Member Reviews

Don't know why I am obsessed with post-apocalyptic romance but this series hits the spot. Loving every book in this series so far.

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Thank you to the author for an ARC of this title.*

Is it weird to say that I am excited to be back in this dangerous world? Well, who cares, I am. I was absolutely thrilled and tickled pink to read an ARC of this book. To be back in the Kindled world of Claire Kent's was a treat.

I read this book straight through, no stops, no passing GO, I was addicted. I love how each book that takes place in this Asteroid-stricken Earth gives us a little more info on what has happened. I feel like Princess gives us the most insight yet.
thank you Netgalley

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The second in the series of an almost end of the world dystopian type existence. This doesn’t have to be read as a series and can be a stand alone - it’s mostly the setting that is pulled through from the previous book. This is a steamy romance and has the usual strong male lead who just wants to protect the woman.
It’s fun and an escape from the real world but it’s not exactly a masterpiece in literature. Only read for fun, escapism and steaminess!

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the complimentary ARC. All opinions provided are my own.

​Things are pretty brutal on a large scale IRL & yet somehow Claire Kent’s post apocalyptic romances hit the sweet spot every single time.

I was talking with a friend about these books & what we love about them recently:

🌻 the steam (so good, especially because Kent really plays with the idea of people hooking up in the secret hours & there aren’t any feelings involved, definitely not ;) ).

🌻 The hope, even though the old world is gone & the new world is uncertain every day.

🌻 The voice. These are just so readable!

In Princess, Olivia, the daughter of a billionaire techie, has been living in a bunker for five years—since right before a major asteroid hit Earth, destroying life as they knew it.

She’s there with Grant, among others. He’s given her the impression that he’s unmoved by her again & again but one day they turn to each other, set the room on fire, & repeat repeat. But are those pesky feelings one-sided?

Though this book isn’t my fave of her post apocalyptic collection—that goes to Haven—it’s got everything I love about her books. The steam is great, the tension & the romance arc feel developed for my maximum enjoyment ;), & there’s a nicely portrayed conflict between his wish to protect her—like he’s done since they’ve known each other—& her desire to be viewed as equal.

Definitely check this series out if you’re looking for something dark but soft where it counts!

4 ⭐️. Out now.

Lots of CWs, including death and violence.

ID: a white woman wearing a light purple shirt and floral print pants holds an ebook while standing in front of sunflowers.

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Thank you NetGalley for a chance to read Princess.

I have not read the first book in the series but I didn’t feel lost while reading this. I enjoyed this book, it was fast paced and ~steamy~ but the character development was a little lacking. Overall I really enjoyed it and I would read the other books in this series.

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Okay so i was so happy that i got an ARC for a book by Claire Kent but i was kind of disappointed in this book it has a good storyline a not a very good character development and the worst dialogue.
The thing that annoyed me the most was the dialogue it felt so wrong like it made the scenes awkward i guess. And I didn’t feel that was there much of a character development, but would if i went back in time would i read it again? YES i would and that’s because of multiple reasons the important one is that this book got me out of my reading slump with the amazing storyline and nice side yeah was kind of disappointed but not that much would recommend.
I got this ARC from NetGalley.

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I received a copy of this book via NetGalle. The plot follows a girl who, at 17 gets wished away to an underground bunker thanks to her well off father just in time for the end of the world, at least as she knew it. It follows her through the course of a few years as she figures out who she is and what she wants out if life. Along the way we also meet Grant and enjoy his quiet demanding demeanor. This book sits squarely on the line between spicy and smut (et least in my opinion) and while I didn't think the first *scene* was realistic, it's a good read with an apocalyptic twist. A good portion of the book is inner monologue, which I didn't mind, but if your wanting something more action packed it might not be for you. Also, while this is a book with spice it is not heavily romantic. All the same I enjoyed it.

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Good plot and character development for a novella. I love straight laced heroes, and that is one hundred percent Grant. Bonus points for age gap and steamy scenes. This was book two of a series, but I had no issues following along without having read book one. This was good enough that I will be reading the first book and keeping an eye out for the next two in the series.

