Member Reviews

As a bread lover, I enjoy reading about the breads. Only wish I could make them. This was an interesting adventure. There were many red herrings thrown in to keep you guessing.

WARNING: Profanity and swearing. Body shaming.
A bakery with the punny name Yeast of Eden, has one bad apple. Or is it only one? When the girl (employee) blows her cool, she's fired. "You'll get what you deserve!" she yells. Then a person that was present, dies.
Curse? Poison? Bludgeoning? Did the person deserve it? As evidence accumulates, the resounding answer is, if anybody deserved to die, that one did.
There are three opinions of the dead man. 1) So wonderful, I'll miss him! 2) I have some unanswered questions..., and 3) My money is gone, isn't it? The people in group three are very similar; they're all single, older, wealthy women, and they thought he loved them. So, who killed him, and which group was that person from?
Despite the barrage of names shot at the reader at the beginning, we finally meet Ivy Culpepper, a part-time employee of the bakery, affianced to Miguel, and the amateur sleuth. She needs to tread carefully, because saying the wrong thing could mean she's toast.
3/5 Tried to cover too many subjects at once, and I couldn't get past the "warning" items above.
Thanks to Kensington Books, Kensington Cozies, and NetGalley for the temporary ebook preview. Any review is voluntary and entirely my own opinion.
#BreadOverTroubledWater #NetGalley
#WinnieArcher #WinnieArcherAuth
#KensingtonBooks #KensingtonCozies

Ivy and Miguel are in love. While planning their wedding (not too soon) friends and family plan an engagement celebration in the park.
Optomistic love filled plans clash with dark, selfish relarionships throughout this book.
Secrets are revealed abut several bread store customers and big changes are coming for Olaya.
Ivy can't help herself from looking deeper at a murder and other secrets.
This book is tense, exciting, interesting and filled with wonderful characters.

The cover brought me in and the writing won me over. The pug on the cover was the thing that made me interested in this book. This book has a little bit of everything…mystery, drama, relatable characters. This is my first book of the Bread Shop Mysteries, but I now intend to read the others.
I found that I really understood Ivy and her curiosity. I loved Olaya’s mission of bringing unique cultural recipes to the masses. Then, one of Yeast of Eden’s (love the name) beloved customers is found dead.
This thrilling book kept me guessing and made me a true fan of Winnie Archer.

Bread Over Troubled Water by Winner Archer (Bread Shop Mystery #8) 4 stars
Santa Sofia – a beach town with a wonderful climate and home to Yeast of Eden, a bread shop that can make you forget a carb free diet. Ivy Culpepper, a professional photographer and worker at Yeast of Eden is preparing for her engagement party to long-time beau Miguel. However, when she is checking on the outdoor venue of her engagement party she discovers the body of a bread shop regular. Josh Prentiss used the bread shop like a second workspace and it is upsetting to the bread shop family to know he died by foul play. Ivy is content to let the police sort this out, but when the bread shop is accused of poisoning Josh she has no choice but to investigate. Delving into Josh’s background discloses some shady dealings and the suspects start to come out of the woodwork. Can Ivy sift through the various suspects to find the real culprit?
I through enjoyed this mystery. As always the interaction between the characters is key and it is wonderful to see Ivy and Miguel relationship progress. I really liked the cameo appearance of Harlow Cassidy from Ms. Archer’s other series written as Melissa Bourbon. I am looking forward to the next book in this series.
Thank you Netgalley and Kensington Books for this ARC.

“Bread Over Troubled Water” is the eighth book in Winnie Archer’s Bread Shop Mystery cozy mystery series and the first I've read. I felt a bit lost in the characters backstories as I'd missed so many books, but the mystery was still easy to follow and enjoy. Set in a California seaside town and around a local artisan bakery, we follow Ivy as she prepares for her engagement party and helps out at her friend's bakery/cafe.
She discovers the body of a customer in the park and is pulled into the mystery when her boss' sister is a suspect and the bakery is implicated. It turns out a lot of people had motive for wanting this man dead and Ivy certainly has her hands full.
There are also some lovely moments of friendship in the story and a lovely variety of side characters to get ot know. A pleasant read.

