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The Twisted Dead

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Review: I was so grateful that I was accepted to read this arc on NetGalley!! I LOVE Darcy Coates and was struggling to have to wait until March to read it! It was so good!! This is the third book in the series and I love how Coates made the main characters funny while also going through some serious shit! The last half of the book had me shaking my foot in anticipation. The only problem with reading this book so quickly is now I have to wait until the next one comes out before I can find out what happens next!!! Definitely becoming my second favorite series by Coates though!

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Darcy Coates… you are my favorite.

Another brilliant installment to the Darcyverse.. The Twisted Dead has all the scares and tension that I have come to love when I read her books.

I actually read books 2 & 3 all at once, The Ravenous Dead has been sitting on my shelf for MONTHS, and when I was gifted a copy of book 3, it pushed me to finally read it.

I love Kiera’s world, her friends, Zoe and Mason 🤍 just can’t wait for Kiera and Mason to realize they’re soulmates. Very slow burn and I am here for it!

Twisted is defiantly one of the least “scary” books Darcy has written. More of a cat & mouse mystery novel rather than horror.

There are so many plots going on.. but Darcy handles then expertly and gives each plot point adequate time and detail to progress the story and not feel cheap.

We’ve got Kiera’s missing memories.
The mysterious company chasing her,
Dane Crispin and his ghost problem.
The graveyard (2 graveyards actually)
The murder of Mason’s classmate.

So much going on! I can’t wait for the next book in the series!


The Twisted Dead hits shelves Feb 7, 2023!!

Thank you @darcybooks @poisonedpenpress and @netgalley for gifting me a copy of this book (ebook)

Review also posted on my Instagram & goodreads
Insta: read_with_lea
Goodreads: Lea Ann

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Thank you to the Publisher/Netgalley for allowing me to review this book!

Wow okay so a lot to0 unpack. A little background on my part is that I recently read a Darcy Coates book and fell in love with her writing so when I saw this on Netgalley I instantly asked for it.

Probably should have read the synopsis a bit more in depth because I did not realize this was apart of a series. I will say you can read it without reading the previous two books but I think it would have been a way better of a reading experience if I had read the first two before this one. That being said, I still highly enjoyed this book. Darcy Coates has a way with writing because she is able to differentiate characters, personalities, ideals, etc. so easily. She does an amazing job setting up the atmosphere of her books and is able to make them action-packed.

I only have two issues with this book. One is that it is too short so the ending seems rushed, a lot of things don't all add up and it does leave on a cliffhanger that isn't the best set up. Although this is a negative that does not detract from the fact that this is an entertaining book. Second is that I think it needed to be fleshed out a bit more. I felt like the plot line was pretty bare.

I will say I think that if you have already loved the first two books you will love this one. Definitely do not go by my example and just rush into this. Overall I highly recommend this book to people who enjoys paranormal, comedy and a long running plot. It gave me Stranger Things meets Ghost Whisperer vibes if that helps sell you on this book.

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Another excellent installment in this cozy horror series from Darcy Coates. Engaging, likable characters, engaging plot, and enough mystery and humor to keep the series moving at a clip. Darcy reigns as the queen of cozy horror.

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This was by far the best book of this series yet! Coates continues to write ghost stories that don't feel cheesy, which is a feat. These books are delightfully spooky and twisty. There is some genuine scare factor, but as someone who doesn't really love gratuitous violence or horror that is scary but doesn't make sense, this is a great read. I so enjoyed getting to dig deeper into Keira's backstory, and to finally meet some of her nameless, faceless pursuers. I definitely need more, and I want so badly for Keira to solve her amnesia mystery! Zoe is an incredible character who I personally have come to adore. Her character is such a breath of fresh air as far as 'sidekicks' go. The trio's banter never fails to make me smile, and never feels forced or out of touch. I adore that all three characters have motivations, but aren't just bitter and angry about the hand they're dealt. I feel incredibly honored to be able to write this review before the public gets to read this, and I am enthusiastically encouraging everyone to pick this (and the rest of the series) up when it does come out. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a quick, entertaining, well written, and endlessly fun series to binge.

