Member Reviews

I don’t know why, but this was not what I expected. But I really enjoyed it all the same.

My favorite part was the ending!!! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate being surprised by ending, so refreshing!

Our MC, Maisy, is impossible not to love. She is kind but fierce: selfless, but not a pushover. They are amazing combinations that come together in this character,

I know it’s not just me…but I LOVE a protective love interest. So, obviously Rhys made me swoon!

I do hope this is a series because Zavier need his own story!!! 😍

Thank you NetGalley for the eARC! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Angel Vs Demons yay or nay?
Author: Christi Barth
Pub. Date: Oct 25th 2022
Rate: 3.5/5

Angels and Demons are one of my top reads, so I was very intrigued by this book. This book is good if you are looking for a fluffy read with a little bit of action sprinkled in between. The romance between the MCs was great at first they bickered a lot and fought like and old married couple, there was a lot of chemistry, nothing too obvious, but as the book went on, Rhys went form badass winged guardian to cuddly teddy bear, so he kinda lost his spunk.
Maisy I liked a lot, super bubbly personality and no shit attitude, she was fun all around. I really enjoyed her half glass half full vision of the world.
What I didn´t liked was that all the female characters where uber feminist. Don´t get me wrong I am a feminist but when there is a demon trying to eat your intestines and an “Angel” tells you run like hell and hide, you don´t start with a you macho misogynistic, patriarchal rant about a man ordering you around, you pick up your surely soiled panties and run while banshee screaming your lungs out.
Now this wasn´t only on the female side, all the male characters are horribly misogynistic, it was a, she´s mad she must be on her period kinda treatment for all women. So yeah. I´ve never read before a too feminist and too misogynistic book all wrapped in the same cover, but this one did it.
There was also a lack of urgency throughout the book. They supposedly have 2 weeks to right and unintentional wrong or all the world is going up in flames and they spend the time making baskets or other inconsequential thing like that. You are on day one of the lets save the world train and suddenly three days passed and nothing was done, nothing happened they just chilled in their lair.
That being said the book isn´t bad, it’s a good read for someone who is starting the Angels vs Demons trope. It wasn´t for me cause I´m too deep into it so I missed the world building.

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This book took a bit of getting into buy once I did it was so addictive. I could not put it down. I would definitely recommend. It is very well written and the story behind the main characters is brilliant.

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Maisy inherits the Key to the one of the Gates of Hell!

Imperfect Angel is a paranormal romance where Maisy Norgate inherited a key from an uncle she never knew about and it’s the Key to the Gates of Hell keeping evil locked up and she’s the new Keeper of the Key with no training and she has two weeks to get the key back after giving it away. Nephilim Rhys Boyce has to protect Maisy from demons trying to get the key and open the gate while trying to teach her about the key without getting her killed.

I had fun reading Imperfect Angel because of the contrast between Maisy and Rhys butting heads trying to get the key back but now I want a book about Gideon or Zavier.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Imperfect Angel is a sexy paranormal romance that pulls you in from the first page and holds your attention until the very end. The characters are well-developed, with undeniable chemistry all wrapped up in this swoon-worth romance.   It’s exciting, suspenseful, and a perfect paranormal romance for the spooky season.

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Imperfect Angel was such a cute paranormal romance. Maisy is an ex-teacher of art who is left a key by an uncle she has never met after he passes away and writes to her in his will. Rhys is a half-angel who finds he is meant to protect her as the new gate keeper to hell. Quirky, funny, and overall entertaining, the book covers the start of their relationship to save the human world from demons. This was a great mix of romance, comedy and spooky. Overall a cute read for spooky season.
Thank you to Netgalley, Amara /Entangled Publishing for the opportunity to read this in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Maisy is pure of heart and sees the good in everyone. Rhys, her handler, has been around long enough to know the world is not all sunshine and roses. What happens when the two of them must work together to save the world? You get an amazing roller coaster read ! Imperfect Angel is a fun, exciting, steamy paranormal romance.

All the paranormals get a shout out: Witches. Demons. Ghosts. Angels. NephIlim and Mythological creatures.

Christi has blended together two of my favorite characters: Bad ass Rachel Morgan and bumbling but always-gets-her-man Stephanie Plum. Thank you for creating such a wonderful character. A must read if you are a fan of the aforementioned characters.

Thank you Entangled Publishing, Amara and NetGalley for my eARC. All thoughts are my own.

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I'm always up for a grumpy/ sunshine read, and this one filled that box.

I was really interested in reading about a fallen angel and the gatekeeper of hell but I just couldn't full connect with either of the main characters. I liked the banter that Rhys has with the other fallen, but the situations with him and Maisy felt off in some way that I can't put my finger on. Overall it was a fun read if you are looking to kick back and have some fun.

