Cover Image: Other Side of the Tracks

Other Side of the Tracks

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book, as this book has already been published, I will not share my review on Netgalley at this time.

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An incredible and heartbreaking book about the cost of racism and unfounded prejudice. The alternating perspectives were clear, and even though I wasn't a fan of the romance at first, I was rooting for them by the end.

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This is a book that belongs in every school library! I loved how delicate topics were handled and how it perfectly encapsulated what is happening in the world today.

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An amazing, timely read that was probably uncomfortable for those who don't want to face racism in the face. But for me, it was a gorgeous read that had me turning pages as fast as I could.

Charity is a gift to the YA world and I can't wait for her next book.

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**Thanks goes to NetGalley for this ARC! This review is my opinion**

At first, it was a bit confusing, but then things got better. Since I am biracial (half Black, half white), I am a sucker for books that deal with mixed races. This book made me feel acknowledged, which is something that I only found in maybe 3 books as a kid. Charity did an awesome job with the romance and tension. We may be in 2023 now, but interracial relationships still get questioned or looked at funny. I'm so glad I got approved for this and it was awesome!

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This is a plot that is entirely predictable and lacking in subtlety. I can see what Alyse is going for here, the parallel experiences and the disapproval of both communities. But the whole "forging your won path and defying society" thing is so cliche. There are some attempts at complexity but these additional aspects get only brief mentions, not the depth necessary to truly address such complex issues.

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I like that the Other Side of the Tracks touches ioon so many social issues facing youth. It is a heavy read mentally and emotionally. The characters were well developed.

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Thank you Charity for allowing me to be part of the street team and for a copy of the eARC!

This book starts off slow but picks up in the middle and I was not expecting that ending.

This is an intense book and touches on gun violence, teenage pregnancy, segregation and racism.

I liked that the story had different perspectives and Capri’s perspective was my favourite. Zach felt like he was a “white saviour” at times and I wanted to see more of Justin and Rose’s relationship.

The book touches on teenage love, grief and trying to be true to themselves and this can be seen with the multiple POVs.

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I thought this was a much-needed story to be told, there are several heavy-hitting topics to unpack and work through as you navigate the character's lives with them. It is absolutely painfully relevant, though by the end it did feel as if they possibly tried to pack TOO much into one story and that some of the storylines may've served better as their own novels (hint hint, write more books Charity Alyse!). I was really invested in Capri's storyline and found it emotionally engaging and heart-wrenching.

The only negatives I found were that the story does try to pack in just about every hot button youth issue (they are all important and relevant, but they don't all fit in this particular story with the same ease as the main story). And that the cover does this novel a big disservice, in my opinion. The old saying of "Don't judge a book by its cover" is good in theory, but I've yet to meet a person who doesn't skim passed a book with a lackluster cover. The cover of this story reminds me of covers I made in middle school book reports, I think that if the font placement and style was changed in a re-release, it could have a better landing pad.

I look forward to further releases from this author.

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Brother and sister, Justin and Capri, have dreams of finishing high school and leaving small town Hamilton, New York. Justin loves basketball and Capri, dancing, like their deceased mother. But like the old saying goes…if you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.

Zach has just relocated from Philadelphia to small town, Bayside New York, The racial tension is like a shock to his system, and then…he meets Capri. Struggling to adapt to one side of the tracks, while fighting to belong on the other, I'd very dangerous, but he's willing to take the risk.

One act of violence, starts a race war…one that comes with casualties. The biggest problem for Capri is choosing between her brother and her sudden interest.

Disclaimer: This debut novel is racially charged and will piss you off. However, the redemption will tug at your heart strings. I highly recommend this novel by @charity_alyse.

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I really enjoyed this book! I loved seeing the multiple perspectives warping to create its own narrative. I had the honor of being sent a widget from NetGalley to read for my Author Spotlight interview blog series. Thanks again to Charity for answering my questions! I can't wait to see what else Charity writes! Sad I wasn't able to see her on her in-person tour but there's always next time :)

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We follow this story through three different perspectives, and I believe it had potential. But I think a lot was trying to be covered and it didn't execute as well. I did enjoy Capri's storyline.

