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I absolutely loved this story! I’m going to be very honest, many times when authors say they want to write an autistic MC, the execution turns out terribly and sometimes ableist but I didn’t feel that come through at all!

As someone who is neurotypical, I took the time to read through some other reviews to make sure I didn’t miss any problematic pieces to this book and it seems like many people agree with me.

What I loved about this book:
-Likeable characters with distinct personalities
-Fast pacing and good world building
-interesting magic system

What could have been better:
-I didn’t feel “sucked in” at the beginning like I probably should’ve. It was just a slow build.
-I felt a little lost at parts but was able to fill in the gaps eventually.

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The premise was wonderful and definitely a promising enticement, but I missed any sort of character development outside of Seelie herself, and the plot seemed to drag listlessly until a jarring late sprint to the finish line. The potential love interest, as well as the villain, felt very one-dimensional, and it was hard to muster caring about them.

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This is a YA fantasy adventure about 2 sisters escaping a past. They are thrust into an epic adventure by two strangers, which tests their trust in one another as well as themselves.

I truly enjoyed this book. The writing is so clever, fantastically sarcastic, and the story is exciting. There’s magic, and fairies, and an evil Aunt, unlikely allies, and so many twists and turns. There’s even dragons. And a magic, sentient caravan named Destiny.

I really appreciate the parallels the author draws between Seelie’s ‘otherness’ as a fae changeling, and her own feelings of her autism. If you like fantasy - adventure, this book is truly singular and a must - read!!

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The love of sisters knows no bounds, and for these two, it means running away together and building an entirely new life. Isolde and Iselia are twins who love fiercely and will allow nothing to come between them. Iselia is an autistic changeling who often finds herself reviled by those around her. She doesn't mind, as long as she has Isolde. But what happens when others are pushed into Seelie's bubble?
The fight scenes were perfection and I loved the banter that was thrown around, even when a character had a knife at their throat. It's a contrast of humor and magic throughout the story as Seelie's magic grows and she struggles to manage the power. Raze is the kind of character that you might hate at first but slowly grow to like. He's hotheaded and he and Seelie clash more often than I can count, and I lived for those moments.
Overall, a lovely book. Seelie's autism is present in realistic ways that really resonate and Isolde's patience mixed with Raze and Olani's always-be-moving-forward drive kept the story going.
I received a copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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A lovely YA fantasy that mixes the fairy world with the magical world inhabited by the narrator who is on the autism spectrum (like the author themselves). A beautiful relationship between two sisters is the center piece of this fun adventure story.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the author Ivelisse Housman, & the publisher for letting me read this arc.

This book has sisters, one human & one changeling who is also autistic. Isolde & Iselia (Seelie) who have run from their parents so her identity of being a changeling doesn’t come out. They have to steal, lie & hide to survive. They finally steal from the wrong person who chases the sisters down for the item that was stolen. They team up with others throughout the book.

This book is perfect for young readers. I feel like some will really connect with the main character.

This book is too young for myself at the age I am now. It is a book I definitely would have loved back in middle school.

It was pretty slow for myself but I know people did like this book. I hope that if you read this you love it. Something just fell short for me & I’m giving a 3 star rating.

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Thank you Inkyard Press and NetGalley for the advanced electronic review copy of this wonderful book. I really enjoyed the writing, great characters, attention to detail, and interesting world-building. Am cautiously optimistic for a sequel as there are still many unanswered questions by the end of the book. Highly recommend this fun read to any fantasy lovers out there.

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I wasn't able to finish this one. I wanted to like it so much but I just couldn't push past the infodump in the beginning.

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Oof.. this was a disappointment. Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for an arc of this book; I appreciate having the opportunity to both support an autistic author and review as an autistic reviewer. However... this was rough.

First off, I think if you liked The Drowned Woods, you may like this as well. I don't know why, but they gave me similar vibes. I didn't like either.

Let's start with what I liked--the main character! Our autistic changeling was a great character to follow. I've seen her annoy some neurotypical reviewers, but I thought she was great and relatable. Her traits of autism were interesting to see on the page and I thought she carried this book on her freaking back, despite the cheesy name.