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The Twisted Dead is the third book in the Gravekeeper series.

Dane Crispin, the town hermit, who once fired a gun at Keira and friends asks for help ridding his crumbling mansion of the ghosts of deceased family members. While trying to figure out how to save Dane from his energy sucking relatives, Keira learns of the real reason Mason left medical school. They return to his school 8 hours away and on the way home run into Artec in a place never expected. Keira learns more about her previous life and realizes what she must do to save innocent ghosts. Now she just needs to figure out how.

I love this series. Mason and Zoe are truly wonderful friends who care so much about their friend. They put themselves into harms way to try to keep Keira safe. Wonderful characters and a great storyline. I can’t wait for the next book.

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I have seen many books written by Darcy Coates and enjoy a good ghost story, so I decided to give this one a try, thanks to Netgalley. I didn't realize that this was the third book in a series and I feel like I didn't fully appreciate the book as much since I didn't know the back story.

That being said, this was a fast paced and enjoyable read. However, at times I felt like I was reading a Nancy Drew or Scooby Do story. Keira (no last named due to amnesia) sees spirits and can help them cross over. But, a corporation seems to want her dead. She can't remember why they are after her, but knows that they won't stop until they find her.

Meanwhile, she is a groundskeeper at a graveyard and is working on her communication skills with the dead. Her two friends, Zoe and Mason, help however they can. When a hermit-like resident named Dane Crispin invites them to dinner, she doesn't realize that her hardest work is soon to come.

I will definitely read more books by this author since this was a fun and quick book to read.

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As always Darcy Coates delivers! The characters are so wonderful, and I truly enjoy the little family Keira built herself and how they work together on the ghosts and mysteries. So excited for this to publish next year and learn more about the MC’s powers!

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Surprisingly funny and gripping in turns. Smoothly written with focus that pulls you along for the ride. Very fun read without the burden of unnecessary details or unwieldy sentence structure. Recommended.

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When I saw this was the third in a series I was disappointed because I hadn’t read the first two. They happened to be on Kindle unlimited…and I flew through them and could not wait to pick this one up!

Our main character is battling with a complex and unusual set of problems -she has amnesia, is being chased by a strange organization, and she can see ghosts! She’s tackling these problems with and equally unusual set of friends - a small town vicar, the local conspiracy theorist, and a med school drop out. Add to this the creepy town millionaire/recluse and a host of ghosts trying to drain his life force and you have a whopper of a story.

I’m loving this series. Kiera is an interesting protagonist and I can’t wait until we get to the bottom of her mystery!

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The Twisted Dead is the third installment in the Graveskeepers series by the amazingly awesome and talented storyteller Darcy Coates. This can very well be read as a stand alone, however, I still would recommend for a better understanding of Keiara and their backstory to read books 1 & 2 first. A story where our main character can see and somewhat communicate with ghost, say less.

Wow Darcy Coates took me by storm in 2021 when I picked up my first book by her. Her writing style is absolutely captivating. Every book I pick up, I can’t seem to read fast enough and The Twisted Dead was no different. First, that cover is stunning!! I just love a good cover. This would have definitely been a cover buy for me. The Twisted Dead is a book I would highly recommend for those horror lovers. You want all the chills, this gem will serve you exactly what you want on a silver platter.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of The Twisted Dead in exchange for my honest review. I highly recommend. 5 thrilling stars!! Happy Reading. .

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Darcy Coates has done it again! This book is written so well. It was a very fun read. It was not very scary or creepy like other Books written by this author, however; it was still a great book to read. Had me giggling at times with some of the dialogue between characters. Hope the next book is as good this if not better.

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I want to first thank #netgalley #darcycoates and #poisonedpenpress for allowing me to read this ARC.

The Twisted Dead is book 3 in the Gravekeeper series and hopefully not the last. These books are very different from the usual Darcy Coates books. When I think of Darcy Coates I immediately think scary haunted houses. These books do have a supernatural theme but they’re so much more.

There’s amnesia, secret organizations, small town gossip, friendship, running for your life and of course ghosts. I feel like we truly got to know the characters in this book and they’re development is perfect. I can’t wait to see what book 4 holds.