Thank you Simon and Schuster Childrens Publishing and NetGalley for this arc in exchange for my honest review!

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*** Thank you to Netgallery for giving me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review***

This book was one my favorites to read this year. I loved this book from the beginning to the end from the plot, the characters, and the writing itself. This book addressed such an important topics like racism and police brutality. From the very first the line, you can clearly envision the characters emotions from the happy moment to the one that break your heart. I cannot stop raving about this book and strongly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys forbidden love but, also wants a story that address important life issues that are prevalent in this century.

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This book really just took me for a ride. I loved the build up, the character development, and the writing. I would definitely read more from this author!

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Looking for a modern take on a star crossed lovers story reminiscent of Romeo and Juliet?

Other Side of the Tracks may fit the bill.

The title alone tugs at my heart because tracks are such a historical symbol of division. Plus this cover omg! I love the painted look. Soooo dope!

The writing is my favorite part of this story. There are so many deeply thoughtful and detailed sentences that enhance the reading experience. It’s slower than I prefer; especially at the beginning, but I do appreciate the themes this story tackles

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC!

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Other Side of the Tracks is a moving and important YA novel.

The story is written from three perspectives - Capri, a Black girl from the small down of Hamilton; her brother, Justin; and Zach, a white boy who recently moved from Philly to the small town on the other side of the tracks, Bayside. I love a story that is written from multiple perspectives, and this one is very well done - I loved how the timeline continued, but the narrator changed.

This story is so timely and addresses so much about racism, getting out of a suffocating situation, and police violence.

I want to tread carefully so as not to give away the ending - it did not end the way I was expecting! But I thought this story addressed two hypothetical situations that intrigued me and will stay with me for a while:
- what would it look like if white people took accountability for their racist actions?
- what would it look like if Black people sought revenge? (This made me think of the video of activist Kimberly Jones from June 2020 in which she says, “be glad Black people aren’t seeking revenge!” - if you haven’t seen it, go look it up. It is necessary viewing for all white people.)

I recommend giving Other Side of the Tracks a read - it will really make you think and will stay with you for a while.

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A well written and impactful story. It’s going to hit you hard in some places and make you uncomfortable. The author really did a good job shedding a light on what’s been going in America for years. Also, all the characters were relatable and had their own goals and problems. Justin’s story broke my heart the most. I was rooting for everyone, but I was especially hoping for a better outcome for Justin.

Thank you to the author and Hear Our Voices Tours for the ARC!

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Other side of the tracks is a deeply impactful, hard-hitting, gripping debut novel about three teens who confront and unpack the societal constraints of their racially divided towns of Bayside & Hamiliton. When one of them loses a friend to police brutality.

'If our lies were grains of sand, mine would barely fill a tiny seashell. Yours would make an entire seashore."

"If we walk on the wrong side of the tracks, we'll still get a bullet to the back."

"The land of the chained! A home to the enslaved! America stop digging us our graves."

"Justin, Being Black is not a curse."

"You'd love them enough to give them the truth no matter what it costs you. That's what doing the right things is about."

Thank you Charity Alyse for writing a powerful debut novel and the Hear our voices book tours crew for giving me the opportunity to join this book tour.

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This book was….really good!!! It was deep, it was raw, real, tragic & emotional but necessary! There were so many nuggets of wisdom woven into the writing that I loved & appreciated.

“We say we want change. That’s what I grew up hearing. We want to be looked at for what’s on the inside of us, but we steady judging everyone else for what they can’t help. When we were born, we ask God to be black or white, or a man or a woman; he did what he wanted when he painted us, and made us who we are. What would our lives…the world look like if we finally laid down this idea of hate based upon race?”

The main characters were all lovable— Capri, Zach & poor Justin. I couldn’t believe the ending, I didn’t not see that coming whatsoever. I wanted to give them a hug, especially Zach. His dad SUCKED and so did the peers around him. I love that despite what the norm of his community was, he rose above it every time no matter what they thought.

Overall, very well done!

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This book was very enjoyable. The characters were really well written and the way that the language was written really helped me deep dive into the world of the story. Probably a really great read for those in high school.

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