Member Reviews

The Twisted Dead is the third book in a series. This was a quick and cozy read, with a great cast of characters. I highly recommend this book if you love spooky stories.

Thank you to NetGalley and Black Owl Books for the arc.

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Omg I swear Darcy Coates can do no wrong! I have read all of her books and I can't wait for more everytime. Her books give you a cozy, horror and mystery vibe. I get those creepy moments but she always balances it out with some romance or coziness. I highly recommend this series and highly recommend all of her other books!

Thank you NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for allowing me to read the arc in advanced.

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3.5 Stars~

When I first requested this on NetGalley, I did not realise it was the third in a series. This didn't matter when reading The Twisted Dead. Although this novel indeed contained spoilers for the first two novels, I feel like you would still be able to go back and read the previous books also. It seems that The Twisted Dead will also not be the last in this series.

I enjoyed The Twisted Dead, it was an easy pick-up-and-read type of book. But I do find that it felt more YA than Adult Fiction.

Although Keira (Main Antagonist) was likeable, Zoe was everything! Slowly followed by Harry. I hope Harry makes more of an appearance in any following books in the series.

Keira is living in a small cottage in Blighty Cemetary, as the groundskeeper and can secretly talk to ghosts. Keira is asked to help a strange man, Dane Crispin, as he feels like something sinister is happening in his decrepit mansion. Twists and turns happen as Keira tries to figure out how to help Dane rid of the ghost attached to him like shadows.

Thank you, NetGalley for the opportunity to receive and ARC of The Twisted Dead, in return for an honest review.

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This was the first book I have read from this series. I was skeptical going in if we’re being honest. I am a big horror book fan and this was not like my usual read. I received and ARC from #netgalley and thought I would give it a go because I love this author! I was pleasantly surprised! It started a bit slow but I was sucked into the story right away! Fantastic story telling and character development. Thrills, hauntings, mysteries, ghosts, and a strong female lead! I probably would read another just because the story was so well written. I usually go for a bit darker horror so if your a hard core horror book reader this might not be for you. But if your looking for a fun quick soooky little mystery this might be the book for you!

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I love this cozy, supernatural mystery.

Yes! We learn so much in this book. I loved the way the friends bantered, and the little fun bits. I just enjoy the writing and the characters a ton.
There are a lot of little aspect that I thought were done well and kept the characters believable.

I think cozy mystery fans would love this series, as well as horror fans.

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Darcy Coates needs to explain how she is so prolific in her writing. No, really - go check her catalog in goodreads or amazon, I'll wait....YEP. SO.MANY.BOOKS. And yet, they're all very good, and have enough of a differing plot that I stay intrigued - yes, she does write gothic/supernatural/fantasy/mystery/horror, that that covers A LOT of ground, which she has covered in a wonderful manner, from writing about, in this case, a woman who can see the dead, to hauntings to gothic homes filled with spirits, I always find Darcy Coates's books fast, interesting reads. The Twisted Dead is the third in her Gravekeeper series, which I am highly enjoying. The series started out with a woman with no memories realizing she is being chased finding refuge at a pastor's house in a small town and hiding from whatever men are chasing her, and falling into a mystery in The Whispering Dead. In the second novel, The Ravenous Dead, you have more creepiness, her falling even more in love with this tiny town and the people in it, and the arrival of the men who still want something to do with her, though she can't imagine what. In the third book, The Twisted Dead, the creepy man about town, invites her to his mansion. Now considering he did try to kill her at one point, she's a little hesitant but incredibly intrigued due to the backstory of this crazy family. This one sucked me in just as much as the others and I loved it just as much as the others.

Here's my unsolicited opinion about book series (serieses??): when the ratings for the books starts high and gets higher, I am more likely to read it. I don't depend solely on ratings when I choose a book, but it does factor in. If a book is getting poor reviews, I'm less likely to read it. In some cases, such as the horror genre, this does NOT apply - you get a lot of one/two star reviews from people writing, "I hate horror books but decided to pick up this horror book and you know what?? It's scary! One star!" But in a lot of cases, you can tell by the reviews ticking upwards that either the books get better, the suspense continues, and/or people are pumped for the next one, and I'm down with all of those, and guess what? That's the case here. The first book was rated highly, and the second and third are as well. Once this comes out, I highly recommend it, but I would read the first two books before this one - you'll want the backstory.

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Darcy Coates is such a reliable horror author to me. Discovered her this year and I enjoyed all 3 books I read. I know I can count on her to deliver a spooky story. I made the mistake of requesting this without realizing it’s part of the series. While the previous books maybe aren’t completely necessary since I was able to follow along, I think the background information would’ve helped. This story had a uniquely cozy aspect too, which I can definitely say I haven’t found in horror before and I’m not mad! I enjoyed this enough to backtrack and read the fir at two installments. Overall, definitely recommend if you’re looking for a cozy horror read!