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Olivia is the daughter of a very rich businessman and one of the lucky few to gain access to an underground bunker before an asteroid destroys most of mainland Europe. She hunkers down there with other privileged citizens for multiple years while the fallout from the disaster settles. She is protected by Grant, one of the security personnel and also one of the few young men in the bunker.

Like Last Light and Haven, this is a post-apocalyptic romance novel set after the collapse of modern society following a large scale disaster. Characters from the previous books make brief appearances and it was interesting to see a new side of the disaster. This is definitely a forced proximity romance as they're stuck in a bunker together for a large portion of the novel. It also features a decent amount of steam (as only Claire Kent can write!), a small-ish age gap (decade or less), and a slight enemies-to-lovers feel (that is just miscommunication as with most romance novels). It definitely features a unique setting for a romance novel, but wasn't as full of chemistry as Last Light. Overall an interesting read though!

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I've been sitting on my review of this book for a minute, and I would still say it was 5 stars.

I received an ARC of this book from the author for an honest review.

This book is the second book in the "Kindled" series. It is set in a post-apocalyptic setting after Earth has been hit by a devastating asteroid. Unlike in the first book, the characters in "Princess" take shelter in a protected bunker until they decide to try life above ground.

I appreciate how the chronology of the book was handled and time jumps were clearly addressed and indicated in the chapter titles. I also like how realistic these stories come across. They include outside effects and dangers created by the asteroid like economic failure and effects on the climate. I also really appreciated that the FMC, Olivia wasn't just another petite woman, but a tall and strong FMC. I also appreciated that the FMC worked for her strength, struggles, and trains for a long time in order to develop her skills in combat.

This book did a really good job with making the situation realistic because the council who runs the bunker would continuously meet, discuss, and monitor conditions like air quality and health risks before making decisions.

Now, for the romance! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED the bodyguard/ protectee romance. This book had the one bed trope, hurt/comfort, age gap, praise, and guy falls first which are all of my favorite things. However, it also had my all time favorite thing which is a condescending nickname turned term of endearment, a.k.a Princess.

This book was quick and entertaining, but also something that I still think about. The relationship between Olivia and Grant had me smiling like an idiot at times and that's just the type of book I need. I 100% recommend reading both books in this series!

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Princess is book 2 in the Kindled series and while I thought it was another enjoyable book by this author, I did have some issues with the story. I didn't enjoy the layout of the beginning chapters because it was confusing, and I didn't feel it added anything to the story. I enjoyed Grant and Olivia together but at times I didn't feel their connection especially with Olivia being so insecure. Now I totally understood why she felt that way, but a little communication between the two would have been great. I did love catching up with Layne and Travis and what is happening with them and also Jackson and Faith. I'm really looking forward to Cal's book which is up next. Overall, even with my issues, I really like this world the author has created.

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I'm so happy the author has decided to continue this series. I truly think it's one of the best "Apocalyptic World" type of series I've read to date. It's the kind of series that would make a fantastic TV series. It's the most realistic storyline that makes you think this could truly happen. I think it stays realistic to the fears and struggles people would face, while also providing a love story that you can root for.

This is no instant love story. Or even a "forced to love because you are the only option" kind of story. This is a couple, Grant and Olivia, who take years to develop. It felt right for them. This is a couple that needed to develop slow and yet as you read it, it doesn't feel slow, it just feels right.

Grant is 12 years older than Olivia. He's the strong, silent, protective man that locks down his emotions. Olivia is learning to become an adult in a new world and doesn't have the support a young woman needs. Their differences is why their story takes time and I love that the author gave them that development that would have been lacking if it was rushed.

I also love the we are getting to see characters from the other two books in this world. It's like watching these people learn to grow and rebuild the world into something new. Anytime I think about how it would be if this really happened, it scares me. It also makes this series so fascinating to me. I'm looking forward to more.

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It's extremely sexually explicit post-apocalyptic romance.... and it's excellent.

