and felt like people I would want to be friends with in real life. I wish I could love Nina too but she is just so whiney and everything was sooo woe is me.

Thank you NetGalley, Amy Spalding, and Kensington Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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