Member Reviews

Outfoxed, the third book in A Fox Crossing, Maine novel is the best one in the trilogy in my humble opinion. Victoria Michaud has lived in Fox Crossing her entire life without ever seeing the fabled fox, but on the day of her 30th birthday she finally does. At the same time, Bowen Gower, also sees the fox. Bowen was a classmate of Victoria's who made her brother's life a horror with his teasing and games. She couldn't stand him and hasn't forgiven him at all. Why is he in town? Along with Bowen, his sister Tess is also in town, and Victoria's brother, Henry has had a crush on her since high school. Throw in the store, Junk and Disorderly and refereeing her bickering and separated parents, Victoria has way too much on her plate. What kind of luck, fortune or romance is coming her way after seeing "The Fox"?
We all have those people in our background who we didn't get along with or made our lives miserable, as well as someone that stole our young hearts and we never forgot. In this book Victoria and Henry come face to face with theirs. Bowen and Tess have lost their granddad and are in town to take care of his estate. Bowen is the boy who made good, making lots of money and working his way up in the company he works for, but is he happy? I enjoyed returning to Fox Crossing and catching up with all the townsfolk and seeing where they are now and how their lives have changed after they saw "The Fox". This was a story of two romances (siblings in two families), as well as others who have found their way to Fox Crossing. We get to see the Vixen and hear her thoughts as this book ends on wonderful uplifting situations. If you are looking for a happy, uplifting story, with romance, family, friendship, new beginnings, second chances and some magic, then I recommend you pick this one up.

What a touching, funny and relatable book! This was my first in the series and I loved it. Victoria Michaud and Bowen Gower find they have more in common than they think, despite their differences, and it's a lovely book to read about second chanes, love and a mysterious fox who when she appears, signals luck, happiness and a new start!
I received an ARC from NetGalley and the opinions expressed in this review are my own.x

I was charmed by this book, and delighted to be reading a page-turned that intrigued me with character and setting. And while I don't normally like sentient animals outside of children's fiction, I loved the fox here and her perceptions of the humans. It's a romance set in a quirky small town, and I really enjoyed reading it.

To me, these are January books. I have read the first two books in January, and I loved them both. Then I tried to read this one, the third one in the series, before it's NetGalley archive date in October. And I did, I read it, but I didn't really give it a fair shake because I wasn't in the mood for it at that time. So, this month I thought I would revisit this story at a time that felt better. I am such a mood reader! And I am so glad I did this because this time around I loved it!
This story deals with two sets of of siblings, Bowen and Tegan, and Victoria and Henry. Bowen and Tegan grew up in the town of Fox Crossing, as the grandchildren of the mayor but only recently returned upon his death. Victoria runs an eclectic antique store, while Henry has also been living out of town. He comes back to help his sister celebrate her birthday, and with all the central players now in town, the rest of the story can begin.
Romance is in the air in this little town, yet there is just so much baggage they all seem to be carrying around that needs to be dealt with before any of them can fully trust. And to me, in my opinion, that is what this book is really about. Letting go of the past, fresh new starts, second chances. Self-awareness, self-love. Bullying. The undercurrents of this book simply swirl with trauma and emotions that have not been addressed and it all seems to be coming home to roost (I feel like there is a pun in here).
The characters in this one are particularly interesting, with their flaws and eccentricities. I especially like Victoria and her crazy fashions - she just sounds like so much fun! And Tegan and her found art sculptures and statues, Henry..well he is sort of just typical I guess. Bowen is eccentric in that all work and no play way, but he is able to read people very well, so despite seeming like he shouldn't be a people person, he kind of is.
And of course, there is the fox.
Overall this was a wonderful return to Fox Crossing, Maine, and I am so glad that I gave this book a second chance. Thank you to NetGalley for the original ebook in exchange for an honest review, although I did end up purchasing this book on Amazon this month.

