Member Reviews

I enjoyed this next installment of the Dark Olympus series. Radiant Sun was slow to start; I didn’t really get invested until about 40% of the way in. It feels like a bridge in the series by setting up potential pairings and plots of the rest of the series. The romance & steam took a back seat to the Clue-like vibe of the plot. However, at some points, I felt like Robert was simply rewriting Psyche and Eros from Electric Idol. Fans of this series will enjoy this one, but it’d you’re here for the romance and the spice, you’ll probably be slightly disappointed.

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Woah! Another scorcher from Katee Robert. The books in the Dark Olympus series just keep getting better. I very much enjoyed the coworkers to lovers troupe in this one, as well as the house party mystery vibes. Cassandra is a bad b**** and she stands her ground when it comes to what and who she wants SO if you love a strong heroine this one is for you. Apollo is a likeable leading man that is just as smart as he is hot- a winner in my book.

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I am not a retelling person, but I have been loving Katee Robert's DARK OLYMPUS series, and this Cassandra/Apollo installment does not disappoint! I confess to not being as invested in the overall political arc of Olympus, but once the book got to the oddly old-timey house party full of spy games, I was absolutely on board. This particular book puts an emphasis on being fat- and kink-positive, and plays with the boss-employee trope in a forbidden romance kind of way so that the power differential doesn't feel exploitative--and the potential for this dynamic to go sour is abundantly discussed, to Robert's credit. This series is fun and I always look forward to the next title.

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Katee Roberts is good at what she does - super sexy stories with a bit of danger. However, this was not my favorite of the Dark Olympus books. The heat between Apollo and Cassandra is real - but I definitely wanted more of it! As for the plot line with Minos, I was intrigued but didn’t love - it seemed there was a whole lot going on there, more than necessary for the story. Overall, fun and steamy, but not as fun and steamy as others she has written. That being said, I obviously cannot wait for more.

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Cassandra was biding her time working for Apollo trying not to get caught staring at him. If she could only find a way out of Olympus and make a new home for herself and her sister things would be so much easier. But this is Olympus and nothing is easy. Not her newest work assignment for sure. She has to accompany her boss to a house party in the country for a week. Being that close to Apollo for a whole week may kill her if the Minos doesn't try first. Cassandra and Apollo's romance has been slowly burning for years but when given just a tiny spark it erupts into an inferno of desire, BDSM, tenderness and affection. Filled with the schemes and backstabbing of a political thriller alongside the tender and scorching hot romance of Apollo and Cassandra this is a sure winner for fans of the series.

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I was about ready to give up on this series after the last book (Wicked Beauty) because I hated it so much. But this one, this one redeemed it for me. I loved everything about Apollo and Cassandra. I loved that Apollo was so kind and that he tried so hard to make sure he wasn't abusing his power over Cassandra do forcing her to do anything. I loved that Cassandra was such a strong character. That she was smart and that Apollo recognized and valued it. I loved the constant checking for consent. They were perfect together and made sense and I just loved them. Can say that I love this more? Probably, but I'll stop now. The writing, as always, was great. I liked that this set up so many of the future books in this series (possibly all of them) without being too pushy and in your face about it. I don't think it was quiet as steamy as the last 3 books but I'm actually pretty ok with that. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the series, though I already know I'm not gonna like Cruel Seduction because it sounds too much like the situation from Wicked Beauty for my tastes. I'm willing to get over it because I need to get to the rest of the characters. I am VERY invested in how it's all going to end.

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Fan-freaking-tastic as usual. I never read in the fantasy genre these days, but Robert makes it both accessible and un-put-downable. I couldn't be more obsessed with the story of Olympus.
Radiant Sin takes the drama of the city and the overall arc of the story so much further. While it pulls away from the romance some in this book, I was still all over it: I'm so sucked in to this story and this city now, I absolutely adored this installment. It was action packed and well written, and I'm so glad I finally decided to pick up the series. I literally can't wait for the next one. I haven't found a series I'm this addicted to in years. This installment was probably my second favorite for all the drama!
So grateful for the ARC and absolutely love these books. I will continuing recommending them in all my circles!

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This is the 4th book of the Dark Olympus series and once again, I can't get enough. Apollo and Cassandra are so perfect, I love them.

I thought this book was a nice change of pace in the series and really sets up the conflict that is going to continue throughout the series. It also introduced several of the characters/couples to come.

I agree with other reviews though, would have loved it to be a bit longer, the ending was very abrupt.

Very much looking forward to the rest of this series!

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for the advanced reader copy.

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This is a good book in the series, though not my most favorite. I really like the character Cassandra and I like her back story but the Apollo character was not built out enough for me. The story line itself was great and an awesome development of the series plot line. The romance scenes were also good, it was just the characters together in the plot line that was not my favorite. I will continue to read the series and I'm not unhappy about reading this one, but it's not reread material for me.

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I really enjoy this series and the world Katee Robert has created. Cassandra and Apollo's retelling was perfect in this one, although I thought the plot at the house was drawn out a little bit. There pining for one another was fun!

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I will edit this review when I finish. I am reading it now and accidentally sent through a review for the book I had just finished to this one instead of that one.