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ARC by NetGalley and the publisher.
Keira our MC can see spirits and lives in a groundskeepers cottage near a cemetery. Keira is accompanied by her friends Mason, Zoe and her cat, Daisy. Keira receives an invitation to dinner at Dane Crispin’s mysterious decrepit mansion, this is where the plot begins to pick up.
This book was a fairly fast read and I was able to finish it in one sitting. It had so many spooky elements that I’ve been craving lately with ghosts, graveyards, and haunted houses! While I haven’t read the previous installments to The Gravekeeper series I have read Darcy Coates’ From Below and enjoyed her writing style in that so I was pleasantly surprised when this also had that same great style. I definitely will be picking up the rest of the books in this series as I didn’t feel you necessarily have to read them prior to follow along with the plot. Though the story does cover some darker subject matter it didn’t feel as heavy as it could have. My favorite aspect of this book by far was the relationships between the main characters and their friendship with one another, they had such playful easy banter that it felt very genuine and real. I really enjoyed the setting of the town, Blightly and look forward to seeing more of that in future installments. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who is looking for a cozy gothic horror book.

The Twisted Dead comes out February 7, 2023

Thank you again NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I appreciate this ARC and the author’s work, but had to DNF.

I didn’t realize this was part of a series, and maybe that’s part of the reason I had trouble engaging. Some conversations between the MC and her friends felt forced or like an inside joke I was left out of.

Part of what broke the 4th wall for me was instances of info dumping such as: “So you remember how I offered to ask around with some of my contacts in case they had any clues about the logo you saw on that van?” Zoe asked. “But then you decided that we should put that on pause because it was vitally important that we hike through a mercy-forsaken forest in search of clues to help us kill a serial killer who was already dead?” Or “That was one benefit of having a wardrobe made entirely from church donations: she had a good excuse to wear bad fashion.”

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I do enjoy Darcy Coates’ writing and who doesn’t like a good slow burn romance? I especially love the super slow burns, eat that shit up. Is there such a thing as a cozy horror? Cause this is pretty much that. I enjoyed the storyline, the characters, the atmosphere. This felt like the kind of story I could read on a cold night, wrapped in a blanket, with a cold cup of coffee. Thoroughly enjoyed it, though it is not perfect. I can see some instances where readers may lose interest here and there. If you’re going in for a romance in the forefront, that is not the case.It’s part of what allows the book series to be so slow burn and I personally enjoy that, but not everyone will.

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I was not aware that this is actually the third book in a series when I read it. I didn't have any trouble following the story, but I think parts would definitely make more sense if read in order.

I want to read the other two books. This was a quick fast paced book. The writing style captivated my attention and I finished in less than a day.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me a chance to read this book early.

I want to start by saying that I made a mistake in requesting this book. First of all, I wasn't aware initially that it was the third book in a series. With that being said, I think that perhaps the back story would have been beneficial, I do not feel as though it was absolutely necessary and I was able to follow along easily with what was happening here. Next, I expected this book to be horror since that is what I had heard from YouTubers as Darcy Coates typical genre. This is not horror. This is not even adult really. This feels like a book that could be classified as young to new adult and a mystery or thriller at best, but certainly not a horror and even calling it a thriller feels like pushing it. So I came in here with completely wrong expectations which is my own fault.

I will say that the writing was lovely and the story itself while not what I was expecting was able to mostly keep my attention. It felt paced really well and the characters all had distinct and not so stereotypical personalities which I enjoyed. Additionally, I can appreciate a story that doesn't need to make a romance front and center. Which I think that maybe this is the slowest of slow-burn romances going on which was nice. Again, I don't know that it is completely necessary, but at least it didn't feel the need to make a thriller or mystery with a romance central plot line like a lot of other books.

This was my introduction to Darcy Coates, but after hearing so many positive things about their horror books, I have already picked up a couple others to try out and see if they are more to my taste.

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The Twisted Dead is the third in the Gravedigger series by Darcy Coates. This is the first I have read and I feel it's easy to just jump in. Some things that happened in previous books are mentioned briefly but you won't feel as if you are missing anything. The main character, Keira, suffers from amnesia so if we don't know anything neither does she.

The premise of the series is that one day Keira woke up in a forest with people chasing after her. She doesn't remember anything about her background but it's definitely a mysterious one because she can see ghosts, communicate with them, and fight/send them on their way when necessary.