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A great, well-paced, and well-crafted entry in the series. We get a road trip, ghosts, and supernatural shenanigans. Totally enjoyable and bingeable.

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What a fun read! I thoroughly enjoyed The Twisted Dead, the third installment of Gravekeeper series by Darcy Coates. This book has great pacing and keeps you hooked till the very past page. I love the characters and find comfort in reading about their adventures. Perfect book to snuggle up to!

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Darcy Coates does it again! Full confession: I stumbled across this series earlier this year, and when I saw the third one wasn’t out yet, I’ve been looking on here nonstop hoping to see it pop up, and then it did! Keira’s story continues to be a wild ride, but her story completely draws the reader into her world. I’m lowkey falling in love with Mason (the way Keira is, let’s be honest), and Zoe feels like my best friend. Darcy Coates is fantastic at writing her characters in a way that makes the reader care deeply about them. I’ve seen some reviewers criticize her for being formulaic, but she employs her formula flawlessly, so I can’t find a reason to think that that’s negative.

Anyway, I love this series, and I’m sad I have to wait until the next part is available for me to read! I highly recommend this book and love the direction it’s going in!

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The Gravekeeper series is one of my all-time favorites!

Kiera is settling into life in Blighty, she has made a couple of really great friends.. one I'm hoping will end up as a future love interest.. she's working as a caretaker for the cemetery, and trying to remember her past while helping the ghosts of Blighty move on... wether nicely or not is their choice.

In The Twisted Dead Keira and her friends have been invited to the local recluses' house for dinner, the last time they saw him they were running and he was shooting. They didn't think he knew who they were, but the invitation suggested otherwise. But not to worry, he has heard about Kiera's unusual talents and wants to ask her a favor. Will she get rid of the ghost that haunts him? Well sure she will, she wants to help him, and after what she sees using her second sight, she can not help him. It turns out there is more than one, and they are vicious. They refuse to move on and they are STRONG. Stronger than any ghost that Keira has faced before. This requires some research and practice before she's ready to tackle this problem.

While researching how to get rid of these horrible ghosts, they take a little side trip for Mason and end up coming across the mysterious people that have been after Keira since we met her in the first book. And some of Kiera's past is revealed along with the reasons they have been hunting her. A lot of questions are answered while leaving us a whole lot more, and I can't wait to see what she is going to do with the information she uncovered!!

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Keira see ghosts. Keira can't remember her past. Keira doesn't know why people are chasing her. In this third book in the grave keeper series, we are starting to get some answers to big questions. Along the way Keira and her friends, Zoe and Mason, are determined to help Dane Crispin who has a ghost problem. It is hard to categorize this book series as it feels almost like a cozy horror. There are very dark and disturbing situations, full of action, but also a slow burning romance and a small town with repeating characters to draw on. This might be my favorite book of the series so far as there is a lot of satisfying events.

Thank you NetGalley and Poisoned Pen Press for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I really wanted to love this book, and series, more, but unfortunately I don't. I bought the first 2 books because I was unaware this was the third in a series (please let us know this stuff Netgalley!). This whole series was entirely too slow moving to be scary or horror. I got bored a few times and had to put this book down and read something else.

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If you're a fan of Darcy Coates you're going to really love this novel. I am, so I did. But for fans of bloody, gory, splattery type horror, you won't find that here.

What you will find is a fantastically written, character driven, and completely engaging book about a woman with amnesia who has "the gift" of second sight. But Darcy handles this in such a delicate way it distinguishes itself from the rest of "I see dead people" books. Because you'll love the three main characters and the villain, in this case, is an evil corporation. Oh yeah, it's life or death as Keira tries to remember her past and figure out why these people want her dead.

In the meantime, our three friends have plenty of other supernatural things to figure out and the overarching storyline connects with these side adventures perfectly without feeling forced.

Think of an adult version of Scooby Doo except the restless spirits are real...and there's no Scooby unfortunately lol! This is a good thing because the action never lets up and, as the pieces come together, they're faced with something they might not be able to run from.

I loved this book and I recommend it to anyone who wants a fantastic supernatural character driven novel!

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