It's not the sort of thing I usually read, generally favoring a closed or semi-closed door, but I've dabbled a bit in Kent's oeuvre and it's clear she's extremely good at what she does. I honestly kind of can't believe how she is able to make these post-apocalyptic romances so devoid of cringe but she does. The characters feel like real people with normal brains and lots of chemistry. It would be easy to mess up, I think, but Kent just refuses to fail. Awesome work, good grief.

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Age-gap (not creepy)
A different take on this Kindled world
Bunker life

I am so taken by this series by Claire Kent and my only complaint is where the asteroid fell (what about Europe?!). What I like about this series is that there isn't rehashing of the apocalyptic event, this series is all about survival afterwards and the interconnected couples through the series.

Princess gave us a bunker existence perspective for some of the book and that felt really fresh. The couple in Grant and Olivia took a familiar path, somewhat similar to the previous book but I still thoroughly enjoyed reading their journey. It was push and pull, uncertainty and chemistry.

I really enjoyed the grander picture, seeing the previous couples, communities and how that bigger plot is weaving together. The threats from the unsavoury part of humanity put the communities trying to survive at risk and it had the reader absolutely on edge at times.

I cannot wait for the two further books coming in this series and the names I've seen that will be in subsequent stories. Princess was the kind of book you can read in a day and feel completely satisfied in the ride.

Thank you to the author through netgalley for the review copy.

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Princess was the perfect sort of apocalyptic romance that I love to read. I've read Claire Kent before and knew that I would just devour this series. I loved reading about Jackson and Faith in Haven and knew that Grant and Olivia would offer the same kind of steam and amazing story. 

Overall I loved this story. It was sexy and engaging and I was hooked from the very first page. Grant was alpha and take charge but he was also caring and considerate of Olivia's needs. I can't wait for more books in this series.

I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book for an honest review. 4.5 stars! ~Ratula ❤️

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*Thank you to the author for an ARC of this title.*

Is it weird to say that I am excited to be back in this dangerous world? Well, who cares, I am. I was absolutely thrilled and tickled pink to read an ARC of this book. To be back in the Kindled world of Claire Kent's was a treat.

I read this book straight through, no stops, no passing GO, I was addicted. I love how each book that takes place in this Asteroid-stricken Earth gives us a little more info on what has happened. I feel like Princess gives us the most insight yet.

Getting to know Olivia briefly as a teenager who only has finals and swim team on her mind and watching her reality come crumbling down as she has to go underground to try and survive the catastrophe was so interesting. She is one of the "luckier" ones if you could call her that, and when it's time to emerge, everything is going to be different.

Grant is a stoic and serious older man, who begins our tale as a guard/security expert who is working for the company running the underground missile silo and he becomes vital yet an untouchable figure in Olivia's life. And as time goes on... they come to mean more to each other than they could have expected.

As I am finding with this author, I feel intimately connected to the characters. When there is no society left to say things are right or wrong, there are only our own perceptions and what we try to cling to. But our bodies and our hearts want different things. I feel like every book I've read by her does that so well.

I loved these two characters and I was extremely satisfied with this return to the Kindled series. I look forward to more.

5 stars
3 on the spice scale

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Ahhh when I tell you I screamed when I saw there was a new Claire Kent book coming this summer! Princess was such a read!! The dystopian word she created was fantastic and the mutual pining.. ugh chef’s kiss! I can’t wait for more and I highly recommend!

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I'm absolutely in love with this series. Last Light is a constant re-read for me and Princess is definitely right there with it! I loved Grant and Olivia. I usually hate when the pet name "Princess" is used, but it works here. I loved seeing their relationship grow throughout the 5 years since the asteroid hit. I'm not going to lie, I was not excited for the bunker storyline but again it all just worked so perfectly. I couldn't put the book down and finished it in one sitting. I CAN NOT WAIT FOR THE NEXT TWO BOOKS. I loved how all the characters come together and I am so excited to read Rachel/Cal's story and to discover who is Macks lady. Ugh, so good. 5 stars.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me the opportunity to read and review this novel. I am rating this book based the stars due to lack of time to leave a full review. #NetGalley

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