In The Twisted Dead Keira and friends Zoe and Mason receive an invitation to the crumbling mansion of reclusive, mysterious, and possibly deadly Dane Crispin. They arrive ready to fight or run and they are surprised when he asks for help. The situation is dire and,while on the hunt for ways to help him and amidst another mystery, Keira might just discover more information about her past.

I really enjoyed this book. Despite the ghostly atmosphere and the twisted spirits there is a heartwarming and cozy vibe. If you like ghost stories this is for you. You will get plenty of appearances by them and in a variety of ways. They're not all scary and some are minor characters.

There are some slow spots in the middle but the amount of action makes up for it. The characters are interesting and have lively conversations. The overall atmosphere is great. I would love to read more in this series and the author's other books.

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“I can’t stop life from sucking, but at least I can get us chocolate fudge brownies.”

Kira and friends are invited to a dinner party by the last person they’d ever expect. Still unable to remember life before, Kira is starting to string together some answers even though she can’t quite remember.

This is just a good series, Darcy Coates is a pallet cleanser for me. Her ghosts are always refreshing and almost all her stories keep me engaged. This paranormal mystery series is quick and packed full of ghosts.

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I loved the characters and the plot of the story, I will definitely be reading more from this author.

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for my e arc of this book.
Wish I had realised it was the 3rd in the series. I will be reading the other 2 books as I enjoyed the mystery and paranormal elements here.

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Thank you to netgalley and Poisoned Pen Press for giving me an ARC in exchange for an honest review. The Twisted Dead is the third installment in Darcy Coates' Gravekeeper series. In this book we once again follow Kiera, Mason, and Zoe as they try to help Dane Crispin with a problem that he is having, and along the way run into trouble.

In general, I loved this book, but I also love Darcy Coates as a whole. However, this book felt too short in a way. I almost wished it was longer so that the plot as a whole could be flushed out a bit more. Or, I wish that books 1-3 came together as a bind-up. Do not get me wrong, I still think the book is good, I am I read it in one sitting without even realizing it. Yet, there is a part of me that just was left wanting more of something. Whether it be plot or character development, a common theme I have found while reading this series specifically is that with each book I am left with this odd feeling as though it is missing something.

For fellow Darcy Coates lovers like myself, do not worry, this has all the same hallmarks as Darcy's other works: haunted houses, ghosts, a plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat, and a mystery that you cannot seem to work out until the answer is provided for you. I am excited to see where this Coates takes this series and what happens next as the book leaves you with more questions than answers, in a good way of course.

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Darcy Coates is an author I see everywhere. I was so excited to get the chance to read this book in her gravekeepers series. I can see why everyone loves Coates books because this was amazing. I highly recommend this to lovers of the paranormal. I also liked the characters, Zoe, Mason and Kiera. I found their relationships with each other relatable and I found it funny how witty they were.
If you love ghosts I can’t see why you wouldn’t enjoy this book so give it a shot!

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Thank you NetGalley for this review copy!

There were three things that stood out to me when I saw this available for review: it was a Darcy Coates book, the amazing vibrant purple cover (love it!), and when I read the description, the main character is named Keira. My daughter's name is Keira and I clicked request so fast because I never see her name, specifically spelled this way, anywhere. Then I learned it was the third in a series and bought the first 2 books and blew through them in a week before I dove in. I am SO happy I discovered this series. You do not need to have read the first two books, but it definitely helps in understanding Keira's background and who she and her friends are. Enough is explained throughout The Twisted Dead though to have a basic understanding of Keira's origin.. or lack of an origin story. I cannot wait to continue reading this series. I would classify this series as a cozy horror series. I love all the characters and how in every book, Keira is picking up new friends and allies in odd places. I'm excited to see where her story goes!

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Darcy does it again in the third book of her Gravekeeper series.

I flew threw the first two books in this series and eagerly awaited this third installment. And it did not disappoint. Darcy writes some of the most intriguing and versatile stories that always leave me creeped out yet feeling warm. So far the Gravekeepers series has the most heartwarming characters and plot I've read while also providing the paranormal and eerie atmosphere I love. Keira, Zoe, and Mason are the best trio and they each provide an aspect to the group that makes this book so great. All of the side characters have their own charm (or villainous quality) to make this an intriguing story. Darcy Coates writes amazing books in general, but the characters in this one are what particularly make me love it so much. Also, Blighty is such a great setting and as someone who loves graveyards, they're a focal point in this series.

While we get some well deserved answers we're also left with more questions. I'm so excited to see what the next book in this series brings. I'll be patiently (anxiously) waiting.

If you're looking for a cozy horror with plenty of mystery and adventure, I HIGHLY recommend reading this series!

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