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Imperfect Angel is an exciting and sexy paranormal romance. When an uncle she never knew existed leaves Maisy a key in his will, she never suspects to see a handsome man at her door claiming to be an angel. And when the angel tells her she is now the new Keeper of the Key to Hell, and he is there to protect her, Maisy’s chaotic life becomes even more complicated. Little does Rhys know, Maisy gave the key away, and now the pair has fourteen days to retrieve it so Maisy can claim her new role before all Hell breaks loose – literally.

I enjoyed Maisy’s story and the swoon-worth romance between her and Rhys. They are both well-developed characters, and Maisy is definitely the sunshine to Rhys’s grump. Maisy is feisty, selfless, and fierce, and she has a wicked sense of humor. She’s also really kind and compassionate. Rhys is also a badass, but he isn’t as kind and caring as Maisy, which is understandable considering the difficult life he’s had.

Initially, Maisy knows nothing about the supernatural world, which frustrates Rhys to no end. Plus, her eternal optimism, even in the midst of everything they face, irritates him. Does Maisy care? No. She is who she is, and she doesn’t change. I like that about her, and I like that she begins to break down the hard walls around Rhys. He’s very different once he lets Maisy in.

Maisy and Rhys have amazing banter, and many of their conversations made me laugh out loud. I love that, though faced with deadly obstacles and huge burdens, they find ways to laugh and sneak in some happier moments. Plus, they have a ton of chemistry, and their sexy scenes are equally steamy and tender.

The relationship between Rhys and his two best friends totally gives me bat boy vibes. Though their personalities are different, their friendship – the easy banter, the way they know each other so well, their trust and loyalty, are reminiscent of Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel in the A Court of Thorns and Roses series. This isn’t a bad thing! I love the bat boys, and I loved Rhys, Zavier, and Gideon. I’d love to read more about them and Maisy’s best friend in future books.

I also thought the world-building and supernatural elements were really cool. There’s a big difference between the human and supernatural world, as Maisy quickly realizes, and it’s described and explored well. I liked the different demons introduced, the whole concept of having Keepers of the Gates, witches, half-angels, spirits, and more. Add to that the high-stakes plot, the action and danger, and the unexpected humor, and I found myself really engrossed in the story. It’s exciting and suspenseful, and a perfect paranormal romance for the spooky season.

Thanks to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for providing me with a copy of the book. All thoughts are my own.

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When I first read the synopsis of this book I couldn't wait to dive into it. Not only is it spooky season, but I do love a good Nephilim romance and when you add in the grumpy sunshine trope, it's a no-brainer, I have to read it.

For me, this story started off really promising. I thought the premise was unique and it really had me intrigued. When we first meet up with Maisy, she's been given a key at a will reading for an uncle she never knew existed. She has no clue what the key does, what it unlocks, or why her uncle would want her to have it and can't seem to get rid of it fast enough. Now, I don't know about you, but I'd be curious enough to hold on to it and see what I could find out about it, but that's just me. Unfortunately for Maisy, the key is more important than she realizes and it sets off a series of crazy and unexpected events....

Overall, this book was just an ok read. I wanted to love it so much, but it just didn't live up to my expectations. Don't get me wrong, I love, love, love stories that deal with Nephilim. I think that there are so many fun things writers can do with the paranormal romance genre and I was really looking forward to this author's spin on things.

As I previously stated, this book started off really promising. It was a fun and refreshing take on paranormal romance and it had me really intrigued. But somewhere along the way, it lost its steam. I don't know if it was the pacing or the writing style, but I found myself quickly losing interest. Like at first I really found the banter between Rhys and Maisy to be entertaining but unfortunately, it got old really quickly. It just wasn't enough to keep me interested. And while I felt some sparks between Rhys and Maisy, I felt like their relationship was rushed and didn't deliver in all of the ways I was hoping. Don't get me wrong, these two had plenty of steam together, but I needed more of a reason to root for them two to find their happily ever after.

At the end of the day, I think this will be one of those books that you're either going to love or you're going to hate. Sadly, for me, this book was more of a miss than a hit. The reason I'm rounding this book up to 3 stars is that even though it wasn't perfect or a true hit for me, is because I do think it was different and unique. I think this story had a lot of great potential and I do think that some readers will really enjoy this book. It just wasn't for me.

*I was provided an ARC copy of this book via the publisher & NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review*

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Short Review: Totally hot half angel/half man and lots of steam? Sign me up.

Long Review: I really enjoyed the whole concept of Niphilim, a keeper of the key to the gates of Hell, and the whole darn mystical being world that Barth has built.

I think the flow gets a little wonky in some spots and writing repetitive. I got a few Twilight Bella/Edward vibes with Maisy and Rhys and for this reader that was a thumbs down, but I think the concept of this story is great and totally loved the steam.

I hope to see more of Rhys and his hot Nephilim counter parts in the future!

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I’m not going to write this review with an atmospheric introduction like I usually do with my reviews because ugh… this book doesn’t deserve that. It was bad.