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Katee Robert takes on the story of Cassandra & Apollo in book 4 of the Dark Olympus series. In the myth, Apollo curses Cassandra, one of his priestesses, to see completely accurate prophecies. However, the curse comes in when no one ever believes her.
In this story, Cassandra works for Apollo and is trying to leave the city of Olympus for greener pastures. It seems her parents tried to invoke an old law 12 years ago but failed miserably. With their deaths, Cassandra became persona non grata, so it's Apollo to the rescue, hiring Cassandra and allowing her the means to raise her little sister, Alexandra.
Anyway, it seems the new baddie in town, Minos, is trying to get one of his kids on the Thirteen. The old law was hidden for a long time but Minos found out about it. If one of the Thirteen is killed by right or might, (which is what Cassandra's parents tried to do), they can step into that role. Cassandra finds out a bit too late what Minos is up to but will anyone believe her? Besides, Apollo, of course. Because, this is, a romance. And a darn good one too.

*Special thanks to Sourcebooks Casablanca and NetGalley for this e-arc.*

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Katee Robert has done it again! She always writes a phenomenal romance and the Dark Olympus series is my absolute favourite. This one is just as good as the last & I can’t wait to purchase this one once it finally hits the shelves.

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Another sinfully spicy read from author Katee Robert. Radiant Sin finds the reader meeting Apollo and his Administrative Girl Friday, Cassandra. Both find each other hot, but try to keep it professional because Cassandra has a troubled past and mostly just wants out of Olympus and to take her younger sister with her. Unfortunately, the new Zeus needs Cass and Apollo to go on an information seeking mission to find out more about Minos and his family.
I very much enjoyed this installment of the series because, while it felt shorter, it really wasn't. The story was much more contained, like a locked room mystery. I was puzzling out the clues with the main characters and enjoying a slower plot progression than in previous novels. I'm excited to see where the main plot is going to take us! The romance was still sizzling and we got to see some side characters begin to move into the spotlight. I read Radiant Sin way too fast, but it was so hard to put down! This is one of my more favorite Cassandra and Apollo pairings and I appreciate the effort to write a curvy heroine who felt like person. Looking forward to the next!

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Although I love this series, this one was the least enjoyable for me. I loved Apollo but wasn’t a huge Cassandra fan. The spice was nice but the chemistry was just lacking. I did enjoy the mystery part of the plot a lot though. Still excitedly awaiting the next book on this series.

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Sinfully hot and one amazing read that I couldn’t help but simply fall in love with. I enjoyed it through and through. I loved the tropes, the angst and the romance.

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I'm surprised with how much I really enjoyed this one. The series was starting to lag a bit for me but I think this is one of my favorite of the series so far. I liked Cassandra and Apollos' relationship and how it progressed from them secretly pining for one another to finally saying what they felt out loud.
I also really loved the mystery aspect of this story. I'm very much enjoying the deeper world building of Olympus and what goes on in the city. As much as I love the romance and spicy scenes, I'm just as interested in the mystery surrounding what is currently happening in and to Olympus. I'm hoping it's more of a fantasy take and it's actual magic, other wise I think it would be confusing, in my opinion.
I like the set up for the next few romances that are upcoming and I'm excited to see how their stories play out and how it affects the other character and Olympus itself.
Thank you NetGalley for the eARC.

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Another great addition to this series. This one includes a trope that I really enjoy (fake dating), so I was excited about that.

I did have trouble keeping track of who was who at the house party. I think this might be in part because the names are familiar to me in different contexts and those with a title have two names. It's entirely possible that the confusion is an issue with me and not the book, but it did make it a little hard to track at times who was doing what and who was there with who.

Other than that, I really enjoyed this novel.

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God I love this woman. The way katee Robert has written this series blows my mind. I always get so into the story I can’t put the book down!!!

This gave me clue vibes in a way because of the mystery aspect AND BOY OH BOT WAS I OBSESSED WITH CASSANDRA & APOLLO. God they are perfect.

Apollo is so different from the other male main characters & I loved everything about him!!! We gotta love a workplace romance with mutual pinning that has been ongoing for years!!

Oky I’m already ready for the next one!!!

Workplace romance
Fake dating
Forced proximity

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** Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced e-copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. **

Cassandra has grown up under the shadow of her parents' death and the dark legacy they left behind after attempting to assassinate one of the Thirteen. Now, she works for Apollo and spends her days trying to find a way to get herself and her sister out of Olympus and into a new life on the other side of the least that's what she's doing when she's not ogling Apollo's ass (which is often). But when Apollo has her accompany him on a fact finding mission for Zeus, as his fake girlfriend no less, Cassandra finds it hard to keep business and pleasure from mixing.

What started out as a dark and steamy take on the world of Olympus and the Greek Gods in Neon Gods, has morphed into a twisted, power hungry world full of death and deception with Radiant Sin. Katee Robert has created such a beautiful and twisted world and has steadily built upon the story with each subsequent book in the Dark Olympus series.

Radiant Sin has everything you could want in a steamy romance. Apollo is a cinnamon roll with a dark side, a perfect mirror to Cassandra who hides her cinnamon roll side under snark and a sharp wit. The fake dating and only one bed tropes are *chefs kiss*! And the ending will have you on the edge of your seat waiting for the next book.

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