I also liked some moments where the group slips in and out of fairyland. The first time in particular was a masterful scene. Everything else surrounding it needed work though.

Other than Seelie, the characters had nothing really to their personality nor anything that made me root for them. Especially the love interest. He was so freaking mean to Seelie and her sister at first that it was just hard to root for him after that, and he immediately fetishizes Seelie (which is dealt with later... poorly). I could not get on board with their relationship, partially because this guy had nothing to him, partially because of their behavior towards each other, and partially because of the poor development later.

I also had problems with the way the other characters treated Seelie... I understand she was whiny or selfish at times (even though it pains me to even say that because I feel there was a lot more going on with Seelie than that), but everyone else was so awful to her. Seelie would think things like "you all just want me to be what you want me to be, not who I am" and sometimes say them to be mean--but the thing is, she was absolutely right. And it felt like the author wanted us to see these thoughts as misinterpretations of what's going on, and maybe Seelie and I just have too much of the same symptoms, but in my opinion Seelie was right on--they did want her to be who they wanted her to be, someone who could use her magic well and who was willing to dive right into learning and someone who was willing to forgive easily and someone who loved adventure. There were moments where the love interest sort of got this and tried to let Seelie be Seelie, but everyone else did not. And it honestly just grated on me to see her be talked over and looked down upon.

I also thought that the plot was a mess. In small ways in the beginning, things seemed to be missing--it almost felt like sentences or facts were missing and the author would talk to you like you knew them, and then you'd finally get the information much later. This kept happening throughout. But then, it got worse--it turned into like, whole scenes by the end. Basically this author tried really hard to wrap up two different plots in a way that you can still have a sequel, but a satisfying ending, and failed miserably, in my opinion. Neither plot ended in a satisfying way and the romance plot was a mess. The climax was almost completely missing from the book, to the point where I'd thought I missed something and I was super confused. I also couldn't find any reviews that talked about this either... which deeply confuses me.

Honestly, I thought this book was okay but not great for most of it, but with the ending, it was such a mess it left me mad I read it. Which was sad.

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Unseelie has an incredible plot in a richly developed world and that alone would make it a 5 star read, however for me, its true strength is in the representation of the autistic experience that could only be written by an own-voices author. I related so much to Seelie feeling like everyone but her has social situations figured out and how exhausting being around people all day can be.

I will be adding more thoughts after the book is published, because I do not want to give any spoilers, but I have much more to say.

This book meant a lot to me personally, and I cannot wait to read the next installment. I need to see what is next for Seelie and her friends. It ended leaving me so excited for more!

Thank you so much to Inkyard Press and NetGalley for this ARC. All opinions are my own.

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4.5 stars, rounded up

This is a really fun story! I enjoyed the adventure and the quest, and all the trickster faeries. UNSEELIE is also one of those worlds that I can't help but low-key wish I was in, but tbh I'd die to some dumb faerie bargain faster than I could agree to one.

I am very interested in Gossamer and how his plotline is going to play out. And the "treasure" Seelie finds at the end! (Sorry, I don't want to spoil the surprise. It's really cool!) I think this is very clearly going to be a series. And I am here for book 2. Want to know why? Here are some of my favorite quotes from Seelie:

"We can go as fast as we want without fear of crashing into some poor farmer's mule-drawn cart and destroying his crop of cabbages."

"The perfect start to any morning. Who needs coffee when you have the icy shock of mortal terror?"

"We make an incredibly generic-tasting stew that is mostly cabbage and potatoes, with a bit of leftover bacon fat to keep it from being so sad we have to season it with our tears."

And there's so many more. Seelie is so snarky I just loved her as the narrator.

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This is a fantastic fantasy debut. I love the dynamic between Seelie and Raze so much. The banter and bickering is so natural and they have so much chemistry. Also, I love strong sibling relationships so this is really really great, and absolutely spot on. Sisters fight but we are absolutely each others best friend at the end.

Representation is so so so important, and Seelie being neurodivergent and strong and relatable is amazing. I hope that this representation is really meaningful for so many people. I know seeing myself in characters has always been amazing.