In this third instalment 0f a series set in the mountain village of Fox Crossing, Maine by Melinda Metz, Victoria Michaud runs her Junk & Disorderly antique shop and unfotunately encounters Bowen Gower, back to settle his granddad's affairs.
The author's characters are very engaging, their presences jumping from the pages including the supporting cast. By the time I finished reading, I felt I knew them all quite well. Also who cannot be bewitched by the idea of a fox, when, if sighted, brings good luck, so the folklore suggests you believe? The novel can easily be enjoyed as an individual read as the core of the tale stands alone is an escapist read about families, love and foregiveness and a cute romance.
I received a complimentary copy of this novel at my request from Kensington Books via NetGalley. This review is my own unbiased opinion.

I love Melinda Metz's stories as they're always entertaining, heartwarming, and sweet.
This is another good story and I loved the characters and the plot.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this arc, all opinions are mine

Outfoxed (A Fox Crossing, Maine Novel Book 3) by Melinda Metz has home towner Victoria (Vic) see the elusive matchmaking fox on her thirtieth birthday. Birthdays are not true fun with bickering divorced parents. Even if seeing Bowen Gower, a bully from younger days back in town, ruined it for her. However, the fox is able to see and feel something that that Vic cannot.
This is in many ways a story of families, of regret, of forgiveness, starting over, finding your voice, then love, too. Not only love of the romantic kind but love between siblings and love parents have for their children and even love loss. Besides Vic and Bowen there are several other subplots happening. Having read all the books in the series so far, enjoying each one, I can say this is the one with the most depth and the most complexity within the characters. With that being said, it is also my favorite of the three.
Each book stands on its own every though it takes place in the same community, Fox Crossing, Maine. While the characters from previous books may make an appearance it is not necessary to have read in order.
An ARC of the book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley which I voluntarily chose to read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Honestly, foxes have always seemed magical to me! Seeing one cross the yard or the road has always felt like a magical moment. 🦊
If you're a video game fan, you'll recognize a similar kindness of foxes in Ghost of Tsushima. Following the fox is not always easy, but those little footprints lead to a pleasant discovery. 🦊
And when the first character to appear in this story is the fox? I'm in! And the main character has a fox coffee mug? 100% sold! 🦊
I love how this story winds through the lives of several characters, making the town feel alive and real. And making me want to know even more about them.

The town of Fox Crossing has an immortal fox (go with it) and if you see her, she will bring you love, happiness, and so on. Bowen was rotten to Vic and her brother Henry when they were in high school. Geez- he had a rotten time in high school too he's been aware from their town for a long time and he's changed. His sister Teagan knows that but he's got to convince others. Bowen and Vic have a chance meeting - and they see the fox! What follows is classic enemies to lovers. I liked the first book in the series and missed the second but they're constructed so that each works as a standalone. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. It's light and fun.

Victoria Michaud still lives in her Maine hometown. She’s heard the stories about a beautiful fox who brings those who see it fortune, love and happiness. She herself has never seen it, so it’s just a story she grew up on. On her 30th birthday, Victoria sees the elusive fox.
Back in town to settle his grandfather’s estate, Bowen Gower was the boy who made Victoria’s life a living hell in her youth, along with many others he did wrong by back then. Can he convince everyone he’s changed and make right for his past transgressions? He sure hope s so, and especially with Victoria. Did the fox bring her the tidings of story or was it all just an old wives tale? She’ll soon find out, one way or another.
This is the first book I have read by this author and it’s quite good. I love settings along the Appalachian Trail, so this one caught my attention. Generally, I’m not a big love story fan, but this one was so well done that it felt more like a quaint visit in Maine rather than just a romance. I can’t wait to discover more from this author as it was so well written that I was transported to Fox Crossing as I turned the pages.