Bread over troubled water is the latest instalment in Winnie Archer’s, Bread Shop Mysteries and as you read this wonderful book you can imagine the smells and tastes of this magical bakery. Ivy and Miguel are planning their engagement party and are interrupted with a murder in Skyline park and a sourdough roll from the bakery leads to a leads to the cause of death and Ivy and the bakery gang are on the hunt to solve the murder before the engagement party. Lots of adventures and colourful velour worn by Mrs. Branford. A con artist and swindler disguised as a financial planner who ends up dead and not many people are sad about it. I have read this series from the beginning and Winnie Archer does not disappoint the reader in this latest instalment and I am looking forward to Ivy and Miguel’s wedding in her next book. Bravo Winnie and thank you to Winnie Acher and NetGalley for sending me an arc E - book copy to read and it was a pleasure to read.🙋♀️🇨🇦🥰👏👏💐📚

When Ivy Culpepper isn’t busy planning her wedding or building a career as a photographer, she is working part-time at Yeast of Eden, a bakery which feels like home to her. While working there, she has come to know some of the regular customers like Josh Prentiss who uses Yeast of Eden as a workspace. Ivy is shocked one morning when she stumbles across Josh’s body in the park and even more shocked when a member of her boss Olaya’s family, is considered one of the chief suspects. Ivy promises Olaya that she will help try to find out who the killer is but quickly discovers that there are plenty of people who wanted Josh dead.
“Bread Over Troubled Water” is the enjoyable eighth book in Winnie Archer’s Bread Shop Mystery cozy mystery series. I love the bakery setting – even if I do feel hungry while reading the book! The characters are all nicely done – I especially like Ivy who, while still missing her mother, has managed to create a new family with friends, especially Olaya and her wonderful octogenarian next door neighbor Penelope Branford – those close relationships play an important part in this book. The mystery has plenty of twists and turns and red herrings with plenty of suspects – unfortunately, while I loved the scene where the killer was revealed, I was a bit disappointed with the identity of the killer. The clues were certainly there, I just…well I don’t want to spoil the book so I won’t say anything else.
“Bread Over Troubled Water” is an enjoyable cozy mystery.

Wow, the first chapter wore me out. So much activity. So many people coming and going. So much drama. Maybe it's just me not being familiar with the series but I had a hard time not just sorting out who was who but how they were all connected. Once I sorted it all out it was fine but that did initially slow me down. The whole scene with Mae and her mother was, well, weird. As the book progressed, I came to understand Mae's concerns but had no clue when the story began.
That said, it was an interesting story. Josh, a seemingly well liked customer of Olaya's bread shop is murdered. Early info that he was poisoned leads many to turn on her. As the one who found the body (or her dog Agatha did), Ivy is even accused, in front of news cameras, no less. As more info about Josh is discovered, however, attention moves elsewhere. Josh not only wasn't universally liked, he wasn't trusted by some. Why? What about that bunch of women who seemed to be following him at one point? Why? How will Olaya handle the pressure of the investigation while taking on the caretaker role for Pilar, her orphaned niece? Who was that man who followed Josh out of the bread shop the morning he was killed? Why are there poisonous plants growing openly in town?
And, that's just the tip of the twists and turns that Ivy encounters. Some are real clues, some are red herrings, and some are, well, just confusing her. She needs to get this solved, however, as she has a wedding engagement party to plan. As a photography buff myself, I chuckled at Ivy's plan to take pictures of everything at the park where it'd be held. Visuals are important. As is a last minute light-bulb going off in one's head rather than on the camera.
Bottom line, despite my initial confusion over the number of characters and, to me, odd events going on in the bread shop, the mystery itself was a good one and, nope, didn't figure it out. Thanks #NetGalley and #KensingtonBooks for inviting me over to try Olaya's delectable breads, not to mention the recipes!

Charming Josh Prentiss, a regular at Yeast of East, is found dead in the local park. Who would want to kill the seemingly pleasant Josh. Ivy leaps into investigation m ode when the bakery's owner Olaya and her sister are suspected. As she digs deeper into Josh' life, she learns he wasn't the pleasant person every perceived him as and a new batch of suspects enters the frame. I enjoy this series, but for some reason there were way to many characters in this book

This installment in the series lives up to the standards set in previous titles. Lovely setting, great female characters with dimension, credible mystery with lots of good red herrings to keep the reader guessing and turning the pages. A recommended read for the cozy mystery fan.

When I think of cozy mysteries, I think of books just like this one, that gives all the feels, thrills and can satisfies just about every reader's heart. This is a perfect books to snuggle up with on any day.