I like the magic a lot, and there’s a lot of adventure between the relationship building. Overall, I’d definitely recommend this to my friends!

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Seelie has a very different life than the family who has raised her. That is because as a changeling she has magic, unlike her human twin sister, Isolde, and parents. An odd existence, every reader will think when they open the book Unseelie by Ivelisse Housman, a book that will be released January 3, to help ring in the New Year. And, it is a book every book lover needs on their shelf.

The two sisters are now petty thieves, pickpockets, Seelie taking the memory of their presence from their parents, for their own protection, when the two set out to change their bad fortune. Problems begin when the twins set out to heighten their criminal status, during Revelnox, when they sneak into a party for the wealthy, a party they were definitely not invited to. Leira Wildfall, a shapeshifter, is the host of the party and comes from a long line of influential, mortal enchanters that can change their form into whatever they want it to be. And, the family does not take kindly to being victimized, will seek and punish anyone who does this to them. What will they do to the twins if they are caught during their crime, or, after?

At the Wildfall mansion, where the party is held, Isolde takes her sister to a room that can only be opened with four hands, that is, after picking the locked door. Inside they find something that could possibly change their fortune but definitely change their lives, forever. And, when this object becomes a part of Seelie, seemingly, because of her magic, the twins have to flee all they have known since leaving their parents house years before and set out to, once again, find a change of fortune. While they hope their theft will be able to bring them home, with money to save their parents, where Seelie can restore their bottle memories of the daughter's they no longer know, what the pair must endure because of what they have done, may forever keep them from attaining their goal and they may now never be able to return home.

A chance meeting during the theft introduces Raze and Olani, a mysterious pair who seem to have had the same idea as Isolde and Seelie. They too wanted to abscond with something, during the party, from the Wildfall's. The twins beat them to it, only to be caught by them later. What are their true motivations for wanting to be with the twins? In the end, will they be the ones to stand in the way of the girls getting what they desire? And, what will the ramifications be, if any, for Seelie sharing her secret with Raze?

In their flight from all they know, the object begins to talk to Seelie. He begins to ask her about her magic and, as she tries to shut the voice out, it continues to come, more and more, guiding the pair. But, where? Will it really be a treasure like they all believe? Or, does the compass want something more? If so, what could it be? And, could this voice be a person guiding them to commit dangerous acts that could have major repercussions for everyone, mortal and magical alike?

Of everything in the book though, a flashback to when the girls were younger, when they meet Cassius Redbrook, was my favorite and most emotive part of the book. It is when we learn of why the girls parents were going through hard times, all due to discrimination for them having raised a changeling as their child. For when their friends, neighbors and community found out, the family's struggles began. Readers find out how Seelie stood up to a "snake oil salesman" (how I perceived the character), a charlatan who only created more problems in his pursuit of the almighty coin.

Ivelisse Housman, in Unseelie, teaches readers that even in a dystopian society motivations remain the same, as does discriminatory actions of those who are scared of anything different or unknown. And, while these were not the actions of the girl's parents, those who they lived amongst, seemed shameful as they did not support raising a changeling as a child, that it was undesirable, unwanted. All issues that readers can relate to, just like so many others that are present here, in this enlightened tale.

Another issue dealt with in the book, on top of many others, is one we don't see many writers focus on when choosing a mental illness for a character in a story. Usually when a psychological problem is chosen, inflicted on the character, all the negativity is instilled with it. Readers rarely, if ever, find a writer pointing out the positive aspects, or, better said, the strengths that can be found in having a diagnosable mental health issue.

Seelie is autistic, as well as having all her characteristics, and the way in which she deals with the aspects of her diagnosis in the story, gives all those with this problem hope. If Seelie can overcome her many hurdles and battles, so can others, with the same affliction. And, you don't have to be autistic to learn something from the book. Anyone overcoming something burdensome in their life can learn something here, in a timeless story you can't miss out on.

Happy Reading!