We have two main characters, Rhys, who is a nephilim and is described as half-human, half-angel. This is my first problem. A nephilim is not any part human. They are fallen angels/mythological giants. Our second character, Maisy, inherits a key from an uncle she’s never met and is now the keeper of the gates of Hell.

The premise was intriguing, but it was not executed well. This book didn’t know if it wanted to be a fantasy or a romance and it did not flow well meshing those two genres. There were also many moments when scenes in the book would change abruptly.
The character development was really off. Maisy is described as “bubbly sunshine” but the entire book she is the most whiny, negative person. Rhys is described as “grumpy, overly masculine” and says things like “aww” and “sweetie.” Um, what? The chemistry between these two was also completely unnatural and unbelievable for me.
The way the men talked about women in this book bothered me so much. When a woman stands up for herself and has “attitude” it’s equated to her just “being on her period.” That’s a no from me.

I honestly could go on about more, but I’ll stop there. I would have DNF’d this book (which is unheard of from me), but since it was an eARC I wanted to read it and give a proper review.

I hate talking bad about books… but I have to be honest with my thoughts and reviews.

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Overall, a cute, paranormal romance with angels and demons (my fave) and the grumpy x sunshine trope (also another fave). But, unfortunately, this story just wasn't really for me.

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This was a fun read!
I really liked the concept and the plot was fun. I thought the world was interesting and reminded me a bit of old school paranormal romance (think Jeaniene Frost and Gena Showalter).
I liked the romance between Maisy and Rhys but think it needed to be developed more. Sometimes they would make out randomly with no build up or tension. It just seemed to come out of nowhere sometimes. However, these two did give off major Lucifer and Chloe vibes (from the show Lucifer) so I was instantly smitten with them.
Wonderful world building, a sweet romance and a lot of fun! Perfect for spooky season!

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I loved it. I loved the contrast of how upbeat and optimistic Maisy versus how grumpy and sometimes rude Rhys was. They made an interesting couple but that made it more fun. I also liked Rhys' friendship with Gideon and Zavier. If you like paranormal romance, this book is for you. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced reader copy.

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2.5 stars rounded up.

So overall this book was entertaining but it just didn't hook me in enough. I'm not sure why, the overall plot I found to be pretty unique. I loved how sassy Maisy was as well. I think Rhys sort of was just Meh for me which was a let down.

Thank you netgalley for this eaec in exchange for an honest review.

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Sunshine-y Maisy Norgate receives a rather unexpected inheritance—a large, old key from a now-deceased-previously-unknown-to-her uncle. There are no instructions. There is no guidance. But it turns out that this key is much more important than it originally seemed.

Grumpy Rhys Boyce is used to putting up with all sorts of things. As a half-angel, half-human Nephilim, he regularly slips into his fighting leathers and fights demons after all. When he receives a notification that there is a new Keeper of the Key to one of Hell’s worst prisons, well, Maisy is not what he expects to find. She doesn’t believe in demons; has no idea what she has in her possession; and definitely does not want a bodyguard.

What ensues is a delightful novel full of sass and sparks, moments of wonder and friendship, and plenty of fighting—with words and otherwise. As it turns out, Maisy can learn plenty from her new Nephilim protectors, and those protectors can learn plenty from Maisy and her spunky best friend, Liss.

This one kept me grinning, pulled some at my heartstrings, and had me eagerly turning the pages to find out what would happen next. Honestly, it is just a really good time.

If you were a fan of Buffy in your youth (or still are) and are looking for a more adult fighter of demons with her own half-angel (as opposed to vampire Angel) at her side, I recommend picking up Christi Barth’s Imperfect Angel.

I received an advance copy of the book from Entangled Publishing via NetGalley. All review opinions are my own.

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Paranormal/Supernatural romances seem to be all the rage now. I always say I'm not too into it. Until you get me with a good old-fashioned grumpy-sunshine, enemies-to-lovers.

A delightful read that could've been cleaned up a bit more in editing. Maisie and Rhys can be too cutesy for their own good. Needed more sexy times for sure.

Overall, pleasant experience for something that's fallen into the middle of my Halloween horror reads.

Thank you to Entangled Publishing, LLC, Entangled: Amara, and NetGalley for providing an eARC for a honest review.

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2/5 ☆

Really liked the idea of the book, which is why it intrigued me. Paranormal romances aren't what I typically read, but I thought since its October, it would be fun to switch it up a bit. But this just fell really flat for me. I struggled to push through and finish because the writing wasn't my favorite. Its also in 3rd person so that also played into it. Characters were meh, I didn't really connect with them and found their relationship a bit boring to read. Its hard to root for a relationship when I'm not even rooting for the characters individually.

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Fun, sweet and clever, Imperfect Angel is a delightful read.

With an engaging plotline, endearing and relatable characters, and a paranormal twist, this grumpy-sunshine, enemies-to-lovers romance is full of heart and (hell)fire. Add in a lot of sassy banter, some plot twists and a few demons and you get a highly entertaining story, perfect for the upcoming spooky season.

4 stars and a pair of wings

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