This fascinating novel is full of interesting characters who are like some thing different yet the same. I have read the authors other novels in this series and thoroughly enjoyed going back to the small town of Fox Crossing again. I particularly enjoyed the spiritual element of the intermittent appearances of the Fox of the town is named after and her thoughts on the connections between people and between nature beings.
Thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

This is the 3rd book in the ‘A Fox Crossing, Maine’ series. I hadn’t read the first two, but the beautiful fox on the cover of this book meant I had to read it. Victoria (Vic) has lived her whole life in Fox Crossing and runs an antique store called Junk and Disorderly. As the book opens her brother Henry turns up to help celebrate her 30th birthday’s - yes plural as their parents have separated, with the divorce about to be finalised, the parents each refuse to be in the same place at the same time - hard in a small community. So each parent is holding a birthday party - on the same night.
Then there are are Bowen and Tegan - brother and sister who have both just newly returned to town after 12 years, their grandfather, the mayor, has died. Bowen is the heir and his sister has been largely ignored all her life - cue sibling angst.
The reader very quickly learns that Henry and Vic dislike Bowen for some reason that occurred when they were all at High School, and Bowen has no idea why they dislike him. He himself has horrible memories of High School.
Bowen and Vic meet in the snow as they both lay eyes on the fox. Not just any fox but the “…legendary fox with a knack for bringing fortune, love, and happiness to anyone lucky enough to see it…” Vic poo-poos the whole concept of a fox influencing her love life - and besides she hates Bowen.
Overall, Outfoxed was very readable and enjoyable. Not having read the previous two I was a bit overwhelmed by all the other characters being introduced at once with their various back stories - even the fox legend. But it eventually settled down and I enjoyed watching Bowen and Vic get together, as well as a secondary couple. And did mum and dad divorce? Well the fox can tell you.

I adore the Fox Crossing, Maine series by Melinda Metz. Outfoxed is the third in the series. The fox is still bringing love and good luck to whoever sees her, and the local shop owners are still making newcomers feel welcome, even those who have just been away for a while. Bowen Gower and his sister Tegan are back just long enough to settle their grandfather's estate after his death, or so they thought. The fox knows differently. Outfoxed is full of small-town charm, friendly neighbors, and a bit of romance for some. Thanks to the author, Kensington Books, and NetGalley for providing a complimentary copy of this ebook. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

Outfoxed is a new installment in the Fox Crossing, Maine series by Melinda Metz. Although I believe it’s the third in a series, this is the first that I’ve read.
It’s a perfectly pleasant book. I particularly enjoyed the character of Tegan, as I found her character the most relatable of the bunch. I questioned the real world validity of many aspects about Bowen, and reminded myself several times that this was fiction to be able to stomach his past actions.
All strings were tied, and there’s nothing with which to find offense: No swearing or detailed sex scenes, and the topic of bullying was handled with maturity. There were moments that seemed slow, yet overall this was a pleasant read.
Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for access to the digital ARC.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an arc in exchange for an honest review. Outfoxed is the 3rd book in A Fox Crossing by Melinda Metz.
"Victoria Michaud has lived in Fox Crossing her entire life without encountering the fabled fox. And then, on the day of her thirtieth birthday, she spots a beautiful, golden-eyed vixen . . . right before she also recognizes Bowen Gower, the guy who made her high school years hell. So much for good luck. Victoria already has enough to deal with, between running her Junk & Disorderly antique store and refereeing her divorced, still-bickering parents."
This was a rollercoaster, Bowen can't remember a single detail of him being a jerk in school and to Victoria's brother Henry, not so much her. He can only recall it later on when his old buddies are bringing it back up.. this felt very unrelatable. Victoria is constantly questioning herself while hitting on Bowen because everyone in town says that seeing the fox at the same time means they are lovers... Which wouldn't have happened if spoiler: Bowen didnt lose his job... also Victoria spends a lot of this book getting body shammed by her mother.. so if that's something you struggle with, do not read this book!
Honestly, the side characters love stories were a lot more interesting. Victoria and Bowens's story felt very forced.
Actual rating: 2.5/5

I received an ARC of, Outfoxed by Melinda Metz. This is the third book in the A Fox Crossing series. They say seeing foxes in Fox Crossing, Maine is good luck. Victoria has lived in Fox Crossing all her life, but it not until she turns 30, does she encounter a fox. Will her good luck last? Will she finally find her one true love?