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by Ivelisse Housman

Unseelie by Ivelisse Housman is a fantasy adventure that follows Seelie, a changeling, who finds it difficult to fit in with the world around her. She has a human twin sister named Isolde that is always by her side. Seelie’s magic starts to develop and makes its appearance at unexpected times, which causes people to become afraid of her.

Seelie and Isolde leave home on a mission of becoming rich in order to move themselves and their parents to a place that is more accepting and less judgemental. Their heist doesn’t go as planned and they are racing against a powerful magician to find treasure and answers.

Housman does an excellent job with the worldbuilding and includes detailed descriptions that made the setting come alive. I loved the glimpses you get into the faerie realm and wanted more! This story is filled with strong characters and I loved the sister bond between Seelie and Isolde.

The pacing is excellent throughout the book with the story unfolding in a way that keeps you interested.

I would rate this book 4 out of 5 stars and would recommend this book to anyone wanting an exciting and unique fantasy adventure.

Thank you to NetGalley and Inkyard Press for allowing me to read and review this ARC. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own

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A YA fantasy involving two sisters on a very ill-planned adventure. Of course they are interested in different futures.. Of course one sister has magic but doesn’t want it. So we have to go through the denial, resistance, slow acceptable, etc. Of course they meet up with a boy with his own secrets. It was too predictable to be honest, I kept waiting for something to surprise me and it never came.

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I enjoyed this book quite a bit. Very YA. The sisters relationship and the changling/autism correlation was wonderful representation without feeling heavy handed.

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I will add my review when the Harper Collins strike ends and the workers receive fair wages.

Thank you, NetGalley and Inkyard Press for the arc.

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Plot: 4.5
Characters: 4.5
Writing Style: 5
Cover: 4.5
Enjoyment: 4.5
Buyable/Re-readable?: YES. I will follow this series through, hands down.

I think this is another contender for Top Ten of 2022. Hm. Yes, indeedy I do. I requested this on whim too, not entirely certain I'd enjoy it; turns out it was hard to put down, making it difficult to finish since I was also reading "Tommy and the Order of Cosmic Champions” (Grate/Rapino), which was also difficult to stop reading. xD

"And if you see yourself in these pages, I want to tell you what I wish someone had told me. You are exactly the way you were meant to be, and you are the hero of your own story." - Housman

▶ Told in first person POV, steadily paced with plenty of action, downtime bonding/fleshing out, character growth, and little to no romance.
▶ Divided into three parts.
▶ Includes dragons, fae/faeries, shapeshifters, changelings, magic, enchanters, brownies, etc And it is magic with consequences. - “It’s greedy.....Magic always takes, from someone or something. Even if you don’t see how at the time. It won’t… it won’t want you to forget the price.”
▶ Tackles inclusion; "How do you write about autism without using the word autism? This book was inspired by the theory that changeling mythology is an early description of autistic children."
▶ I'll admit that I didn't *quite* follow the adoption/kidnap thing. At least, not until the end did it make a tiny bit more sense.
▶ Ohhh, their wagon is similar to Thistlefoot (GennaRose Nethercott)! Magic gives it personality.
▶ Iselia/Seelie sometimes reminded me of Elsa from "Frozen". She is also quite clumsy, and as someone who is also clumsy, I like this.
▶ At first, the sister, Isolde, is almost Mary Sue-ish? But Seelie acknowledges this, and there's something at the end that could explain it. And it's sort of like in Harry Potter, where it’s borderline meta acknowledged that All Things Happen to Potter. Didn't ruin anything, either.
▶ Alright, so maybe it’s a YA, etc dealy, in that the books can be repetitive in general? And I only notice when it's a book I don't like? Something to do with teen/tween attention span? I don’t know, but when Seelie did repeat herself to us, more often than not, it didn’t grate my nerves like it has previously done.

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I’m not sure what I expected when I picked up Unseelie, but the story I got is somehow more. This is a beautiful tale of what it means to be different and how difference isn’t always the crux of what divides us. I can’t wait to read the second book in the duology! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy (book out 1/3/2023).

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Will add review when the Harper Collins strike ends and the workers receive fair wages.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Teen/Inkyard Press for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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