This may be the eighth book in Ms. Archer's Bread Shop mysteries but this series has not grown "stale". I loved being back in Santa Sofia and catching up with Ivy, Miguel, Mrs. Branford and Olaya.
A well-crafted plot that moved quickly, well-developed characters that continue to grow within each book, so many suspects for the murder who had an excellent reason to commit a murder (the man was just bad news), plenty of twists, clues that were sprinkled throughout the story that I missed entirely, and a dramatic reveal kept me totally riveted throughout the book. It was great seeing Harlow and Will, from another one of her cozy mystery series, visiting Santa Sofia. The engagement party at the end with Ivy and Miguel and their family and friends was a perfect ending.

I always read this series when a new book comes out. The writing is engaging and the characters are well developed. There a few new characters added to the series that will hopefully be featured more such as Pilar, Olaya's goddaughter. There is a lot of activity in this mystery of who killed Josh, a regular at the cafe. Since the cafe is under suspicion of being the source of the poison in his death, Ivy gets involved. There are many suspects and of course a last minute lightbulb moment. It is a great read and well worth the time.

I really like Ivy and the life she's carved out for herself. When she finds a regular bread shop customer dead in a nearby park, where her engagement party is to be held, she gets busy trying to solve his death. Ivy is curious, smart, and caring, and I generally enjoy following along on her adventures.
There were lots of engaging elements to this mystery, though I found the bits about employees Mae (whose mom sneaks into the bread shop constantly) and Taylor (who's a snot at best, and who becomes totally unhinged and doesn't seem like she would've ever been hired at the shop) to be too ridiculous. It felt like their storylines were only put there because a certain scene needed to play out for the crime to happen and for Ivy to witness it. So that undercuts some of the story for me.
Review copy provided by the publisher via Netgalley.

I love when I am reading a book and a character I like from another series just drops in to make their presence known. I had to wait until the last chapter for the surprise, but it was fun and made me hopeful for more books from both series.
As the wedding festivities grow closer, Agatha (the dog), Miguel and Ivy come across the body of one of the bread shop patrons in the park. Because the now dead man had just eaten breakfast at the bread shop, everyone there is marginally under suspicion. The planning of the engagement party is still underway as Ivy and her octogenarian neighbor, Penelope Branford, work hard to solve the murder, integrate Olaya's Goddaughter/niece into the family, and enjoy her party.
This mystery was perfect. No hints or ideas of what is happening. New characters fitting perfectly into Ivy's family and co-workers at Yeast of Eden. The author even found a way to bring in Ukraine.
I am looking forward to the next book in the series. I love the addition of Pilar, Olaya's niece, and Mae, the newest bread store employee. Can't wait for the wedding and I can predict some type of mystery on the honeymoon. And maybe Ivy and Miguel will take a road trip to Texas.
#KensingtonPublishing #KensingtonBooks #WinnieArcher #YeastOfEden #SantaSofia #UkrainianKorohvie #NetGalley #BreadOverTroubledWater

Another great cozy mystery by Winnie Archer. Always enjoy her books. This one was a fun, fast mystery that kept me guessing!

Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for a copy in exchange for an honest review.
I'd first like to start off by saying don't read this book as a stand alone. I do believe reading this series from start to now would be more beneficial in understanding the characters, dynamics, and over all character development. That being said I did have a very difficult time starting this story, this is likely because I am diving in at a much later book where things have already been established; which is why I highly recommend starting from book 1, because this story is very good it did just take a bit for me to dive into it.
I think I will checkout the first in this series, because over all the story was well written, was fun (the more I dove into it), and I think I'd like to know the characters more. "A regular who used Yeast of Eden as a workspace, Josh Prentiss always turned heads with his startlingly good looks and thousand-watt smile. But Ivy can’t help noticing one morning that he seems distracted and off his game. Later, during a visit to the park where she and Miguel plan to hold their engagement party—with plenty of baked goods on the menu—her rescue pug, Agatha, sniffs out Josh lying in a bed of poppies…scone cold dead." It was very attention grabbing once we got to the part about the murder and finding out who the killer really was. I feel like I could relate to come of the characters struggles and that Winnie Archer really knows how to write their characters to life.

Ivy mixes up more than bread in this exciting installment in this series by Winnie Archer.
Things are tense at the bakery as the three Solis sisters try to keep themselves out of jail.
I've enjoyed watching the characters grow over time, and I always know I'm in for a treat whenever a new nook becomes available.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for selecting me to read an advanced copy of the book.

This is an ok mystery with little humor and little depth to the characters for me.
Thank you netgalley and the publisher for this arc